Chapter two

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Eighteen years later
"I can't stand this anymore, " Sam grumbled as he walked into his room. Dean could tell that by the state of Sam's face, he had just had a fight with his father.
"What happened Sammy, did the guy say I didn't exist again?" Dean asked. The angel wouldn't be surprised if that's what John had said, the man had a history of calling him Sam's imaginary friend. The first time it happened right before Sam's ninth birthday, John had caught them talking in the living room.

"So can you actually fly?" Sam asked eager to know. Ever since he figured out Dean was an angel he had been asking nonstop questions.
"Yes I can, " Dean answered with a smile. "But I can't do it with you because that would be very dangerous, " he continued. Sam laughed and right at that moment, John Winchester walked in.
"Who are you talking to Sam?" He asked.
"I'm talking with Dean, please go away he doesn't like you, " Sam answered. He flipped his hair quite proud of himself while Dean laughed.

"I don't see anyone, are you sure this Dean exists?" John asked almost like he was taunting his son.
"Of course he does," Sam responded immediately. Just because his father couldn't see him, didn't mean Dean wasn't real.
"There is no Dean, you just made him up, " John proclaimed with his hands on his hips. Angry tears ran down Sam's face, and he shoved his father away.
"Dean is real you just can't see him because you're a mean old man!" Sam screamed running away.

Sam never spoke to his father the same after that day. He even refused to call him Dad, since the guy never told him that he loved him or even that he liked him. Dean could see where he was coming from, and while he would usually encourage Sam to not give up on his father. He had given the man eighteen long years and saw that John treated Sam more like a nuisance than a son.
"All I asked for was to go to school and the man says I'm letting my mother done, " Sam complained.

"Don't let him stop you, Sam, listen just because he wants you to be one way, doesn't mean you can't be something different, " Dean responded. The angel was hoping that Sam would take his advice to heart as he always did.
"I know but whether I like it or not he's made it impossible for me to leave, " Sam answered. Even though his 18th birthday was fast approaching, John had no intention of letting him move out or go to college. He was basically stuck under John's roof until the man either disowned him or died.

Meanwhile, Sam's older brother Adam was attending medical school so he could become a doctor. John hadn't thought twice about spending money to celebrate the scholarship Adam had received. Which only made Dean resent Sam's father even more. Dean had tried to interfere multiple times wanting to knock some sense into John's head. Sam always stopped him however not wanting the risk of his father discovering that Dean was an angel, or worse trying to hunt him.

"Sam you can't let him treat you like this, " Dean pointed out. "He's your father and he's supposed to take care of you, " he continued.
"John is many things but being my father isn't one of them, " Sam answered. He already knew that Dean was getting agitated and angry at John. But he stopped seeing the man as his father a long time ago, as far as he was concerned. Dean was his father, he was the one who had been watching over him since he was small.

"You've been the one taking care of me all my life, " He continued.
"I know that but Sam you have to be prepared to face some things in your life alone, even without me one day, " Dean responded. He spoke with caution knowing he could hurt Sam with the wrong words. Sam was completely psychotically and irrationally dependent on him. While that hadn't been a problem when he was a kid, Sam was going to be an adult soon. And Dean couldn't have Sam go into the real world without being able to care for himself.

If he couldn't manage that then he was a complete failure as a Guardian angel. They were supposed to help their charges grow and prepare them for their destinies.
"Yeah I know, " Sam answered sadly. He wasn't an idiot and knew that Dean wanted him to become more independent. Every day his eighteenth birthday drew closer he could see that his angel was becoming more concerned. "I don't want to do this without you though, I want you to stay with me forever, " he continued.

"As eternal as I may be Sammy, one day you won't need me anymore, " Dean explained. "I'll always be here but once you have your own family and life, I'll be less important, "
"No there won't ever be a time where I don't need you, " Sam responded immediately. As much as he wanted a normal life with a wife and kids, it wouldn't be complete if he didn't have Dean.

Their conversation was interrupted by Katie walking into Sam's room.
"Sam are you asleep in there?" She asked with a rude tone to her voice.
"No it's the middle of the day, " Sam responded. If evil stepmothers only existed in fairytales then Katie was the closest to a real one. "What do you want?"
"Don't use that tone with young man!" She screamed. "Your father wants to see you, says the two of you are going hunting, "

"Shut up lady, " Dean said making Katie trip and fall on her back.
"Sam what did you do!?" She screamed while her stepson laughed.
"It wasn't me, " Sam responded even though he knew she wouldn't believe him. Nobody in his family believed that Dean was real.
"Sam enough of this imagery friend nonsense, you're too old to have one now help me up, " Katie scolded. Sam helped her up but made sure to do it slowly so he could drop her a few times.

"Glad I could help stepmother, " Sam said as he left the room. Katie screamed at him to come back but he ignored her and left her laying on the floor. "Dean that wasn't nice and I shouldn't have laughed at it, " he said to his angel.
"Hey she was a smart ass and we both know how long I've wanted to do that, " Dean answered. Sam laughed again as he knew Dean had a point. His stepmother was a bitch and so was karma.

Sam's smile faded once he got downstairs and saw his father standing in the kitchen.
"You don't have to go hunting with him Sammy, " Dean said to him.
"I don't want to but you know what will happen if I refuse, " Sam responded. John asked who he was talking to but Sam didn't answer him.
"Ah going off to la-la land again?" John asked.
"Get to the point already John I'm already upset with you enough, " Sam responded crossing his arms.

"Don't forget you still live under my roof and as long as you do you will obey my rules!" John exclaimed. Sam flinched at the volume and Dean was prepared to step in in case John tried to act violently toward Sam. "I've gotten word of demonic omens nearby, " he continued. "If I'm right it should be the one I'm looking for, " he kept going. "Get yourself ready Sam we are going hunting, "
"Yes sir, " Sam answered.

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