Chap 13: When the time comes

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------Rimuru POV------

In the dim alley, Kurumi's shadow seemed to seep through every crevice, casting eerie darkness that danced along the blood-stained ground.

This shadow seemed to be one of Kurumi's abilities.

From there, she can summons those creepy white arms and clones of herself.

Take a look at Kurumi.

Her right eye was red, while her left eye took the form of a Roman numeral clock and seemed to shine under the dim alley. 

She held a flintlock pistol and a musket. Together with the creepy smile, Rimuru knew that---

Both of them were looking for a fight.

Silence hung heavy between them as they locked eyes, their gazes filled with a mix of determination and curiosity about each other ability.

<<Now that the shadow had spread everywhere... this going to be harder.>>

Rimuru thought as she hold tight her angel.

Even only being a spirit for a short time. 

This power has some mysterious abilities that make Rimuru feel like using them was a second natural thing to do.

But forget that...

This is the first fight she has with another spirit with spirit power.

The air was heavy, saturated with a sense of foreboding. A faint, ominous breeze whispered through the narrow space, carrying the scent of impending conflict with it.

took a step forward, Rimuru's katana glinting as she held it at the ready. Her voice, firm and resolute, broke the silence.

"I know you're not the real Kurumi, what is 'your' true intention of coming here? How do you know my name."

Kurumi smirked, her eyes flickering with a mix of amusement and defiance.

"Kihihi, Rimuru-san. You're as sharp as ever. And for how come I know your name..."

Kurumi stoped and raise her flintlock at Rimuru.

"Let's just call it... experience----"

As Kurumi ends her sentence, she fires.

A loud bang rang out in the deep alley.

With that, the alley erupted into motion.

Rimuru's blue-silver hair fluttered as she charged toward Kurumi, with her angel tightly held.

Kurumi was also prepared, summoning the white arms from her shadow and firing at Rimuru, letting out a crazy laugh simultaneously.

"Kihihihi~ You're not even using your astral dress? I wouldn't take responsibility if you got hurt."

"There's no need for that!"

Rimuru said as she block the bullet coming deadly close to her.

Her astral dress won't be provided much protection as her spirit power was sealed.

If she uses too much power, the seal may break and she will be in trouble with Ratatoskr again.

Rimuru doesn't intend on taking any damage so no need for an astral dress.

With that sorted out, she lunged forward, her katana slicing through the air with precision and grace, sliced through several while arm aiming toward her.

The white arms from Kurumi's shadow keep appearing from everywhere and that was able to keep Rimuru from getting close to Kurumi.

They were just too many.

But then... 


Rimuru's angel started to glow a dim light that managed to penetrate the darkness.

A slash of light surges through the alley, living behind a small lash of destruction behind its track.

The annoying white arms have been destroyed, leaving Rimuru facing Kurumi as the two lock eyes on each other.

Kurumi still has that crazy laugh on her face, and Rimuru also seemed to have a little bit of fun herself.

Kurumi fires rapidly at Rimuru as she charges.

Again and again, Rimuru blocks all the bullets and cuts down all the arms aiming at her.

The two of them fight each other with dangerous attacks but they both smile like it is just some game.

The dark alley now was illuminated by the flashes of gunfire and the glimmers of the katana.

Rimuru keep jumping and running from here and there, making it harder to be hit while also cutting down Kurumi's arms with her angel.

And finally, it was closed enough for Rimuru to get in close range.

Cutting down the white arms in front.

Rimuru eyes look at Kurumi as she attacks.

Her angel sliced through the air with great precision and speed.

But Kurumi swiftly blocks with her musket.

As their weapons clashed and their skills intertwined, the alley became a battleground.

With her other hand holding a flintlock pistol, Kurumi fired rapidly, echoing through the narrow space.

Swiftly turning to the side, Rimuru avoids the bullets.

But then---

With her universal sense, Rimuru can see another Kurumi clone emerge from the shadow below.

But it was too late, Rimuru was currently in no position to get out of Kurumi's clone attack.

A bang rang out.

Followed by a loud sound of metal, the illuminated of gunfire, and the glimmers of the katana---

Ciel quickly appeared out of Rimuru's body, blocking the attack with an angel she summoned.

"Thank you for the help, Ciel."

