Chapter 2

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Nayoung walked out of the club. Keys swung in her fingers as she made her way over to her car. BamBam followed behind her. They were on their way to meet up with Jackson and Yugyeom.

She unlocked the car and hopped in. BamBam joined her in the passenger's seat.

"Where are we meeting?" She asked the male.

"I think at the ice cream parlor down the road," he told her.

She nodded and placed the key in the car. She turned it and the car started. She looked behind her to back the car up and shifted into forward drive. She went over to the street. Looking out before pulling out into the road.

Luckily there weren't as many people in the streets since it was late at night. Most of the time in Seoul. You would move a little bit every second. It still was a little bit crowded because of the big population in the city in Korea.

It took a bit before she pulled into the parking lot of the ice cream parlor. It was one of the only places that were still open in the middle of the night that wasn't infiltrated with alcohol.

She got out of the car and locked it. They walked inside to see the two sitting there with their cold treat in front of them.

"Nayoung and BamBam are here," Jackson lit up. He jumped out of his seat and went over to hug me.

"You saw me yesterday, Jackson. Don't act like it has been a year already," Nayoung told the male.

"I've missed you," he pouted.

"You know how Jackson is. He needs constant attention," Yugyeom smiled and walked over to the group.

"Gyeom, you missed the biker gang," the red haired male told his friend.

"Aren't they a couple of handsome fellows?"

"Yeah, one of them kept flirting with Nayoung."

"I quickly told Jinyoung to fuck off. He learned his lesson quickly," Nayoung smirked.

"Will you ever date someone? The late time was..." Yugyeom began to speak when Nayoung interrupted him.

"No. Gyeom. I don't want to bring up his name again."

"Ah~, Nana is getting flirted on again," Jackson teased. She punched the male. He whined from the pain in his arm now.

"Let's order our ice cream," BamBam suggested to Nayoung. The two went up to order while the other two went back to the table to finish their own.

"I'll take the cheesecake ice cream," Nayoung told the woman behind the counter.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out her wallet. Opening it and slipping her card out onto the counter. The lady took the card and swiped it to purchase the order. Nayoung grabbed it back and put it back into her wallet before going and waiting for her ice cream with the boys at the table.

"So did any of the other boys take an interest in you? Did you find any of them hot?" Yugyeom asked her when she sat down.

"You are going to stop talking about the biker gang right now or you'll have a missing tooth," she threatened him and held up her fist at the male.

"Ok, I'll be quiet. I just know that bikers are definitely your ideal type." Nayoung showed him her fist again and he stopped talking.

"So how is work, Jackson? Is your new job good so far?" Nayoung asked the male, changing the subject.

"It is good for now. Hopefully, it will turn out for the better than my last job," he replied.

"You should have applied at the same place as us. Would it be great if the four of us worked together," Yugyeom said.

BamBam then arrived with both of our ice cream in his hands. He passed mine over and I began to dig in.

"I'll keep it in mind if I don't like this job."

"Let's hope you won't do the same thing as when you worked at that bar. Your boss was so pissed that day. His eyes were literally on fire," BamBam says.

"Don't worry. One of us would be around this time around," Nayoung reassured them.

The red haired male was referring to the time Jackson worked at a bar. He was at the front counter all alone when someone was to watch over him. During that time, Jackson had a customer who was very drunk and demanded a drink. Jackson could see how drunk the man was and refused to fill his shot. The man almost threw a punch at Jackson, but Jackson was too quick and ducked underneath the counter causing the man to flip over the counter. Jackson took a bottle of the alcohol and smashed it onto his head to prevent the man from hurting Jackson.

"I wished I was there to see it with my own two eyes," BamBam laughed, reminiscing the time when Jackson told them all the story. "I couldn't believe something like that would actually happen." We all joined in laughing and eating ice cream.

"Remember that one time Yugyeom got drunk and we were walking down the sidewalk and he started to dance with random strangers," Nayoung said.

"And then the man almost punched him," BamBam laughed. "There was also that one girl who grinded with him."

Yugyeom's ears turned red from embarrassment. "Can we not talk about this anymore," the youngest asked.

"Come on, Gyeom. We're never going to let this go," Jackson patted the male on his back.

They finished up eating and started to head back to their own places. Nayoung drove BamBam back to his apartment before going to her own. Traffic was a little bit better now that it was a little bit later in the night or early morning.

Nayoung could sleep in today. She doesn't have to go to work until five pm. I can't wait to get into my bed, she thought to herself.

Pulling into the parking lot and hopping out of her car. She made sure it was locked before going to her floor. She unlocked her room and threw her shoes off at the door. Nayoung slid into her slippers and hung her keys up by the door.

The female jumped into her bed and laid there for a few seconds. After debating whether she wanted to get up or not, she decided to take a shower.

