Drabble 15 RuRi against Kara

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6. RuRi troubling Omkara for something together... Add it to your list if convenient

—> Lizzie 

Omkara Singh Oberoi was a very patient man but his Wife and Brother were hell bent on irritating him to the point of no return. They wanted to enjoy a Movie Marathon with the entire Family and Omkara was the only one who opposed. He had better things to do than watch his wife drooling over another Man.

"Ri I just don't get your obsession with Salman Khan." He said to his wife while combing his Hair. She sighed theatrically and then hugged her Husband from behind.

"He was my Hero...Back in Bareilly his Movies were the only thing that made me happy." Her cute pout and sweet story almost made Om feel bad for saying no until he looked into the Mirror and saw her Mouthing an "It's working" to Rudra. She didn't know that he could see her so he decided to fool her instead. Turning to face her he cupped her face in his and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"So is that a Yes?" She asked hopefully; already picturing how she would finally have someone to cuddle with while watching her favorite Movies.

Omkara smiled, his fingers caressing her Face causing her to slightly blush. He bent down to her level and whispered: "No." With that he walked by past her already grabbing his Car keys.

"KYA?" He heard her say and she began to run after him. "OMKARA SINGH OBEROI You are the world's worst husband..."Gauri said and turned to her Rudy Bhaiya for support.

"Haan Om Chulbul Bhabhi is right, how can you not fulfill her every wish?" He asked while patting Gauri's Shoulder who by now was fake crying. He knew it the minute the two tried to wink at each other.

"So be it. That's a title I will gladly share with Mr.Oberoi."

Anika and Dadi who heard him were silently giggling. Jhanvi looked at her son with a frown and a small smile. Leave it to Om to insult his Father in a Joke.

"Bhabhi you heard him? He is happy about it." Rudra looked at Gauri in Fake shock and Bhavya shook her head. Leave it to her Husband to be a Drama queen.

"I know Rudy. You see how bad my fate is? My Husband never does what I ask him to do. What about to our Love?" Gauri leaned again him and glared at Om.

"O, why don't you just do what she asks you to do?" Rudra walked over to his Brother and stopped him from leaving. Looking at his younger brother he gave him a soft slap.

"Because If I do everything she wants me to do Hell would break lose. I don't like this Team up of yours. Two dorky Idiots who will get me into trouble while Annoying me to death."

Once the words left his Mouth he regretted them instantly. Not because they weren't true but because of the reaction they caused on his Wife's face. The hurt on her face was real this time. Walking up to him she grabbed him by his collar shocking everyone; except from him. She was usually that rough whenever they were alone though in a different scenario, he thought with a smirk before remembering the time and place.

"If you want to die right now say that again! I am your Wife that gives me the license to annoy you as much as I want...Just for once you could just give in Omkaraji...Just this once. I just want to watch my Favorite Movies cuddling my Husband. Is that too much to ask for?" She turned and sat down beside Anika. Rudra glared at Om and hugged Gauri.

"Bhabhi just ignore him just like Shivaay he is getting old. What does he understand about the Romance of Watching a Movie as a couple?"

"Rudy!" Bhavya tried to stop him but he waved away her argument.

Gauri agreed while Om sighed in despair. "You are right Rudy, He is a boring old man who doesn't even know how to treat his wife."

Anika was now openly giggling and even Om had a hard time controlling a smile. Leave it to Rudra and Gauri to be the most dramatic Duo in this House. Earlier he had believed that Anika and Rudra were annoying but these two were the cherry on the top. He feared the day that Anika, Rudra and Gauri will team up. That day would be his downfall. Sighing in defeat he walked over to his Wife and knelt down in front of her. Gauri felt him taking her Hand yet she refused to look at him.

"Ri....Look at me." His Voice was soft and almost made her go weak. Gauri looked at Rudra and he shook his head.

"Ignore him Bhabhi he will be mean again. Always scolding us two...". Gauri nodded in agreement causing Om to frown. It was embarrassing enough that he was kneeling in front of her with the entire Family watching but leave it to his Chirayia to make him do it in the first place. Knowing he had already lost, he accepted defeat.

"Ri...I will do whatever you ask me to do. You want to watch all of Salman Khan Movies than I will gladly sit by your side."

Finally Hearing what she wanted to hear she turned around and hugged her Long Haired Hippie. Om smiled and hugged her back while caressing her hair.

"Happy now?" He asked while settling beside her. Anika already had dimmed the lights and waited for Shivaay. Pinky had excused herself because she wanted to sleep early while Jhanvi and Dadi were eagerly waiting for the Movie to start.

Gauri pulled Om closer to herself and snuggled into his embrace.

"Thank you." She said and placed a soft kiss on his chest while in response he kissed her head.

"You knew you would get me to agree eventually...." He whispered as Bhavya started the Movie and waited for Rudy to bring the Popcorn.

Turning to him in the dark Room she shyly pecked his lips. "Iknew that your annoyance could never be bigger than your Love."

"Just one more thing...Please no more team ups with Rudy."

Giggling softly, she placed her Head on his Chest. "Nope. Rudy Bhaiya and I together will be annoying you till the die we die." Gauri whispered back and stopped talking when she saw Salman Khan enter the scene. He was romancing Katrina Kaif as they danced to the tunes of Swag Se Swagat.

"Or till we have children."

Blushing Gauri turned to face her Husband once again who's eyes were filled with desire. Just the thought of their children made her smile the brightest smile he had ever seen.

"Then what?" She asked; not caring about Salman Khan at all. How could she when she had her very own Hero right in front of her?

"Then you and our beautiful daughter will annoy me and I will gladly accept defeat."

Gauri felt the tears in her eyes and hugged Om tightly.

"I can't wait for that day..." He added and his eyes were directed to the TV Screen.

Gauri, taking his Hand, placed It on her Abdomen without anyone noticing.

Bhavya and Rudra were busy enjoying the action sequences while Anika and Shivaay, who by now had joined the rest of the Group, were lost in each other's eyes.

"That Day is not far away...." Gauri bit her lip and on hearing her Words Om looked at his wife.

"Kya...Are you?" He feared to voice it out.

"Yes I am....and I promise you. We will forever annoy you."

Hearing her say that he wished they were alone so he could show his Wife how happy he was. As if reading his thoughts, she blushed and turned to face the TV screen again.

"Gauri Bhabhi...Looks Like We Won." Rudra said after a while and smiled.

Feeling Om softly caressing her Abdomen under the blanket that Anika had handed her she smiled.

"Yes indeed. We won." 

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