"It's nothing, master."

In the alley, there were now 4 people.

"Ara, isn't it Ciel-san."

One of the Kurumi speaks, causing Ciel to look at them.

She shows no emotion, but her eyes look at the two Kurumi as if trying to analyze them.

Rimuru looks at the two Kurumi, they just look at Ciel as if they already know about her.

Silence once again  hung heavy between them as they locked eyes

They each stand their ground, weapons at the ready, prepared to engage in a fierce battle.

However, before the clash could ensue, a figure emerged from the outside of the alley.

Stepping into the dim alley, a woman with pair of dark circles eyes, wearing a long white lab coat.

As the woman walked near, she spoke


As the lady speaks.

"It's not the time, Reine."

Rimuru responds, which causes Reine to frown.

As for Kurumi, while still looking at Rimuru and Ciel, The two Kurumi started to sink into the shadow below.

"Not so soon!"

Rimuru shouts and together with Ciel, each target a Kurumi.

Kurumi was fast, but Rimuru and Ciel were even faster.

In an instant, Ciel was in front of one Kurumi.

Even just a little touch was enough for Ciel to analyze Kurumi clones.

But suddenly, the sound of gunfire rang out rapidly.

Another Kurumi came out from the shadow and was shooting at the two clones.

The bullets hit the clones with a *thump sound and then---

Then clones vanis into the shadow as it crawls into the other Kurumi guns.

That Kurumi was also about to sink into the shadow below, but charge at her.

With the fastest speed, she could get in this 'human' body.

Rimuru closes the distance in a blink of an eye.

As Rimuru was about to attack Kurumi with her angel.

Kurumi suddenly laughed.


Rimuru was about to pay no mind, but Kurumi's next words stunned Rimuru.

"...... White, panties."



Rimuru's face turned red.

Taking that chance, Kurumi summons the white arms from her shadow, attacking Rimuru.

but Ciel quickly came to the rescue and cut down all the arms.

Ciel then slash at Kurumi but just stopped----

In the end, Kurumi escapes.

Meanwhile, Rimuru stand still, her face still red, her mind now filled with regress.

<<Why did I decide to fight while wearing a skirt!!!!!AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>

The Raizen school uniform for girls has a crazy short skirt.

But after wearing it for a while, Rimuru started to forget about it as she does not move around much.

But in a fight where she has to move around constantly...

It showed.


As Rimuru was screaming internally, Ciel voice rang out in her mind

<<Master..... She said the wrong color.....>>


Rimuru was stunned once again, she feel like she just embarrassed herself

<<I had make sure that there is no way individual Kurumi could see your underwear. And it is not white>>

Ciel's words feel like salt to Rimuru's open 'emotional' wound

Thinking about this morning.

Rimuru doesn't want to wear girl underwear by herself so Ciel took care of it.

So Rimuru doesn't know what it looks like nor want to know what it looks like.

<<Master, don't worry, your panty is ---->>

<<STOP!!!, I don't need to know it......>>


After Rimuru talks to Ciel, she sits down on the ground with a defeated look.

<<...I hate this.>>

Then, Rimuru hears footsteps toward her, and it was Reine.

"Rimuru, were you hurt?"

Reine ran to Rimuru, and for once, she sounded genuine concern.

Even though there was still some sleepiness in her voice, her concern for Rimuru was quite.. surprise.

Hearing that, Rimuru turn to look at Reine and said with her still-redden face.



Rimuru answers as Reine checks around her body.

".....My pride."

".....huh..........?" Reine looks confused.


"My pride hurts."

-------Shidou POV------

After saying goodbye to Kurumi, Shidou accompanied Tohka to the supermarket nearby to buy ingredients for dinner.

"Shidou, do you know where Rimuru is?" Tohka asked

".... I don't know."

Shidou and Tohka have checked the spirit house, but no one is there.

He tried to ask Kotori but she didn't know either.

Rimuru should be home before them, but she was nowhere to be found.

She has never come to Shidou's house since she started living in the spirit house.

Shidou lightly sigh as he thought about where could Rimuru be.

<<We better leave her be, unless she does something dangerous then we should intervene.>>


Shidou nodded his face still deep in thought.

