Drabble 14 Taking Care of my Ri

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Normally my Drabbles are longer but this is a shorter one enjoy :D

This Drabble was requested by my cutie Swathi

The original request: 6) Om pampering Gauri like a baby...she is suffering from fever


Omkara walked into his Room after a long day at his Studio. Usually his chirpy Wife would be running around adjusting their cupboard and then would greet him with a long kiss when he would enter this room. This time he looked around for her and then saw her walk out the bathroom with a pale face. Within seconds he was by her side.

"Gauri...Kya Hua? He asked concerned and felt her forehead. She was burning up.

"Nothing Omkaraji...I just felt a bit sick...and I am feeling cold...Gauri tried to smile at him but her fever made her feel dizzy and she almost collapsed in his arms. Cursing he lifted her up and tugged her into the bed. She sighed and closed her eyes.

"Gauri...I told you not to dance in the rain see what happened? You have a fever...He said while looking for some medicine that she could take.

She smiled despite her tiredness. "But the rain was so nice and you enjoyed watching me dance Mr. I mean afterwards you were more than eager to get me out of my dress If I recall correctly. She said and He blushed a little remembering that day. Shaking his Head, he gave her some pills and Water. Her face turned into a comical expression when she gulped the medicine down.

"Yuck that tastes disgusting... Her eyes were still closed and soon the medicine kicked in for she was fast asleep.

He knew that she would be sick for a while so he called his Assistant to inform her of his delay in finishing the work he had to do. After that he walked into the bathroom and got a bowl of Water and a wet cloth. Sitting beside his Wife he placed the wet cloth on her forehead and watched Gauri sleeping. From time to time he would put the cloth back into the water and then on her face again.Her face was red from the fever and her mouth a little open so she could breathe better. Seemed like her nose was blocked too.

"My little Birdie...you found the perfect time to get sick. He said with a soft smile remembering that he had wanted to take her on a ride the next day so they could celebrate their anniversary.

He hated to see her sick because it hurt him to see her so vulnerable. For him Gauri was lively, chirpy and on her feet. Seeing her in bed, tired and sleeping due to the fever just felt alien. He caressed her face and smiled seeing her temperature went down a little.

"Get Well Soon...Okay? He whispered while placing a soft kiss on her head. As if she sensed his presence by her side, she turned so her face was buried into his chest and he smiled.

Settling down properly with her he made sure her temperature didn't go up.

"You will get sick too... She mumbled in her half asleep state.

"It's Okay Baby...We can be sick together... He said and she chuckled weakly.

"We will do everything together right? Her childlike innocence shocked him sometimes especially since he knew about all the hardships she had endured in her young life.

Pulling her closer to himself he nodded. "Yes. We will do everything together.

Satisfied with her answer she fell asleep again and Om closed his eyes too.

"Om...I need to go to the bathroom. Om woke up when Gauri weakly tried to wake him up. Rubbing his eyes, he saw that she was very pale and he knew she wanted to throw up. He lifted her up and carried her to the bathroom.

"Go out. I don't want you to see me like that... She said and bent over the toilet to throw up. He shook his Head and held her hair. "In Sickness and in Health. Omkara simply said and rubbed her back while she kept throwing up. He was on the verge of joining her but he had to stay strong. If she ever would have his baby, he needed to be prepared for morning sickness and all that stuff. After she was done he offered her a glass of Water and carried her back to the bed. Looking at the Clock he realized it was around 6 in the Morning.

"I will bring you some tea and some soup okay? That will make you feel better.

Gauri smiled seeing him pampering her like a little child and relaxed. She knew she was in good Hands. Her Longhaired Hippie would always care for her, tend to her and now she got a glimpse on how caring he could get. She couldn't remember the last time someone took care of her instead of her having to take care of everyone. It felt nice being pampered especially by the person she loved the most.

Seeing him return after a while she sat up properly and he placed a Tray with tea and soup in front of her. Touching her forehead, he smiled seeing her fever hadn't returned yet.

"Good. The Fever is gone for now...So please eat the soup and then take another pill.

Seeing her watching him he looked at her surprised. "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? He asked while he took the spoon and held it out for her. With tears in her eyes she ate the soup. "No one ever took care of me like that...I can't remember the last time someone took care of me when I was sick. She finally admitted and he tried to hide his shock and the pain that filled his heart on hearing how much she had yearned for something that should be a natural thing. Placing the tray next to their bed he took her Hands in his.

"From now on there will always be someone to take care of you.

"Promise? She asked while embracing him with all her might.


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