Chap 14: The video

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------Rimuru POV------

6 am and Rimuru now was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee while Ciel was cooking breakfast nearby.

Last night Tohka and her talked until Tohka fell asleep... In Rimuru room.

With the help of Ciel, Tohka was moved back to her room and the night went by normally.

But in the morning, Rimuru seemed to be annoyed as she fidgeted with the coffee cup and let out a sigh.

Today she still needs to go to school, which means... skirt.

After what happened yesterday, Rimuru was reminded of the reason she hated the school uniform.

Suddenly, the front door of the spirit house opened.

A figure of a sleepy woman walks into the house.

"Huh, Reine?"

Rimuru let out a surprised sound as she look out the door to see who has just entered.

Reine rarely comes to the spirit house, especially in the morning.

"Why are you here, Reine?" RImuru asked as Reine wobbly walked into the kitchen.

"......Ah, I'm here to take you to Franxinus."

"Huh? But I'm about to go to school."

"....There's no need for that, I've prepared for you to take some day off."

"And the reason is...."

"........We're making a new uniform for you... You don't like wearing skirts do you? Don't worry, I will tell Tohka that youre---------"

"I'm going!"

Rimuru immediately stood up without any hesitation.


"Master, you forgot your......... breakfast......."

In the back, Ciel let out a sigh and untied her apron.


---a few minutes later---

Inside the airship Fraxinus.

"Ah... I'm hungry..."


-------Shidou POV-------

7 AM

Another morning, Shidou now was standing in front of Spirit's house.

He is waiting for Tohka to come out and go to school with her.

Although he knew Tohka tended to oversleep, but he hoped she wouldn't keep him waiting too long.

Finally, the door of the Spirit's house swung open, and Tohka stepped out, wearing a Raizen uniform, her radiant smile illuminating the morning air.

Shidou's face lit up with a smile as he approached her.

"Good morning, Tohka," he greeted her warmly.

"Good morning, Shidou!" Tohka's eyes sparkled with excitement as she responded.

He then waits for Tohka to lock the door and together with her, they walk to school.

As they began their walk to school, Shidou couldn't help but steal glances at Tohka. 

Something was captivating about her, he marveled at how quickly she had adapted to the human world, her childlike curiosity and innocence are the most special thing about her.

With her personality, she always befriends other spirits without any hesitation.

<That even includes Rimuru and Ciel>

Shidou thought of that as he noticed the lunch box in Tohka's hand.

After the first day Rimuru and Ciel has been living in the Spirit house, Ciel started to make breakfast and lunch for every spirit.

Rimuru is mischievous yet friendly demeanor with a mixed element of unpredictability.

She can be childish at some times, or sometimes too mature and serious when compared to her looks.

Meanwhile, Ciel seems like she doesn't even care about a thing in the world except Rimuru.

It was incredible to see her playing games with the other although she doesn't show any emotion, they seem to get along.

But to think that Rimuru and Ciel can get along with other spirits, give Shidou a warming feeling in his chest.

As Shidou and Tohka made their way toward school, they keep chatting and their steps begin to sync.

After a while, They reach their classroom just in time for the bell to ring.

The sound of the bell rang throughout the school.

Shidou and Tohka each took their seats.

After that, Shidou takes a look around the class.

The scattered students gradually returned to their seats, but he finds someone is still missing.

<..........Where is Rimuru?>

Rimuru was always the first person to be awake(If not count Ciel) and was never been late, so this is definitely not normal.

<Should I tell this to Ratatoskr?>

Shidou's mind now was preoccupied with thoughts of Rimuru's absence.

But then, another voice rang out.

"Muu, that Kurumi, she's late on the second day after her transfer."

Tohka seemed to think about a different thing while looking around her surroundings.

Was she not interested in Rimuru's absence at all? 

Or did she know something?

But before Shidou was able to say anything.

From Shidou's left side came a calm voice.

"---She won't come." 

Origami didn't turn her head around, using only her eyes to look at Tohka as she spoke.

"huh? What do you mean?" Tohka till her head asked.

"It means Tokisaki Kurumi, is, no longer going to attend school."

"Eh? What-----"

As Shidou opened his mouth to speak, the classroom door opened, and Tama-chan-sensei entered the classroom with her hands hugging the attendance book.

 Afterward, the class representative gave the call to greet.

Although he was very concerned about Origami's words, he could not ignore the teacher. 

Shidou and the class sat down after the greeting.

"Good morning everyone!"

