Rin Why

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3:27 a.m.

Blue Sunshine: Guys there's an inflatable bed for your car :D

Blue Sunshine: CarBed.img

Pink Pervert: car sex just got a whole lot easier lmao

Ryu: Rin it's three in the fucking morning.

Polka-Brows: Insomnia doesn't care what time it is, Gorilla.

Ryu: He has insomnia?

Blue Sunshine: I used to, then I got older and started sleeping an unhealthy amount. Mephisto said it was because the seal was breaking and my body needed to adjust to the changes. It's also why I slept so much in the beginning of this year

Blue Sunshine: But now all that's over with and I can't sleep again, so internet it is

Ryu: Huh.

Ryu: And about the Car Bed, it would probably be more useful for homelessness, Shima.

Izumo: Or murder. You could kill someone and just make it look like they're sleeping in the back of your car.

Smol Cat Child: Three kinds of people....

Pink Pervert: or you could do all three. Find a hot homeless person, bang them, then kill them and dump the body somewhere.

Smol Cat Child: *Four kinds of people.

Blue Sunshine: That's not what I was going for, but you do you I guess

Blue Sunshine: I saw it and just went "Lmao I remember what sleep was like"

Blue Sunshine: But insomnia also allowed me to finish all the schoolwork, so it comes with benefits

Flower Girl: Rin, when did you change your name?

Blue Sunshine: Bon changed it last night

Pink Pervert: and now you call him Bon. what were you guys up to last night?

Ryu: Talking like normal people. What were you doing?

Polka-Brows: Probably spying on innocent girls like a degenerate.

Pink Pervert: you guys are so mean to me. :'(

Flower Girl: You betrayed us and stole Kamiki-san.

Ryu: Damn, even Moriyama.

Smol Cat Child: Go to sleep, we have a mission tomorrow!

Blue Sunshine: Gn guys, thanks for dealing with me

Ryu: Anytime.

Polka-Brows: Seconded.

Flower Girl: Me too! Seconded!

4:20 am

Pink Pervert: blaze it.

Blue Sunshine: Shima, go to sleep

12:15 pm

Blue Sunshine: Guess who got detention

Ryu: What did you do?

Flower Girl: An exchange student has been bothering Rin in our second period every day for the past three weeks and Rin got angry at her for distracting him so often.

Pink Pervert: okay so what happened?

Polka-Brows: You snapped, huh?

Blue Sunshine: Yeah. I snapped in the middle of class and turned around and said "I'm gonna punch you in the gut, Mary." And the tattletale in front of me told the teacher. So I got lunch detention >:(

Ryu: Rin if you got detention, why are you walking towards us right now?

Blue Sunshine: I never said I was gonna DO the detention ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Smol Cat Child: Rin, you really shouldn't push the lenience you get from being the Headmaster's charge....

Blue Sunshine: I have authority issues, don't @ me. And what's the point of being that clown bastard's charge if I don't use it to my advantage once in a while

Suguro looked up at Rin and put his phone away when he got to them. Rin gave them a bright smile.

"You were right to name him Blue Sunshine." Izumo admitted. Shima snickered at the fierce red blush on his childhood friend's cheeks.


Ryu: Pls tell me you got the demon that just bolted around the corner Rin

Blue Sunshine: There was a demon?

Smol Cat Child: We're gonna fail the Exorcist Exam.

Blue Sunshine: Jk, I got it lmao

Blue Sunshine: GotYaBitch.jpg

Ryu: Is that demon fucking hogtied?

Blue Sunshine: Yes 😄

Ryu: Why do you know how to hogtie??

Actually Satan: If He Was Going To Deal With People Jumping Him In The Streets Constantly, He Had To Get Creative.

Flower Girl: Aw, Yuki defended Rin!

Actually Satan: I Won't If You Keep Calling Me Out For It.

Blue Sunshine: Just let him get away with it, I don't get affection from him

Ryu: You need a better family.

Blue Sunshine: In his defense, we weren't raised right

Polka-Brows: Valid excuse, go on.

Blue Sunshine: That was it

Polka-Brows: Nope, you started, now you're gonna open up bc you never want to and we can't help you if we know so little about you.

Blue Sunshine: I didn't ask for help tho

Smol Cat Child: That doesn't mean you guys don't need it, so spill.

Blue Sunshine: UGH, fine

Blue Sunshine: Yukio where the fuck do I even start, I don't remember most of childhood, I just remember how much it sucked ass

Actually Satan: Repressed Memories Is Probably Best For You. You Don't Need To Remember Getting Your Head Cracked Open With A Rock Someone Threw At You In The Schoolyard When We Were Six.

