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Welcome! To another story!

Warning: There will be swearing. Get over it.

Read this even if you read it in One Shots! I added more to the end! So at least read the part you didn't read!

(Cover by Always_Love_Books_ )



He stood before the River Lethe. This was his chance. His chance to start over. One step and his mind would be wiped and he could finally be reborn as someone else. Luke Castellan would be gone.

He took a deep breath and lifted his foot.

"Now, now. Don't be so hasty."

The voice caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end. Slowly Luke turned. Though he was only greeted with sight of the vast underworld around him.

"It's just in my head," he mumbled to himself and rubbed his face.

"Our head. You are my host after all."

Luke couldn't take it, not again. He closed his eyes as he thew himself forward to the water. Ready to be free of the life he had.

But nothing happened.

Luke peeled an eye open when the impact never came. He was hovering an inch above the water.

"Titan of time remember?"

"I thought you were gone. Dead. Faded. Never to return," Luke replied bitterly.

"I have a bit of power left. Enough for one last trick. My contingency plan so to speak... And I need you for it."

"Who said I'd help you anymore?"

"Cause I know all about you. So tell me, how would you like to save Thalia Grace?"

"What?" Luke asked in a small voice.

"Imagine it. You could stop her from even becoming a pine tree that time. Just imagine, you would have your best friend back and I would win from the start."

"What do I have to do?"


"W-where are we?" Luke spun around staring at their different surroundings.

"What don't recognize it?"

A roar pieced the air. A familiar roar.

Luke's eyes widened and he took off running toward the sound. He ran through the trees. His eyes widened as he saw that familiar scene from all those years ago. Three demigods and and a saytr running uphill, monsters close on their trail.

He had to do something. But... what could he do? He had no weapon. He had nothing.

"I'm still here."

"So what!? There's nothing I can do!" Luke said not tearing his eyes from the horror show in front of him.

"Yes there is. Just wait for it. You'll only have once chance. When it gets to that point just say the word and I'll stop time. You'll only have ten seconds. That's all I can do before my power is depleted. You have one chance. So take it, and rewrite history. Rewrite your fate and theirs. Rewrite it all. Or of course, things could remain as they are..."

Luke didn't respond. He watched as things began unfold to repeat itself. "No. Nononono..." Luke mumbled. He watched Thalia on her own. Panic bubbled in his chest.

He, Annabeth and Grover and had just made it over the hill as Thalia fell and monsters surrounded her. He saw the pain and determination on her face. Any moment lighting would strike and a magnificent tree left in her wake.

He couldn't let that happen.

He heard the thunder.

"Alright fine! Just do it!" Luke screamed. "Stop everything!"

Luke knew Kronos was smiling- laughing as the lighting bolt stopped centimeters from the daughter of Zeus's heart. But he didn't care. Luke ran faster than he had ever run. He slid to the ground and pushed Thalia out the way right as time restarted.

As it did the bolt of lightning hit him square in the chest. His one action changed everything.

He rewrote it all.


Thalia scrambled up just as the lighting hit beside her leaving a massive tree in its wake. She was shocked but scrambled up nonetheless as monsters crashed into an invisible border. Not much later arrows pierced them, leaving only dust.

"Thals!" Luke shouted pulling her into a hug. Annabeth did the same.

"W-what just happened?" Thalia asked.

Luke shook his head. "I have no idea."

"Great more brats."

The three turned as a centaur and drunk looking man walked over. The centaur gave them all a kind smile.

"I'm Chiron. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. Let's go talk shall we? It seems a lot of things in your lives are about to change."

The centaur led the three down the hill and Thalia found herself looking back at where a large now pine tree stood.

"What happened to them?" She mumbled to herself.

"Who my dear?" Chiron asked.

Thalia turned back to look at him. "I swore I saw a person. I mean one moment the lighting was going to hit me and then I'm safely out of harms way..."

Chiron gave her a smile. "The work of the gods. Come on now. There is much to discuss before we get you all situated."


Chiron exited the Big House late. He headed for the top of Half-Blood Hill where the mysterious tree now sits.

"Something's not right about this tree," Dionysus said kicking one of its roots.

Chiron nodded slowly. "But what the daughter of Zeus said worries me as well. Someone saved her from being struck by lighting? No one is that fast."

"Father dearest wouldn't have missed either."

"There's no way there could have been anyone else..."

"Course not," Dionysus agrees taking a swig from his can. "Not unless someone can stop time." He gives a snort of laughter. "Yeah right. He's been gone forever. It's impossible."

Chiron watched as the god walked away, into the camp. Chiron looked back at the tree once more. "Yeah... Impossible..."

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