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Hey guys.. I m here with new story. And before u start reading. I want to say that it's NOT JUST A LOVE STORY, it's more than that FRIENDSHIP, TRUST.
Rehan and jiya are imaginitive couple , I couldn't add raglak because I don't think they will be suitable in this story. If u think about any other couple can fit then u can imagine them.

A huge building is shown. Its RVR Industries, right now top most company of the country. A car stopped at the entrance. A guard came and opened the door . A beautiful girl came out in her office formals. Her hair was opened and she was putting on high heals. As she entered inside everyone greet her.. she also wished them and then go toward her cabin.

" Is boss inside? "She asked to a staff.

Staff: yes ma'am, and he is in really angry mood.
" Now what happened to him" girl murmured to herself. She look toward MD cabin door then she was about to enter in her cabin when she saw the MD cabin door open and a girl came outside stomping her heals angrily on the floor and murmuring some curses to the boss.

" Khadus, idiot, arrogant bastard, what does he think of himself? I always do my work as he want but no he never get satisfied.. arghhh, I hate him!! I hate him!!" She cursed and go to her seat, then threw the files on her desk.

The girl who was watching her smile mischievously and goes to her.

" Why r u saying something which u don't do and do exactly opposite to it" girl said teasingly.

Another girl who was angry look at her then say..
"Ms. Swara Ranawat, ur brother is worst person in this damn world. He is getting into my nerves and don't blame me if some day that khadus brother of yours would be killed by my hands".

Swara Chuckled at her.
" Stop showing ur teeth. I m already so angry".

Swara immediately pressed her lips but couldn't able to stop her laugh longer. The girl look at her and nods unbelievably.

Swara:( controlling her laugh) ok, ok.. so tell me. What happened this time?

Girl: I won't say.. go to hell and laugh.

Swara : ok, I m going..
Girl: no wait , fine listen. He told me to make presentation for his meeting that is going to happen today's evening and I prepared it yesterday only. I saved in my pendrive and go. But when I came office in morning I lost my pendrive but somehow I get another pendrive from my colleague and thought to copy original file from laptop again to show him but that file was already deleted. I was too worried so I thought to prepare the whole presentation again but before I could finish it he called me in his cabin to show it. I told him that I lost my previous file and I will prepare it again. He start shouting and then that so called Myra came to him and say, she has a presentation which she prepared before and then show it to him. My anger gone on its peak that was my presentation which she stole and show it to him but when I tried to tell him he wasn't ready to listen anything and told me
( Mimics) Ms. Jiya learn something from Myra. She is really efficient at her work and she even did my work..
My work!! Damn !! My foot!! That bloody b**** stole my work and I should learn from her. She joined only two months back and she will tell teach me. U tell, what should I learn haan?? How to reveal my body and wear those slut type of clothes which covers equal to nothing or should I learn to throw myself in every rich client. What should I learn haan??

Swara listen Everything and say: ok ok.. u relax first and control ur anger jiya.

Jiya: I m controlling my anger that's why ur brother and that Myra are still alive. Seriously, he is owner of this huge industry but he dont even have a peanut size brain. He don't get that Myra always try to seduce him.

Swara: ahaan, something is burning.. like someone's heart burning with jealousy.
Jiya: shut up!
Swara: why don't u tell him that u love him?
Jiya: ( tight smile) u know swara, I tried no. Of times but what to do , I didn't loved a normal guy na. I loved a blood sucker Dracula who always ready to drink my blood. Stupid donkey huh!!

Swara: so , should I do something? I can tell Bhai. He will fire her.
Jiya: no swara, I m not any weak girl. Let her do whatever she want and I will definitely tell u when I will need ur help. After all it's matter of my love.

Swara: that's my girl, I mean my brother's girl.. haha.
Jiya also laugh

Then cabin door open again and they saw Myra coming out like she is doing catwalk and having smirk on her face.

Jiya: did u see that? Please stop me before I give a tight smack on her face and wipe that smirk off her face.

Swara think something and say a bit loud so that Myra can listen: don't worry jiya, I will tell how to pacify Bhai when he get angry. U know jiya, Bhai love fooools ,I mean phool ( flower). And red roses are his favourite. So, why don't u give him red rose then u will see his anger will reach its peak..( Look at Myra from corner of her eyes)I mean it it will vanish within a second. And please don't forget to take a cute teddy with u, he loves them so much. Trust me jiya, I m his sister. I know him well . Do it okay?

