Chapter 1

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Nayoung walked down the street. She pushed the sunglasses back up onto the bridge of her nose as they slipped down. She was on her way to work. She worked at a club a couple of blocks down from her apartment. She wasn't the biggest drinker herself, but this job supplied her money to pay off bills.

She entered through the back door. Slipping off her jacket and sunglasses and shoved them into her locker. She grabbed out her name tag and pinned it into her shirt.

She went out to find her boss for her first task. She was assigned to work at the counter.

As the sun started to go down, more people filled the building. She took orders as the drunk people partied on the dance floor in front of her.

"Hey pretty lady," a man wobbling up to the counter said. "Wanna come to my place when you get off work?"

"Fuck off man," One of her co-workers told him. The drunk man grumbled before going off to find someone else.

"Thanks, BamBam," she told the red haired male.

"These people would have you devoured if it wasn't for me. You owe me big bucks," he joked, rubbing his fingers together to symbolize money,

"I can stand up for myself. They can't do anything to me. You just always step in before I can even say anything."

Nayoung went to the counter and poured one of the customers another shot.

"They wouldn't listen to you."

"They'll see that I'm not an easy target real quick." She moved her thumb across her throat to show her cutting it.

"I know not to get on your bad side," BamBam huffed. "That one time I stole your ice cream, I was punched in the neck and could hardly breathe. Jackson was getting ready to take me to the hospital."

They have been friends ever since she started working here. He came up and started to flirt as most guys did. He quickly received a punch in the stomach. They then talked for a bit and grew close quickly.

"Jackson texted earlier asking if we wanted to hang out after work," BamBam told her.

"What does he have planned this time?" Nayoung asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "This is Jackson. Who knows what he thinks?"

"I could say the same about you too, BamBam."

The door to the club swung open. The sound of the doors rang through the club and everyone grew quiet at the newcomers. A group of four people walked in. They each wore matching leather jackets.

"These are the people I told you about yesterday when I was working with Yugyeom. They're a biker gang apparently," BamBam whispered in her ear. He pointed to each member and told me about them.

"That is Mark. He is the oldest one. He is actually very sweet when he smiles. The one next to him is Youngjae. Doesn't fit into the gang, but was taken under the leader's wing. That is Jinyoung, the playboy. His looks will kill you but he is pretty savage. The last one is Jaebum. He is the leader and the most cold-hearted. He always has that cold stare."

The four men made their way over to the bar. Each ordering a drink before talking quietly to one another.

Nayoung went back and grabbed the desired drink of the leader, Jaebum. She was a little hesitant about the information BamBam told her, but it wasn't going to let that influence the man.

Nayoung poured his drink. He turned and eyed her a little bit before focusing back on the members of his gang.

"Hi there. My name is Eunmi and my friend Chaemin. We were wondering if one of you was single?" Two girls moved forward to talk to the group.

"None of us are dating anybody," Mark replied. The girls let out a small squeal.

"That doesn't mean we'll give you our numbers," Jaebum said sternly. The girls frowned and backed away from them.

"Wherever we go, girls are always flirting with us," Jaebum said.

"Maybe one of us would like to date someone. We're not always going to shoo away every girl," JInyoung told him.

"If you wanted one of them, go ahead. I've known you long enough to know what is going to happen to those girls. You're always meeting up with girls and ditching them a week later. Refill please."

Nayoung grabbed the glass bottle and moved to pour the alcohol for him.

"Then what about this little lady," Jinyoung looked over at her.

"Sorry, but no. I'm not going to be someone's man toy." Nayoung quickly turned away from the male.

"That is the one girl who refused my looks," Jinyoung pouted.

"You better start getting used to it," Youngjae said. "She isn't the only girl who'll stand up for themselves."

"Plus all the girls you meet are in a club or bar. They're just waiting for you to fuck them," Mark added.

"Hey," Jinyoung stood up from the stool. He called for me. She didn't want to talk to him anymore, but he was a customer,

"Is there something I can get you?" Nayoung asked.

"What is your name?" he tried to look at the nametag.


"We'll Nayoung. I hope to be seeing you here more. I'll be coming back here often," he winked at her.

"If that is all you wanted, then I'm leaving. I told you how I felt about you." With that, she turned around and walked away.

"That is my girl," BamBam praised. "That time I didn't stand up for you. You were lucky I didn't. He would have a fist in his face."

'Trust me, I was holding myself back,'' Nayoung jokes. They both laughed before going out and started to clean some of the empty tables.

