|| Rhett || - 4

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"Dude? Is it true that you and Noa-"

"No! It isn't!" I snapped at my best friend who was shocked at my sudden outburst. I had come over to his place after my therapy session that day. It was the first question he asked me once I walked into his living room, yet, it wasn't the first time I had heard it today.

"Chill, man. I was just asking." He held his hands up in surrender as I eased back into the plush chair. I wasn't in any mood to really talk at that point. Ever since the conversation with Noa earlier that day, I was feeling conflicted. My feelings for her were a mess.

I was angry at her for allowing the gossips of the school spread stuff around about us, feeding into the lie, yet I was oddly disappointed in myself for letting silly things like the gossip get to me. It obviously didn't affect Noa much, and I realized in that moment, that I shouldn't care what anyone thinks either.

Plus, when I had pulled her back into me, I had gotten the urge to kiss her.

The sexual tension around us wasn't just one-sided either. I could sense her getting flustered, even if she didn't show it like I had.

"Rhett...don't get mad at me bro, but what do you see in Noa? I know you two are somewhat friends, and I just want to know ...why? What's so special about her?" Beckett had asked me. It was clear by his tone that he was more curious than disgusted, so I decided to respond.

"She's not afraid of what people think of her. She's bold and actually a caring person under the hard exterior. She's unique and incredibly intelligent. She's as real as you can get." He nodded along to my explanation.

Everything I said was true. I had left out the part where I thought she was intensely beautiful and sexy in her own way. I didn't want him thinking I liked her. At least, back then I didn't want him thinking that.

"Makes sense. I mean she's pretty. Her pink hair is kind of cool too, I guess."

I smiled a bit at his comment.

"Yeah. She is." He turned from the television to look at me, a knowing smirk forming on his lips. He knew that I felt differently about her. He knew I liked her much more than I had intended.

He knew before I could even comprehend what my feelings for her were, yet he just sat there with a stupid grin in that moment, letting me deny my true feelings.


"Hi Miss. Puchetti...c-can I have a word with you?" I awkwardly stood in her office, the space where Noa meets with her every week.

It seemed like I was a bit of a stalker, but I wasn't. I meet with my therapist in the office nearby, and I have always seen Noa leave this office every Tuesday or Wednesday for a couple years now. She never noticed me as I usually hid myself with a dark hoodie and the shadows lurking around the vicinity. I didn't want people knowing I go to see a therapist. It's personal and private information that people don't need to know about.

To this day, only Beckett and Noa know about it.

"Yes, of course," she smiled, tucking a strand of her short black hair behind her ear. I smiled back as I sat down on the plush seat. The office was calming and sported quirky decorations.

"What would you like to discuss? Certain times to meet with me, perhaps?"

I shook my head, feeling my cheeks flush profusely. It had been an idiotic idea to show up here.

"No, um I'm here to ask about Noa."

Anytime I want to laugh, I think about her face after I had asked that question. She looked at me like a fish gaping out of water. Her eyes bulged out of her sockets while her mouth hung open, unhinging in astonishment.

"Excuse me? You want to talk to me about...Noa? Are you her friend? Please tell me you're her friend...Wait! You're Rhett aren't you?" I nod at her question. "Oh my god she has mentioned you several times and-"

"She's mentioned my name to you before?" I asked shyly, feeling happy suddenly.

She actually talks about me, I had thought.

She gave me a sly smile before proceeding. "Oh yes. Before it was usually um not the nicest, but-hold up! I can't say anymore. It's private information between her and I." She slapped the desk with her hand while letting out a chuckle.

This lady was quite interesting.

"She's supposed to meet with me in an hour...so maybe if you come back in two, you could talk to her. I'm sure she'd like to hear from you whether or not she's made it clear to you. She's definitely someone who doesn't like to express her feelings often."

Isn't that the truth!

I got up, smiling. "Okay. Thank you so much, Miss Puchetti!"

"Call me Zoey, dear. I won't mention this to Noa. Bye bye now!" She waved as I left.