See something on jiya' s desk and say: oh how cute, u already have teddy bear and this red rose is already present in flower pot. Come on, go and give him. He will be damn happy.

Jiya was really confused, what she was talking : swara, what r u..?

Swara: ( interuppted) what do u mean what r u? See, i m saying u na.. u go. Come on get up.

Jiya look at her weirdly and get up from her seat. Swara took teddy and rose and give it in jiya' s hand.. but before she could do anything it was snatched by someone. They turned to see, it's Myra who gave them smirk.

Swara:( fake angry) what r u doing Myra?
Myra: what I should do, not this loser jiya.. huh!!
Saying this she go toward cabin..

Jiya look at swara who gave her wink. Now she understood everything.

Jiya: poor girl, she is so dead.

Swara: count down begin... 3

Jiya: 2..

Swara: 1..
Jiya and swara covered their ear and then only..

" GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CABIN , RIGHT NOW!!" The roar was heard in the building like earthquake have came.

Then they see Myra was literally thrown out of cabins and she had her face down feeling humiliated.

Swara and jiya look at each other then burst out into laughter. Swara give hi five to jiya.
Jiya: oh my God, swara that was unbelievable.
Myra come to them angrily : you!!!.. I will see u both..
Swara: sure babes, but u should be worried for urself before threatening ur boss sister. Don't worry, I won't do ur complain because I m enough for u.
Myra look at jiya : and u jiya, u r laughing haan.. I will show u ur place... ( She approached her but before that swara put her legs in between and she tripped and fall on the floor)

Swara: oh no.. I m so sorry Myra. Are u okay? But look like I have shown u ur place . please clean the floor properly .

She goes from there whistling.

Jiya: need help?( extending her hand).. oh sorry my mum told me we should not pick things fallen on the floor.

Myra get up from the floor While jiya continued doing her work controlling her laugh.


Swara was doing work in her cabin when someone knock on the door. It was jiya.
Swara: yeah jiya..
Jiya: swara, sir is calling u in his cabin.
Swara: ok thanks, I will go.

Then she took some file and go to MD cabin.
Swara: may I come in sir?
" Come in princess"
Swara smiled and go inside.
Swara: so, finally ur anger subsided Mr. REHAN RANAWAT.

Rehan look at her and smile: yeah, but what to do? I get angry when it comes to any problem in work.

Swara: ( murmured) and u have chosen jiya only to took all ur anger out.
Rehan: what?
Swara: nothing, so tell me why did u call me?
Rehan: I wanted to discuss about financial issues regarding Mehta project.
Swara: yeah sure..
Swara sit and discuss. It took so much time.

It's been evening now:
Rehan: thanks princess, u handled everything perfectly.
Swara: anytime big brother.. now let's go. It's time to leave.

Rehan: yeah ,u go. I will just come.
Swara: ok
She comes out of cabin. Almost all staff were gone. Jiya was there . She was putting her things in bag , ready to leave. She saw swara.

Jiya: so ? How was the meeting?
Swara: good.
Jiya: how do u handle that person who have no mind for such a long time. And other side it's me ,my palm automatically starts sweating just as I tell him his schedule. He is always ready to pounce on me like a hungry tiger.

" So, should I say swara to handle my schedule also other than handling her CEO post?"

Jiya freezes as she heard his voice from her back. She look at swara to tell that she heard wrong. He is not behind her. But swara nods yes confirming her doubts. She gave swara " I will kill u look" .. then turned around .

Rehan look at her but before she could say anything he say: please be ready Ms. Jiya tomorrow morning at sharp 9:00 a.m. we have to go for a meeting.

Saying that he go from there.

Jiya: ( to swara) u r my enemy not my best friend. Couldn't u tell me that blood sucker is standing at my back..

Swara didn't say anything. She sign no..
Jiya: what? U should have stopped me before ? Now why r u nodding no?

" Because that blood sucker is standing just behind u"
Jiya immediately turn to see Rehan again standing.

Rehan: I m waiting at parking area princess. Come soon. And Ms. Jiya, I suggest u to go home soon and give ur mind some rest. I think u need it badly.

Saying this he go from there.
Swara chuckled at her condition.
Swara: now, I can answer u.. so I can manage with him because he is my brother and ur palm start sweating because he is ur love.