After making the usual greeting, Tama-chan-sensei was taking out the attendance book...And

"Aaa, right. Today, RImuru-san will be absent because of some health issue. so everyone please wish Rimuru-san a quick recovery, and keep yourself healthy alright!"

Hearing that, Shidou frowned.

It didn't make sense.

Rimuru was a spirit, even when sealed they still have inhuman power and were immune to human illnesses.

But without any further clue, Shidou can only think of Ratatoskr.

He knew that Ratatoskr, the organization he worked for, was involved in managing and monitoring spirits.
They often intervened in their lives to maintain balance and prevent any disruptions.

 It seemed likely that Ratatoskr had something to do with Rimuru's sudden absence.

But for now, he will have to wait.

"Now with that done, let's start with the attendance."

After saying that Tama-chan-sensei opened the book and started to read out the names of the students.


Tama-chan read out Kurumi's name. 


there was no response.

"Are...., Tokisaki-san isn't here? If she was going to be absent, she should have called to inform beforehand."

Tama-chan puffed her cheeks and turned the page of the attendance book.

But, when she did that...


At the back of the classroom, a familiar voice sounded.

"Kurumi?" Shidou's eyes widened.

The classroom back door had silently opened, and standing right there was Kurumi with a warm smile and her hand slightly raised.

"Tokisaki-san. You're late."

"I'm really sorry. I wasn't feeling well on my way to school."

"Eh? Are you alright? Do you want to go to the infirmary......?"

"No, it's alright now. I've made you worry."

Kurumi gave a bow, walking towards her seat with light footsteps.

"What's with that you just said......Isn't she right here?" 

Shidou turned to look at Origami who had said that Kurumi won't come here


But then he immediately furrowed his brows in shock.

Origami lightly frowned as she stared at Kurumi.

Although there were no obvious changes in her expressions. But——Shidou knew very clearly for some reason. Right now, Origami was, without a doubt, very shocked.


Shidou softly called out her name.

Origami's fingertips trembled slightly, quickly shifting her sight away from Kurumi.

"----Alright, then that's all regarding issues."

Not long after, Tama-chan-sensei ended homeroom and left the class.

Just that instant, the phone in Shidou's pocket let out a ringtone.

Looking at the screen. It showed the name of Itsuka Kotori.

"Hello? Kotori?"

<<Shidou, a terrible situation has happened. To say it conservatively it is the worst situation.>>

"What happened!?"

<<I can't say it now, come to the physics lab during lunch break. I want you to see something.>>

"The physics lab......? Why that-----"

<<Alright, make sure to come.>>

"Wha, going on......"

As Shidou was left in confusion, he seemed to be complaining as he muttered.

Shidou's heart now was beating fast in his chest without him noticing.

<This must be something that is related to Rimuru and her absence...>

Behind Shidou, unbeknown to him, Kurumi was sitting there, watching him with a smile.

She then licked a lip.

---1:20 in the afternoon---

The bell declaring the end of the fourth period sounded.

After the students bowed, before the teacher left the classroom, they were already in the midst of preparing for lunch.

Of course, Tohka was no exception. Without speaking, she arranged the tables together with sparkling eyes.

"shidou! It's time for lunch!"

Tohka then took out her lunchbox. At this--Shidou sigh and turned his head.

Usually, the table on the left would also be joined over, creating a union between three tables......However, Origami did not move her table over today.

Looking at Origami's direction while puzzled. 

She had a tense expression, staring at her hand all the while.


Even though it is of some concern, eating lunch or not is Origami's choice.

But then Shidou remembers one thing.

"Ah......That's right."

He has to go to the physics lab during lunch break.

"Sorry, Tohka. I need to go  for a moment."


Tohka who had already opened her bento box, looked at him with a lost expression.

"Where are you going? I want to go too!"


Shidou scratched his face feeling troubled. If Kotori wants him to go to the physics lab, it must be something related to <Ratatoskr>. It could be something that Tohka should not know about.

"Sorry, I can't bring you today. You should eat first. Okay?"

Shidou said that and start walking towards the corridor.


Tohka's lonely voice sounded from Shidou's back. A strong feeling of guilt grew inside him. Shidou lightly shook his head, walking towards the corridor.

Just like that, he moved within the corridor, walking up the stairs, reaching the physics lab after a while.

Shidou knocked on the door, after which, the door immediately opened.

Taking a look inside, Shidou found out it was...


"You're slow!" Kotori said with a displeased face.

"Wait...don't tell me, you sneaked in here today?" Shidou asked in supprise.

"That's right. But forget it, hurry up, and come in. Time is precious."

"Ah... um."