All I had to do was wait at the nearby coffee shop for a couple hours. I had a window seat, so I could see when Noa would leave.

It's incredible that I never was reporting for stalking, but it was my last resort. She had completely ignored me in school and never texted me back. I even called a few times, and all were declined instantaneously.

Once I had finished my large mocha with extra chocolate flavoring since I have a notorious sweet tooth and dislike for straight coffee, I saw Noa leaving the building. She was wearing an oversized hoodie with plain black leggings. She still wore her typical combat boots which made me smile more.

I hastily got up and exited the cafe. My legs seemed to have had a mind of their own as I ran , dodging cars as I met up to her. She greeted me with neither a glare nor an angry frown. Tears were in her eyes as she saw me approach her.

"Noa... I need to talk to you." With this statement she did something so bold yet so unlike her. She hugged me, letting the tears fall like there had been a drought for years and her tears needed to water the dead grass and souls.

I circled my arms around her frame, rubbing her back as she nuzzled her head further in the crook of my neck. I knew she was trying to hide her face from strangers so they wouldn't see her crying, but I couldn't help to feel warm at the small gesture.

"What's wrong, Noa?"

Her voice was muffled from my shirt, so I couldn't quite make out exactly what she was saying. I had heard her mention someone named Wren. I remember feeling a pang of jealousy that she was crying over this Wren. I had thought, 'how dare they have that affect on her.'

"What did they do? Do I need to—uhh—beat someone up?" I tried to act tough, but she could see right through me. She pulled away, wiping the stray tears from her eyes before I could.

"What? No. My pet guinea pig died. His name was Wren." Her lip quivered like a child's, and I drew her back into my embrace again, letting her sob more.

I couldn't fathom why she was this upset over her pet's death. Perhaps because I never had a pet, or maybe it was for another reason.

"I'm sorry, Noa. Would you like me to make you some...sundaes or some sort of easy food you like? I know food always seems to cheer people up." My kitchen skills were limited and the most complex thing I could make was scrambled eggs. Which usually still ended up being a bit overcooked.

She pulled back again, looking at me with a strange curiosity. "Y-you would do that for me?"

I nodded with a smile. "Yeah. Of course. Anything for a friend." With this she completely drew away from me, crossing her arms while still sniffling.

"Are you sure we're friends? Last I remember we weren't, and you were disgusted to even be associated with me." Her frown deepened into more of a scowl.

My smile remained.

"Noa. I'm sorry if you thought that. I had been upset people were spreading nasty rumors about us. I still consider us friends. I never meant I was upset that people associated us together. I just didn't like how they described us." She studied me for a bit, making me sweat in nervousness. Before I could mentally freak out, a small smile crept on her face.

"I like pepperoni pizza." I quirked an eyebrow at the very random statement until it finally hit me. She wanted to get pizza with me.

"Alright. You like netflix with that pizza?"

We began to walk towards my place. The cool breeze picked up, and I quickly slipped my jacket off my shoulders to place around Noa's as she was shivering.

"Thanks. And yeah as long as there's no 'chill' part involved." I chuckled a bit since I knew she was referring to the pick-up line of 'netflix and chill'.

"You got it!"

I would say our friendship started before this, but it really started in this moment. Her being able to openly show her emotions to me solidified whatever thing was going on between us. It was the start of a beautiful friendship that had quickly ignited something in the both of us.

We started a flame, yet, we found out later... we couldn't put it out. No matter how hard we tried to.

The flame licked our souls, our very beings, and we were completely set ablaze.



*This is unedited!

Happy Brendon Urie day! (it's his birthday)! My man is 31 *cries*

My friend and I are gonna eat some cake in honor of his big day ;)

Thank you to those who keep reading, comment, and/or voting! I seriously can't describe the joy I get when I get the notifications! <3<3<3

Much Love <3

~Madelyn Joy

Ps. the pic is another 'visual' of what Rhett looks like (in my mind at least). Feel free to picture him however!

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