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Dean let out a heavy sigh as he once again walked through the many gardens of Heaven. The garden was peaceful and it was the only place where Dean felt at home. Despite being an angel, he had no idea what his purpose was, when most angels are created the archangels know their rank and purpose right away. Dean was a 'special case' because the archangels were completely stumped when he came into the world.

"I don't believe it," Sandalphon commented as she picked up the newborn cherub with small wings on his back. As the angel of motherhood, she was the one who welcomed every new angel into the world but never had she seen one like this.
"What is it, sister?" Michael asked approaching her. Sandalphon couldn't explain what she was seeing, every cherub was born with a certain wingspan or pattern. The size or pattern would determine their rank, however, this cherub stood out because his wings were golden just like his hair.

"My goodness!" Michael exclaimed once he saw what his sister was seeing. An angel with gold wings? That had never happened before as every angel he knew even himself had white wings.
"I don't know what this means Michael and I fear what will happen if we place him in a random rank, " Sandalphon answered.
"We will have to discuss the news with the council and our father, until then he will not be placed anywhere, " Michael responded.
"Brother he may not like that, " Sandalphon cautioned.

Every angel regardless of their rank wanted to protect the mortals below, it was their mission after all. To protect humanity and help them discover their own destinies.
"I know but we don't know what this means and we can't let our enemies know until we find an answer he will remain here where it is safe, " Michael declared.

Dean blinked as the memory ended and his golden wings shifted against his back. They were a bit smaller than most were and it was difficult for him to fly, but at least his powers were just as effective as any other angel.
"Sitting around again I see, " a voice from behind him said. Dean didn't need to turn around to know who it was.
"Castiel now isn't a good time, " Dean said to his brother. The older angel apologized but said that he had orders to retrieve him.

"I am sorry but the council wants to see you, there have been rumors that they want to send you to earth, " Castiel explained. Dean knew he couldn't argue with that, so he left the garden and flew off to the golden pearl gates. He had been to the temple of archangels many times and it wasn't common for them to question him daily. As his older brothers, they would often ask "Dean where have you been?" But today he knew something was different. Because the second he stepped into the council chambers, every archangel was attempting to talk over the other.

"I am telling you that he isn't ready, we still don't have an answer for him, " Raphael cautioned.
"Perhaps that is because the answer he needs isn't here, " Michael suggested.
"I've seen him in action he is quite capable of taking care of himself, " Gabriel argued. Dean held in a sigh realizing they were talking about him again.
"That may be so but his abilities have made him arrogant, " Uriel brought up.
"He is also in the room and can be spoken to, " Dean said stopping all seven of his oldest brothers from arguing.

"We meant no disrespect Dean, " Gabriel apologized. Dean said nothing wanting to see if any of his brothers would say more but they immediately started discussing him again.
"Silence!" God yelled stopping any further arguing. "I strive for peace on earth yet here I find a battle between my own sons, " he continued. "Dean I know these years have been rough for you, but I have decided that sending you to earth will be good for you, "
"Yes father, " Dean answered. He had never been to earth before, but maybe that's where he needed to go to find his missing piece.
"Be wary my son, even I am unaware of how powerful you may be and you mustn't let the demons know who you are, "

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