Shidou nodded his head and step into the physics lab.

As soon as Shidou stepped in, a sleepy voice greet him.

"you've arrived, Shin."

Reine, who was sitting on top of a chair, called Shidou with a nickname that has no relation to his.

She pointed at the seat beside her. Telling him to sit there.

Shidou then just silently sat down, after which Kotori sat down beside him.

"......Well then, the thing you wanted me to see is----------?"

Shidou opened his mouth, asking with a curious and somewhat worried tone.

As Shidou finished saying, Kotori turns to the monitor placed on the table.

Reine then moved the mouse with her hand, the screen showed a video.

------In a narrow alley, for some reason, Kurumi was facing a girl with a ponytail.

 "Is that......Mana?"

That's right, the girls in the video, were Kurumi and Mana.

"Yeah, this is yesterday's video. Try to look at the surroundings."


Shidou immediately frowned after he followed Kotori's command. 

In the corner of the residential area, several girls wearing mechanical armor could be seen.


Squeezing out his voice while stunned.

AST, Anti-Spirit Team. exits to destroy the dangerous creatures... Spirits. He could not be wrong after encountering them a couple of times prior.

In the video, Shidou's classmate, Tobiichi Origami could be seen in one of the AST team.

"After seeing the AST on the street yesterday. One of our crew members had proceeded to film the process."

"Wh, why would the AST here!?...... a space quake didn't occur right? The surrounding citizens did not evacuate if the Spirit were to rampage-----"

"There's a high chance, they're confidence that they will kill the Spirit before it rampages then." Reine answered Shidou with a calm voice.


In regards to Reine's words, Shidou held his breath.

Right. But why the girl who claims to be the sister of Shidou, Takamiya Mana... was there?

"why is Mana there?"

The next instant after Shidou spoke. 

Mana's figure glowed with a faint light, after which a white mechanical armor appeared all over her body.


It was slightly different from the other AST members, but without a doubt, it was more advance than the normal AST suit.

As though responding to the opponent, Kurumi spread out her arms, at the same time the shadows at her feet crept up Kurumi's body, forming a dress.

Equipped with a dress that had frills and lace. 

All of that was highlighted with black which reminded people of the dark night, as well as a red sheen just like blood.

And lastly, her hair was tied at an uneven length.

It was just like---the minute and hour hands of a clock.

"Astral, dress......"

Shidou spoke in a daze.

Astral dress. 

An armor that every Spirit possesses. 

A divine power that protects the Spirits.

Kurumi raised her right hand above her head. 

Following that, shadows once again crept up her body, enveloping her right hand.

After that, Kurumi's body flew up high into the sky.


Unable to comprehend what just happened, Shidou let out a stupid sound.

However, in the next instant.

The equipment adorning Mana's shoulders pulsated with blinding luminance, piercing through Kurumi's stomach.

Even when the video was filmed from afar, Shidou could still see blood bleeding out of Kurumi's astral dress.

------Kurumi's body trembled.

But... It seems like, Instead of the pain, it was more like she was letting out a giggle.

She seems to be in pain, but also amused by her injury.

After that, she recovered herself after a few seconds.

Kurumi then lunged forward with a surprise attack, but before she could strike. 

Mana attacked mercilessly and tore through her body once again. 

This time, inside the alley---

Fresh blood splattered everywhere.

Kurumi was stopped in her attack as she falls down motionless.

The alley became a canvas of horror as fresh blood splattered, painting a gruesome scene.

Kurumi just laying there in the middle of her own blood, her motionless head gaze fixed upon the sky above.

Mana then just slowly steps closer to Kurumi's lifeless body.

Their eyes were looking straight at each other, one alive and one... 


Without hesitation, Mana's blade of light severed Kurumi's motionless head in a swift motion.

Blood once again splattered out from Kurumi's neck, splashing into Mana's shoes.

Again and again, Mana keeps cutting Kurumi's body into multiple parts, each time her blade slice through Kurumi's body, blood just keeps splashing out endlessly.

Just like that Kurumi's life was taken.


He couldn't help but turn his head while covering his mouth.

Because of the over-realistic scene, the reality of it came after a while. 

After Mana had completed Kurumi's dissection, Shidou then realized that puking feeling at the back of his throat.

His body couldn't help but tremble.

Although it was just a video, having seen that spectacle. 

No one could blame Shidou for reacting that way.

---Mana on the screen, turned around as though she had completed a mission. 

After dispelling the CR-Unit she was wearing, returning to her previous clothe.

Shidou frowned.

He felt that there was something wrong.

