Group Chat

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Antichrist has added Ryuji Suguro, Izumo Kamiki, Konekomeru Miwa, Shiemi Moriyama, Shima Renzou, and Yukio Okumura to No Chill.

Antichrist: Yo I finally learned how to make a group chat on this thing!

Ryuji Suguro: By "this thing," do you mean your phone?

Renzou Shima: nevermind that, dude what's up with your name?

Antichrist: You can't deny this is  exactly what I am. (-_-)

Konekomeru Miwa: He's not wrong....

Yukio Okumura: What Is The Point Of This Group Chat And Why Am I In It?

Renzou Shima: teach, what's with your typing???

Antichrist: He's just weird like that. Don't know why.

Shiemi Moriyama: What's an Antichrist?

Ryuji Suguro: It's....exactly what it says.....

Antichrist: Hey, she's a sheltered child. She didn't know what Mochi was before I showed her when I was cooking dinner once. I almost cried.

Renzou Shima: never seen you cry before. what a man.

Shiemi Moriyama: I have! It was sad! (。   。✿)

Ryuji Suguro: When did he cry? I don't remember that happening.

Yukio Okumura: Me Either. I Have Never, In My Life, Seen Rin Cry. It's Actually Kind Of Weird....

Antichrist: You were too busy training to kill Demons and shooting guns like a normal 8 year olds do

Antichrist changed Shiemi Moriyama's name to Flower Girl.

Flower Girl: It's beautiful! Thank you Rin!

Antichrist: Yup

Ryuji Suguro: But when did you cry?!

Antichrist: I ain't tellin ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

Flower Girl: It was while we were at Kyoto. That's all I'll say.

Ryuji Suguro: Was it because of me?

Antichrist: Pffft no. Stop giving yourself so much credit

Antichrist: Actually wait, scratch that. It was kinda everything. I can take a lot, but sometimes I just can't.

Renzou Shima: why do things always get depressing and awkward when you guys talk?

Antichrist: ¯\_(°╭╮°)_/¯

Ryuji Suguro: Don't know.

Izumo Kamiki: Because neither of you know how to handle feelings or socially interact properly. 

Antichrist: Y'all stop calling me out on my bullshit. I'm trying

Yukio Okumura: Not Really.

Antichrist: Shut the fuck up, you're not even home most of time. What do you know

Konekomeru Miwa: So that's a Domestic problem.

Antichrist: We have no domestic life. It's just me trying to make a home out of a trashy old building. Bright side is that I can do whatever I want and be as loud as I want because no one else lives there but me

Renzou Shima: as loud as you want huh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Renzou Shima: what are you doing in the dorm Rin?

Antichrist changed Renzo Shima's name to Pink Pervert.

Antichrist: First of all ew

Antichrist: Second of all, I blast my music so I can forget my existential crisis that hasn't gone away since I came out of my mother's womb

Izumo Kamiki: Pop culture reference and a burn at the same time. Yeah, that name definitely suits him.

Pink Pervert changed Izumo Kamiki's name to Fox Babe.

Fox Babe: This is disgusting. How do I change this?

Ryuji Suguro changed Fox Babe's name to Fox Bitch.

Ryuji Suguro: That's better.

Antichrist changed Fox Bitch's name to Polka-Brows.

Antichrist: It's Izumo in her final form.

Antichrist changed Ryuji Suguro's name to Rawr XD.

Rawr XD: Why....?

Antichrist: Because dragons Rawr.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ – ✧)

Pink Pervert: pfft that wink tho

Konekomeru Miwa: Oooh, change mine!

Antichrist changed Konekomeru Miwa's name to Smol Cat Child.

Smol Cat Child: Valid. What about Okumura-Sensei?

Antichrist: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

Rawr XD: I don't trust that face. What does that face mean?

Flower Girl: Rin, what are you planning?

Antichrist changed Yukio Okumura's name to Actually Satan.

Actually Satan:

Actually Satan: I'm Going To Kill You Rin.

