Drabble 20 Broken

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A kind of drabble I haven't written before. Please do share your Thoughts if you liked it or not!

Can a broken soul be mended? How long would it take for the emotional scars to heal? She wondered while looking out of the Window, the soft morning breeze caressing her hair ever so softly.

How many Mornings did she spend like this? How many more would she have to?

„Don't they say that Love is the cure? But why did my Love burn me down?" She asked the rising sun not being able to hold her tears any longer.

Was it that easy for him to break her heart? To take away her faith in love and everything that follows when you give your heart to the one person you believe will not break it?

How can someone that claims to love you hurt you so badly? Her eyes opened when she felt the wind changing, the air filled with the sweet scent of summer rain and she felt the first droplets on her face. As if the Rain wanted to hide her tears, to calm the storm inside herself.

She knew she was stronger than this, that she shouldn't cry over someone who didn't deserve it but her heart hadn't catch up yet with her mind. Her Mind knew that she would forgot and eventually love again but her traitorous heart wasn't listening.

It called out for the one person that she hoped not to see again....

"Lies....You would die if it meant you would see him one more time..."She whispered to herself and chuckled at the irony.

Here she was hoping to be with him, touching him the way she used to while he was probably with someone else; already erasing her from his existence.

But what if he came back and asked for a second chance? Would she say yes? Could she?

She knew the answer to that Question....Of course she knew.

No matter how broken her Heart would be she would never ever not know what her heart yearned for...who her heart was calling out to.

"Look's Like We will burn together." She said turning around and her Eyes found his.


So What did you think?

DO you like this sort of Drabbles?

I was inspired by some Shows that I am watching and the next few drabbles may address certain Topics :)

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