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Hey guys , thank you so much for liking this story also. Here is the second part.

To be continued...

After ten minutes, sanskar entered inside with Mr. Mittal and two more person. Rehan look at him but he maintain his stern face and avoid to make any contact with Rehan. He was sitting in front of swara who was sitting with Rehan  and jiya was sitting beside him.
The meeting was started. Jiya explained about the project and details. While sanskar was trying to concentrate on meeting because his mind was drifting back to past. He made his fist tight to focus. Swara saw it and saw Rehan also was not so much concentrating on meeting going on.

Soon, meeting was over. They shakes hand with each other. Mr. Mittal said something to sanskar and he nods. Then Mr. Mittal goes. Other delegates also left. Sanskar did something in his laptop and then turned if off. He get up to go when Rehan come in front of him.
Rehan: sanskar, I need to talk to u.. pls.
Swara look at them while jiya was confused.
Sanskar turned his face sideways maintaining his stern face. Then take a deep breath he look at Rehan directly and say.
Sanskar : I don't think there's anything left to talk Mr. Ranawat whether it's about project or.... ( Take a pause) u know what I mean.

Rehan: no sanskar please listen I know I was...
Sanskar: sorry mr. Ranawat, but I guess I have really important work to do so, will u excuse me please? If u have any doubt about project or want to know anything about details.. I will mail it to u or tell someone to directly be in contact with u. Anyway I should leave now.

Saying this he go from there. The door open and shut with thud sound. Swara flinched with it. She look at Rehan who was hopeless. Jiya was not understanding what's going on here.

Then only , someone came.
" Mr. Ranawat, Mr. Mittal called u in his cabin. Ur sign is needed on some papers."

Rehan: ( compose himself) yeah, I will just come.
Rehan gulp water from glass then go out of conference room. While jiya and swara remain standing on their place.

Jiya: swara, what's going on? I know there is something. I never saw him like this in any meeting before. He was so distracted and most of all it was sadness.

Swara: I know everything jiya and I will tell u but for now I have to go.

Before jiya could say anything, swara rushed out of room leaving jiya confused. She looks on..

Swara goes out and look here and there. She go to few people and ask for sanskar.
Swara: excuse me, can u tell me where is Mr. Sanskar maheshwari?

But they didn't knew about it.
Swara:( herself) oh no, where did he go? I have to talk to him otherwise Bhai and his patch up will never happen.

She goes from there, roaming here and there looking for him. Walking in corridor, she reached to the announcement hall. It was totally vacant.

Swara:( herself) why will he come here?
Then she turned around to go but she bump with someone and about to fall . She immediately caught his shirt in one hand making fist and with other she hold his tie resulting both of them to fall on floor and he was above her.

Swara: aah, oh no..!! My bones broke..
( She scream in pain but her word stuck in her throat immediately  as she found no one else but sanskar above her and she forget her pain)
( Monologue) wowwww!!, what will be more romantic than this on the first day itself of our meeting. Oh god, thank you so much for making true my one dream.. others I will manage ( wink).

Swara: perfect ( smiling )
Sanskar: excuse me?? ( Looking at her weirdly because she was screaming in pain and suddenly she started smiling and god what know she was thinking)
Oh hello miss, will u please leave me so that I can stand on my feet.

Swara realised she was still holding his shirt and tie. There body was almost touching each other. Sanskar was trying to maintain gap supporting his weight on his arms.

Swara:( monologue) strong muscles haan!. Swara, how lucky u r ( dreamingly). He is so handsome.. looking like ice cream If I want na, I won't let u go and be like this forever but what to do, have to leave u..

She remove her grip on his and he get up. He extended his hand to help her. Swara hold his hand and get up.

Sanskar: are u okay?
Swara:yeah fine.. thank you

Sanskar nods and about to go but swara stopped him.
Swara: wait... Mr. Maheshwari, I was searching for u only. I need to talk.

Sanskar turned around but didn't say anything.
Swara: I m swara. Swara Ranawat. Rehan's sister.
Sanskar get confused but then say: so?
Swara: I want to talk about Rehan and ..
Sanskar:well, I m not interested.
Saying this he was about to leave but swara immediately come in front of him.
Swara: no no wait, sanskar please listen to me..
Sanskar: I told u already Ms. Swara, I don't care to..
Swara: u don't care really? Really Mr. Maheshwari? Don't tell me u don't care about ur best friend?
Sanskar: which best friend haan? The one who accused me or the one who didn't trusted me? Look, u know nothing about that so called friendship Ms. Ranawat so it will be better if u don't talk about it.