Antichrist: Fuckin try me

Antichrist: I'm ready

Polka-Brows: I hear crashing from their dorm.

Smol Cat Child: I can hear screaming. I think I just saw a flash of blue.

Rawr XD: Rin's gonna win. Anyone wanna take me up on that?

Polka-Brows: I'll bet.

Pink Pervert: I'm betting too.

Flower Girl: You guys, that's a little mean. (ó   ò✿)

Smol Cat Child:.....

Smol Cat Child: Count me in.

6:45 p.m.

Antichrist: I lived bitch

Rawr XD changed their name to Ryu.

Ryu: This is better.

Antichrist: That's cute

Pink Pervert: how did you survive?

Antichrist: I used to fight before I came here. No one I know can beat me. ¯\_(°╭╮°)_/¯

Flower Girl: Why is that sad, Rin?

Antichrist: Fighting and hanging around the streets of the poor part of Tokyo does not give me a good image Shiemi. It gave me control over people because they were scared of me, so they stayed away from my house. Having people fear you sucks

Polka-Brows: Huh. I'm kinda of surprised. Didn't think you'd be the type to beat people up 24/7. Why'd you always fight?

Actually Satan: Because He's A Delinquent.

Antichrist: Because every gang in the area heard about a guy who was abnormally strong and had to assert their male dominance only to get their butts whooped

Ryu: That's a big word, Rin. I'm proud of you.


Ryu: Is he okay?

Actually Satan: His Face Is Red.

Antichrist: Who said you could come back in the room? Go back downstairs

Pink Pervert: whipped.

Smol Cat Child: Rin is like an angry housewife. He kicked Okumura-Sensei out of the room to sleep downstairs all by himself.

Antichrist: I'm not a housewife! I just don't take people's shit. Try me, but you'll fail

Ryu: Housewives are vicious....

Antichrist: I stg Suguro I'll fite u

Ryu: With what, bad grammar?

Antichrist: No fair, you know I'm dumb. (°╭╮°)

Flower Girl: Suguro-san that was mean. ('  o  ´ ✿ )

Flower Girl: Rin, are you okay?

Antichrist: I'm fine

Flower Girl: Are you really fine?

Antichrist: Trust me, I've spent my whole life being hated by people. One tiny insult about my grammar won't hurt me, Shiemi

Flower Girl: Sometimes small things hurt too.
(ó   ò✿)

Pink Pervert: you can feel the worry from that kaomoji.

Ryu: And suddenly, I'm an asshole. (-_-)

Smol Cat Child: You do realize you're not helping your case, right?

Polka-Brows: I left to eat dinner and I come back to Moriyama mother henning Rin because Gorilla couldn't watch his mouth. Nice.

Ryu: I said one tiny thing about his grammar and now I'm in the wrong. How is that fair?

Pink Pervert: because Rin is different from all of us and everyone we know. we have to be careful, dude.

Ryu: Oh yeah.....

Polka-Brows: That's surprisingly observant of you, Shima.

Antichrist: I'm not Special Ed, chill....

Actually Satan: Maybe We Should Have Had You Tested.

Antichrist: This is why Dad trained you instead of raising you right

Actually Satan: This Is Why Dad Neglected You.

Flower Girl has removed Actually Satan from No Chill.

Flower Girl: We only let Good Vibes into this chat! (ಸ ︿ ಸ ✿)

Flower Girl: Rin, did I say that right?

Flower Girl: Rin?

Polka-Brows: Give him some time, that comeback had to hurt.

Smol Cat Child: That was savagery. 😾


Ryu: Are you okay?

Antichrist: I'm never ok, but after that? I'm fine. If my bro decides to be an ass, that's his problem. I'm not the one losing friends

Ryu: Yeah, but Moriyama was right. Small things hurt too.

Antichrist: My entire situation sucks as a whole, but I like having you guys to watch my back for me (^^)

Ryu: God, you're such a happy dork. Never Change, Rin.

Antichrist: (•/////•) ok


Yukio looked weirdly up at the ceiling of the room he was in. Was Rin sqealing?

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