Chapter 79

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Chapter 79


When Jimin finally reached the place he searched the bar for familiar faces. It took him quite some time to spot Yoongi since the older was somewhat facing away from him, talking to a boy Jimin had never seen before.

The boy had to be even younger than Jungkook. Had wide eyes, a rather petite body and a rather feminine face. His hair was colored a bright pink color and he had to push his bangs out of his face every two seconds.

Judging by Yoongi's posture they had just begun talking. His hands were pushed into his pockets and he was putting most of his weight on one of his feet. Yoongi looked a bit on edge as the boy smiled at him, before extending his arms for Yoongi and putting it on his chest, slowly brushing over it going deeper and deeper... Yoongi pushed the boy's hand off in a somewhat polite but at the same time blunt manner.

The boy looked dejected, frowning and reaching out with his other hand, but Yoongi caught him by the wrist shaking his head in a silent no. Jimin just stood there watching the interaction, suddenly feeling out of place. This was a gay bar. A place for people that actually were attracted to the same gender. A place Jimin didn't belong to and Yoongi was a lot more likely to find someone who was actually interested in touching him. Someone who could actually please him in ways Jimin wasn't sure whether he would ever be able to.

He just stood there, watching as Yoongi and the boy exchanged a few words, before Yoongi lead him to the bar stool, forcing him to sit down and saying something to the bartender. Just seconds later the bartender handed the boy a glass of a clear looking liquid. For a lack of better knowledge Jimin simply assumed that it was water. Yoongi kept standing right next to the boy, waiting for him to drink up, his hand on the boy's back. Jimin felt jealousy burn in his stomach and he knew he was being ridiculous. Nothing was happening that should be making him feel like this.

A bit hesitant he made his way over to Yoongi and the boy. The second Yoongi spotted him, a warm smile spread over his face and he waved. "Hey. You finally made it." He leant forward, pecking Jimin's cheek before turning back around to the boy, who was, now that Jimin finally got to see him up close, pretty damn drunk. His eyes were hazy and didn't seem to be able to focus on anything in particular.

"My friend will be here soon. He'll know what to do with you." Yoongi reassured and Jimin was confused for a second before realizing he had to be talking to the boy, who nodded slowly, looking like he didn't really know what Yoongi was saying but accepted nevertheless.

Jimin moved a bit closer towards Yoongi possessively wrapping his arms around Yoongi's waist. "What's the deal with him?"

"Aside from the fact that he's a mess?" Yoongi asked, placing his hand on Jimin's shoulder as he turned around. "Apparently it's his first time at a gay bar and he came out not long ago. If I'm honest he seems a bit emotionally instable so I don't think it would be a good idea to leave him alone. I'll ask Jungkook what he thinks." The older explained.

Jimin nodded looking back at the boy, who was checking Yoongi out from behind. It irked Jimin quite a bit if he was being honest, but he got that neither the boy nor Yoongi were doing anything wrong. The situation was just a bit... off. Or rather uncomfortable for Jimin. It was mainly in his head though.

Which is why Jimin forced any type of dislike he might be feeling towards the boy down and made a step towards him. Maybe he could try being helpful too and just talk to him? "How are you feeling?"

The boy blinked a couple of times, focusing on Jimin before smiling. Jimin had to admit that there was something cute about him. He looked somewhat innocent, with freckles all over his cheeks and nose and small pouty lips. "You wanna take me home?" The boy asked in a sweet slurred voice. "You're hot." He giggled happily, reaching his hand out to touch Jimin's cheek.

Jimin felt like his heart stopped in his chest. Not knowing how to react he turned around to look at Yoongi, who was cracking up. "Don't laugh! I don't know how to... I don't know... react. How do you treat a drunk gay guy, that flirts with you?"

"Just be nice and tell him no if you're uncomfortable." Yoongi was having the time of his life. Jimin guessed he must have had something to drink too. Otherwise he wouldn't be this amused by Jimin panicking. He flicked Yoongi off before turning back to the boy, who was drunkenly swinging back and forth. "What's your name?" He decided to ask.

The boy closed his eyes for a couple of seconds before looking at Jimin again. Judging by the way he swayed to the side for a second, he was drunk enough to fall of the stool if he wasn't careful enough. "Min...jun... Minjun... Minjunie." He giggled again, grabbing some of Jimin's hair and playing with a strand. Not sure how to reject him he simply let him, looking at Yoongi who was absolutely no help, in another silent plead.

Yoongi just watched the two of them, smiling at the way Minjun started braiding Jimin's hair.