Jiya : I hate u and I hate him. Aahaan !! ( Crying face)
She took her bag and go from there . Swara nods unbelievably and also go out.

Ranawat mansion:

Both have already done their dinner and watching TV sitting on coach. Rehan was sitting but his focus was not on programme going on . Smile playing on his lips..
Then suddenly tv was turned off.

" Bhai, don't make it that ovious that u r thinking about jiya" he turned side way to look at swara who was giving mischievous smile.
He nods nothing.
Swara: come on Bhai, why don't u accept it?
Rehan : I can't even if I want. ( He smiled sadly thinking something)
Swara: but why? I can see that u like her or may be more than that then what's the problem.
Rehan: it's not her. It's me. It's about trust which I don't think we will have. My fear may stop me to trust her.

Swara: fear?
Rehan: yeah, fear to loose one more important person of my life.. but leave it.
Swara: what is it Bhai? U know u can share anything with me.

Rehan think a bit then say.
Rehan: I lost my best friend due to my one stupidity. Trust is very important in any relationship swara but if we trust wrong person.. it makes our life hell.

Four years earlier
And it Happened with me. We both were like brother. My best buddy " SANSKAR MAHESHWARI". We met in college but it was like we are childhood best friend. Like mine, his father was also a businessman . But he was interested in family business but His excitement and passion was car race. He was no. 1 race car one could win over him and I don't think anyone will ever do. I used to accompany him for his car races. I don't think he lost any single race. His father also supported him . Our college was finish then I joined business and he focused on both career and passion but our friendship grew stonger. Everything was so perfect then a girl entered in my life.. Nisha Roy. I fell in love with her. Sanskar came to know about it and he only forced me to confess. I was not ready but he forced me so I confessed my love to Nisha. She also loved me. Now, I thought I don't need anything in my life.
Then that worst night came in my life and I lost my best friend.
It was new year Eve, we three went to Australia. After celebrating.. we came back to hotel. Sanskar said he was tired so he is going to sleep. Nisha also go to sleep then I went to my room . I was little tired so thought to take bath. I took bath then i was going to put my phone on charge but I remember my charger was damaged so, I go to sanskar room to take his charger. I was about to knock but the door opened, and as I entered inside I was shocked. I never in worst nightmare thought to see that.
I found Nisha on the bed and sanskar was above her. Sanskar jerked and get up from her.
Sanskar: see. Rehan, it's not what u see, it's her believe me.. she..
Before he could say much Nisha came to me cryingly and say that he tried to force her.
Nisha: Rehan, he , he tried to force me. I was in my room when he called me and told to come here. He wanted to talk something. But when I came here, he started to force me.. I tried to oppose but he was not listening ... ( Crying)

Sanskar: no Rehan, please please trust me. Why will I call her? She ...

Before he could say anything more I show my hand to him. The flashes of him being on top of Nisha made me angry.. I lost my mind.

Nisha: please believe me Rehan. He , he tried to molest. I know it's not easy for u to believe me because he is ur best friend but please trust me ,he tried to... ( Cried)

Sanskar: no Rehan. she is not the way u r thinking. She is sl...

" Shut up!! Just shut up sanskar!! " I roared.
Me: not a word more sanskar, I can't believe u could do this . I thought u respect girl and u think Nisha as ur sister but I was wrong. U have shown ur true colors today. I can't believe I thought u as my best friend..

Sanskar: no Rehan please try to listen to me..
Me: I said na, not a word sanskar. Just because u WERE my best friend I m letting u go otherwise I would have put u behind the bars..
Sanskar:( hurt) WERE?
I looked at him and gave him sharp glare before leaving his room. I didn't give any chance to say further.
I took Nisha with me and taking next flight I came back to India. I get so many calls from his no. But I never lift his call. I switched off my phone. I broke all contacts with him and shifting my business to Mumbai.. me and my family came here.
After two months of that incident i came to know about reality. It was Nisha only, I heard her talking to someone on phone..
" It wasn't so touch to separate that sanskar from Rehan. He came to know about u baby ( her boyfriend) on New year's Eve as he saw us together.. and if he would have told Rehan then our whole plan would have been failed. He was going to tell Rehan about us but see I only created misunderstanding between them. Now, I have to marry Rehan soon then I will get share in his property and then we will go far from here.. ok baby.. I love u too.. bye"

I was too angry , how dare she do that but more than that I was angry on myself. How could I fail in understanding my best buddy. I entered her room and gripped her neck angrily. She was struggling for breathe.. but that time also I imagine sanskar voice telling me to stop.
" Hey Rehan, stop it yaar.. she is girl. Try to handle ur anger buddy. It will lead u in problem someday.. come on leave her"

I jerked and left her. I came back to my home . I was broken completely. How can be I such a fool that I didn't trusted my buddy and trusted that witch. I was feeling guilty and then somehow I tried to contact him but his no. seems not exist. His family contacts were also not working. Then I took flight and went to Kolkata to meet him but I didn't find him there. He and his family left from there and no one knew where. I hopelessly fall on my knee after loosing hope, loosing my brother.

