Drabble 19 Proposal

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And Here I am after forever with a New Drabble. I know you guys have been wondering where I was and why I haven't posted or commented on anything and I will answer every Question in a different Post. For now please enjoy this Short Drabble :D




Standing on the Balcony of his Hotel Room he looked at the beautiful view in front of him.

He could smell the Ocean and hear the waves crashing against the rocks. It was as soothing as the glass of scotch in his hands.

Taking a sip, he sighed until he felt soft Arms around his torso. Her Face pressed against his back he knew exactly that this was the perfect place for both of them.

"I missed you." She whispered and placed a faint kiss on his back before he turned around to face her. Her hazel eyes looked into his dark brown ones and her waist long hair was flying in the soft midnight breeze. Placing the Scotch beside him, he cupped her face and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She smiled at him and his heart beat quickened. In all the time he had known her no one could make him feel the way she did. It was like a thousand stars exploded whenever they touched, like the sun came out the minute she smiled.

"I'm sorry that I was so busy. I promise today was the last time."

Chuckling she pinched his cheek. "That is what you always say and I know you are lying but you try and that is enough." Her voice showed that she was slightly hurt being so neglected but she understood. His work was his passion, his art his very soul.

Stroking her Hair, he pulled her closer to himself. After all these months together he knew that no one would love, support and accept him the way she does. In that Moment he knew it was now or never. He had planned it out differently with proper place and time but looking at the woman he loved he knew this was it.

Pushing her away slightly their eyes never left each other before he went on one knee.

She gasped and tears formed in her Eyes. "Yes." She whispered already trying to pull him up so she could kiss him but he shook his head.

"Everything in our Life is so rushed...At least let me propose properly." He chided her and she giggled while he kissed her hands.

"Ever since I have met you my Life hasn't been the same. You were like a hurricane that threatened to destroy the peace of my life only to make me realize how boring I was. How boring life was, That I forgot what living actually meant. You showed me what it felt like to love life, to find joy in the smallest things. I forgot how much fun one could have because I was so focused on my work....on succeeding on proving everyone wrong."

"And you did! You are the greatest Artist I have ever seen." She interrupted him and earned another kiss on her Hands.

"Because you are my inspiration. That day when you saw me sitting in front of my Canvas and not being able to draw anything it was you that dressed up and became my Inspiration. You looked gorgeous in that saree by the way and I had a hard time controlling myself."

He admitted with a slight blush and she caressed his cheek.

"I know. I wanted you to kiss me so badly but you were so focused on your Art. I thought you would never make the first step, but you did."

"That Day is till date the Day I was reborn. Your love changed me into a better person and after all this time I would be the biggest foul If I wouldn't make you my wife in front of god and the world." His face turned soft while he opened the small velvet box in his Hand, showing the most beautiful diamond ring. Her Eyes filled with tears and he stood up to wipe them away. He could bear dying and unbearable pain but never her tears. Her tears were his biggest weakness.

"Will you marry me? Making me the most fortunate and the happiest man in this world? Will you be mine forever?" His voice was as soft as the evening breeze causing her to shiver slightly. She closed her eyes and drew him closer.

"I want to spend eternity with you, I want to make you as happy as you make me so YES, Yes I want to marry you." As this was the cue they were waiting their lips found each other and he slipped the ring on her finger smoothly. His Hands grabbed her Hair while she went on her tip toes to get even closer to him.

In his Life he had signed many deals but none was as important as this one nor this beautiful.

When both of them ran out of breath they parted and smiled. His forehead rested against hers as he whispered:" Thank you for saying yes."

His eyes were still closed; reliving this beautiful moment

And it that Moment it was like Time stood still. Like nothing was as important as these two embracing each other, promising to never part, to never not Love each other no matter what life had in store for them. The Vows were not said out loud but their hearts knew exactly what they mouth couldn't find words.

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