Swara:no, it's not like that.. um.. look , I know everything, it ,.. it was a misunderstanding but please atleast give him a chance to clear everything.

Sanskar: ( sarcastic laugh) clear everything?? Why should I give him chance haan?? Did he let me explain? Did he gave me chance? U know everything then u must know what he did ? Tell me why should I haa ?

" Because I need my buddy back, I realized that I m stupidest person in this whole world who didn't trust his best friend"

Both heard a voice, and turned to find Rehan standing there with wet eyes.

Rehan continue and walk to him: I m the worst person that I behave like a jerk, so idiotically and didn't care to listen u. I just heard that witch and didn't trust u. I didn't heard my conscience which was scolding me and telling that I m wrong. I just got blinded by her...

Sanskar:( sarcastic)  blinded by her love??

Rehan: not exactly love. It's was some stupid madness!! U r right at ur place and u have all right to punish me but don't go . Please buddy, I know I may be worst freind but u were best. U were still trying to protect me from that good digger. U  were about to tell me about that Nisha cheating on me but u got trapped by her and I being so foolish , didn't believe u.
Remember, u always used to tell me that I should control my anger or some day that anger will cost me and that's exactly happened. I lost u because of my anger. I lost my thinking ability. I wish I just gave u a chance to speak then nothing like this happened. But please..

Sanskar: ( murmured but they listen) still so pathetic in saying sorry.
( Nods unbelievably)

Rehan: what?
Sanskar: so when did u realise it?
Rehan: two months after that. I heard her talking to her boyfriend.. I mean real boyfriend not me! And I came to search u and ur family but I never knew.

Sanskar: so what? Only u can be angry? I don't have any right to be angry? Ask urself, how much i tried to contact u and how many times but ur not so useful brain was too busy to misunderstanding me!!

Rehan: I wish she didn't came in my life and nothing like that happened. And it was ur fault too. U only told me to confess!!
Swara heard this and make face:( murmured) Bhai u r asking forgiveness or accusing him?

Sanskar: excuse me?? U r accusing me?? U heard when I said to confess but when I was saying that she was cheating on u and a s*** ,then u were not ready to listen to me. U were too busy with that good digger, darling girlfriend of urs..Amazing huh!!

Rehan: so what? U knew na, I m like that only when I get angry I don't understand anything and that just happened.. ok , I know everything is my fault . I should have heard u not that Nisha. I m really sorry sanskar, please Buddy. Please forgive me. I promise I will never do that again and promise I will control my anger

Sanskar started laughing shaking his head: u and controlling anger? For a second I can believe that sun rises in West but this is something really out of nowhere. Come on Buddy who are u kidding with?
( Raised his eyebrows)

Rehan: no I promise.. wait what did u call me?
He look at his face and find him smiling.
Sanskar:( tears but smile) next time if u will do like that then I promise i will give a tight smack on ur face and break ur jaw before sending to hospital.

Rehan smiled with tears. He came to hug him but before that sanskar gave smack on his face and he fall down holding his jaw.

Swara:( shocked) Bhai!!
( She goes to him, and find bleeding near his lips)
Rehan: ouch!! That hurts!! What was that for!
He look at sanskar .
Sanskar:( smirkingly) punishment of last time! And it should hurt.

Rehan look at him wiping blood from corner lip . Sanskar was extending his hand smilingly. He smiled , pulled his hand. Rehan get up and  hugged him almost jumping on him leading him to laugh.

Rehan: missed u so much buddy..
Sanskar: missed u too..

Swara look at them and smiled. She thanked God that finally Everything was fine.

They broke the hug and sanskar say: so how much did she swiped away from ur bank balance..?

Rehan: it's better if u not ask about it..
Both laugh.

Then only swara's phone ring.
Swara take it.
Swara: yeah jiya.. yes ,wait I m coming.
Swara:( to Rehan) Bhai I m going to hotel with jiya. U got ur friend back so enjoy ur time. But firstly take first aid. Haha..