There was no smell, nor feel, just looking at the scene made Shidou feel that way, yet Mana who was in this incident, did not seem to feel anything from what she just did.

It is fine to feel guilt.

It is okay to be frustrated.

It is alright to despair.

Even so, she did not even feel a shred of accomplishment.

The brutal assignment. To put it in a single sentence.

----It seems she has gotten used, to, it.

Repeating such an action countless times, just like that, Mana did not care anymore.

At this moment, Shidou's shoulders trembled.

"This is......"

Shidou voiced out, after forcing that disgusted feeling back down.

"It's not ended yet."

Kotori raised her voice, silencing Shidou.

Even when his heart was beating loudly in his chest, Shidou did not dare to say a word but just force himself to look at the video once again.

The video still continues and just shows a gorry scene with Kurumi's body lying in the middle of her blood with each body part getting cut off.

Shidou was feeling the urge to look away, away from the bloody scene in front of him but then...


A shadow suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It spread out at a rapid rate.

And from there, a dozen of white arms surge out into the sky from the depth of the shadow.

They're all extended out and head toward a single direction. 

As Shidou keeps holding his breath, don't know what is happening----

But right at that moment, a blue-silver hair girl, wearing the Raizen school uniform suddenly appears out in the middle of the air.

Her hand holds a Katana in a defensive position as she lands gracefully on the ground.


Shidou widens his eyes in shock as he could never expect Rimuru to be there.

The arms from the shadow now all start to launch at Rimuru with an inhuman speed.

But Rimuru just stood where she landed. 

The blood in the alley splashed as she landed and stick to Rimuru's shoes but she does not care.

With a swift motion, she swing her sword lightly and severed all the arms that were launching at her.

After all of the attack was neutralized, Rimuru get back to her defensive stand.

Her eyes stay fixed on the depth of the alley as if she was looking at someone.

The shadow continued to slowly grow in surface area, climbing onto the walls and indulging Kurumi's dead body.

And from there, countless arms grew, but they were just there and not attacking Rimuru.

Suddenly, a spark of fire appear in front of her as Rimuru look like she just blocked some kind of attack.

Rimuru stood there, her mouth keeps moving as if she was having a conversation with someone.

After a while, that makes Shidou feel like an hour.

Another spark appeared as Rimuru blocked some kind of attack.

Without any hesitation, Rimuru lunged into the depth of the alley... disappearing from the camera's sight.

... and the video continue after a while, only the white hands could be seen moving around, and there was no sign of Rimuru.


From outside the alley, a figure of the woman was walking at a fast pace.

It was Reine.


Looking into Reine, who still shows a sleepy face and seems unfazed by the video.

But not too long, Shidou immediately turns his sight back to the video.

Reine stood outside of the alley and seems to be yelling out something.

But then, she started to run into the alley.

Suddenly, Kurumi's shadow became smaller and smaller... 

And eventually, disappear without a trace.

Only the pool of blood remains with pieces of flesh all over the place.

And finally, from the alley, Reine slowly walks out.

But what made Shidou's heart start racing once again was who was beside her.

Beside Reine was... Rimuru and Ciel, but Rimuru was currently supported by Ciel in her walking.

Her head was down, her uniform was now covered in blood, and from her knees down, there was red blood covering them all.

Shidou was still sitting in one place, his back was sweating the whole time, and his heart still racing in his chest.

But seeing Rimuru in that condition, he immediately sprung up.

"What happened to Rimuru!? Who was she fighting?"

"Calm down Shin."

"But Rimuru was-----"

At this point, Shidou's words suddenly stopped, to be accurate, they were forcibly stopped.

That's because Reine had hugged the head of the frantic Shidou, forcefully hugging his head.

"HMMM! HMMMM----!?"

"......Calm down, calm down."

Reine say that as she lightly stroked Shidou's head. 

However, Shidou was only able to feel the sensation of her warm chest.

After a short while, Shidou's body relaxes in surrender. 

After that, Reine released him a few seconds later.

"Rimuru was fine, you don't have to worry about it. Now try to think clearly." Reine then advised.

Shidou let out a deep breath and started to think about what just happened.

Shidou takes a peeped at the video. 

At that moment, the AST members were starting to deal with Kurumi's corpse and bloodstains which somehow appear back from the shadow.

Looking at Origami's figure in the video, he finally understood what her reaction meant this morning.

Feeling shocked was natural. 

The girl who had been killed right in front of her eyes yesterday has calmly reappeared today.

The previous images still surfaced in his brain, but his breathing and pulse have recovered more or less.


"Who did Rimuru fight?"

