Chapter 1-"First" Day of School

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My "first" day of school. This isn't the first day of the school year, but it is our first day.

My brother, Gabriel, and I went to our first class with a teacher named Mrs. Cophey. I wonder what she is like?

"Wait. Is that Phil Eggtree? That can't be possible, he's all grown up now." Mrs. Cophey said as me and my brother walked into class.

"Actually, Mrs. Cophey, I'm Gabriel Eggtree, Phil Eggtree is my dad." Gabriel replied.

"Well that is just splendid......take your seats now!" Mrs. Cophey shouted.

We took our seats just like we were told. This class was....surprisingly boring. I usually have fun in school, but this is actually quite boring and the information is incorrect.

"The earth is flat!" Mrs. Cophey said, pointing at the board.

"Actually, Mrs. Cophey, I think that the earth is round. It even rotates in space." I replied.

"The earth is flat! And that is final, so shut your mouth, Faith Sundae!" Mrs. Cophey shouted.

I hate it when people call me by my full name.

"Oh thank goodness we are out of that class." I replied as we walked through the hallway.

"Yeah, she yelled at you for no reason. The earth is not flat, it is round." Gabriel replied.

"F-f-fai-th!" someone called out.

I turned around to see a girl with blue hair, pale skin, and she was shivering.

"Do you want to borrow my sweatshirt? You seem very cold." I replied.

"N-no. Th-at is f-fine. I'm al-ways th-this cold." she replied, "I'm A-Alyssa K-Kelvin, n-nice to m-meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Alyssa." I replied.

"Oh, a-and this is m-my sister, C-Carly." Alyssa replied as a girl with orange hair came up.

"You must be Faith, nice to meet you. I heard that you stood up to Mrs. Cophey. No one has ever done that before. You must be very brave." Carly replied.

"Oh, well I was just doing what is right. I mean, how could a teacher teach children incorrect information? That just isn't right." I replied.

"Well, how about you guys come sit by us at lunch, we can talk a little more then." Carly replied, looking at the clock.

"Yeah, see you then." Gabriel replied as we headed to class.
Time Skip to Lunch

"Hey Alyssa! Hey Carly! What's up?" Gabriel replied as we headed over to them.

"E-Every-th-thing is g-giong w-well." Alyssa replied.

"Yeah, everything is as fine as ever. How's it going with you?" Carly asked.

"Oh, well everything is going fine here too. Right Gabriel?" I replied.

"Right. Everything is just fine." Gabriel answered.

"Oh, here come our other friends! Hey Chris! Hey Andrew! How are you guys?" Carly noted.

"We are just fine today, Carly." Andrew replied.

"Yeah, but something seems fishy today, and I can't figure out what...." Chris replied.
I'm sorry guys. This chapter is very confusing. Let me sum this all up:

Faith Sundae and her brother, Gabriel Eggtree, started their first day of school. During the day, they met Alyssa Kelvin, Carly, Andrew, and Chris (last names will be mentioned next chapter). During lunch, Chris thinks something is fishy, but we haven't found out what.

There you go, summary of this chapter. Hopefully next chapter won't be so confusing.
-pinkninja out.

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