Rehan nods with smile.
Swara go from there not before giving a final look to sanskar who was already looking at her.

After sometime:

Sanskar and Rehan were sitting at the terrace on the railing. Their legs were hanging down , watching the view of the city light in evening.

Rehan: sanskar, why did u came here and left Kolkata? I didn't able to reach uncle also? Where is he and u had ur own company na? Karma's then why r u working here? What about ur passion, car racing?

Sanskar remained silent for sometime then say.
Sanskar: Everything was perfect but it's not necessary that it will stay perfect forever Rehaan. When I came back from Australia, then I participated in a car race. It was a golden opportunity for me to go on next car race going to happen in Miami. When race started, everything was good, I was on first.. but when two laps were remaining, I lost control over car and it spin on the track before I could do anything the two following cars hit my car and it turned upside down, out of track. The next time I opened my eyes was two days after accident but it wasn't enough, I heard that my dad had heart attack and he was in comma. When he came to knew about my accident then it happened. I recovered after a month. Then I came to know that karma's shares go too much down. Dad was facing some financial problem and that's why he took lone from the bank for some project and that project was also turned down so dad had to face loss. I worked but couldn't do anything to save karma's and unfortunately we had to shut down company. Then I tried to find job. And finally this company gave me job and I moved here. Dad is still in comma and mom , I don't know what to say. She is alive but always remain lost.

Rehan look at sanskar as a tear escaped from his eyes which sanskar wiped.

Rehan: I never imagined that I will meet u again like this. What doctor said about uncle?
Sanskar: he is stable. He can come out of comma today, Tomorrow, in a week, in month , year or may be never. I don't know what to do Raj?
Rehan: u never did car race after that ?
Sanskar: whether it may be or not but I think I m responsible for dad condition. and I decided not to participate in car racing again.

Rehan: no, sanskar that is not true. Uncle always supported u.
Sanskar: but I couldn't support him in his business . I was focusing on racing.
Rehan: no sanskar, everything is not in our hand. Don't worry, uncle Will be fine.

Sanskar: hmm.. leave it. You say, how's uncle aunty and u never told me, u have a sister.. and how's uncle , aunty?

Rehan look straight and say: mom dad died in a car accident. It's been three years now.

Sanskar:( shocked) what?

Rehan: yeah, they were coming back after attending our relatives marriage and then.. ( sigh) . I was too broken , I already lost u and then mom and dad. U said right sanskar, Everything doesn't stay always perfect. My perfect life also became not so living.
I started drinking to ease my heart pain but it was too difficult. Like this few months passed, then one day I was coming back from my office, I was driving. I was drunk but not too much. Then suddenly a girl came in front of my car. She was sweating and looked very scared. She got hit by car and her forhead got hurt. I came out of car and helped her. She wasn't unconscious.. and then she started pleading to save her . I was confused then I saw few drunkards were following her. They came and told me to leave that girl and go. And that time I heard that girl call me " Bhai". Yes ,that girl was swara. After a long time i felt a relation with someone. And before those bastards could approach her, I broken their bones and saved her. And then I saw her smile , she thanked me but before I could ask her more she get unconscious due to forhead injury. I took her to my mansion. When she came in sense . She told that she is orphan. She came Mumbai for a job but someone trapped her and she ran away from there and that's when I met her. She was really innocent. Mom always used to tell that she wished she had a daughter too. After that she was going back to Kolkata from where she came but I stopped her and offered her job. She accepted it. Swara was really quick learner and quite intelligent and that's why in few months I made her CEO. I told her to live with me as my sister.. first she didn't accept but then she accepted. When she came, I started healing slowly but my drinking habit didn't go. Swara came to know about it and one day she took promise from me that I will never drink again otherwise ,she will also leave and go. She don't want to see her brother to die everyday.. I promised her and I stopped drinking too.
U are right swara is not my real sister but she is more than that to me. A reason , someone whom I can call my own, my family.. And today I got my brother also back.

Sanskar: she is really nice girl. because of her only we are together again.
Rehan: hmm yeah, ok come on let's leave all that and look for our future.
Sanskar: yeah, u r right.
Rehan: so tell me, in these years ,u got someone, I mean someone special whom I can call bhabhi?
Sanskar: sorry to disappoint u bro but no one. U say..
Rehan: umm.. not sure but will tell u if I will be sure.
Sanskar: even it will be someone, u don't have guts to say.. idiot.. fattu.
Rehan: I will see when u will fall in love.
Sanskar: yeah sure, I will tell her face to face in one go.
Rehan: oh then let's see.