But then---

In front, the sounds of sports shoes running could be heard. Shidou turned his head in that direction.

 Over there, a girl the same age as Kotori, stood there with eyes widened in shock.

She wearing a jacket and a skirt. 

Her white sports shoes have red spots on them for some reason.
 ......It looks like, bloodstains.


An unfamiliar least that was how it was supposed to be, Shidou tilted his head.

He doesn't understand why, but there was a slight felt as though they have met somewhere before.

Shidou's thoughts stopped at this point.


The girl opened her trembling lips.


Shidou questioned back. However the girl did not reply, instead running up and jumping into Shidou's chest.

The girl buried her head into Shidou's chest, saying,



Kotori also yelled out from the communication device.

---a few minutes later---

"Is there anyone else still in the house? Nii-sama has been in your care!"

Mana said with a huge smile, while forcefully holding Kotori's hand and shaking it vigorously.

Although this girl was suspicious.

But when she hugged Shidou in the street, with teary eyes, he had no choice but to bring her along.

Kotori, in a rare moment, looks troubled.

"Nii-sama? You mean Shidou?"

"Yes! My name is Takamiya Mana! Nii-sama's sister."

Mana replied enthusiastically

Kotori sighed through her nose, letting go of Mana's hand.

"But that was shocking. Shidou has another sister....." Kotori murmured.

"No......I don't remember having one at all." Shidou disclaims.

"Really? I still think that she looks similar to Shidou..." Tohka said sheepishly.

"That goes without saying! Because I'm his sister!" Mana confidently crossed her arms.

However, Mana's look suddenly changed, looking at Shidou and Tohka while revealing a complicated expression.

"......But Nii-sama, aside from Tobiichi.......No, sister-in-law, why are you still around with other girls."

Mana cleared her throat, nodding furiously while speaking

"Ha---Haa!?" Shidou widened his eyes and yelled

Not just him, but Kotori also gasp, while Tohka just tilted her head, confused

"Is there anything wrong?" Mana looks at Shidou with her innocent eyes

"A lot! Do you know Origami?"

"Well, yeah. Is that strange?"

At the same time Mana spoke, she looked as if she was trying to find an excuse as her eyes darted around

Although he was concerned about how the two of them knew each other, he also knew that Origami is the one after this

"But Nii-sama.... is suspect of cheating." Mana knitted her brows looking troubled

"What's that?"

Tohka tilted her head. She is about to learn another dangerous word

But just as Shidou was about to explain it, Mana had already thrown questions at Tohka

"I'll be direct. You are Tohka-san right. Are you currently going out with Nii-sama?"


"Wh, what are you saying, how could that be possible!" Shidou cut in between the two with an extremely red face

Mana gave Tohka a surprised look

"......Tohka-san? Have you gone on a date with Nii-sama before?" She removed her head from Shidou's side and asked Tohka this

"Aaah, I have!"


Mana directed a piercing gaze at Shidou

"That-------that's about that......"

He was not lying, but it was difficult for him to deny it. Shidou took a step back with cold sweat dripping down his back

At this point, Mana using a tone of absolute seriousness, asked Tohka another question

"Tohka-san. Don't tell me, you have already 'Chu'?"


"I, I'm talking about kissing!"

"Nn, we did?" Tohka replies like it is an obvious thing


At Tohka's calm reply, Mana widened her eyes

"impure!" Mana yells at Shidou

"Hey, calm down-----"

While in the middle of his confusion, Shidou hears the door open

Turning at the door, Shidou immediately recognizes those who just step inside the house


------Rimuru POV------

---A few minutes ago---

After the fight with Kurumi, Reine took Rimuru to <Fraxinus> while Ciel went back into Rimuru's body.

They're currently walking in the hall of <Fraxinus> airship

Rimuru was still feeling down after the fight

<To think that I was tricked and embarrassed by that.....>

But still...

<Why did Reine is the one to take me back here?>

"Hm.....? where is Kotori?"

"Kotori has something to do, so I'll be the one that took care of you."

