Drabble #5 Knight in Shining Armor

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Drabble #5 Knight in Shining Armor

Gauri kept running, she didn't even care what her destination would be as long as she was as far away from that Ajay as possible. How could he even believe for a second that she would marry him? She was Omkara's Wife and even if he was not part of her life she would always cherish that relationship, would always consider him her husband. For her marriage and love happens only once and she found love, she got married maybe he didn't love her but she would love him till the Day she died.

Her red wedding saree was getting heavier with each step and the jewelry she wore wasn't helping either. She kept praying silently that she would manage to run as far as possible.

Keep Running Gauri, you never know when they will find you, she thought to herself.

While everyone was busy with Richa's Bidaay she had quietly left the venue. She knew that Ajay and his friends were looking for her but she prayed to her Sankarji that she would be saved. Her fate couldn't be so cruel. Tired from all the running she sat down on a rock and tried to catch her breath when she heard him. The Voice she would recognize due the immediate fear and disgust she felt.

"There you are.

With a scream she turned and saw Ajay glaring at her. He grabbed her by her arms and yanked her body against his. Gauri felt disgusted by his mere touch and tried to free herself but in vain. He was too strong and seeing his eyes, she knew that she was a goner. He would try his best to ruin her in every possible way. That he would touch her the way only a Husband should touch his wife.

His fingers slowly caressed her face and Gauri had a hard time not to spit into his.

Please Ajay let me go... don't do anything that you will regret!!"She tried to appeal his consciousness but his wicked smile showed her he didn't have one.

Please don't...Please..." He bent down and placed a hot wet kiss on her cheek. With all her might Gauri kicked him and for a second he let go of her. Using that opportunity Gauri tried to run when he grabbed her ankle and she fell down hitting her head on the ground. She felt the blood on her Face and was turned around roughly. He hovered over her and teared her blouse off while Gauri screamed as loud as she could. His finger traced her now visible bra and Ajay smiled slyly.

You are so beautiful and you will be mine. I will take whatever I want from you and then you can die I don't give a damn. No one dares to defy me, to fool me."

Gauri closed her eyes; defeated.Was her fate really that cruel? Was she destined to be played? To be held against her wish? He held her hands down on either side of her face so she wouldn't scratch his eyes out. His lips were about to replace his fingers when she suddenly felt his weight being lifted of her body.


Gauri opened her eyes and saw her Omkara punching Ajay in his face several times. His hands started bleeding but Om didn't seem to care. Behind him Rudra and Shivaay fought of 2 of Ajay's friend and Anika and Bhavya walked over to her to cover her up. Hugging them tight, Gauri cried and buried her face into Anika's shoulder. She thanked God for being saved. Minutes later and she would have lost something that could never be returned. Something that would break her inside forever.

Hearing her heartbreaking cry Omkara wrapped his Hands around Ajay's throat until the latter had trouble breathing. Seeing that Om could kill him any second Gauri ran towards him and hugged him from behind. She didn't care about her wounds, she didn't care about whatever he had done. She needed to save him from doing something that could haunt him all his life. He was hot-tempered and a lot more but not a Killer. The others watched in shocked and hoped that Gauri would manage to calm Omkara down.
"Stop!! Omkaraji Please... Hearing her voice, feeling her touch he immediately let go of Ajay and turned to face his traumatized Wife. She looked scared and disheveled.

Her make up was smudged all over her face and the Blood was still running down her cheek and neck. Her clothes were torn and she looked weak;she could barely stand.

"Gauri...Are you okay? Did he hurt you? His voice was as gentle as his touch and she shook her head. He caressed her face and she saw tears in his eyes. He hated to see her in that state, all because he chose to mistrust her, causing her to leave and to agree to marrying this bas***d. This Picture would haunt him forever, that bas***d hovered over his wife trying to force himself on her. Her heartbreaking scream would cause him many sleepless nights but right now nothing mattered. She was safe, she was in his Arms. Gauri was safe.

"If he would have...I would have killed him. Omkara leaned his forehead against hers and Gauri closed her eyes. Forgetting his insults, his anger, her pain; everything just for this one Moment. This one moment she allowed herself to lean into him, to simply enjoy his touch. She wanted to laugh at her fate. Once again her Sankarji had shown her her Destiny. She was forever his, forever Omkara's Wife.

"You saved me once again... Gauri whispered and looked into his brown eyes. His eyes were full of tears and love. Never in the many months she stayed with him had she seen that look- the Look she had always desired to see.

Omkara caressed her cheek and placed a kiss on her Nose, her eyes, her forhead.

Everywhere possible. Gauri smiled and tucked his Hair behind his ear. She wanted to look at him properly after all this time apart.

Omkara smiled and said:"Your Sankarji has sent me for you, I will always come and save you. He took a handkerchief and cleaned the wound on her Head, in the process some of his Blood dropped down on her Maang and Gauri smiled at the Sign her Sankarji had sent her.

Omkara too noticed it and smiled back at Gauri. Once again sealing their Fate.

In this world full of hurt and pain,

I need someone who would help me through the rain.

To comfort me when Im sad,

Doing everything just to make me glad.

In this world I need a Brave Knight,

Who would never give up any fight.

A knight who would dry away my tears,

Telling me to overcome my fears.

A knight who loves me for who I am inside,

With him there's nothing more I need to hide.

A person who will still be standing strong,

Eventhough everything has gone wrong.

I need someone who is willing to give me more,

Someone I can call my Knight In Shining Armor.

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