Swara and jiya were sitting in swara's room. She told Everything to jiya.

Swara: see, I told u everything to u jiya because u r my best friend and u love Bhai . But please don't tell anything to Bhai that u know otherwise I m gone.

Jiya: don't worry, I won't say. ( Sad) but now one thing is clear that I will never able to confess my love to him. He already don't like me and if I will confess then he will think me like that Nisha.

Swara: what no!!
Jiya: that's true swara and his fear is also correct to not let any girl come near his heart . if he will think my love fake then I won't be able to take it. It's better this one sided love remain silent in my heart but I m happy that he got his best friend back.
Anyway, good night. I will go to sleep.

Saying this she go from there to her room. Swara feels sad for her.
Swara:( monologue) don't worry jiya, ur love is not one sided and Bhai will definitely realize it.
Ur both love story may complete on day but what will happen to my love story. She take sigh..
She watches sanskar pic in her phone and say: oh god ji, u sent him in my life but what should I do next .
( Remind the moment with sanskar) but what a perfect moment it was . It felt so right . Those hypnotising eyes, I felt like I m drowning into them. I love u Mr. Maheshwari. U r already in my heart but when will I come in ur heart?

Thinking this she fall back on bed.

Next day:
Rehan go to meet Sanskar parents. He felt sad to see sanskar father's condition but stay strong for sanskar.

Swara had nothing to do, she was sitting in her room and munching popcorn. She was watching TV but nothing was going on for her interest. She was scrolling on channels.. when she suddenly she passed by a sport channel and immediately turned back channel.
" Yeah, this year Mumbai is all set to host the national car racing championship and the winner will not get only trophy and a cheque of 50 cr. But also he will get the direct ticket to formula 1 race Vegas. The sport where speed is need.."

Then a knock appears on the door. She turned off the TV. And go to open the door. It was Rehan.

Swara: oh Bhai, come in. What happened,u didn't came yesterday night?
Rehan: hmm.. yeah I met him after long time na so..
Swara: it really feel nice to see u like this.. come have sit.
Both sat on the couch.
Swara: is there anything u want to share..
Rshan: hmm..
Then Rehan explained everything about sanskar and his problems.

Rehan: I never thought, I will see him like that. Car racing was his passion.. but he had to leave it. He lost his company also.
Swara also feel bad after hearing Everything.

Rehan: I offered him help but he denied. I know it well he will never accept it but I want to help him. He always said, money should not come between friendship. I just don't know what to do?

Swara: he is right at his place but can't he accept for now and then return u.

Rehan: no he will not accept.

Then swara think a bit.
Swara: if u can't help him directly then help him indirectly.

Rehan: what do u mean? I should give money without letting him know? U think he is fool? If by any chance he came to know then I will loose him forever this time.

Swara: ohho.. my dear bro, first listen to me.. wait I will show u.

Rehan: what?
Swara turned on the TV and then turned to sports channel.

"And it's all set to start match between India and Australia.. India has chosen to bat first.."

Rehan: so, u want me to see this match?
Swara: not this( annoyed). What I wanted to show is not showing now.. wait, idea.. she took her phone then search something and show him.

Rehan: ( read) national car racing championship, prize -50cr and a chance to go for F1 Vegas.. hmm so?

Swara:( excitedly) soooo....
Rehan: yeah so.??. wait.. OMG!! Sanskar can participate in this race and win. It will solve all his problems. You're too good princess. Amazing!! Love u.

Swara: thanks Bhai.
Rehan: but there's problem, will sanskar participate. He told he will never race again.

Swara: Atleast u can do this. He is ur best friend. Come on Bhai, u can do this. Don't prove jiya right about u that u don't have even a peanut size brain then how do u handle no. 1 company.. ( blurt out but realized and saw Rehan looking at her)

Rehan: jiya told u what?
Swara:( bit her tongue) n.. nothing..

Rehan: jiya told that I don't have even a peanut size brain ,haan!! I will see her later but for now I have work.

Saying this he go from there.