Reine answered as she walked wobbly

Rimuru can't believe why Kotori let Reine take care of Rimuru---

Kotori sure knows that Rimuru didn't get along with Reine so why---

"If you wonder why I'm checking on you...... I'm doing it on my own"

Reine speaks up as if she knows what Rimuru is thinking

Surprised by Reine words, Rimuru intended on asking more about that but---


A small voice rang out from the other side. When Rimuru turned to the voice source

A little girl was wearing a cute one-piece, and there was a rabbit puppet being worn on the little girl's left hand


 Rimuru called the little girl's name

She was one of the sealed spirits, she had a look of a child so Ratatoskr keep her in <Fraxinus> instead of going to school like Tohka..... or Rimuru

Just as Rimuru smiles and approaches Yoshino

Yoshino froze, her eyes widening as the rabbit puppet in her left hand spoke

"Rimuru-san! Were you hurt!?"


Confused, Rimuru look at herself... there was blood on her shoes and cloth

It was because of the fight with Kurumi, the blood of the dead Kurumi had stained her cloth

But as Rimuru was about to tell her she was fine

Yoshino had already by her side

The rabbit puppet, Yoshinon keep swung its hand around while inspecting the blood stain while keep repeating "Are ok!?"

Meanwhile, Yoshino just stands behind, her right hand blocking her mouth from view but her eyes show worries in them

Still confused, Rimuru quickly explain

"Ah! I'm totally fine, and this is not my blood, I did not get hurt so don't worry"

Yoshino and Yoshinon breathe a sigh of relief as Yoshinon opens it mouth

"You got us worried there....."

"huh...?....... ahaha"

Rimuru only lightly laughs it off

<......we only know each other for a few days.... isn't she worrying too much?>

"Rimuru-san......... did you get into........ a fight...?"

Yoshino shyly asked

Rimuru was more surprised by Yoshino's question

Usually, Yoshino only uses Yoshinon, the rabbit puppet as a way to talk... But now, she is talking directly to Rimuru

"Yes,... But I'm fine. You don't have to worry that much about me" Rimuru said with a reassuring tone

But Yoshino doesn't look convinced

But then, Reine interrupted them

"......I brought you some cloth to change"

Looking at Reine, Rimuru realize that while talking to Yoshino, Reine had got her cloth for changing.


Rimuru noded and take the cloth from Reine's hand, then head to the restroom

After a while, Rimuru had changed into the new cloth

It is a relief that Reine knows what cloth Rimuru likes to wear

Wearing a white jacket with long black pants, Rimuru goes back to see Reine

When seeing Reine, Rimuru see that Reine was sitting next to Yoshino and seemed to saying something to her

When they finally noticed her, Yoshino stand up and run to her

"Rimuru-san....... please...... don't put yourself in danger again"


With a conflicted expression, Rimuru look at Reine, knowing that she was saying something to Yoshino

But a tug at Rimuru's jacket brings her attention back to Yoshino

Yoshino's eyes started to become watery as she look at Rimuru with a cute expression

"---Ah! Yes! I'll be more careful!!!  I'll be more careful!"

Rimuru panicked as she tries to calm down the little girl

Luckily, Yoshino quickly stops crying as she hugs Rimuru

Still uneasy about this, but before Rimuru say anything, Reine's voice rang out

"It's already late, so why don't you take Yoshino back to the spirit house"


Rimuru agrees and after a while, waiting for Yoshino to calm down, they go back to the spirit house

Rimuru was sure that Reine told Yoshino something and she probably didn't want Rimuru to get involved in what is going on

.... But let's just leave it for now since Rimuru had got what she wanted

Despised unable to get any of Kurumi's clones, only prolonged contact with them was enough for Ciel to analyze them.

<<Ciel, did you find anything interesting in Kurumi clones?>>

<<Yes master, they seem... unique when compared to our normal system>>

<<Huh? What do you mean by that?>>

<<All the clones seem to have egos, but they don't have souls. Furthermore, all the white arms that attacked you were all clones>>

Rimuru was taken back by what Ciel just said

 The Soul is the core of every entity, there is no being deeper than it

But ego is just a part of the soul... How can one have no soul but still have an ego?

<<Hm... This is indeed, unique>>

But then, Rimuru felt a tug on her jacket.

It was Yoshinon, the rabbit puppet in Yoshino's hand.

"Rimuru-san! Let's go back!"

Yoshinon opens and closes its mouth.

"Nn, let's go."

Rimuru node and took Yoshino's hand, then head to the teleport platform.

