|| Noa || - 4

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"What a whore. I didn't think Rhett would stoop that low."

"Maybe he's into Satan like her. I'm sure she persuaded him into her cult as well as into her. If you know what I mean..."

Can a girl not take a shit in peace?

"Um excuse me, but some people are in here to actually use the restroom!" I yell out, halting the girls' whispering for the moment. They're quiet as I finish up and walk out of the stall. I see them glaring at me as I go to wash my hands. I know one is Aria and the other is her friend who's a dancer, Hallie. I remember Rhett dating Aria, so I'm sure she was jealous of whatever girl was talking to him at the moment.

I continue to wash my hands and dry my hands off, and I still feel there burning stare on me. So, I turn to face them, giving them a hard look.

"What the fuck do you guys want?" They seem taken aback by my bold question as they jump a bit. I snicker at how pathetic they are.

Aria, being the bolder one of the two, pipes up, saying, "I just can't believe sweet Rhett would want to be with a girl like...you." What in the hell are they even talking about? Rhett and I...together?

"Great joke, Aria. You should consider doing stand-up," I remark with a fake laugh. Her frown deepens as well does her glare. To be honest, she looks like a little girl pouting because she didn't get the pony she wanted for Christmas.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. It's all over school. You and Rhett...I just can't believe he would downgrade this bad. I mean, with whoever he dates after me it would be a total downgrade...but he just decided to date -"

"Poop." Her friend, Hallie, finishes for her with a proud smile. Hallie is basically a child. Like, she couldn't even say 'shit'? I told you they were pathetic.

"Wow. That really cut me deep." I begin to walk out of the bathroom, before turning around to face them again. "By the way, Rhett's an animal in bed, but you wouldn't know since you two never were able to get that far. Totally missing out, Aria."

I leave the two girls standing there in utter shock, probably believing the sarcastic comment I had just made. No doubt, the two were texting everyone in school, saying how Rhett and I got down and dirty, when, in fact, there is no way in hell I'd ever have sex with him.

He's too much of a goody goody. I need a dangerous man.


"Noa Marie Alvrezea!" I look up from my lunch of the usual turkey sandwich and double fudge ice cream sundae to see Rhett approaching me with fire in his eyes. It is a pleasant view since his muscles are tense, his fists are clenched, and his mouth his set in a scowl.

Angry men are hot.

"Woah babe...you know my middle name is Eileen," I joke, but he only stands in front of me with a furious look in his eyes. I shrug and begin eating my sandwich. "You can take a seat if you want. I'm almost done." I had already eaten my sundae because eating the dessert before the meal is something I've always done.

"We need to talk. Now." His voice is clipped, and I have to suppress the urge to smirk. I nod as I finish up my last bite of the sandwich. Grabbing my trash, I walk to the nearby trash can, which is literally two feet from where I sit because people tend to gravitate towards the things that are most like them.

I'm joking...sort of.

As I turn around from dumping the remnants of my lunch, I feel Rhett grab my wrist and drag me outside where a few students are sitting and hanging out. When it's nice out, our school let's students go outside during lunch and free periods.

I lean up against a tree as he lets out a sigh.

"Noa. Do you know how many people have lashed out at me today?" I don't respond, so he answers the question himself. "Ten. Ten people...including my ex. You told her and Hallie that we had sex, and that I'm-I'm an 'animal in bed'. Do you know what that's going to do for my reputation?"

"If you care so much about what others think about you, then why do you continue to talk to me? I clearly am not good for your good-boy exterior, and you know that. So, don't you dare blame me for this." I snap back, causing him to flinch slightly. As he is about to apologize, I cut him off. "I'm not tutoring you anymore because you don't need my help. and I don't need your help. Also, your little ex can't seem to understand when someone is being sarcastic, so maybe you should consider that."

I begin to walk away, but his hand grabs my arm. He pulls me close to him, and now, he's grabbing my arms with an 'animalistic' look glimmering in his eyes.

"God damn it, Noa. Why?" His voice is tense and seemingly...huskier than usual.

"Rhett, let go of me." My voice is breathier than normal, and I want to kick myself for getting girly in this moment. He can probably tell that his domineering attitude is clearly a turn on for me.

Like, if any other decently good-looking guy acted like this with me it would still turn me on, so it wasn't just him.

"No." I quirk an eyebrow at him. Excuse me?


"Yes. I said no. I'm not always a pushover, Noa." Holy hell.

"What if I start screaming?" With this he laughs.

"You and I both know you're not going to scream." I give him a determined smirk.

"Try me." I open my mouth to let out a scream, and he quickly releases his hold on me...physically. I begin to laugh as I saunter away.

"Once a pushover...always a pushover, babe." I wink and see a blush crawling up his neck and onto his cheeks.

As I walk back into the building, I realize how hot and bothered I really am.

What is this guy doing to me?


This is unedited!

much love <3

~Madelyn Joy

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