|| Noa || - 3

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"What's avogadro's number, again?"

He bites the end of his number two pencil as he tries to recall the answer to my question. I study how his eyes crinkle together and his lips purse together in thought. I know he is someone who took schooling seriously, but I have a feeling this 'thinking' was almost put-on. It feels fake. Like his whole good-boy exterior, to be honest.

"Uh 6.022 times ten to the twenty-third?"

I quirk an eyebrow, nodding. "Yep. I don't think you really need my help. You seem to catch on pretty quick." He could sense my accusatory tone since I notice him flinch slightly. A look of confusion clouds over his features.

"I'm not sure. I'm getting confused on the newer stuff too. I really do need help with this. I swear." He gives me an innocent look, adding on to his whole 'good-boy' appearance. I let out a huff before closing up my textbook. "W-where are you going?" His voice is soft, making me almost want to hug him. He keeps making me feel empathetic. It's gross.

"Home? Where else?" I say harshly, and he shakes his head.

"Not before I make you my famous ice cream sundae. Com'n. I swear it's good." He winks as he gets up and walks out of the living area to the kitchen. I keep a flat face as I follow him. I actually am excited for some ice cream, but I'm not going to show it. I'm not going to give anyone, especially 'Mr. Sunshine-and-rainbows', the satisfaction of seeing me excited.

"So, you're not going to let me leave until you make me an ice cream sundae?" He smiles brightly as he sets three tubs of ice cream down on the counter, looking up at me with his milk chocolate brown eyes.

"You got that right, Noa."

Right as I am going to respond back in my usual sarcastic way, a voice rings through the house.

"RED! I'M HOMEE!!" The sound of a younger child rings through the house, and I look over to see Rhett's joyous facade turn into something strange. He seems upset for once in his life. He sees that I take notice and quickly replaces the grim look with something gleeful. That was weird, I think to myself.

A boy around the age of ten or eleven pops into the kitchen, bearing a smile and a duffel bag. His shaggy dirty blonde hair is a bit longer than Rhett's, and his eyes are more of a green than a brown. To be honest, with the dim lighting it is hard to tell exactly what color they are.

"I thought you don't come home until tomorrow? Dad needed a break?" Rhett smirks. Woah woah woah...he just smirked? What in the world? Where's the cheesy grin? The good-boy charming smile?

"No. He's going on a 'business trip', and Molly is accompanying him...again," the little boy says, setting his bag to the side and plopping down on a stool next to where I am standing. He looks over at me and openly studies me. I can't tell if he approves of me or not. I could care less, but it irritates me that I can't figure him out.

"Who's she?" He uses his thumb to point at me while still directing his attention to Rhett.

Rhett smiles warmly at me, looking back at the boy. "Ripley, this is Noa. Noa, meet my little brother, Ripley."

I look at the boy again who bears similar features to his elder brother. I can't help but to crack a half smile at the kid. He reminds me of my little cousin, Bradley. Ripley gives me a nod, and that's when I notice he's not like Rhett. Rhett would've beamed with a bright smile and warm welcome while his brother only acknowledged me with a curt nod and that was it.

I like the kid.

"Why is she here? Are you really that desperate?" HOLY HELL. This kid is a savage. I found my mini-me.

"RIPLEY! That was rude! Apologize to her right now!" Rhett all but screams as I begin to laugh. Ripley looks over at me confusedly as does Rhett. Ripley slyly smiles as I continue to laugh like a mad woman.

"Sorry...NoOoAa." Ripley, aka my favorite little dude ever, pouts with a gleam of familiar mischievousness in his eyes. The way he drags my name out makes me chuckle a bit.

"It's all good. God I haven't laughed like that in a long time dude. Thanks, Rip." I ruffle his hair as he lazily smirks. Rhett is just staring at us both as if we were from another dimension or another world, which honestly I think he's the one from another galaxy. A galaxy of unexplainable niceness. A place where they probably shit rainbows and poems of love.

I shiver at the disturbing thought.

"Thinking about how small my brother's pen-" Rip tries to ask me as he sees me shiver and make a face of disgust.

"DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE!" Rhett yells, clearly belligerently angry at his little brother's crude remarks. Ripley looks up at me and snickers before dashing up the stairs. Rhett follows him with his eyes, his face looks so steely and mad and hot.

Woah. What? I didn't just admit he looks incredibly sexy when he's angry.