A bright light then envelope Rimuru and Yoshino's vision as Reine turn on the teleport platform.

When the light fades, Rimuru found herself with Yoshino in front of... Shidou's house.

Confused, but with her universal sense, she could sense a similar presence.

<The girl named Mana is here... Together with Tohka, Kotori, and Shidou>

Mana, the girl that killed the Kurumi clone.

But why...

Why is Reine teleporting us to Shidou's house and not the spirit house when she doesn't want Rimuru to get involved?

Wondering what was happened, Rimuru open the door and look at Mana.

Why is she here!?

Remember the fight between her and Kurumi...

This girl may look like a kid, but she shows fighting skill that surpasses a normal AST member.

Walking into the house, Rimuru headed toward Tohka, followed by Yoshino.

"Rimuru, Where have you been?"

Shidou's voice rang out, as he stepped toward her, his face shows concern for her.

But Rimuru just steps aside and keeps walking to Tohka, who also seems worried about her.

Rimuru sit down next to Tohka and said casually.

"I just got some random things to do, it's none of your business."

Rimuru then turn to Mana, who was alongside Kotori with a wary look.

Meanwhile, Shidou still standing in between them with sweat drifting on his face.

"Rimuru, where was you this morning, I was worried." Tohka speaks as she looks at Rimuru.

<... I can't tell them that I have a fight with Kurumi, can I?>

Rimuru makes a complicated expression while crossing her arms.

Shidou then interjects.

"Tohka and I have been looking for you after we couldn't find you---"

But Shidou was cut off by Rimuru as she said with an annoyed face.

"I'm not a child, you don't have to look after me. and I don't have any intention to go with someone who looks at other panties."

Rimuru crossed her arms and look away, ignoring the faces that Shidou was making...

Shidou was frozen, his face lost all of its color as Mana, the girl that somehow was here... stand behind him with a scary face.

"Onii-sama... I didn't know that you are a pervert."

"Ah! No... It's not like that!"

Shidou panicked as he swung his arms around and tried to explain.

But then Rimuru speaks up with a questioning tone.


------Shidou POV------

Rimuru has been gone for the whole day.

She was nowhere to be found, but now---

She locked eyes with Mana and seems to be confused.

Shidou knows that Rimuru was cautious with strangers according to his past experience with her.

Because of that, Shidou knows that he had to do something as Mana just innocently looks at Rimuru.

"Ah, Rimuru. This is Mana... She is---"

"I'm Shidou's sister! Nice to meet you! Are you friends with Onii-sama?"

Mana, unexpectedly show great interest in Rimuru as she immediately stood up and greet Rimuru in an over-enthusiastic tone.

Shidou look at Mana with his wide eyes as he did not expect her to be this friendly.

Not only him, Rimuru also seem to be taken aback by Mana but she still replied.

"Ah... Nice to meet you... I didn't know that Shidou has another sister..."

"Ah, about that. I just know that today..." Shidou replied and got a look of shock from Rimuru.

She then turns to Shidou with eyes like she doesn't expect anything else from him.

"So some random girl can just show up and say that she is your sister and you'll just accept it?"

"Ah! That's not it, you're misunderstanding this!"

Shidou denied as he swung his arms around.

"But......little sister, huh."

Rimuru murmured and half-closed eyes stared at Mana.

Shidou can only stand there with sweat pouring down his back as he thought.

The truth is he was not born as part of the Itsuka house.

He has been abandoned at a young age.

Even though Shidou does not remember, the possibility that Mana is Shidou's blood-related sister... is still...

"About that......Sorry, Mana. But I don't remember anything about you......" Shidou speaks up.

"That was expected."

Mana folded her arms and nodded.

But then, Mana bitterly smiled in embarrassment, drinking the tea beside her in one gulp, and continued.

"Truthfully, I do not have any memories either... But"

Mana then took out the silver locket in front of her chest, within it was a discolored photograph.

That photograph is the picture of Shidou and Mana when they were still children.

"Is" Shidou let out a surprised sound as he looks at the picture.

Kotori also leaves her seat at the table and takes a look.

However...Kotori widened her eyes.

"Wait a minute. In this photo Shidou seems to be around ten years old, right? Shouldn't he have already arrived at our house?"

