Chapter five

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Sam wasn't exactly a stranger to having bad things happen to him, or for unexpected news to be poured on him. But nothing could have prepared him for Dean's words. The angel struggled with every word and wished Sam hadn't asked.
"Dean, are you saying that the demons did something to me?" Sam asked. Dean didn't say anything for a long time giving Sam his answer.

"So I've got demon blood in me!" He exclaimed. Sam wasn't sure what else he could say and he didn't care if someone nearby heard him. He had never felt so disgusted with himself and wished that he could rip out all the demon blood inside him.
"I can hear what you're thinking stop it right now, " Dean said firmly. He was upset about all this as well but he couldn't let the demon's plan get to Sam. It would leave him vulnerable and he might end up getting tricked into going willingly.

"Why because you say so?" Sam asked almost angry. How long had Dean known about this, and why didn't he say something earlier. "Has my whole life been a lie?"
"Of course not, " Dean responded. "Why would you say such a thing?" He was almost afraid to ask that. Dean knew that Sam would react badly, how could he not anyone would react angrily to finding out they were one of Azazel's special children.
"Because of my destiny Dean!" Sam screamed. "You always said that I would save people but now it seems all I'll do is turn evil!"

Dean wanted to stop Sam's rant before he said the wrong thing but he never got the chance. "Why couldn't you've just told me the truth?"
"Enough!" Dean commanded making Sam go silent. It wasn't often that he had to pull that card since Sam hardly ever fought with him unless it was playfully. "I will hear no more of this, I didn't know until today and if I had I wouldn't have told you, "
"Why not?" Sam asked stubbornly.
"Why because I said so, " Dean answered immediately. "I never should have told you in the first place it was a mistake, "

"So you would rather lie to me?!" Sam exclaimed.
"You don't get to make choices like that you're not my dad," Sam thought to himself. Dean still heard the thought and was instantly hurt by Sam's words. He had been caring for Sam since he was a baby and now his own charge was accusing him of being a liar. 
"I need some air, " Dean said before flying off. Sam was shocked by Dean's actions and quickly realized he must have heard the thought inside his head. He screamed until he was horse for Dean to come back, but he got no answer.

It wasn't until Sam realized that Dean had shut him out briefly that he burst into a fit of tears. Why did he think that? He didn't mean to think such a thing, Dean was his father figure. He must have cried himself to sleep since he didn't remember ever laying down. Sam blinked as he woke up and rubbed his eyes, he was hoping that last night was just a dream and that Dean would still be here. "What the hell?" Sam asked taking in the scene around him, this wasn't his room. First off he was outside, in the middle of wherever this place was surrounded by miles of forest.

Sam got off the ground and rubbed his stiff neck, apparently he had been sleeping on wood. No wonder he was so uncomfortable,  but the scene around him wasn't what scared him. It was how he got here and who or what brought him here.
"Hello!" Sam called out. He got no answer and looked around for any signs of life. "Anybody?" He asked. Still, he got no answer so Sam decided to look through the abandoned house. A few other people were there, two girls about his age with blonde hair, a military man, and a rumbled-up man. Sam quickly realized that just like him they had been pulled from whatever they were by a demon.

Dean didn't let much info slip before he took off but he did say that the yellow-eyed demon or Azazel. Was planning on creating his own special children to lead his demon army. Sam didn't know why Azazel had picked him but the most important thing was stopping him. But first, he had to help all these people survive.
"So what can you do?" Jake asked him. The group had already introduced themselves and Sam quickly learned their names. Andy, Lilly, Jake, and Ava. Unfortunately, Lilly was no longer alive, the four of them had found her stuck to a tall building past dead.

"I just have dreams really," Sam explained. "At least that's all I've really experienced, so I guess you could say that I don't know,"
"That must be nice," Jake answered. "Not having any knowledge of what makes you different," he continued. "I've got inhuman strength, it scared my family so much that I left in hopes of protecting them," Sam felt bad for Jake and looked over at Andy and Ava. The two were laying down a bunch of salt lines just in case Azazel tried to pay them a visit. Sam had also found some iron in some of the abandoned houses.

He had surprised himself by taking charge and teaching all these people how to fight a demon.
"I would rather know than not know to be honest," Sam admitted. "Truth is I just learned about it from someone I trusted," he sighed regretting the fight he had with Dean. Sam so wished that he could take all his words back and tell Dean how sorry he was.
"Who was it?" Jake asked out of curiosity.

"My dad," Sam answered without a second thought. Dean may not be his biological father but he was more than a father than John ever was. "We fought and I said something horrible," he continued. "Now he's probably out there thinking I hate him," he kept going. "So if this demon does come, I'm going to kill it, I don't know how but I'm going to." Miles away Dean was sitting on a park bench trying not to cry. He couldn't go back and face Sam after what happened, he wasn't ready. But he couldn't go up to Heaven either, so he decided to just keep his distance.

Maybe he shouldn't have gone to earth in the first place, maybe things would have been better if he just stayed in Heaven. As the wind blew threw his golden wings preventing him from flying. He overheard the voice of Sarah and another woman, the angel stood up to eavesdrop on their conversation. Sure enough, Sarah was sitting under a tree crying her eyes out, the woman who was with her had blonde hair and white wings.
"Jessica what if something horrible has happened to him?" Sarah asked. "Can't you please just take me to him,"

"I can't Sarah, I won't be able to locate Sam since I'm not his angel," Jessica responded sadly. Sarah cried again and as her angel held her close, Jessica locked eyes with Dean. Dean was frozen in shock and couldn't open his mouth because of what he heard. "Do stop staring brother," Jessica finally said. "We have an audience," Dean didn't understand what she was talking about and was more concerned about Sam. Did he run off because of what happened? Maybe Sam felt bad and was trying to find him.

"What's going on, where's Sam?" Dean asked. The angel expected Jessica to answer but instead, Sarah looked at him and answered. Dean was surprised that Sarah was able to see him since the only mortal that could see him was Sam. Jessica said that her charge had a rare gift like Sam did which was why she could see him. 
"We don't know, I heard shouting and crying so I went to check on him," Sarah explained. "But when I got there the room was trashed and Sam was just gone," now Dean was frantic and he felt like an idiot. He had left Sam alone when demons were after him, what was he thinking? Almost instantly he knew who had taken his charge.
"Azazel," with venom in his voice. 

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