Damn. Okay. Well, now I'm sure I'm gawking at him.

"Can I see your small peni-" I begin to ask but am cut off by Rhett.

"Noa. Please. I'm sorry for his behavior. He obviously spends too much time with my father." I cringe at his tone when he says 'father'. It was like hearing nails on a chalkboard or the screeching sound my neighbor's pet bird makes whenever it sees me. Ugh.

"Oh. Okay. So, where's this god damn sundae? Your girl here is craving it." He smiles at my question.

He pulls out two bowls and two spoons as he says, "Coming right up for my girl." Something about him saying 'my girl' like that while a storm is still brewing in his eyes gets me feeling...tingly and good? Even his eyebrows are still furrowed as he scoops the ice cream into the bowls.

I saunter over to the fridge, finding any and all items that we can use as toppings. I find some strawberries and bananas. Grabbing a nearby knife, I begin to cut up the fruits. I feel his gaze bearing into the side of my head. I feel a weird sensation, and so I give him a side glance, as if saying 'what?' He gets the hint and continues scooping ice cream and drizzling chocolate syrup and hot fudge.

"I usually don't do anything much in the kitchen. My sister likes to cook." It just comes out as I place the cut-up fruit into a bowl and hand it to him. He takes it with a small smile and confusion written in his eyes as he looks into the bowl.

"You seem to be a master by the way you cut the bananas and strawberries so nicely?" He actually smirks. Like, right now, I would assume I was talking to an older version of Ripley with how the curve of his lips and glimmer of slyness appears in his look.

"What can I say? I'm good with knives." I reply, and I see him gulp a bit. D-did I scare him?

"Well that's-oh look!-Our sundaes look so good! Here's your bowl. I put more hot fudge in it since I see-uh nevermind. Enjoy!" Oh no no no he is not getting off that easily.

"Since you see what? You watch me eat my small hot fudge brownie sundaes at lunch...don't you?"

His eyes widen at my bold response back. He shoves a spoonful of ice cream loaded with sprinkles, chocolate and bananas into his mouth as he moans in delight.

"Awh man this is good. The bananas were a good touch, Noa." I roll my eyes and sigh at his unwillingness to answer my prior question. I hate when people change the subject.

"It's okay if you do watch me at lunch, you know. I watch you, too." This seems to get him out of his 'sundaze' (get it) as he snaps his face towards mine. Right now we are sitting on stools next to each other, so I'm sure the whiplash he felt with that turn of his head hurt a bit.

"Y-you watch me? At lunch?" Geez. The question he should be asking is 'who doesn't watch me at lunch?' since literally all the girls ogle at him and guys seems to wish they were him. I don't really watch him like them...I more or less scowl at his perfect exterior. 'Mr.Perfect'.

"Eh. Maybe." I shrug as I get up to rinse my bowl off in the sink. I notice he's done and take his bowl as well. I begin to wash the dishes, and I can feel his eyes watching me. Goosebumps start to form across my skin, and I hate it.

"You know, we have a dishwasher for a reason..." He trails off as he walks up behind me. I finish up the last dish before I begin to dry them off meticulously. Doing the dishes is something therapeutic and enjoyable for me. Plus, at home we don't have a dishwasher.

"I like doing the dishes." I simply state as I begin placing the the bowls and spoons to their rightful spots, or at least where I think they would go. Rhett decides to help at this point since I have no idea where to put the stuff since his kitchen is so damn huge.

"Alright. Well, I better get going. When do you want to meet again?" My voice seems raggy for some reason. He follows me into the living room where I retrieve my backpack. I feel strange as he watches me grab the backpack and walk to the front door.

I open the door and turn around only to find him standing right behind me. I take in his musky scent and find myself somewhat liking the close proximity between us.

His cheeks flush a bit at the closeness. "Well, uh thank you. Have a goodnight."

"You too." I begin my descent down his driveway until I hear him yell me name. I turn around to see him pointing at his phone.

"Text me when you make it home, okay?" I feel my hardened heart somewhat melt at his request. No one has ever cared if I make it home safe. Even my family could seem to really care less.

"Yeah. Alright," I say as I wave and walk home.

What is this Rhett doing to me?


Hey hey!

Two updates in one day?! Woah.

Please, don't forget to comment and vote!

*This is unedited*

Much Love <3

~Madelyn Joy

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