Blue Sunshine: Is that why my memory is fucked?? That explains so much

Actually Satan: I'll Explain In The Easiest Way Possible.

Actually Satan: You All Know I Started Training At Seven. Rin And I Were Really Close Until We Were Eight. But, Because My Father Trained Me In Most Of His Freetime And Attended His Priestly Duties And Missions, He Had No Time For Rin Except For The Rare Lazy Day.

Actually Satan: So, Rin Got Neglected And I Got A Lot Of Our Father's Attention. I Was Smart And Understood Things Easily, So Expectations Ruined Me Over The Years And I Got Stuck Being An Unwilling People Pleaser. I Was The Golden Boy And I Never Asked To Be, And No One But Rin Ever Asked Me If I Even Wanted To Be The Perfect Golden Boy. Rin Told Me To Just Be Honest About How Much I Hated The Pressure, But I Couldn't.

Actually Satan: On Rin's Side, He Was Neglected And Rin Hates Being Alone And He Hates Silence, So He Took To Going Outside Of The Monastery And Hanging Around The Streets. He Was Scorned And Shunned By Other Kids And Their Parents, Plus The Teachers. Rin Always Got Compared To Me And Because He Saw How Much I Struggled Trying To Be Perfect For Everyone, He Stopped Putting In As Much Effort At School So I Could Relax Some And Wouldn't Have To Do As Much Because Compared To Rin, I Was A Genius.

Pink Pervert: that's a noble cause, man. respect.

Ryu: So you're saying that Rin could easily be as smart as you and I, but refuses to because he wants things to be less difficult for you? That's both nice and fucked up.

Blue Sunshine: I take it back, stop exposing me

Actually Satan: Nope, This Needs To Be Done Or We'll Get Nowhere.

Actually Satan: Anyways, Rin Started Skipping School In Middle School When He Got Tired Of The Continued Assault And Our Father Doing Nothing About It Because He Was Too Busy To Deal With It And Assumed Rin Was Usually The One Provoking Because Of His Loud Personality. He Never Really Understood That Rin's Personality Was So Loud Because No One Ever Listened. Whatever Kind Of Man Father Fujimoto Was Before He Adopted Us, He Should Never Have Been Trusted With Children, He Was A Terrible Parental Figure. He Tried His Best, But Even That Was Messed Up At Best And Utterly Fucked At Worst. He Was A Good Teacher, Though.

Actually Satan: So Rin Grew Up Pretending We All Loved Him and Refusing To Face The Fact That Everyone Around Him Was Cruel and Unfair.

Blue Sunshine: I did get to see how hard Shiro tried at the very end when he committed suicide to save me from going to Gehenna with Satan

Actually Satan: It Would've Been Mercy To Just Kill You Instead.

Blue Sunshine: Shhhh, no one needs to know how much I regret making the decision to be an Exorcist

Actually Satan: That's As Far As I Know, You Never Told Me Much About That Night. Do You Mind Telling Us Now Or Are You Done?

Blue Sunshine: Nah, I'll tell you guys about the important part after that night.

Blue Sunshine: At Dad's Funeral, Mephisto and a small army of Exorcists surrounded me when I was standing at Dad's grave. Dad said Mephisto would protect me, but the bastard said that personal matters and work matters needed to stay separated and that he couldn't help me

Blue Sunshine: Then he gave me three choices: Let them kill me right there and be done with it, kill all of them a and make a run for it, or suicide.

Ryu: So he didn't propose you become an Exorcist?!

Blue Sunshine: No, I made that choice for myself because Dad didn't tell me Yukio was already a fucking Exorcist and perfectly fine being independent, so I stayed because I couldn't leave my little brother alone with no idea what the hell happened to his father and brother and I didn't trust a guy like Mephisto around Yukio

Ryu: I don't think therapy would work on you honestly....

Blue Sunshine: Killing demons is therapeutic enough, but you guys don't let me do anything but incinerate them now, so my therapy is kind of gone

Smol Cat Child: You're a sweet person, but your therapy is absolute destruction. Now that I think about it, you must struggle with not beating people half to hell when they bother you, which is acceptable. Shouldn't you have some form of Social Anxiety?

