Here's to the future

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Anne's POV: (the day before the wedding)
I don't think I've ever been more sad in my whole life. It's one day before Phillip and I get married, and he wants to keep the tradition of not seeing each other for 24 hours before the wedding.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean we've never been apart for more than a few hours."

"Yes, Anne, I am 100% sure that I want to do this."

"But why though? I'm gonna miss you too much."

"That means that we're both getting a little too attached, and that is just one of the many reasons why we need to do this."

I attempt to pull a puppy eyes move, but all I get is a smile and a laugh from Phillip.

"You really think that's gonna work on me?"

"I was hoping that it would."

"Okay, you know what? I have an idea. Follow me."

I reluctantly follow Phillip to the performance area, the place where all of the huge milestones in our lives have happened.

"Wait here." Phillip walks away and comes back a few moments later with his hat that he uses during the shows.

"Here. Keep this with you until tomorrow. It'll remind you of me, and you can even wear it if you want."

"Aww, thanks. I'm gonna keep it with me the entire time."

"Okay, I'm gonna go now. I love you, and I will see you tomorrow, my beautiful bride." Phillip gives me one last kiss, and then walks away.

I surprise myself when I smile as he turns away from me. I thought I would be more upset, but now thinking about what's happening in the next twelve hours, I can't help but just be giddy and filled with joy.

I make my way back home while Phillip is going to spend the night with the Barnum's. I notice the glares some men give me on the street. Not everyone here is very fond of me or our show or my appearance. But that's not what matters. I don't care what they have to say. The only opinions and thoughts that matter belong to the people I care about.

Phillip's POV: (the next day)
I can't believe it. Today is my wedding day. The only wedding day I would ever have. I just knew that we would always be together and make it work.

I was expecting Charity to have to come in and wake me up, but I was able to on my own. I knew it was the day I got to marry the love of my life.

"Good morning, Phillip. How are you feeling?" Charity asked me, as I made my way to the breakfast table.

"I'm really excited, but also nervous."

"That's normal. Just know that what really matters is getting married. It doesn't have to go exactly to plan."

"Thanks, Charity."

"Of course. Now P.T will help you get ready. Congratulations, Phillip."

Anne's POV:
I am so excited but so nervous at the same time!! I am excited that I get to marry the love of my life, but I'm nervous because there are so many things that could go wrong!!

I wake up rather early, but I immediately get a little sad when I remember that I'm all alone, and Phillip isn't next to me.

I wander downstairs, still feeling so empty and sad. I make myself breakfast, my mind immediately going back to when Phillip surprised me with a picnic outside a few weeks ago.

I suddenly got an amazing idea! I immediately grabbed my training equipment and ran to the tent, because I knew Phillip wouldn't be there, in fact, no one would. I change into my practice outfit and begin to plan the best wedding present ever.

A few hours later, I just about finished getting the surprise ready, when I saw the clock.

"Shoot, I'm gonna be late!"

I run out of the tent like my life depends on it, because it kind of does. I ran into the house, my mind only focused on getting ready in time.

Phillip's POV
I can't believe that within a matter of hours I'm actually getting married. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Anne, and possibly with some little Anne's and Phillip's.

Speaking of Anne, I wonder how she's doing. Is she as nervous as me?

I see W.D outside of the covered area I was getting ready in. Anne and I were getting married outside, something we both agreed upon, and we had our own places to finalize anything.

"W.D!" I called him over. "How's Anne doing?"

"Phillip, I don't want to alarm you, but...well, my sister hasn't arrived yet."

"What?" I ask in disbelief.

"I'm sure she'll be here soon. We still have time, Phillip." He pats my shoulder quickly before walking away.

I couldn't believe she hadn't arrived yet. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to have her come alone. I hoped she was okay.

Anne's POV:
I know Phillip is going to be so worried when I show up late, but it'll be worth it when he sees the surprise I planned for him. I grab the last of my things and head out. I have to sneak around back so Phillip doesn't see me, but instead of running into him, I run into W.D.

"Where have you been? Phillip was about to come and find you when I told him you weren't here."

"I was busy getting a surprise ready for him, and I didn't notice the time, but I'm here now, and that's all that matters, isn't it?"

"I suppose. Now c'mon, you have to get ready!"

I take a look at myself in the mirror after I get ready. A year ago, I never would have thought in my wildest dreams that I would have an amazing job, with amazing friends, and the best boyfriend/fiance/husband a girl could ask for.

I never even thought I could ever find love as a kid, but I guess I was wrong, because I found someone who loves me for me, and doesn't just use me.

I look at myself one last time before I go.

"Let's go get married."

