Chapter one

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Dean wasn't sure what he would find on earth, he had heard many whispers and stories about it. Like how everything kept changing thanks to mankind, the young angel wasn't sure if that was good or bad.
Even though he looked like an adult angel he was actually very young compared to his brothers only being about twenty years old.
"I wonder what the mortals will be like?" He asked himself.

He would be lying if he said that he had never wanted to meet a human. From day one of his life, he was amazed by them and longed for the day he would receive his own charge. But that never happened as only guardian angels had charges and they were tied to them at birth. Dean didn't have that rank so he couldn't bond to a newborn charge. All of these thoughts and more flooded his mind as he flew down to earth. The amount of nature around him calmed him because it reminded him of the gardens in heaven.

"Wow, " he commented. A bunch of human families were running around in the grass, swimming in the lake, or playing at a strange structure that resembled a castle. Other humans were rushing into their vehicles and Dean guessed it meant they were going to work. The outside world was so beautiful and now he realized why his brothers were so passionate about the world. Their father had created all of this in seven days, and mankind kept thriving because of it.

His daydreaming was interrupted when he overheard the sound of a child crying. He tried ignoring it so he could keep admiring the view. But the sounds were piercing his heart making him want to cry himself. It was a horrible sound and he wished he could stop it. Unable to focus on anything but the child's cries, he followed the sound until he found an infant laying in a cradle. Two adults were standing over the baby unsure of what he wanted.
"Why won't he stop crying?" The man asked.

"Maybe he's hungry, " the woman answered. Dean was unimpressed with these two knowledge of how to take care of the infant. If they were his parents, why didn't they know what they were doing?
"Then feed him because I can't do anything with all that racket!" The man screamed walking away from the cradle. The woman tried to feed the crying baby but it was clear she didn't know that he needed milk. As she tried to give him carrots and lettuce, Dean face palmed himself. The woman eventually gave up leaving the baby still crying.

"He's going to starve with those two looking after him, " Dean said. Taking matters into his own hands he used his angel powers to create a flower and got closer to the baby. Upon seeing Dean the infant stopped crying and took the flower. It was dripping milk that he needed and the baby happily sucked on the stem to receive the milk. Dean smiled and took the flower back once all the milk was gone. The baby reached out for him much to the angel's surprise and kept holding onto him. "Thank you I wasn't expecting that, "

The infant didn't say anything as he couldn't talk, but he smiled at Dean's words.
"I see you can't talk yet, how I am supposed to know your name?" He asked. Dean then noticed the name Sam stitched into the small blanket and realized that was the baby's name. "Sam that must be your name," he realized. Sam blinked at him unsure what Dean was saying.

At the same time John Winchester was sitting in his living room with his new wife. His first wife and love of his life had died giving birth to Sam, and he blamed his son for it. Now here he was six months later with a new woman, one he had no feelings for and one who had her own son. Kate Milligan was an old flame as John had hooked up with her before he met Mary, and unexpectedly the two had a son. John didn't even talk to them much as Mary was the love of his life.

"I'm bored, " Adam declared as the six-year-old played with his toy trains.
"But you're playing, how could you be bored?" Kate asked her son.
"Oh let it go, honey, I'm sure he's just messing with you, " John commented taking a gulp from his beer bottle. Kate didn't answer him and focused on her son. The three then engaged in uncomfortable silence until John broke it. "So buddy what do you want to do?" He asked. Adam may have not been planned but John definitely preferred him over Sam.

Dean watched the scene unfold from his place in Sam's bedroom and was disgusted by the thoughts of John Winchester. He understood that the man was grieving but how could he hate his own son? Sam seemed to pick up on all the tension and began acting up.
"Hey shhh, it's okay, " Dean whispered to him. Sam reached upwards wanting to be held and Dean carefully picked him up. The angel was nervous as he feared he would drop Sam. But his fears disappeared once Sam smiled at him again. Obviously, Sam's family wasn't going to take care of him, so Dean decided that if they wouldn't, then he would. "Don't worry Sammy I'll take care of you, " Dean promised.

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