"It was Kurumi."

Kotori voice out the answer.

Shidou turned and look at Kotori with an unbelievable eye.

"But... Didn't Kurumi just----"

"It's a clone."

Kotori said and casually put a lollipop into her mouth.

".......That's the only hypothesis we can come up with," Reine added.


"But even if that's a clone, Kurumi can still be attacked by AST!" Shidou said, 

"......That's correct. But we are clueless about Kurumi's abilities, we can't hastily make decisions like in Rimuru's case."

Shidou immediately went silent.

That's right... they were lacking information about Kurumi's abilities.

Even with the shadow and the clones... they still don't know what Kurumi is truly capable of... 

"But what do we do huh.----At present there's nothing we can do except for keeping Rimuru in control."

"So that means... Rimuru's absence is...."

"It's to prevent Rimuru intervention," Kotori said, letting out a sigh.

"---But we still, have to do something."

Shidou asked, looking at Kotori, who just nodded in agreement with him.

"Since Kurumi is still alive, we must continue. By today, you must ask Kurumi out for a date. If we are lucky enough, you may be able to seal off her power with just one try."


Shidou let out a dumbfound sound but was interrupted by Kotori.

"The fact that Kurumi is here has been witnessed by Tobiichi Origami. Most likely the news has already been relayed to the AST. Of course, Takamiya Mana as well."

Hearing Mana's name, Shidou showed a sorrowful expression.

Remembering the scene just now. Even though they had just met yesterday, that girl introduced herself as his own sister.

And to think that Mana, who looks about the same age as Kotori, was an emotionless killer and murdered Kurumi.....was unthinkable.

"......Understood. I'll give it a try."

-------Origami POV-------

After Shidou left the classroom, Origami slowly stood up

Although Shidou did not eat lunch and leaving Yatogami Tohka behind is indeed concerning

Together with the absence of Rimuru Tempest also raises an alarm for her

However, that aside, there is something that she must do right now

Passing by Tohka who dejectedly let down her shoulders, walking toward the target's seat

"----I have something to say with you." Origami throws a cold stare, speaking to the owner of the seat

"......Origami-san? Do you want something from me?"

"Follow me."

Origami curtly responded and walked out of the classroom just like that.

Kurumi also slowly stood up with a smiling face.

Her moving was gentle and fragile.

However, knowing her true identity, Origami only felt displeasure.

Origami did not slow down, she hurried heading towards the rooftop door.

It was a convenient place where one could talk without any intervention, where no one would usually go to.

After reaching the rooftop door, Kurumi voiced out with a smile.

"......Is there anything you wanted to talk about? I haven't eaten lunch yet......"

Origami faced Kurumi, her expression not changing as she replied.

"You...! How are you still alive?"


"----You, should have been dead yesterday."

That's right. Origami yesterday definitely saw it.

Kurumi who had her four limbs cut off and her head got cut off by Mana, and was perfectly killed.

Although she understood Mana's strength But Ryoko still assembled Origami and the other AST members, to surround the Spirit in case Mana wasn't able to kill it.


Kurumi then stepped closer to Origami, her smiling face keep getting closer to Origami.

A few seconds later, using her right eye that wasn't covered, Kurumi observed Origami's face.

As Kurumi stepped closer, Origami swiftly retreated from her original spot.

There was no reason behind her actions. Just that her brain felt that something was off, warning Origami to escape.

"Well! Well! That reaction wasn't bad at all. Splendid. Truly splendid. However."


Origami held her breath. Before she managed to retreat, something grabbed her ankle.

Upon a closer look, Kurumi's shadow had expanded without her noticing.

From there, two white arms extended out.

Furthermore, the shadow continued to slowly grow in surface area, climbing onto the walls.

Countless arms grew out of the shadow, restraining Origami firmly from behind.


Although she struggled, but those slender arms did not let go of Origami's body. Instead, the strength increased, pressing Origami against the wall.

"Kihihi, hihi, it's no use. Even if you struggle, it is useless." 

Kurumi laughed with a twisted smile, letting out a sound that would only cause a deep chill when heard.

"I was in your care yesterday. Thank you for taking care of........... My body."

Kurumi approached Origami as she stroke Origami's hair. 

Suddenly, the left eye hidden behind Kurumi's fringe was shown. Pure golden in color. The pupil did not seem to be the shape of a normal pupil, it has twelve digits and two hands.

It was.... just like a clock.

"Don't you think you are being too careless, Origami-san? And you even took the trouble, to choose a location where people would rarely go to."