Flashback end...

It's not that I stopped searching for him. I tired but couldn't get success. This world is so small but when u will lost someone close in this then this small world also appears so much big. I don't know if I will ever be able to find him or not but I want to ask forgiveness from him. I want my buddy back.
Since that time I promised myself I won't let any girl come close to me. May be all are not same but I can't afford to risk to loose my remaining world.

After saying all this, tears fall from his eye. He look at swara who was also having tears in her eye. She just go close to him and hugged him. After a moment they broke the hug.

Swara: can I see his photo?( Tried to cheer him up)
Rehan smiled and nods. He took swara to his room. Then opened his cupboard and took out an album. They sat on bed and started watching it. He opened it and swara see a guy around Rehan age standing beside him in pic. It was their degree ceremony pic.
" This is sanskar"
Swara felt a sudden raise in her heartbeat but avoid it and started watching more pics. Their bike rides, sanskar car race pics , his winning moments with Rehan, parties, funny poses like sanskar was holding rehan by waist and Rehan hand wrapped around his neck dipping backward.. one pic where Rehan was picking up sanskar in his arm.., ( swara could not help herself but to chuckled)

Rehan was narrating story behind every pic. : We both were dared to do couple dance , haha..

The pages turned to another pic of where both were sitting at the edge of cliff , then both of them jumping in the water from height and she turned next pic it made her blush.. it was solo pic of sanskar who was standing shirtless in water revealing his well built body. Her cheeks heated up but thank God Rehan didn't notice as he was telling about the road trip they went after finishing college, the next pic where Rehan was sitting on his knees and sanskar was looking at him shockingly..

Swara: ( laughs) Bhai what's this?
Rehan: I was rehearsing to propose , haha.. u should have look at his face. Oh my God..
Swara: I can see that( laugh).. and Nisha pic?
Rehan:( serious) I burnt those pic because she came and destroyed my life.
Swara put her hand on his shoulder: don't worry Bhai, I m sure u will definitely meet Sanskar one day.
Rehan: u think so?
Swara: I know so.. come now. U sleep.
Rehan: good night princess.
Swara: good night Bhai.

Swara go to her room and lay down on bed but sleep was far away from her eyes.
Swara:( monologue) what's happening to me? I just saw his pic and heard about him from Bhai then what's this sudden feeling in my heart?

She hugged a pillow and thinks about his pic what she saw few moments ago. She couldn't help herself to blush.
She bite her lower lip.

Swara:( herself) oh my God swara, stop thinking about him and for god shake stop blushing.. and sleep. But he is so cute and..... Umm.. hot too. Focus, focus swara sleep. Focus on sleep. U have meeting in office tomorrow, now sleep..

She scold herself and closed her eyes but in few minute she opened her eyes : ohho Mr. Sanskar maheshwari, I wish u meet my brother Soon but don't start meeting me in my dreams. I just saw ur pic and u started disturbing me. Just go and sleep and let me sleep also . Good night.

After lots of pacing and turning on bed, swara finally slept.

Next day:
Rehan and jiya went for meeting. Swara handled some project in office.

Like this they were immersed in their daily life. But something was changed in swara. Nowadays she thinks about sanskar but didn't tell anyone. She get dreams about him. Rehan used to share their small moments, stories with swara, making her smile. She loved to listen more and more about him. Jiya sometime tease her that she starts to stay happy more than usual, has she fallen or something?swara just make fake angry face but never answered.

A month later:
Swara was in her cabin. She had done her work and then leaned back on chair.
" U r such a unbelievable character Mr. Maheshwari. I didn't met u once but I already make me mad for u" she murmured to herself looking at pic in her phone. She remembered how she took this picture from album without letting Rehan know. She smiled..

