Chapter 2-Getting to Know Friends

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After school at Faith and Gabriel's house....

"We met you guys before, but you never really got to fully introduce yourselves yet. Why don't we start with that?" Gabriel asked.

"Sure!" Everyone replied. All of our new friends were over at our house to work on homework, but we were done with that.

"Well, I'm Carly Celsius and this is my sister, Alyssa Kelvin. Alyssa is always cold, but I just don't know why that is. Also, I always have this burning fever, but I don't know why that is either." Carly responded.

"I'm Chris Whistler and this is my brother, Andrew Pitch. Andrew is really into music and loves to sing. Me, on the other hand, am not really into anything. I'm thinking about trying art, but I'm not sure." Chris responded.

"Well, I'm Faith Sundae and this is my brother, Gabriel Eggtree. I love to learn, but this school just doesn't have anything interesting to learn about. Gabriel likes to fight and wants to learn karate someday." I responded.

"Wait. Did you say Eggtree?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"My dad always tells us stories about a guy named Phil Eggtree and how he saved the world from evil aliens." Chris replied.

"Y-yeah! M-my father t-too." Alyssa added, "A-And there w-as also a cr-azy sec-ret base too."

"Oh yeah!" Andrew replied.

"Did I hear someone say aliens?" someone asked. I turned around to see my father in the doorway.

"Well, my friends were talking about how they heard stories about a man named Phil Eggtree and how he saved the world from aliens. Come to think of it....Gabriel, you have the same last name as him!" I replied.

"Yeah, how come Dad?" Gabriel replied.


"Phil! Could you come here for a second? I need a little help down here!" Mom called from downstairs.

"Be right there, Smiley!" Dad replied as he went downstairs.

Everyone turned to me. "Wait, your father is Phil Eggtree!?" Carly asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"No way! That is so cool!" Chris replied.

"Well, I guess that is kinda cool." I replied.

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