Finally free

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Phillip's POV:
"Mother!? Father!?"

"Yes, Phillip, it was us"

"I can't believe this. The people trying to hurt Anne were... you guys?"

"Yes. You see, we came to this pathetic show to see how horrible you were doing, and then you come out with that.. girl, and you announce that you're engaged!?!? We knew we couldn't sit by and let something as horrendous happen, so we snuck around back and cut the ropes"

"Why would you do something like this!?"

"Because we couldn't sit back and watch our only child get married to a poor, black, washed up, ugly-"

"DO NOT EVER SAY THAT ABOUT ANNE!! She is the kindest, sweetest, and the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!!! I love her with all of my heart, and I cannot wait to marry her, and even have kids with her one day, and I am NEVER going to stop loving her"

"Oh, Phillip. Sweet, sweet Phillip, you don't know what you're talking about. Just come back with us, and we can-"


"Well, if you won't come back with us, then you won't go back to your new life either."

"What does that mean?" I scoffed. Then my father held it up. A knife. It was the sharpest blade I'd ever seen. "Father." I whispered in disbelief.

He started to swing down, and I don't even know where he was aiming, but I knew he wanted to kill me. I dodge out of the way quickly, but it wasn't enough.

I felt a warm liquid sensation slowly making its way down my arm. It was dark in this part of the room, but I could see the pool of blood forming, and then dripping onto the ground.

Eyes started to look in our direction and began to realize what was going on.

I looked up at Anne who hadn't yet realized what was going on. She began to move in direction in the air, and her eyes widened seeing my parents and I on the side, amongst other the blood.

"Neither of you will make it out." My mother growled. She took her knife, and this time I couldn't stop her. She cut the rope.

"Anne!" I called. I began running towards her falling body, feeling the pain pulsing through my arm.

And just in time, like a miracle, I caught her.

"Phillip." She gasped, putting her head on the side of my neck.

And for one split second, I began to think maybe the world wasn't completely working against us.

Anne's POV:
I'm in the middle of my routine, when all of a sudden, I see Phillip and... wait, is that his parents!?!? Suddenly, I feel myself falling again. I brace myself to fall again, but instead, I feel someone catch me.

"Phillip" I say, my mind racing in a million different directions. I put my head on his neck, and I just stood there, trying to catch my breath.

"Hey, hey, you're fine. I'm right here"

I reach around to give him a hug, but I feel him wince on my touch. I see that his sleeve is completely covered in blood!

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?"

"I'll be fine, but what I need to know is if you're ok"

"I'm a little bit shaken up, but I'm still alive, so I'll take that as a win"

I try to walk, but my legs are like noodles from all of the adrenaline, which causes me to fall.

"Woah, are you sure you can walk right now?"

"Yeah, I can, just give me a minute"

"Yeah, no, we're not doing this today"

Phillip grabs my legs and picks me up bridal style.

"Phillip." I whine. "You don't have to do this. You're hurt."

"My arm, yes, but my legs are fine, and yours aren't right now. So yes, I am doing it."

"So your parents..?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, I don't think we're going to be all buddy buddy anytime soon, but at least I've got you." 

"I'm sorry, that your relationship with them is ruined thanks to me."

"Don't talk like that, Anne. Even if I weren't with you, I wouldn't want to have a relationship with parents with beliefs like they do."

"Thank you, Phillip. Oh look!"

Phillip's POV
I looked in the direction Anne was pointing, and noticed two officers holding my parents hands behind their backs.

It was finally over. No one could hurt my future wife or I. Not ever again would I let them.

And now we can get married. I can't wait.

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