Drabble 21 Cursed

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A very Dark and haunting Drabble. The sad thing is this is something that still happens all over the world.....

I hope you will enjoy it....and will never forget to be grateful we can be for having it better.

This Drabble is inspired by the Turkish Tv Show Sen Anlat Karadeniz.

Love ,



She closed her eyes; already expected another hit yet she didn't feel any pain. After all this time whenever he would come to her, beat and touch her unwillingly she would close her eyes and imagine herself walking by the seashore. As if her mind was her accomplice she could almost taste the salty air of the ocean crying out to her. The waves crushing against her ankles, slowly engulfing her in the ocean's darkness.

„Wake up!" Another slap, another fist that touches her. When would she finally be free , she wondered when suddenly he let go of her. After all there was no joy in hurting a dead person. Her entire body ached and she slowly opened her eyes.

„Are you done yet?"

„WHY....WHY Can't you love me....Why???" Another slap, another Tear of his.

Was he seriously asking her this? She wondered and chuckled at the irony.

"You beat me every day and expect Love? You think I will melt at your touch instead of shivering in Fear for the next slap or the next broken bone?"

As if her Answer angered him he pushed her away and started walked up and down the room, the way he always did when he was confused. He knew she was right but he was too adamant to accept it.

"You shouldn't have refused my love from the very beginning...."he began mumbling to himself but still loud enough for her to hear.

"You should have accepted me saying No to you...You should have allowed me to choose my own love, my own life....But instead you forced me to be with you....You forced yourself on me so many times claiming you love me but never tried to earn my love....Did you think that I would love you some day? That my Heart or my Mind would forget the pain? Maybe my body does but I will never ever forget what you did to me and I will never ever love you.your broke me in any way possible and there is no chance that I will forget or forgive you for that."

Her voice didn't show how scared she was for finally having him listen to her, for finally not fearing that in the next second he will touch her against her will, will claim her body as if he owned her and then leave her be to lick her wounds in private.

She had enough. She wasn't capable of fighting him any longer. Years and Years of pain and not escaping the hell her Father had brought her into finally took a toll on her.

She was tired of Fighting him...Tired of having no one to help or support her.

"You will forget...I will make you forget...Just let me love you...Let me show you how much I love you..."He grabbed her by her Shoulders; pulling her body tightly into his. His eyes showing her clearly what he wanted, what she would have to go through very soon. The fear slowly built up in her, her body already shivering remembering the torture. She could feel his arousal, could feel the attraction he felt towards her and it made her feel sick. His Hands caressed her cheek but she turned her face away. His Hands taking off her cloth while she tried to get away, his lips claiming her, biting her to gain access into her mouth to muffle her scream. He didn't care that she tried to push him away, he didn't care that she scratched his face, his torso whatever she could get hold of just to protect herself from being touched by him in a way she didn't consent to.

Did he even care that she said No? That she fought and fought just to avoid having to relive the same nightmare again and again?

Was she that unfortunate? What did she do to deserve this kind of life? What did she do to be sold by her own father to a man that she didn't love nor knew? A man she would never respect because of his behavior towards woman? For him violence was the only answer to disobedience....A slap for a no, rape for ignoring him or for telling him how much she loathed him. She was thrown on the bed and like always he would pleasure himself and she would have to silently pick up the last pieces of herself. But who would care? After all she was just a girl in a world where that is not a pretty thing to be.


The next drabbles will be on a lighter Note and the focus will be back on Gauri and Omkara :)

But in between I may continue with this Series of rather serious Themes.

Tell me your thoughts.

Next Drabble will follow after 

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