Drabble 16 DaddyKara and his Princess

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it is the continuation to the last one and I hope it will be just as loved.Lizzie  I hope it was worth the Wait And you will love it like the one before And Special Thanks to Savi , My sister, my Partner in crime. Thank you for giving me the end...for helping me finish the drabble in the best way Possible I hope everyone of you will love it. I know it has been a while ;) but If you want to love this drabble check out the Drabble 15 on pg.57 to understand ;)

If there was anything Omkara Singh Oberoi hated more than Lies it would be any Bollywood Movie starring Salman Khan. Over the years he had mastered the Art of avoiding any of his Movies but leave it to God to grace him with a Wife and Daughter that were deeply in love with the Actor. Looking at his princess adoringly stare at a shirtless Salman Khan he turned to Gauri and pulled her aside.

"Why is she watching a grown up shirtless Man Gauri? You should teach her something valuable and not such things. My princess is too young for such movies; she should read or paint or maybe learn to play an Instrument.

Gauri smiled and pecked his cheek. "Is my long haired Hippie Jealous that his princess isn't so little anymore?

He glared at her before walking off and Gauri sat down beside her daughter with a smile.

"Shivani Maybe you shouldn't ignore your Papa so often.

Shivani turned to look at her Mother surprised. "Kyun Mama? I don't ignore Papa but when I see Salman Khan I forget everything else. Her 8 year old Daughter truly was just like her.

"I know that dear, I feel the same way but a Father always wants to be his princesses Hero. You know your Papa always seem like a very serious Person but he can be very filmy too. Plus He wants to be your Number one and that forever.

Kissing her Mother, she stood up and walked into the Living room where she found her Father and her Rudra Chachu playing with her baby cousin Dev.

"Doesn't he look exactly like me? Rudra asked while looking at his one year old Son.
Omkara smiled. "Of course he does. He is an Oberoi. They laughed before noticing Shivani watching them.

"Shivani Come here. Rudra asked her to sit beside him while handing Om Dev.

Sitting down beside him she watched her father from the corner of her eye.

"Where were you?

"I was watching Salman Khan's Latest Movie, Have you seen it Chachu?

Rudra now realized why his brother had been in a sour mood. Deciding to tease him he put an arm around Shivani and winked at her.

"Acha, without me? How is that possible? I thought we wanted to have a Marathon.

"Not again...Om said remembering the last time he had to endure a Salman Khan Marathon, though it had been years he still remembered how Gauri had told him about her pregnancy back then. Smiling fondly he remembered their conversation.

"Then what? She asked; not caring about Salman Khan at all. How could she when she had her very own Hero right in front of her?

"Then you and our beautiful daughter will annoy me and I will gladly accept defeat.

Gauri felt the tears in her eyes and hugged Om tightly.

"I can't wait for that day... He added and his eyes were directed to the TV Screen.

He had promised them both that he would gladly accept defeat. So seeing his Daughter now animatedly telling her Rudra Uncle about the film she just watched made him realize she was indeed a little Version of Gauri he stood up to prepare his surprise.

"Papa Where are you going? She asked and he kissed her head.

"I will be back in a bit. Tell your Mom to not disturb me.

Shivani nodded and then watched her Father walk out the House.

"Do you know what he is planning? She asked Rudra who smiled.

"I have an Idea, Let's see how well I do know my Brother.

Gauri walked into the Living Room and saw her Daughter and Rudra watch Om walk out of the Mansion. Curiously raising one of her eyebrows she ask where Omkara went.

"No Idea Mama, Looks like Papa is planning something. Shivani answered before running of to get some of the Ice cream that her Dadi had promised her. Gauri smiled and sat down beside Rudra.

"He always pretends to not care but I know he does. For him Shivani is his life and fulfilling her every wish is his biggest Pleasure.

Rudra nodded while watching his Niece happily talking to Jhanvi.

