Chapter six

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It didn't take long for Dean to pick up possible locations as to where Azazel had taken Sam. But since the place was warded against him, he couldn't pinpoint actually which one. So Dean was forced to check them all until he found himself stumbling on the outskirts of an abandoned city. He remembered a few years back when demons raided this place, he could still smell the sulfur.

"Alright Azazel I know you're hiding here somewhere, what have you done with Sam?" Dean demamded even though he couldn't get past the warding. He heard laughing and turned around to see the prince of Hell. Azazel waved at him and just his luck was using the body of John Winchester.
"You called?" Azazel asked. Dean felt so stupid for not realizing it sooner and gave the demon a fierce look. "I must say that after all these years it's a pleasure to finally meet you Dean."

"I should have known, where is Sam what have you done with him!?" Dean responded taking out his angel blade. Azazel raised and eyebrow at him and pushed Dean towards the warding making him drop to the floor.
"You didn't think a angel like you, could take out me?" Azazel asked picking up Dean's weapon. "I am prince of Hell and I was once an archangel who fought with Lucifer." Dean refused to show his fear as the demon leaned down to look into his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, I will do whatever I have to do to save Sam," Dean responded. Azazel laughed and said that he hadn't changed a bit. "What are you talking about?" He asked.
"I can't believe you didn't realize it sooner, but what kind of fun would it be if I just told you," Azazel answered. "So I'll show you." The yellow eyed demon grabbed him roughly and Dean struggled to get away. Even after the scene around him changed to a nursery he still fought against Azazel.
"What is this?" Dean asked.

Azazel shushed him and told him to just watch. The lights in the room lit up and a woman came in carrying a four year old boy.
"Come on let's say goodnight to your brother." the woman said placing the boy down close to the crib. A baby was inside and Dean recognized the infant as a young Sam.
"Good night Sam," the boy said giving baby Sam a kiss on the check. "Love you."
"Goodnight love." The woman said rubbing the side of Sam's face lovingly. Dean realized that the woman must be Mary Winchester, Sam's mother. But how was that possible when died giving birth to him?

"Hey Dean," a familiar voice said walking into the room. Dean couldn't believe his ears, someway somehow that little boy was him.
"Do you recognize that child Dean?" Azazel asked. Dean couldn't believe what he was seeing, he hadn't always been an angel, he was born human, and he was Sam's brother.
"This isn't real, you're making this all up." Dean said in denial. Demons lied all the time so Azazel must be making all this up.
"Oh trust me its very real, its from your father's memories since is the night he lost your mother and you," Azazel explained.

Dean didn't get the chance to say anything else since the scene changed to demon blood being dropped into Sam's mouth, Mary burning to death on the ceiling, and his younger self saving Sam but he went back inside to find his mom. Soon enough he died as well from the flames, and it was only then did Azazel stop the scene. Dean didn't say anything after that even when Azazel asked him if he had lost his voice.
"I don't believe you," Dean finally said. Even though he actually did since it made sense as to why he never felt he fit in with other angels. "You made that all up."

Azazel sighed and almost looked disappointed. "Fine be that way, oh did I forget to mention that this is a competition and losing means death." Dean gasped and Azazel laughed before he vanished. At the same time Sam was running for his life, since Jake was after him. After Ava had killed Andy and Jake killed her soon after, Sam quickly realized that this was a fight to the death. The last one standing would be the one to lead the demon army, Sam refused to kill anyone so he chose to run. He was injured and wasn't going very fast, but he would rather die than kill someone.

The further he got from the abandoned village, the more he sensed a very familiar presence. It was faint but Sam still knew that it was Dean, he changed his direction and began running. Jake was still somewhere behind him but everything would be okay since Dean was here. Taking a risk he called out to his angel. Dean where are you? I need your help, Sam said through their mental connection. For a few seconds Sam didn't receive an answer and he remembered that Dean had shut him out. Please De I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.

When Sam finally got a response he almost cried.
Sammy oh my gosh are you okay? Dean answered.
I'm so sorry, Sam responded. I don't think you're a liar.... He was cut off before he could finish since he ran smack into his angel. "You came back for me."
"Always Sammy," Dean responded holding him close. "But we'll talk about our argument later, we need to go now." He grabbed Sam and attempted to fly off but couldn't due to the warding.

"Dean what's wrong are you hurt?" Sam asked sensing that something was wrong, and a burning feeling was sweeping into his gut. Before Dean could answer a sharp pain went through his chest  and his eyes lite up. "No!" Sam exclaimed the second he saw the strange spear impale his angel, and Dean dropped to the ground.
"Oh that was too easy," Azazel commented swirling the spear in his hands. "I always hated those golden wings."
"No Dean don't do this stay with me!" Sam begged with a river of hot tears running down his face.
"Sammy I'm sorry..." He managed to say as he coughed up blood and held his injury trying to heal himself.

"Afraid thats going to do much Sammy, the spear of Michael will kill and angel piece by piece," Azazel explained. "Now be a good boy and come to your father." Sam looked up at him with fury.
"I will not go anywhere with you!" Sam screamed and the spear trembled in Azazel's hands as Sam unknownly used his psychic powers. "You tried to kill my angel and because of this I will hunt you to the ends of the earth until I find a way to kill you!" His volume caused the prince of Hell to be pushed backwards and the spear went flying from his hands.

"Yes Sam embrace your power," Azazel encouraged despite his pain. But his smile faded when he saw Sam raise his hand and suddenly he felt himself being pulled from his host. "No I will not allow you to do that to me, you will obey me!" Azazel demanded  and forced Sam onto to his knees. Sam noticed the spear nearby and made a bold move by grabbing it and throwing it at Azazel. It hit his leg and Azazel screamed in pain, but saved himself by leaving John Winchester's body. Sam let out a huff of annoyance and exhaustion, his emotions quickly changed when he saw Dean looked even worse than before.

"Dean please don't do this to me, you have to live!' Sam cried as he shook Dean trying to keep him awake. The wound had gotten worse and it looked like Dean was being torn apart. "It's okay you're fine," Sam said even though his words were a lie. It hit him just than that the last words he might say to Dean was a lie and he couldn't accept that. So he said what he had been holding in for as long as he could remember. "Dad you have to live, you must live I need you." He not only depended on Dean but loved him dearly.

Dean tried to speak but no words came out of his mouth so he sent his response to Sam mentally, hoping his charge would hear it.
Sammy it's okay I'm alright and you'll be alright to, I'll see you again. Sam received the message and Dean's body went still, Sam weeped hysterically and didn't get up until he saw Dean's wings burned into the ground. He didn't plan on leaving this place anytime soon, he couldn't go, home with memories of Dean everywhere. Sam would have rathered just stayed here until he starved to death.

But the angels wouldn't allow it, Castiel appeared to him and had to drag him away kicking and screaming.
"I am sorry about this Sam but there is a war about too happen and we need you alive." He explained.
"I don't care, let me go so I can be with him!" Sam screamed.
"I understand your angel and pain right now, but I can promise you that Dean's mission isn't over," Castiel answered. "But until that day comes we need to keep you safe." Sam didn't understand what Castiel meant but he only stopped fighting since he  was so tired.

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