Chapter Seven

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"Come on Sammy," Dean said to his charge. "We have to get you ready for bed." Sam shook his head at the words and the six year old pulled on his angel instead. Sam had no problem addressing the angel he believed was his father as daddy, despite he claims that his name was Dean. But Sam preferred Daddy even though he called his angel Dean with others around.
"Dean I want to play hide and seek," Sam said and when Dean was about to refuse he hugged Dean tightly. "Please De then I will go right to bed." The angel gave in since he couldn't resist Sam's puppy dog eyes.

"Alright but just one," Dean said. He turned around and Sam ran off to go hide, he was the best at this game and his daddy wouldn't be able to find him this time. Then they could stay up all night and play together, the six year old hid in his closet and giggled once Dean stopped counting. "Where did he go?" Dean asked playfully even though he could easily feel where his charge was. "Did he disappear? Did he turn invisible?" Sam giggled again and the closet door opened. "Gotcha!" Dean exclaimed. Sam was upset that he had lost but happy that Dean had found him, however when he got up to hug his angel something was wrong. He could feel Dean slipping away like he wasn't there.

"Dean." Sam said in concern. 
"Sammy what's wrong?" Dean asked not aware of what was happening. Suddenly his hand began turning into dust, and Sam could only watch as it happened to the rest of Dean. He tried to help but no matter how hard he tried, Sam couldn't move his body. He was stuck and within seconds Dean noticed what was happening and screamed in agony, until there was nothing left of him leaving Sam alone. "Dean!" He exclaimed. Hot tears ran down his face as he looked down at his hands, they were covered in blood.
"My blood is on your hands, I am dead because of you!" Dean said. He wasn't even there but Sam could hear his voice echoing in his ears.

"No Dean!" Sam exclaimed waking up from nightmare. His heart was racing loudly in his ears and all he could feel was completely fear. The tears from his dream were real since he felt a river of another set threatening to pour. He panted heavily and placed his hands in his hair attempting to cease the dryness in his throat. Like every night Sam wasn't able to sleep due to nightmares, ever since that moment five years ago where Dean's eyes closed, he hadn't slept much. His wife Sarah was sleeping next to him, fast asleep, she looked so peaceful and he almost envied that. After what happened with Jake opening the gates of Hell and letting a ton of demons come through. Sam had been hesitate to settle down and just retire from hunting.

Azazel was still out there and his blood was boiling with the need to kill the monster that took his only living parent from him. He was a complete wreck after Dean died, he drank too much, went on hunts by himself, and summoned crossroads demon after crossroad demon. It was only after he killed Jake in cold blood and nearly died that he realized how far he had fallen. Sarah had found him bleeding on the cold hard ground and after she nursed him back to health, he promised himself he would never go down that road again. After that he officially quit hunting and lived a normal life with Sarah. The two were married and had a daughter, affectionatly named Deanna.

He got out of bed and went to check on his daughter, the five year old was fast asleep and Sam pressed his hand on her forehead. She stirred a bit but didn't wake up. Sam let out of sigh of relief and quietly left her room to check his phone. While he didn't really hunt anymore, the opening of the hell gate had brought a lot of demons in. So he stayed in touch with many hunters, basically becoming the new Bobby due to the fact that this whole gate mess had disabled him. While Sam didn't always like it, it was too painful to go on an actual hunt without being reminded of what he lost. He had never really liked it and Dean always understood that. He had no messages so he placed his phone on vibrate and opened a lore book about mythical creatures. He saw the usual like griffins, ghosts, vampires, demons, and angels.

However when he stumbled across a page about the phoenix, it cut him and he gasped in surprise. Sam knew he was tired but he knew that a piece of paper that was hundreds of years old wouldn't make him bleed. However the cut on his finger vanished before he could even touch it. "An immortal bird that regenerates or is otherwise born again," Sam read. "Associated with the sun, a phoenix can obtain new life by arising from the ashes."


Dean opened his eyes and he saw only darkness around him actually emptiness was a better word. There was literally nothing around him save for the strange black liquid suddenly taking shape. Dean had so many questions, what was this place and how was he awake? Azazel had stabbed him with Michael's spear so he had literally been torn apart. So he should be dead, before he could come up with more questions the black liquid took the shape of himself.

"Who are you?" Dean asked.
"Oh I'm just your friendly neighborhood cosmic entity, call me the empty now let's get this over with some I can go back to sleep," The empty responded. Dean had no idea what it was talking and every time he tried to ask a question the empty gave him a fierce glare. "Your voice is like a nat in my ear, but since you're stupid let me make it easy for you," the empty continued. "This isn't the first time we've talked the last time was over twenty years ago, when your made the phoenix or the eighth archangel."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Dean asked. He had no memory of whatever this empty was talking about.

"Ugh I forgot you can't remember but I just want to sleep so be on your merry way Dean, you're the only one who can stop Azazel from returning to full strength." The empty said. It rolled its eyes and snapped it his fingers causing Dean to glow, the angel panicked reminded of his death where he literally crumbled to ashes. But he felt the exact opposite now, the more he glowed the more alive he felt.

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