As she was cleaning, her gaze kept lingering over to the bar stools that housed the biker gang. Jinyoung kept catching her every so often and would give winks or was biting his lips. Nayoung only rolled her eyes in response.

"Hey BamBam, can you finish this last one for me? I need to go to the restroom." The red haired male replied with a thumbs up before Nayoung took off to the back of the building. She rushed into the bathroom and quickly did her business.

She came out and washed her hands and dried them with a paper towel.

As Nayoung went to leave the restroom, a familiar face stood there smirking at her.

"I noticed you going to the restroom and thought it was the perfect opportunity to come over and teach you a lesson," Jinyoung said in a teaseful voice.

"I told you to fuck off already. I'm not your play toy," She told him and pushed him away.

As I went to walk away, he grabbed my wrist and slammed me against the wall. I looked up at him shocked.

"Let go of me," Nayoung told him.

"Not without teaching you who is the boss here." He swept her hair back and bit his lip.

"Jinyoung," A stern voice interrupted the male.

Jinyoung looked over and saw Jaebum standing there. There wasn't an expression on his face. He glared at his member and nodded his head back towards the table. Jinyoung sighed but listened to his leader. He stepped away from her and disappeared into the crowd.

"Thank you," she said, looking over to the leader. He didn't look at her and just brushed past her and headed into the men's restroom. He isn't much of a talker. I guess I see why everyone calls him cold-hearted.

She went back to go find BamBam. He was already back to managing the counter. Nayoung went over to join him. He was talking with one of the customers.

"I was actually born and raised in Thailand," he told a girl sitting alone at the bar.

"Your Korean is so good for being a foreigner. When did you move to Korea?"

"I moved here about seven years ago. Most of my Korean was taught to me by one of my best friends. He taught me everything there is to know. We're still close today. He actually works here too. His shift is already ending earlier."

"He must be very kind too," she smiled at him.

"Hey, BamBam. We have work to do. We can't be flirting with all the pretty girls we see," I teased him. He turned to me and glared at me for ruining his moment.

"It's alright. I was here all alone anyway. I'm used to it now," she looked down at the ground. I could see some kind of sadness hidden behind her dark brown eyes.

"Is everything alright? I know a lot of people come to the club to get wasted to forget about something that happened to them," BamBam consulted her.

"I'm fine. It is personal. I can't believe I'm still wallowing about it a month later." She whipped a tear from her eye.

"I can put off work for a little bit. We can talk about it if you need too,"

Nayoung turned away and left the two alone. She guessed she would have to pick up BamBam's work for a little bit. I guess I was repaying him back for earlier.

She cleaned tables, got people their drinks, and made sure nobody was doing naughty things in the restroom.

Nayoung was collecting empty cups from around the table when she saw something move from the corner of her eye. The biker gang was finally leaving. BamBam was there and took care of the payment for their drinks.

Nayoung noticed that Jaebum pulled out a black wallet that was made from leather. The male slipped his card out and handed it to BamBam. The red haired male took and processed the payment before handing it back over to the biker gang leader.

She walked to the back with an armful of cups. She set them in the sink and started to scrub the cups making sure every part was covered in soap before setting them in the dishwasher next to her.

"Nayoung, I've found this wallet sitting on the bar," BamBam peeked his head into the back and held up a leather black wallet.

"That is Jaebum's wallet," she told him. Nayoung grabbed the wallet and ran out of the club. She looked around for any motorcycles sitting around.

"They couldn't have left already," she told herself.

Nayoung went around the back of the club and heard the noise of the motorcycles starting up. She took off running hoping to catch them before they left.

"Hey!" She shouted to get their attention. Jaebum was in the middle of slipping his helmet on when he turned and saw the club worker running towards him.

Nayoung stopped in front of him and looked at the motorcycle the leader rode. It was completely black, matching all the clothes Jaebum wore.

"What is it?" the male asked.

"Nice bike," Nayoung told him.

"Why are you here?" he asked again.

"Couldn't stand not being with me," Jinyoung popped up next to Jaebum before Youngjae grabbed the male and pushed him back to his motorcycle.

"Oh," Nayoung held out her hand. "You left your wallet."

Jaebum looked down at her hand and took the item. He slipped it into his pocket.

"You should be more careful next time. BamBam had found it just in time before you left."

Jaebum didn't say anything and just snapped his helmet on. I backed away as he turned the key and the roaring sound of the motorcycle turned on. He slid his face shield down.

The black haired male walked back before putting his feet up onto the feet rests and taking off, The three others quickly followed after their leader.

Jinyoung was the last one just so he could wave goodbye to me. He received a middle finger for me before I turned around and walked back into the club to finish my shift.

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