|| Rhett || - 2

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     "Where is she?!" I had exclaimed to myself, checking the time once again.

       It was five minutes past when she said she'd be here. I had briefly talked to her in school to give her my address and confirm that she was still wanting to tutor me. She agreed and had taken the sheet of paper I had written my address and cell number on. So, what was taking her so long?

     I wouldn't know the answer to this until later.

*ding ding*

     My ears perked up almost like a dog's at the sound of the doorbell. I remember dashing up from the couch in lightning speed, feeling somewhat excited that she was here. Once I had reached the door, I took a deep breath, feeling a bit nervous she was here at my house. It wasn't like I had liked her at the time, but it felt almost exhilarating having the one girl at school that takes no notice or time for others to be taking time for me. She actually came over to 'help' me.

     I opened the door to see her standing there in a black leather jacket and dark plum t-shirt. Her faded jeans had a few rips and tears; I could tell she ripped them on her own as they were a messy rip unlike the 'ripped' jeans you see on girls nowadays.

     She looked kinda hot. Well, at the time I remember thinking 'badass', but now, I'd definitely say hot.

     "You done zoning, dude?" I had shook myself from my thoughts as I smiled and ushered her into my house.

     "So, how are you?"

      She had shrugged muttering a 'fine', but even then I knew she wasn't fine. Heck, I wasn't even fine. Not even close to it.

     I noticed that her pale, almost gray eyes seemed to take in every wooden floor to the contemporary style of my home. "Nice house."

     I closed the door, walking into the living room and plopping down on the couch again. "Thanks. Take a seat. Want me to grab any snacks or drinks?" I sat up more, feeling like I shouldn't of sat down so quickly. My manners were usually better than this.

      "Nah. I'm cool. Thanks for asking."

      I remember I was so surprised she even thanked me for offering. She was someone who had always came across as having a lack of manners, but, at this point, I knew my implicit biases about the stereotype she seemed to fit in were clouding my thoughts.

      I would later learn that her sister was also very well-mannered for how they lived. More so than my little brother.

     "So, what chapter did you want to focus on today? I brought all my notes and my textbook. I know the last unit on stoichiometry was tougher. Should we start there?" I blinked at how studious she sounded.

She had then sat down beside me, flipping her longer, wavy hair over her shoulder as she began to grab out all her notes and books. I noticed how neat her handwriting was and how clear her notes were. I recall thinking about paying her to do my notes as well.

     "Geez...your notes are so nice and neat." She rose an eyebrow at my statement.

     "Too bad I'm not like my notes. It's a shame." Her voice dripped with something that at the time I couldn't detect. Later, I'd realize it wasn't just a 'joke' but more of a internalized derogatory thought about herself. I had chuckled a bit, since I did think it was a joke. She only slightly smiled before clearing her throat and nudging towards my notebook.

     "Um so uh how are we going to do this?"

     She rolled her eyes before snatching my notebook and opening it to a clear page, handing me a pencil.

"We're going to go over every part and clarify any things that need clarification. I know our final exam will most likely have a big chunk on this since we did so poorly on the test for this unit." I nodded, feeling a strange attraction to her domineering attitude.

     "Okay. Thanks again for doing this for me. It means a lot." I had said, causing her to shrug. I could see the ghost of a smile linger on her lips before she turned her head back to the textbook and began reading over the definition of stoichiometry.

     Soon the faint smile would turn into a real one. Except neither of us expected it, especially me.

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