It was just as Kurumi said. In the end, was she mistaken by how it ended so quickly yesterday--Or, was she mistaken after seeing Kurumi at school today? 

Origami had miscalculated. 

Threatening a Spirit without a weapon, she was too careless.

"You!!!, what is your......motive?"

Even though her throat was being held, she still managed to make a sound. 

----After which, the corner of Kurumi's mouth lifted.

"Ufufu, I wanted to attend school, I guess I'm not lying if I said that. But, the biggest reason has to be----"

After pausing for a moment, Kurumi brought her face closer to a distance where Origami could feel her breath.

"----Shidou-san, right."


Hearing Shidou's name, Origami couldn't help but keep silent.

Seeing that reaction, Kurumi looked extremely happy, her smile widening even further.

"He is excellent you know. He is the best. He really-----looks. very. delicious. you. know. Aah, Aah, I'm impatient. I want him. I want his power."

------A tremor. Origami felt her back drenched in cold sweat. She totally did not realize that a Spirit would be targeting a person

And furthermore, that person is Shidou

But Kurumi didn't end there

"But that was the 'previous' reason..... Rimuru-san also looks. very. delicious. Her power is something. very. unique."

Kurumi said those words and licked her lips, her smile getting wider and wider like crazy

Origami's eyes widen

A spirit wants to have the power of another spirit...

Is that the reason why Rimuru has been absent...

There's no doubt that the power of <DESTROYER> was incredibly strong

If Kurumi has that power...

It wouldn't be exaggerated if she said it would be the end of the world


Another question surfaced within Origami at that time

The phrase that Kurumi mentioned just now. What exactly was 'power


Origami's train of thought was interrupted as Kurumi's hand started to move across Origami's body and touch her

Kurumi's face now was almost touching Origami's face

She can clearly feel Kurumi's breath on her neck, together with a hand under her skirt

Kurumi's delicate fingers slide across Origami's thigh

A light tingle of every touch makes Origami struggle even more to escape

Her left hand moved to Origami's chest, while the right hand played with the skirt

Origami struggles even more

"Origami-san. You are also---very, great you know. You look so delicious. Aah, I can't stand it. I can't take it. I want to eat you up right now."

Saying that she extended her tongue, leaving a trail of saliva on Origami's face.


"Aah, aah, but I can't. Even though this would be a waste, If i act too early, I won't die in peace."

Kurumi exaggeratedly shook her head, leaving a kiss on Origami's neck, stepping away from her.

"Let's meet again after this.---May you become, even more delicious."

With that said, Kurumi turned around, walking down the stairs.

After her figure disappeared, the arms binding Kurumi once again went back into the shadow.

"......*Cough, uh."

Origami sitting on the floor, coughing heavily.

The expanded shadow along the hallway, as though it was returning to its master, started to shrink in the direction of the corridor.

"Shi, dou-----"

Although she doesn't know why. But Kurumi was.... targeting Shidou.

It'd be bad if she didn't inform headquarters about it. 

But she knows...

No matter how she tries to convince them, they would never believe that a Spirit would be targeting an individual.

-----If Origami is unable to protect Shidou this time.

Origami grits her teeth, tightly gripping her fist.

-------Tohka POV------


Tohka sat on the chair and looked up to see the clock on top of the blackboard.

The lunch break was almost over.

She hasn't eaten anything since breakfast.

However, she did not open her bento. Although Shidou had told her to.

Ciel's cooking was delicious.

But Tohka felt that it would taste better if Shidou ate with her, so she chose not to eat her bento.


Students playing outside were already slowly making their way back into class.

However, there was still no sign of Shidou to be seen.


Not knowing why, her eyes started to feel hot, and felt that it was getting difficult to breathe through her nose.

-----Just then.

"Hm? Did something happen Tohka-chan?"

"Why haven't you eaten your lunch?"

"Class is about to start already!"

The female trio entered the classroom and spoke to Tohka, looks like they have eaten lunch outside.

They are girls who treat Tohka rather well. If she remembered correctly their names were Ai, Mai, and Mii. Looks like they were so close because their names sounded similar.

"Uwaa! What's the matter Tohka-chan?! Don't cry!"

"who did this!?"

"I said the person who did this, step out!!"

The three people surrounded Tohka, speaking in turn.

"No, it's not like that! No one did anything!"

Tohka waved her hands hastily, explaining to the trio.

"Shidou, still not back yet. ......Also, thinking about how I haven't been able to properly speak with him today, just like that, I don't know why, I......"

Once she said it out, huge teardrops started falling from her eyes.