" Princess I was.., " Rehan entered all of the sudden making her shocked . Swara immediately composed herself and press power button of her phone. Rehan get suspicious to see her reaction.

Rehan: are u alright princess?
Swara:( smile fakely) yes, yeah.. yeah what Happened to me?
Rehan: u r behaving weird nowadays?
Swara: what me? No no, it's nothing like that.
Rehan was still suspicious but nods : ok, get ready we have to leave for Banglore. We have meeting.
Swara: now??
Rehan: yes Ms. CEO.. we have flight in two hours. And u can continue with ur thoughts in flight but for now get back to work.
Swara: fine.. ok sir.
Rehan go out from her cabin but not before giving her suspicious look.

Swara and Rehan were in waiting area for their flight to announce.
Rehan: now where is Ms. Jiya? She didn't come till now?
Swara: come on Bhai, u can call her jiya only. No need to add Ms. Always. ( Turned to him) on second thought if u want to add then add Mrs. And too with ur name. It will sound so good Mrs. Jiya Rehan Ranawat.. woww!!

Rehan gave her glare to make her shut up. Swara shrugged her shoulder and give not so caring look.

Then only jiya came there panting heavily.
Jiya: sorry sorry ,sir.. it was..
Rehan : Ms. Jiya ,u can't do one thing properly? Can u? And why r u late can u explain? Oh but please don't give excuse that u were stuck in traffic , ur puncture and all. I just don't understand why r u late when I told u to reach airport on time. We have flight to catch. But u don't take seriously.

Jiya listen to him silently.
Rehan : now why r u silent? Cant u speak anything?
Jiya: I can sir, but I will speak only if u let me do that. So, I m really sorry that I m late but I guess it's still half an hour left for flight. And I didn't stuck in traffic, I was arranging all files and documents required for the meeting because without those I don't think it would have been any good to us to attend that meeting. And and and... Before u add, why didn't I arrange it before only so let me remind u.. u came at the last moment and told me that we have to leave for meeting in two hours, so what m I suppose to do?

Rehan listen to her and not knowing what to say.
Swara: wow!! Bravo girl, u made Rehan Ranawat shut his mouth.

Rehan look at her "like what".

Swara:what? She is right. U told at last moment.
Rehan : whatever!!
Saying this he goes from there.
Jiya look at swara and laughed.

After sometime, they took flight and reach Banglore.
After reaching there, luggage was sent to hotel and they go to attain meeting from airport only.

As they reached , they were greeted by staff. They came inside. Swara and Rehan were sitting in waiting area as it was sometime to meeting to start. Jiya went to check preparation.

After a moment, jiya came there with a guy who was talking to someone on phone.
Jiya: sir ( to Rehan ), it's time let's go.. and yeah before that meet him .. senior manager of the swasthik enterprises MR. SANSKAR MAHESHWARI.. and Mr. Maheshwari, this is our MD. Mr. Rehan Ranawat.

The guy who was talking on phone, cut it and extended his hand toward Rehan with professional smile but get shocked to find Rehan as he lifted his gaze to his face. He met his gaze with him. Rehan condition was no less. He was also damn shocked to find him. His best buddy, Sanskar..

For a moment, they didn't said anything. Jiya got confused but swara could understand everything.

Jiya: sir??
Both came out of trance and his expression turned blank.
Rehan: sans...
Before that sanskar shakes hand with him and say.
Sanskar: welcome Mr. Ranawat. I m sure this deal with good for both companies. Anyway , I just talked with Mr. Mittal ,our MD. He will be here soon.
( To jiya) Ms. Jiya, why don't u lead ur boss to conference room. Our delegates has already came. I will join u all with Mr. Mittal soon.

Jiya nods giving professional smile. Then Sanskar goes from there not before giving a stern look to Rehan .

Jiya: sir, shall we go?
Rehan takes a deep breathe and nods. They go toward conference room while swara remain standing there.

She look toward Sanskar , who was talking with someone. He look back toward Rehan but divert it quickly. He was conversing with person ,but feeling a intense gaze he look toward source and find her who was looking toward him without blinking. He find something different in those eyes. He was little confused but watching her, he could knew that she must know about him and Rehan. Seeing him constantly looking at her she diverted her gaze and walk toward conference room but not before looking back again toward him and finding him still looking at her.

To be continued.....

How was it?

That's All for this part. Will be back soon with next part.

And most importantly..
You're my last wish - Tomorrow 🙂🙂

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