Drabble #3 Chulbul's Truth

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Omkara looked to his right and saw Gauri in Chulbul's clothes. His blood had filled her Maang and he was reminded of their wedding. To say he was shocked would have been an understatement. Once again he had been betrayed. Once again someone he believed to be innocent and pure had been tainted by lying.

How could God hurt him like that? Why prove him time and time again that trusting people was a mistake? He  thought back to all those time he considered Chulbul his alley, his friend. When he had saved his Mother from being burnt alive by his father. When she saved him from falling down the first floor. Their talks, their hugs, everything  pure about their relationship had been tarnished by the fact that the one he considered his best friend was the woman he hated to the core. The woman he married just so save her life. The woman that was just like Svetlana.

"Let Me explain Please Omkaraji...Gauri started and tried to stand up, she was hurt he could see that. But he didn't care, how could he? She had betrayed him, had lied to him.

"Looks like your Chulbul turned into a Bulbul, my Bulbul. Kaali Thakur said with a vicious smile as he watched Omkara grabbing Gauri. He wanted to react but he enjoyed the show way too much. He needed Omkara to Hate her enough for her to break, so he could marry her.

"What possible explanation could you have Gauri for lying to me? I considered you my friend, I told you I trust you! I fought Kali and his men for Chulbul but not for you. A shameless homebreaker. Why Gauri?He grabbed her by her shoulder and pulled her towards him. His anger clouded his judgment and he didn't realize that he caused her pain.

"He kidnapped Bua Ma. I had do go with him, he threatened to kill you Omkaraji. What else should I have done? You are my Husband-"

"CHUP! Just shut up! I am not your Husband Gauri, I never was and I never will be. What lies are you telling me? Bua Ma is at home, she is fine.

Gauri looked at Kaali and saw him smirk at her. She had been played. Once again. Fate was truly a cruel thing. The man she married hated her and the one she despised wanted her.

"Why did you dress up as Chulbul hmm? You wanted money? Did you think it was fun to watch me suffer? Did you think I would accept you one day? That I would proudly call you my wife and introduce you to my mother once you would have revealed yourself? WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN?

"I swear I never knew it was your house. When I came to Mumbai I needed a job to pay for my mother's medical bills, she thought you and I would be together. I lied to keep her happy. So when I met Svetlana she told me she would only hire me if I were a man. So I became a man and then when I found out she wanted me to spy on you I swear to God I quit but... Gauri cried and stopped for a second. Why was she even trying? He hated her, he would never believe her. Seeing the hate his eyes broke her, she was tired of fighting.


"You. I saw how unhappy you were but you are my husband. Maybe you don't accept this relationship but I do, so I vowed to myself to help you, to support you against Svetlana. The Money never mattered for the reasons you believe. My only weakness and strength is my mother and you. For my mother I would die, that is why I ended up at Kaali Thakurs House.

Omkara tried to understand what she was telling him. How could he differentiate between Chulbul and Gauri, weren't they the same? Now he clearly recalled how Chulbul kept talking about his wife, his devotion and how he had faith that whatever Sankarji had planned that everything would be okay. Now he realized that Gauri was talking about them, that she was devoted to him, that she had faith that he would win against Svetlana.

"You don't believe me I know...She said and touched his Hand. He pushed her away, confused what and who to believe. He wanted to believe that maybe she was as pure as Chulbul.

How can someone who saved his family and him so many time be as evil and shameless as he thought her to be.

"But if you want to know the truth talk to my mother. Kaali went to my Uncle and Aunt and gave them money, he bought me. They are greedy people , so when he realized I wouldn't go with him he threatened my mother Omkaraji. What else could I have done? My mother is my only family. I would die for her that is why I was ready to marry him but to make sure that I wouldn't run away he put me in Chains. You remember when we met before the wedding and I asked you to pick up the thread that fell down? I wanted you to see the chains, to understand my situation. I needed Help.

Omkara looked at her in disbelief. She had been sold? How much of that was true? How could he make sure she wasn't lying? And the chains? He remembered that day as clearly as it happened yesterday. He remembered how she had told him that her strength his her weakness and that he didn't understand her Majboori. He turned to Kaali with a questioning look in his eyes. He knew that Kaali Thakur was an animal but to that degree?

"Did you buy her? Yes or No? Did you put her in Chains just because she refused you? HE asked and Kaali smiled.

"Yes and I paid a very generous amount for her. But that is none of your concern. Gauri belongs to me and something that belongs to me has to be chained else they will run away.

Gauri cried hearing Kaali's Words and fell on her knees. Omkara was not sure how to process all of that. He looked at the woman he had once saved by marrying her in front of all those people.

His Hate slowly vanished, how could he hate her for something she was unwillingly brought into? Yes, he was hurt that she had lied to him, but that didn't mean she deserved to be held by this bas***d like an animal.

Omkara found himself once again in a situation in which he could either safe her or abandon her. He turned around and saw her dejected face, her eyes were red and swollen from all the crying and he couldn't help but remember the promise he made to Chulbul.

That they would be friends forever, that he would always cherish that relationship.

He walked back to her and offered her his Hand. Looking at him with big eyes she took his Hands and he helped her stand up.

"Kaali? Om said while looking at Gauri. She was scared he could see that. Scared of what would happen next.

"She is not yours, she is my Friend and I would never leave my friend behind. Maybe I don't know who the real Gauri is and maybe I hate her but no woman deserves to be treated like that.

He turned to face Kaali, slowly pushing Gauri behind him. Omkara knew he had to save her despite his inner turmoil, his hate, his anger.  He needed to know what Destiny had in store for them.

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