"Aaah! Tohka-chan! It's alright if you don't feel happy!"

"But really now, I don't get Itsuka-kun! How can he let such a cute girl cry!"

"Let's chop off his head and feed it to the pigs!"

The trio shouted out in rage. Tohka once again stopped them in panic.

"No, it's not Shidou's fault! It's only, I......"

Tohka tried to rephrase her words with her limited vocabulary, she had become too accustomed to having Shidou by her side.

After hearing that, Ai, Mai, and Mii all nodded their heads.

"So for Tohka-chan, as long as you can talk to Itsuka-kun, eat together with him and play together with him, you would be SUPER HAPPY right?"

Ai said. Tohka nodded her head.

"Guu, how innocent," Mai said and wiped her imaginary tears away.

The trio looked at Tohka, suddenly slapping their thighs with a "Yosh!"

"I'm giving it my all for Tohka-chan!"

Ai said, taking out two pieces of paper from her pocket.

"Ah, Ai, that's......!"

"Yes, tickets to the aquarium Tenguu Gojuusou......! Tomorrow! Tohka-chan, take this, go there with Itsuka-kun tomorrow!"

"You can't return this Tohka-chan. Take this and go on a date tomorrow."


With those words, Tohka's eyes grew wider. 

A date.....

--- that's wonderful.

However, there is still one problem.

"I, I have to invite......him?"

Tohka said while sweating in panic.

"Yeah. Just once, just once. But we are going to teach you a secret move."

"A secret move......?"

"Right. In short, that means playing with a man's lust!"

------Shidou POV------

When the last homeroom ended, Shidou entered the corridor, changed his shoes at the entrance, and walked toward Kurumi's direction.

"Kurumi, do you have a minute?"

"Shidou-san, is something bothering you?"

"Aaah. Sorry for being so sudden......Kurumi you, are you free tomorrow?"

"Yes, I am."

"About that, if it's possible... tomorrow, can I take you around for a walk......?"

"---You mean a date right?"

"Eh? That's......"

"fufu, I already know it, you want to have a date with me right?"

"Really, then......tomorrow at 10:30, I'll meet you at Tenguu station."

"Yes, I'll be waiting!"

Kurumi said with all smiles. 

Shidou let out a sigh of relief as he takes his bag and walks back home.

He then meets Tohka at the school entrance.

But then he noticed something weird....

Tohka who was always very enthusiastic, now looks like....

---For some unknown reason she furtively looked around, looking down while blushing.

"Wh, what's the matter? Did something happen?"

"It, it's nothing......! Let's hurry up and go home!"

Tohka looked around as she forcefully said, seemingly wanting Shidou to lead the way as she slowly followed behind.

Despite feeling curious about Tohka's peculiar actions, but they continued to keep it this way as they walked home.

Although he wasn't sure why, but on the way back, Tohka still did not show her face.

Not long after, they finally reached the Itsuka residence and the apartment made for Spirits to live in.

"Ooh, goodbye then. Are you eating dinner at my house tonight?"

At this point, Shidou's greeting with his hand raised as usual----

it was cut short midway.

The reason was simple, Tohka did not walk toward the Spirit house, but towards the Itsuka residence.

"Tohka? Aren't you going to change your clothes first?"


Still no response.

<She still goes to Itsuka's residence later anyway. So there wasn't any problem with coming early.> 

Shidou took out the key from his pocket, opening the door.

"I'm home."

Since the door was locked, it meant that Kotori still had yet to return home, but he said it out of reflex. After that he walked to the living room, lightly stretching after placing his bag down.


At this point, a sound could be heard.

Looks like Tohka who had followed behind Shidou had just locked the entrance. 

Tohka entered the living room with her head still lowered.

"Hm? It's okay if it's unlocked? Kotori is returning home soon too."


Tohka did not reply, instead, she put down her bag and took out two tickets.

After that, she suddenly raised her head.

Just as Shidou was left in confusion, Tohka hastily ran towards the windows of the living room, pulling the thick curtains.


However, Tohka still did not reply.

This time she took out a memo from her bag, placing it on the table.

Then, she placed her hands on her hips with a troubled expression, slowly rolling up her skirt.  temporarily shorten her skirts. Tohka's 'healthy' thighs gradually showed themselves.

"Hey, hey, Tohka......?"

Unable to understand the reason for Tohka's actions, Shidou frowned while his face was dripping in sweat. 

Next Tohka loosened the butterfly knot on her uniform, unbuttoning her shirt from the top. 

The second......

The third......

She actually undid four of them. 

