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You hunt alone

/hunt with...
/hunt with all
Hunt with multiple cats. For every pair of two, you'll have a 50% chance to get 1 extra prey, and 25% to get 2 extra prey

Elders automatically get an extra peice of prey.

You forage alone

/forage with...
/forage with all
Forage with multiple cats. For every pair of two, you'll have a 50% chance to get 2 extra herbs, and 25% to get 4 extra herbs.

Medicine cats automatically get two extra herbs.

You gather alone

/gather with...
/gather with all
Gather with multiple cats. For every pair of two, you'll have a 50% chance to get 1 extra thicket, and 50% to get 2 extra thicket

Apprentices automatically get an extra thicket.

Attacks a random target

/attack [target]
Attacks a chosen target

Attacking is the only battle command that takes energy, each attack takes 0.5 energy.

Defend yourself, causes you to take half the damage from an attack, and have a 25% chance of attacking back

/defend [clanmate]
You'll take the damage your clanmate would have taken, and have a 50% chance of attacking back

You hide, whatever danger is there cannot see you, and therefore cannot hurt you. But you also cannot hurt them.

This command will only work on other cats, foxes and badgers do not care if you surrender. They will not hurt you, you cannot hurt them.

/heal [cat]
This command can be used by Physician in the heat of battle, it wil take 0.5 energy and heal 10 hp
however, attacking cats have a 25% chance of noticing the physician work, and when they do, they automatically focus their next attack on the physician

Bonding & Breeding
/bond with [cat]
Get +1 bond with with the chosen cat if they reply

/bond with...
/bond with all
Bond with a group of cats, there's a maximum of four per group bonding to save my own sanity.

/ask [cat] to be mates
Must have at least lvl 5 bond, poly is allowed, but only four cats at once to save both my sanity and the future gene pool

/have kits with [cat]
Have kits, babies, tiny little creatures, need i say more?

/have kits with all
A command used by poly relationships, where all the cats in the relationship can answer.
Spottedleaf & Willowpelt are both mates with Lionheart & Tigerclaw, all four use this command, both Willowpelt and Spottedleaf get pregnant. Spottedleaf gives birth to 3 kits, 2 of Lionheart, 1 of Tigerclaw, Willowpelt has 2 kits, 1 of Tigerclaw, 1 of Lionheart
If she-cats don't answer, they will not get pregnant, if toms do not answer, they will not be considered as a possible father

/ask [cat] to be surrogate
Used for same sex mates, you can ask 1 or 2 toms or she-cats to help you have kits, if they answer yes, the command to breed wil automatically happen, you don't need to make a separate comment to confirm the breeding.
Yes this does mean that 1 litter can have 6 different parents.

Leader specific commands
/order a feast
When this command is entered by the leader, the next moon all cats able must hunt at least twice, those that don't can be punished if the leader so chooses.
That moon there will be a feast, where everyone will eat 2 pieces of prey, this will give them 6 energy instead of the usual three the next moon
This can only be used every 10 moons

/exempt [cat] from hunting
Only able to be used if the above command is used, the leader can chose to have up to 1/3 of the clan not have hunt.

/gather a party
About to attack another clan? Well you can't bring everyone, you'd leave the elders and kits unguarded.
The leader can chose up to half the clan to join them to attack a clan they're at war with.

/gather a raid against [clan] for [resource]
Somewhat like gathering a party, except this time instead of fighting at the borders, you take the fight straight to their camp. There will be more enemies, but you can chose to steal either prey, herbs, or kits from them.
Just be aware that this has a chance of causing a war, especially if you chose to raid them for kits

/keep the stolen kits as [ransom\clanmates]
If you have stolen kits, you can chose to keep them for ransom, they will be a NPC and not do much except need a queen to nurse them.
If you chose to add them as clanmates, they'll be given to players.

Secret commands
PM/DM these commands to me

/spy on [cat]
Follow around a cat to see what they does, the more you do this, the more likely you are to be discovered. If discovered, the leader can chose if a cat caught spying needs to be punished or if they can get away scott free.
The only time they cannot be punished at all is if they report another clanmate's misdeeds

/linger at the [clan] border
Hang around at either the RiverClan, WindClan or ShadowClan border, until you meet up with a random cat of that clan

/meet up with [cat outside clan]
In order to do this, you must have atleast met them at the border once.

/have kits with [lover]
You must have at least lvl 5 relationship with your secret lover.
The kits will be born in the she-cat's clan.

/ask for the kits
If you're a tom, you can ask the she-cat to have your kits moved to your clan once they're born.


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