Swara: god ji, please save me from jiya if she got saved from bhai. I didn't even get married till now.

" What !! No way Rehan! I won't do that" sanskar said.
Rehan: but sanskar, just for once. It's big opportunity of ur life..
Sanskar: Rehan, I already told u Everything, please don't force me..

Rehan tried to convince him a lot but he didn't listen.
Swara who just came there saw this. They were sitting in hotel restaurant. Rehan got a call so he excuse himself. Swara think about and go there.

Swara: hi Mr. Maheshwari..

Sanskar:( smiled) just call me sanskar, don't be formal.. and yeah thanks for giving my friend back. If u didn't came to me then I might have never heard him.
Swara smiled and nods.
Swara: so sanskar, can I say something?
Sanskar: sure.
Swara: I know why u don't want to participate in race.. ( pause) Bhai told me everything. He don't hide anything from me. If that one race can change ur life then why can't u? U won't take help from bhai, and Its really good. We should make our way ourself but when ur life is giving u an opportunity to get everything back which u lost why can't u accept it?

Sanskar: it's it easy swara. Not for me. Dad's condition make me weak.

Swara: ur father always supported and u think when he will come out comma and see u have given up ur passion them he will be happy? He suffered because he couldn't able to see his young son in that condition. Any father will be broken in that situation. If by one hit we fall then it's not good that we shouldn't even try to stand. We should never loose courage . That's life . If u win then u can get ur company back and when ur father will come out of comma, u could show him that his dream, his company is on top.. u can fulfill ur dream of being no. 1 race car driver as u will get chance for F1 . See the positive side sanskar because dark side is something which can be seen by everyone not the bright. Anyway it's ur personal matter, I don't want u think that I m interfering.. see u.

Saying this swara get up. Rehan who saw swara talking to Sanskar stopped there but when swara got up. He go to sanskar.
Swara was walking to go out but stopped listening something.
" Even if I get ready to race ,the entry fees are too much and other expenses for race, how will be that managed?" Sanskar said.

Rehan: oh come on sanskar, I will see to all the expenses. And don't worry after winning race u can pay every single penny back to me for ur satisfaction. I believe u sanskar, once u come into this race.. u r gonna be WINNER!! So?

Swara look at him, eagerly waiting for his answer. Sanskar look at Rehan who was more and more eager with each second them look at swara. He get up from chair.

Sanskar: Race is ON ! ( Looking at her, who was overjoyed . She gave a happy smile)
Rehan: yes !! Yes ,yes!!

He hugged sanskar and sanskar also hugged him. After that, suddenly rehan broke the hug and look at swara. He go to him and twirl her.

Rehan: oh my little princess, u r just best!!
Swara: Bhai, what r u doing? Put me down.
Rehan put her down and then say: oh I should go and check for the entry process . We have to do it soon.

Saying this he go from there. Swara look at Rehan who excitedly go , then turned around and stumbled because someone was standing so close to her.. but before she could fall he hold her by waist. She look up to find sanskar.

Sanskar: thank you, for making me believe in myself and clear my misconception.

Swara:( monologue) that's all right but please remove ur hand from my waist other wise , my heart beat will be out of control . already it's too fast . Waise toh, I like ur closeness but don't do like this, oh no.. I m holding my breath.. come on swara breathe but how. I m feeling like some current is passing through me.

Sanskar who find her immersed in her thought snapped his finger in front of her.
Sanskar: oh hello swara, where were u lost ?
Swara:( monologue) in ur eyes and ur closeness ( coming out of trance) no, nowhere .. I was just thinking about Bhai. He is so excited.

Sanskar: me too, after all it's after four years.
Swara: I m sure ,u will win.. and thanks for saving me. ( Looking at his arm,which was as still around her) but now u can leave me I guess.

Sanskar:oh sure..
He removed his hand.

Swara: ok then, see u..
Sanskar nods and swara turned to go.
She walk few steps while sanskar was still standing there and looking at her.. and then he saw her turning around. He waved bye by his hand. She was caught but waved back cursing herself for turning around. He chuckled.

Swara:( monologue) stupid swara, what was need to turn around and get caught.. but he was also looking at me na what if?? No no.. I can't assume . Oh god, I m getting mad.

Screen splits on their smiling faces.

To be continued....

That's all for this update. Will be back soon with next part.

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