From the gap between the shirt, Tohka's white chest could be glimpsed, Shidou couldn't help but turn his eyes away.

"Wh, what are you doing Tohka!? If you wanted to change then you should do it in your room-----"

"shi, Shidou!"

Tohka interrupted Shidou's words, using her mouth to hold the tickets, going on all fours, making the pose of a female leopard.

"Wh, whawhawhat are you doing......!?"

Confused, Tohka looked regretful as she said "It, it doesn't work......!"

She then takes the ticket out of her mouth. ......Doesn't work or not, Shidou did not get a single clue of what she was thinking.

However Tohka looked at the memo on the table once more,

"Oo, okay......!"

She shouted as though trying to raise her own spirits, taking the tickets.

This time...

She placed the tickets into her exposed chest and tilted her head.

It looked like they wouldn't stay in position. 

Therefore Tohka slightly bent forward, using her left hand on her chest to make a cleavage, and placed the ticket inside, after which she gave Shidou a look.


Feeling like he had just seen something bad, Shidou involuntarily took a step backward.

"shidou......Ab, about that!"

"Oo, oh......What is it?"

"To, tomorrow......won't you go on a date"

"Ha......? date......?"


Tohka exaggeratedly nodded, displaying the ticket in her chest.

Is she asking him to take it from there?

If he doesn't take the ticket from there, Tohka's actions are probably going to go up another level.

Shidou is a boy undergoing puberty. 

It's impossible to say that he was not interested, but he couldn't just say okay just like that.

His face dripping with sweat, and trembling hands slowly stretched towards Tohka's chest.

And, taking extreme caution to not touch Tohka's breasts, he took the ticket from her.

"ooooh!" Tohka's expression immediately brightened, correcting her posture.

The next instant, Tohka had adjusted her skirt, covering her chest and taking her bag.

"Tomorrow! We'll meet at ten at the Pachi Statue! then I'll go and change now!"

After that, Tohka ran out of the living room, down the hallway, and went outside.

"Wh, what was that......?"

Shidou dumbly muttered, his eyes fell onto the ticket in his hand. Looks like a ticket to the aquarium. Where did it come from?

Following that, his eyes moved to the memo that Tohka placed on the table. On it, with cursive writing the words [Tohka-chan's Seduction Plan]. At the bottom was written the following.

①The pose of a female leopard.

②Use your breasts to hold the ticket

③If those two don't work pin him down.

......Although he wasn't very sure but looks like it had been very dangerous just now.

"Haaa... this is......"

As Shidou was confused, the sound of someone could be heard from the entrance.

Instantly thinking that Tohka had returned he readied his posture---But it was not. Walking into the living room were, Rimuru and Yoshino...

Rimuru must be staying in the Fraxinus airship the whole day with Yoshino.

Shidou could not imagine how she can go through seeing someone die in front of her the previous day and can still act like nothing happened.

Yes, He worry about her health and if she was injured after the battle.

But also... The way Rimuru acts... it just too similar to Mana...

They both act as if seeing Kurumi's death was no big thing.

But he can't say that Reine warned him----

The sound of Rimuru closing the door cut Shidou out of his thought.

Rimuru then just casually speaks.

"Why did Tohka look so excited...?"

Rimuru asks with a genuinely confused expression.

Shidou felt his cheeks redden a bit and just laughed it off.

And if she came back just a little bit earlier...

<No! Let's not think about that!>

Shidou shakes his head.

At this point, just as Shidou wished to speak, the handphone in his pocket started to vibrate.

Looking at the screen, it was from a number that he did not know.

Feeling slightly odd, he answered the phone, and from the other end of the phone came a calm voice.


<<Hm......? This voice, are you......Origami?>>


Origami gave a short reply.

"did, did I tell you my phone number before?"

Origami did not reply, after a moment of silence, she continued to speak.

<<You, can't be left alone.>>


Shidou replied in shock, Origami continued to speak with no changes in her intonation.

<<11 in the morning. I'll be waiting at the plaza outside Tenguu station.>>


<<You definitely must come.>>

Leaving behind such a line, she ended the phone call.

......In the end, not one of Shidou's questions was answered.

"I don't know what happened, but it looks like you're busy..."

---END CHAP 14---

6113 words!

Monthly update? Yearly update? Decade'ly' update? Galactic yearly updated? Eon update?


Just kidding, I now got a job... and so do the other members.



Yeah, I know... this chapter almost has no Rimuru pov.

But this story is not just have 1 protagonist, Shidou is also a protagonist in his own stories so it worth it to look into his thought... (this is a dumb excuse)

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