"Is Jungkook coming back or is he cheating on Tae with some guy in the bathroom?" Jimin complained, searching the bar with his eyes.

As if he had heard the accusations Jungkook appeared out of nowhere. "Sorry, two guys were fucking in one of the stalls so the remaining one had a long line in front of it. Who's that doll? He's adorable." Jungkook asked pointing at the boy, who didn't let go of the strand of a rather distressed looking Jimin's hair.

"That's Minjun and can you please get him to stop touching my hair. I know I'm trying to be more accepting but I have boundaries and I'm highly uncomfortable right now." Jimin begged before pressing his lips into a thin line.

"Hey Minjun, could you let go of Jimin's hair? He doesn't like it." Yoongi asked and the boy did as he was told. Jimin let out a relieved exhale, before moving over to Yoongi and clinging to his arm. Going to a gay bar was one thing. Having a stranger not understand the concept of boundaries was a whole different situation. Yoongi ruffled his hair for the first time in a soothing manner. "You know you could have just told him to stop yoursel-" "Shut up."

Yoongi chuckled before turning to Jungkook. "Ah right." Yoongi began before taking a step towards the younger to make sure that he would understand him, since the music was playing quite loudly in the background. "He's pretty out of it. From what he said I'm guessing an unhealthy mix of coming out, stress with his family, the urge to finally try out stuff now and alcohol. I don't know. He's either really drunk or someone might have even spiked his drink."

Jungkook nodded, looking a lot more serious now. "We should probably take him home."

Yoongi nodded, before turning to Jimin. "Is that fine with you? I know you just showed up but if you want we can spend the evening after together, at my place."

Jimin nodded, quickly still clinging to his arm. "Yeah, of course. Don't sweat it."

"Alright." Jungkook leant down in front of the boy, smiling softly. "Hey, I'm Jungkook. You're Minjun right? We'll take you home if that's fine with you."

The boy nodded slowly. "To fuck?"

Yoongi couldn't help but crack up again and Jimin hit his shoulder carefully. It took him another couple of seconds to realize that Yoongi had to be quite drunk, considering how serious he usually was in these types of situations.

"No not to fuck. We're just dropping you off." Jungkook explained and the boy scrunched up his nose, looking displeased. "Why not? You could fuck me. You're hot."

At this point Jimin was pretty sure that the boy had called each of them hot at some point in the last five minutes.

"Sorry, I bottom." Jungkook stated, looking amused. At least one of them seemed to know how to react right in the situation.

The boy gasped, bringing his hands up to his mouth and looking at Jungkook with wide doe eyes. Hey, at least there were some cliché gays around. Jimin was already wondering whether that cliché had come from nothing.

"But you look like a top." Minjun whispered with wide eyes. "You're hot, not cute. What a waste."

Jungkook frowned. "Guys, I think we should leave him here after all. I don't like him."

Instead of answering Yoongi stepped forward. "Where do you live, Minjun?"

After some struggles with how to write the name Minjun dictated them they finally had a proper address. Apparently the boy didn't live far from here. Around half an hour on foot. Ten minutes by car.

Since Minjun wasn't really capable of walking anymore, instead staggering from side to side without even noticing, Yoongi had to carry him piggyback. Not Jungkook, the taller boy had declared that he didn't like the small boy.

Jimin called an uber before silently glaring at Minjun who was snuggling into Yoongi's back. Just like so many times in the past, Jimin realized how fucking territorial he was over Yoongi. Of course he wasn't going to let that get the better of him, but that didn't stop him from feeling a bit irked.

Instead he grabbed his phone, playing around with it. Someone nudged his shoulder and when he looked up there stood Yoongi, Minjun having fallen asleep in the crook of his neck, smiling softly at Jimin. "You know I really look forward to cuddling. I missed that the last week. Sorry that I've been this busy."

Jimin pushed his phone back into his pocket. "Don't apologize. As long as I get my 'good morning' and 'did you sleep well?' messages I'm content."

Yoongi chuckled, leaning forward and pecking Jimin's lips. "Saying it in person is a lot better though."

Jimin smiled as well. "It is."

"So let's get this kid home." Yoongi chuckled, nodding into Minjun's direction.

"Once he is you'll have to carry me to be fair to your boyfriend." Jimin demanded jokingly.

"Yeah sure, keep dreaming."


Uffff that was like the longest week ever what the hell._.

Anyways I finsihed the tentacle vmin story and uploaded the intro on wattpad so if you're interested add it to your library. It's name is 'Sweet'

Also this chapter is a bit meh, but the next chapter will be better again❤

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