"...Now that you mentioned it... that's true."

Shidou said while Scratching his face.

However, the boy in the photo looks like him no matter how he looks at it.

"But there's no mistaking it. Nii-sama is Nii-sama." Mana confidently looks at Shidou.

"......How can you say that so certainly?" Kotori asked.

"It's called - the bonds between siblings!" 


Kotori shrugged, letting out a sigh. ......For some reason, it looked as if she was relieved.

At this point, Rimuru interrupted and spoke.

"Can I take a look at the picture?"

"Huh? Nn."

Mana nodded and hand Rimuru the locket.

Shidou pays attention to Rimuru as she looks at it... her eyes turned red.

Shidou was shocked and turned to Mana to find out that she doesn't seem to notice anything.


Rimuru eyes then quickly turn back to a golden color and give the locket back to Mana.

Shidou look at Mana and then realize something he wanted to ask.

"That's right, Mana."

"Yes?" Mana tilted her head in question.

"You said before that you don't have memories of your past right?"

"Nn, that's right."

"Then, where are you living now? You are not living with your family?"

"Aah......That......" Mana who was enthusiastic the whole time, now was stuttering with her words.

".........well, there are a lot of reasons for that."

"A lot of reasons?"

" that. If I have to say it then it's because I'm working in a place that provides a living place."

"Work......? at this age? Aren't you the same age as Kotori? What about school?"

Shidou asked he felt worried for Mana.

Even though Kotori is holding the commanding position of Ratatoskr......she still attends school.

Mana's eyes looked around in distress.

"Th, that is...... eh—um......Ex, excuse me!"

"Eh......? Wait...."

Before Shidou managed to stop her, she ran outside the house.

"Wh......what's with her."

Shidou scratched his face.

he looked at the entrance where Mana had disappeared in a daze.

Beside Shidou, Kotori goes to the table, taking the teacup Mana had used for reasons unknown.

But Shidou's daze was interrupted by Rimuru.

"I'm going to rest for the day."

After that, she also left the Itsuka residence.


Suddenly, Kotori also get a call and left.

Shidou, Tohka, and Yoshino still just look at everyone leaving in a daze.

------Rimuru POV-------

It was night now, and Rimuru is laying in bed, thinking about what happened.

Sure, Kurumi's abilities were still a mystery.

But Mana...

The locket that contains the picture of both her and Shidou... are older than both of them...

Yet, when Ciel analysis Mana, she is indeed Shidou sister.

... Everything here just becoming a mess all of a sudden...

---While Rimuru was deep in thought, a knock a the door to Rimuru's room could be heard.

It was Tohka, Rimuru get up from bed then walked to the door, open it, and saw Tohka.

She was in her pajama, she has a worried face while still trying to keep her calm in front of Rimuru.

"Rimuru... Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Is there anything you need, Tohka?"

Rimuru asked as she turn and go back into the room, sitting on her bed with a smile as she make herself comfortable.

...Tokha also enters Rimuru's room, she then opens her mouth.

"Rimuru... I heard from Yoshino that you fought with Kurumi... did you got hurt?"

Tohka asked, her voice softening.

"Yes, I did." 

Rimuru said lightly as something normal.

Hearing that, Tohka shows a surprised face and takes a look at Rimuru.

"Are you ok? I heard that there was blood on your uniform."

"Calm down Tohka! the blood on my clothes is from Kurumi, I'm totally fine."

After Rimuru said that, Tohka's eyes widen in surprise, her concern now shifting towards Kurumi.

"Kurumi!? Is she alright?"

Surprised by how Tohka also worried for Kurumi as they only know each other for a day.

For a spirit that was being hunted by AST for a long time... isn't Tohka too naive?

But Rimuru still explain and tried to calm Tohka down.

"Don't worry, Tohka. Kurumi was fine, she was a spirit too, and she also have her abilities. 'Kurumi' didn't get any injure."

Tohka takes a step closer to Rimuru, her worry now turning into relief.

After that, Tohka sits down bedside Rimuru as she asks.

"Rimuru, was Kurumi dangerous?"


Rimuru let out a confused sound as she don't understand Tohka.

Just a few minutes ago she was worried for Kurumi, now she was asking if Kurumi was dangerous.