Phillip's POV
So I finally got informed that Anne had arrived. W.D said he really has no idea what she was doing, but maybe I'll find out later.

I turn to face the mirror and see how I look. I take my hand and smooth my hair a bit, and then I adjust my suit a bit. A year ago, I never thought that I could convince Anne to rewrite the stars together, but I did. I have my dream job now, incredible friends, and the only girl I could ever want. I can't wait for her to be my wife.

As a kid, my parents had expectations, and though all the girls they set me up with were great, they just weren't for me. And now here I am at my wedding. My parents aren't here, but I'm getting married to Anne, and that's all I want.

I look up from where I was staring at my shoes and into my own eyes in the mirror again.

"Let's do this."

Before I know it, I'm being told to stand at the altar. I walk out front, and then I see all the people that truly care about Anne and I. Neither of us have parents here, but we're alright with that.

It feels as if it was the longest and shortest minutes of my life at the same time, but there she is, her brother walking her down the aisle. I finally see what I've been waiting for. Anne is in a beautiful flowing white gown, her hair in it's natural curls, my personal favorite way, and very little done on her face.

In short, she looked perfect.

Anne's POV:
My heart is pounding outside of my chest as I head into view of everyone. I see Phillip smiling at me from the altar, and I instantly feel better. I walk down the aisle, the smile on my face never leaving. I make it to the other side, and I immediately light up when I see Phillip. We decided to have P.T officiate, because without him, none of this would be possible.

"Everyone. We are gathered here today to celebrate two of our closest friends, Phillip and Anne. I understand that they have their own vows that they would like to say, so I'll let Anne go first."

"Phillip, when I first met you, I thought you were a typical rich snob that was only here for the money, but then, as I watched you stand up for me, fight for me, and even risk your life for me, I realized that you truly loved me, and I realized that I fell in love with you, and I promise that I will always love you, Phillip. Now and forever."

"That was wonderful Anne. Phillip, your turn."

"Anne. I'll be honest, I was very reluctant to join this group when given the offer, but now I can't see my life any other way. I don't want this to be my life anymore, I want it to be ours. Anne, the moment I saw you, I knew I was where I needed to be. I was with who I needed to be with. When I saw people treating you badly because you aren't the stereotypical, perfect person, I was furious, and I want to be with you through the good and the bad from now on. I will love you forever and ever, through the mountains and the valleys, I want it all. I love you so much, Anne."

"Wow, Phillip. That was beautiful. Now, let's get the rest of this done, shall we? Phillip, do you take Anne to be your wife?"

"I do, one hundred percent."

"Anne, do you take Phillip to be your husband?"

"I do, always."

"Well, then. By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Phillip kisses me right then and there, and I can't wait for the surprise I have for him.

Phillip's POV
The reception has been beautiful. We didn't have many people at our wedding or here, but less great people matter more than lots of not so great ones. Anne and I have just been enjoying each other's presence, finally sharing the titles of husband and wife.

After a while of dancing, we're cutting the cake, which is so beautiful by the way. The top is decorated as the floor in the tent, and there are small figurines of Anne and I the night we really made it official and kissed. It was the night P.T left the show.

After more dancing and eating and talking with our friends, Anne announces that she has a surprise for me. She runs away into the shadows, and asks me to stand to the far left. She drops in with her ropes in hand.

"So, I was thinking this morning about how much I was missing you, and it got me thinking. Every time I do my ropes or any of my routines, I'm by myself, and every time I'm by myself, something goes wrong. But then I remembered, the last time that I had a successful routine was when I was with Phillip, so, I decided to re-create the first time we ever really had a life changing moment together. So, I want to ask: Phillip, do you want to do the routine we did together on what was technically our first date?"

"I would love to, Anne."

I take Anne's hand, and we begin, and it feels like no time has passed at all since that night. Sure, we've changed, but the one thing that has never changed is the love we feel for each other. We sing the last part of our song at the same time.

"How can we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine, nothing can keep us apart, cause you are the one I was meant to find. It's up to you, and it's up to me, no one can say what we get to be, why don't we rewrite the stars, changing the world to be ours."

Anne and I finish our routine, and this time, we kiss, with nothing stopping us this time.

Anne's POV: 5 months later
I woke up this morning to an unpleasant feeling in my head and stomach. I stood up, immediately feeling dizzy. I sprinted to the restroom, kneeling down and letting the contents in my stomach out. I felt horrible.

"Anne, are you in there?" I hear Phillip call. This is the third morning I've woken up like this.

"I'll be out in a second!" I thought about my symptoms. Throwing up daily, fatigue, soreness in certain areas. I did the math in my head, and only one thing made sense.

I must be pregnant.

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