Chapter 78

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Chapter 78


„How is it going with Tae?" Yoongi asked, sipping on his drink. Him and Jungkook were back at the gay bar Jungkook had shown him when he was new in town. Back then Yoongi was looking for a hookup. Now not so much. Instead he was looking for a good time with his friends... including Jimin, who was supposed to show up any minute now.

He'd taken an additional dance class so he was a bit late.

"Pretty well actually. He's not here right now because he has an exam tomorrow, but we're getting along pretty okay." Jungkook said. Yoongi couldn't help but feel a bit bothered by that statement. Jungkook was great at always making everything sound distant and somewhat cold. He silently hoped he didn't treat Taehyung like that too. Judging from what Jimin had told him the boy had had enough heart break in the past and it was clear that he had pretty intense feelings for Jungkook.

"What is 'pretty okay'? You guys are dating right?" Yoongi tried digging deeper. Jungkook instantly got defensive. "The relationships going great okay?" He sounded a bit annoyed.

Yoongi sighed. He really didn't want to play marriage counselor but he also didn't want to leave it at that.

"Jungkook. You can be honest with me... is something wrong? Do you not like Tae that way or something?"

Jungkook sighed closing his eyes. "It's... it's not like that. I really like Tae a lot... he's just so affectionate and while I know I kind of need that it also scares the shit out of me." He admitted, running his hand through his hair.

Yoongi nodded, listening silently. "We went on a date and I had an anxiety attack. I haven't had one before so I had no idea what was happening, but he was really sweet and patient... but I'm scared I'll hurt him..." Jungkook took a deep breath in. "I know he cares a lot about me and I do care a lot about him too, but what if I'll never be ready to do anything? I try to open up to him as much as I possibly can, but the thought of having sex with him just... I don't know. I don't want that. I don't want to force myself. Not with him. And what is a relationship without sex?" Jungkook huffed, looking beaten and tired.

"It's a relationship. A normal relationship... the situation Jimin and I are in is pretty similar, you know. I would be ready to have sex. He's not. You think I'd leave him just because of that? Of course not. I really care about him and sex is the least important part of a relationship as long as you have other ways to show the other person how much they mean to you." Yoongi explained, leaning forward and patting Jungkook's shoulder. "If Taehyung says it's not a problem then it isn't a fucking problem. Stop pressuring yourself when no one around you expects you to do it."

"Thanks." Jungkook muttered, looking down at his drink instead of at Yoongi.

The older smiled. "Tae's super in love with you. Don't mess it up over something that small."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "I'll try."

At that exact moment Jessie joined them, already a bit drunk. "Alright guys. This is a gay bar... so I can only flirt with girls because with guys it would be kind of weird?" She leant against Yoongi, who raised an amused eyebrow.

"I mean you can try the guys but you might get rejected more than you're used to." Jungkook stated, sipping on his drink.

Jessie chuckled, wrinkling up her nose. "Nah the girls are cute too... I'm gonna miss dicks but a strap on should work as well."

Now Jungkook looked just as amused as Yoongi, who was quickly taking a sip from his drink to hold back a laugh. He had to admit that he liked Jessie and her boldness a lot. Her and Jimin were somewhat similar although he liked Jimin a lot more than her.

But having Jessie around certainly was quite fun.

"You do you." Yoongi said chuckling. "You might be able to chance a threesome with two dicks tho if you find the right guys." Yoongi offered and Jessie's face instantly lit up.

"Forget the bi-curious thing. Dicks for the win." And she was gone. The second she left Jungkook cracked up. "Sheeesh I see my younger self in her."

Yoongi grinned. "Younger self? I see myself in her." He remembered something.

"Ah right, Jk, I gotta ask you something."

"Shoot away." Jungkook leant back in his seat.

"So me and Jimin wanna work somewhere for around a month just for the experience. I feel like it would be pretty fun for Jimin." Jungkook nodded in understanding. "And I thought maybe you could help me find something. I don't know. You have worked a lot of different jobs."

Jungkook eyed the ceiling, concentrating and silently thinking. Yoongi let him, letting his thoughts wander to Jimin. He checked his phone.

I'll be there soon

My dance teacher held a small speech

Sorry I'm late!

The last message was typed just three minutes ago. Yoongi typed a short 'no problem. Looking forward to seeing you.' before looking back at Jungkook, who had finally come up with something.

"If you're looking for a shorter thing, I could give you the contact information on one of my old bosses. He's a bit of a douche and annoying so the servers at his restaurant usually leave just a few months after being hired. He's pretty much always short on staff so he'll probably take you two without so much as questioning how long you'll work. It's not a good working environment but it should work for that one month." Jungkook stated, pulling his phone out of his pocket and sending Yoongi the name of the restaurant, the owner's number and the address of the place.

"Thanks. I'll make sure to check it out."

"No problem. So Jimin's gonna work? I kinda wanna see him having a supervisor." Jungkook chuckled amusedly and Yoongi punched his shoulder.

"Don't be mean. He can live with authority. He just choses wisely who to let have authority over him." Yoongi stated.

Jungkook made an ooooh sound. "Kinky."

Yoongi laughed. "Shut up. It's not like that."

"By the way, seriously? You and Jimin haven't done anything yet?" The younger asked curiously.

"No we haven't. He's not really attracted to guys after all. No idea if we'll ever reach a point where we'll have sex and if we do no clue who'll top and bottom, but I think it's not really that important you know. What's important is that Jimin's is here for me and I'm here for him... and I swear he's so sweet. He really makes me happy." Yoongi chuckled.

"Honestly I wouldn't believe you if I hadn't seen Jimin around you myself. He's so different from what he used to be and I'm really glad you two found each other." Jungkook stated, smiling sweetly. "And now before the talk about who's absolutely adorable... 'cough'... Tae... 'cough'... continues I'll go to the toilet. Because my bladder is killing me and alcohol is not making this any better."

"Have fun." Yoongi waved at him before pulling his phone from his pocket once again.


Okay so...

Ya'll will hate me._.

I have to create an update schedule because I can't really stop myself from updating otherwise._.

And I can't torture my beta reader like that anymore.

So I will be updating rich kid every Saturday.

For those who read my other stories:
Siren will be updated each Sunday.
Virgin thuesday and cuz vampires bite thursday.

Seriously I love ya'll and I'm sorry;---; if you have any question just ask❤

(Edit: Yeah so ppl who read more than just this know this is a old message because I'm talking about virgin and cuz vampires bite😂 The daily updates stay!)

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