"I am surprised she truly turned out the way we thought she would. She looks like you , she talks like you and she loves Salman Khan. I remember the day we made him watch his movies. Rudra chuckled.

"That was the day I told him about Shivani. Gauri confessed. " He was so happy, told me he would endure any Salman Khan film, any annoyance as long as it would be from his princess and me.

"Romantic he can be. They smiled at each other and enjoyed some play time with Dev when suddenly they heard some commotion from outside.

"Kya Hua? "Shivani walked out and saw her Father dressed up as Salman Khan in the Movie Bodyguard.

Seeing him like that , dressed up like the Hero she adored in Movies Shivani ran to her father and hugged him Tight.

Omkara smiled. "Bodyguard Omkara Singh Oberoi reporting Princess.

Placing a kiss on his cheek she said. "Papa...No Salman Khan or anyone else can replace you as my Hero...you know that right?

He would have to lie to say he wasn't touched by his daughters word. He had always wanted to be her hero...so it what true that he felt bad seeing her adore someone else. But Gauri had been right, she is his princess. He will be her hero forever.

As if sensing his Thoughts he saw Gauri smile and lean onto Rudra.

"Your Brother surely knows how to make his princess Happy. Gauri said.

Rudra chuckled. "Not just his princess...He turned to Gauri. He loves his Queen just as much.
They smiled and kept on watching Omkara and Shivani reenacting as many Salman Khan dialogues Shivani could think of.

Later that Night Omkara and Gauri watched Shivani peacefully sleeping.

I love her but whenever she sleeps I love the peace and quiet. Omkara said and Gauri smiled before they returned to their own Room. He settled on the Bed while Gauri removed her jewelry and make up. She watched him through the mirror and a thought of hers made her smile. Omkara smiled back; his back leaning against the Headboard.

"You know...you looked really hot in that bodyguard uniform I must say. She said and the smile on her lips intensified. Omkara bit his lip and watched her more intensely. So are u saying that because it was from a Salman Movie or...His voice slowly fading when he saw his Wife turn and wink at him.

"That is not an answer he pouted and turned away from her. Hearing her walk over to him he tried not to smile.

He felt her beside him, her fingers on his Thigh; caressing him softly.

Gauri leaned forward to whisper into his ear: "No one can look as hot as my Omkaraji, not even Salman khan. He loved it that even though she now rarely calls him Omkaraji whenever needed she would. She knew he loved it even more than hearing her call him Om or Omkara. But he was still surprised. So Being surprised by his Wife's sudden seductive behavior he turned to face her, his hand stopping hers from touching his now hardened member. The smile on her way showed how much she wanted him.

"I am surprised, my normally prim and proper wife being such a tease and in the mood? What happened...? He said his lips already placed on the base of her neck. Gauri frowned and pushed him away slightly. " Are you complaining Mr. Oberoi?

If there was one thing Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi couldn't do than that was frowning. She looked way too cute.

He chuckled; pulling her on his lap. She straddled him, her arms around his Neck with a soft smile.

"You know I could never ever have enough of you.

She smiled and closed her eyes when she felt his lips on her neck once more.

Moaning he placed her on the Bed softly and came on top of her.

"Good to know because you will have to get used to this overdrive of Romance for the next few months" Her soft voice reached his ears and he stopped to look at her. His shirt was long gone and he had successfully managed to get rid of her Salwar Top. Confused he stared down at her and Gauri sat up. Her Fingers stroked his beautiful long hair.

"What are you looking at Mr.Oberoi? You know I can't help myself especially with the pregnancy hormones...you remember the last time... She stopped talking when she saw the tears in his eyes. "Omkara?

He stood up and pulled her with him before twirling her around. She laughed and held on to him as tightly as she could.

"You are sure? He asked before placing her down.

"I am...We will soon welcome a new Prince or Princess into this Family.

Closing his eyes he leaned his forehead against hers.

"Thank you... He whispered. "Thank you...for this extraordinary Life.

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