As if understanding Rimuru, Tohka continues speaking.

"I believe you would never harm anyone without a reason... was Kurumi dangerous?"

Rimuru looks at Tohka in surprise... Tohka seems to be childlike with how she acts, but sometime she could also be more mature than others.

With a smile, Rimuru answers Tohka.

"To me, no. But to you and the other? Yes."

After Rimuru answers, Tohka still looks at her in the eyes as if she is still feeling uneasy.

Rimuru waits for Tohka to think about that, after a while, she takes enough courage to speak up.

"...Will Shidou... be alright?"


Rimuru eyes wide open as she didn't expect this question.

Seeing Rimuru's expression, Tohka explains.

"Shidou... was the one take away my loneliness. He was the one that help me to get this peaceful life... However, if there was a need to sacrifice himself, Shidou would not hesitate to do so... He already did that in the past..."

Looking at Tohka, who now was sitting next to Rimuru and clenching her hand.

According to the information Rimuru have from Ratatoskr.

Shidou was shot by AST while trying to seal Tohka.

Passing through Yoshino's blizzard field.

This makes Rimuru feel like Shidou would just take anyone as long as they claim themself as spirit.

That pretty much explain his persistence when Rimuru met him.

Rimuru sigh.

"That guy is a true idiot."


This time it was Tohka who was confused.

Continue with her words, Rimuru says to Tohka.

"You care about him that much huh? He is naive, too emotional... But I can keep him alive."

"That means...?"

Rimuru give Tohka a ressasure smile.

"I can help him but I won't intervene with whatever Ratatoskr was trying to do."

"But wouldn't that also put yourself in danger?"

Tohka shouts out as she looks straight into Rimuru's eyes.

<...Now you say that after complaining so much about Shidou huh?>

Without even flinching, Rimuru says with confidence.

"You should Remember that I'm in control of my power, and don't worry, I'm the strongest (with Ciel's approval)."

The two of them keep talking for a while... mostly it was about the food that Tohka like and how everything else has been going.

Rimuru patiently talked to Tohka in a gentle voice... as she was used to dealing with children.


In an abandoned building, Tokisaki Kurumi, who was sitting and looking at the direction of Tenguu city.

She flashed a smile as one of her clone appear out of the shadow behind her.

"Ara, ara. It seems that 'I' did a very good job."

"fufufufu, It all thanks to 'I', we're not allowed to fail this time."

The clone said to Kurumi with the same smile as the original.

Just a few days ago, Kurumi suddenly receive memories from the future.

This was from the future Kurumi who used 'Vav'.

Thanks to that, she was able to know many, many times that the future 'her' keep sending her consciousness to the past and keep failing.

This ability allowed her to see Rimuru's dangerous ability of just making all her clones disappear at will or even securing the hostage in less than a second.

'Kurumi' was able to land some hits on Rimuru after a lot of trial and repeat, but she can't do that anymore

'Vav' allowed Kurumi to send her consciousness to the past and it can be used repeatedly.

But there's a limit, 'Vav' can be used until its accumulated too much mental fatigue for Kurumi's mind to handle.

With her mind now flood with memories of her past self, Kurumi doesn't think she can use 'Vav' anymore...

This will be the last plan she makes...

"Rimuru-san, hope to see you again when the time comes~"

Kurumi controls one of the strongest abilities, the ability to control time... 

---END CHAP 13---

---author note---
I spent like 15 days studying about Lorentzian wormhole after one reader told me that I used the 'space-time tunnel' incorrectly and a disrespectful to scientific achievement.

Yes, I lack the knowledge about wormhole and other stuff, but after I study and bring a full-on explanation... WHY DID YOU DELETE YOUR COMMENT!!!

You can't bring a theory into the world where creatures can just create matter out of 'nothing' and basically godly being.

The existence of a stable, traversable Lorentzian wormhole would require the presence of exotic matter or energy with negative mass or negative energy density
.... and that can be done by converting 'nihility'.

Wormholes involve the bending and warping of spacetime... I used 'space-time tunnel' for easy understanding.

Next time, if you want an accurate scientific world, go read science fiction or atless learning and point out where I did wrong!

Stop giving me a heart attack for weeks!

(I am mad)

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