Nayoung grabbed a towel and made sure the water was perfect. She entered the shower and began to scrub her hair and wash her body. She made sure everything was clean before shutting the water off and stepping out. She dried her hair and walked into her room to grab some clothes to wear to sleep. She quickly brushed her hair and then it was time to get back into her soft bed. She turned the lights out and curled up into her bed and fell asleep.


Nayoung pulled herself out of bed. She checked the time. It was 4:00. She got up and fixed her hair and changed into her work clothes. Doing some makeup before getting a quick snack to eat. Grabbing her phone from the bedside table.

She grabbed the keys on the hook and kicked her slippers off. She crouched down to put her shoes on. Opening the door with her elbows and using her leg to wrap around the back of the door to pull it shut. She slipped her leg out just in time so it wouldn't get caught in the door.

She got into her car and began to drive down the busy street. All the people in Korea were trying to get back to their homes. Luckily, Nayoung's work wasn't too far from her apartment. She decided to work at the club because of it.

Pulling into her work, she finished her snack and locked the car. She went in through the back and checked herself into work. She was assigned to the bar counter as always. Rarely would she be assigned to work as the jumper, who let people inside.

"Nayoung is here!" Yugyeom's voice rang in the somewhat empty club.

"Our party is about to start," BamBam said.

"It is rare that the three of us would work at the same time," Nayoung smiled at the two boys.

"Better cherish it now."

Some people began to flood into the club. It was the time for the business night of the week, Friday. Everyone has just finished up with work and is ready to party during the weekends.

"Let's go boys," Nayoung told them, walking to the first customers. She got their orders and pulled out a couple of shot glasses. She poured their preferred drink before sliding over to the pair. They thanked her as she added it to their tap.

"Do you think the biker gang will come tonight?" BamBam asked when he finished up with someone else's order.

"Is Nayoung's boyfriend going to come today?" Yugyeom teased. She looked at both of them and punched them in the shoulder.

"You better watch your mouth," Nayoung threatened them.

"Hey, don't turn around," BamBam said, looking back behind her. Nayoung didn't listen to the red harried male and turned around.

Walking inside the club was the biker gang with Jaebum leading them through the crowd. The girls whispered to one another at how cute the four males were.

"Hey there cutie," Jinyoung smiled and waved at her. "I was hoping you would be working today."

"Shut the hell up. I told you I wasn't interested," Nayoung told the male off.

"Someday. It always happens." She quickly flipped him off without all the other people seeing.

"We'll have what we did yesterday," Jaebum interrupted his member. His stern stare made Jinyoung sit down with the rest of the gang.

Nayoung remembered their orders and quickly started on their drinks. She carried them out on a tray and carefully set each one down on the table in front of them.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Jinyoung flirted again.

"Shut the hell up, Jinyoung," Mark told the male. "Let the girl have some peace. We all don't want to listen to you anymore. I should let her punch you in the balls right now." Jinyoung pouted and sat back into his chair.

"Sorry about Jinyoung's behavior. He thinks that every single girl in the world loves him," Youngjae apologies.

"I'm used to it now. He isn't the first one," Nayoung told them.

They thanked her for the drinks and she headed back behind the counter.

Nayoung stood there glancing over to the table once again. Her eyes kept wandering over to Jaebum. No smile plastered on his face. He would shoot down any girl that went over and flirted with him. He would really only speak to his members. His glare could set this whole club on fire.

"You just can't look away can you," Yugyeom's voice spoke next to me. "I can also say that he is one fine guy too."

"Shut your damn mouth, Gyeom," Nayoung told the male. "Take over for me. I need to go to the bathroom."

The bathroom was always her escape if she needed time away from all the chaos that happens in the club. She handed her rag to the male and made her walk through the herd of people to get to the bathroom.

She looked into the mirror for a second. She needed to take a quick breather.

Jinyoung wasn't the only one to flirt with her today. She was always picked on by her looks. She couldn't stand to stay with any man. She only trusted her three close friends. She was destroyed in the last relationship she was in. She couldn't leave her apartment in days and Jackson, Yugyeom, and BamBam would constantly check in on her whenever Nayoung opened the door.

It was only a few months ago is when she really got over it. Now she chose to stay out of relationships. She didn't want to become attached to someone else just to get tossed to the side. That event was a turning point in her life. She decided to toughen herself up. It is why she yells at anybody who makes a move on her.

Nayoung exited the bathroom and saw one man standing next to the door. He eyed her body before inching closer to her. A smirk was now plastered on his face as he checked my body.

"Hey there pretty lady," the man grabbed her and pulled her into his chest.

Nayoung got frightened and kicked the man in the shins. His grip didn't loosen and she felt her heart start to plump in fear.

Someone was there to the rescue. A fist came swinging over to the man's face causing him to fall down on the floor. Her savior hit him a few more times before he turned to her to see if she was alright.

Nayoung couldn't believe it. The person who saved her was actually Jaebum himself.

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