Blue Sunshine: Yes, but my desperation to not be alone and forgotten forever trumped the Social Anxiety with you guys. You never see me talking to anyone but you guys and Godaiin. And I only talked to Godaiin in the first place because I felt bad that he thought he was going nuts for seeing demons and he was terrified. I'm too nice

Ryu: Now that I think about it, you also can't stand crowds and get to classes really quickly because you're always trying to avoid people in hallways between classes. Now you have Godaiin close, so you feel safer taking your time getting to classes. And in Kyoto, I let you hold my hand when we went sightseeing because you looked two seconds from a panic attack after about five minutes of dealing with the crowds.

Blue Sunshine: There's a lot of issues to unpack between Yukio and I, I'm not sure you guys really wanna see all the ugly shit

Flower Girl: Nonsense! We wanna know everything so we can help you. And you guys aren't the only ones with issues, you know? I don't really have any, but I know everyone else does! (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Pink Pervert: hhhh she's so pure

Polka-Brows: Shiemi, your problem is that you were way too sheltered growing up, you had Social Anxiety so bad that you couldn't be around people besides your mother and grandmother at all, and you're emotionally stunted and super gullible.

Pink Pervert: damn, you didn't have to come down that hard on her Izumo

Flower Girl: Oh! You're right! Then we can all learn how to deal with our problems together! (◠‿◠✿)

Pink Pervert: i forgot she likes it when you shit talk her, nvmnd

Blue Sunshine: It's not shit talk, it's the truth, you just don't know the difference bc you spend all your time backstabbing everyone you know

Ryu: Damn, that was quick.

Actually Satan: We Have Trust Issues, Don't @ Us.

Smol Cat Child: I didn't have trust issues before we found out Shima was a double spy.

Ryu: Same here.

Pink Pervert: In my defense, I have no say in anything happening without being a double spy. I'm playing the game so that I always end up on top.

Blue Sunshine: That's fine, but I can't protect you like that, so you're on your own. It just sucks that I can't actually tell you anything important in case you wanna tell Daddy's Biggest Fan

Blue Sunshine: Having friends is a luxury I didn't have until this year, so it kind of hurts me to exclude you

Actually Satan: That's Because You're Too Nice. I'm The Mean One. If We Could Get Along For More Than Two Minutes, We Could Look Out For Each Other Better.

Blue Sunshine: I defended you until your actions couldn't be excused, trust me I did my best

Actually Satan: I Know You Did, Thank You. I'm A Difficult Person To Be Around, I Know

Ryu: Realizing that and admitting it is the first step to getting better about it.

Polka-Brows: Are there therapist for Exorcists? Or is that an unexplored field of work that we need?

Actually Satan: Actually, It's A Work In Progress. Why We Were Made To Go So Long Without Therapy And Then The Order Wonders Why People Lost Their Minds And Betrayed Us, I Have No Clue. Maybe I Could Check It Out Sometime, If I'm Ever Allowed To Have Freetime.

Ryu: Do you have freetime now, or are you slacking on another job? We just got back from a mission, didn't we?

Actually Satan: I'm Grading Papers Right Now, But I Wanted To Be Included. Rin And I Have Started Switching Off On Grading So I Can Take A Break Once In A While And Have A Decent Sleeping Schedule.

Flower Girl: Aw, you guys are so nice. You're doing good trying to be better with your relationship.

Actually Satan: It Only Works Because Rin Does His Homework In The Study Sessions You Guys Have, So Thanks For That. He Came Up With the Idea Of Helping Me Grade So He Could Spend More Time Actually Talking To Me. I Don't Deserve Him.

Ryu: No, you don't, but that's why he's trying to make sure you do. Don't take him for granted ever again or I'll kick your ass myself.

Pink Pervert: and back to the fact that Bon is in love with Rin

Smol Cat Child: Stop outing people Shima, it's rude. And remember, we still know plenty of your secrets for blackmail. I'll put your ass on blast.

Polka-Brows: I expected Rin to say something by now. Is he not checking his phone?

Actually Satan: No, He Is, He's Just Collapsed On The Desk. He Hasn't Protested Someone Having A Crush On Him A Single Time It's Been Brought Up.

Polka-Brows: That's because it's always the Gorilla who gets exposed.

Flower Girl: I don't see the big deal, I think it's sweet how he cares so much about Rin.

Actually Satan: He's Going To Explode If You Keep Talking About It, Move On.


Snowman: We'll Come Back To It Later

✨SpIcY✨: Can we not?

Snowman: Don't Be A Wuss, Love Is Love, Please Just Go For It Already, You Two Morons Keep Flirting In Cram School And I Have ¥100,000 On The Line.


Snowman: Ofc We Bet On It, What Do You Think The Teachers Do In The Lounge?

✨SpIcY✨: Who Are You Betting On?

Snowman: I Won't Tell You, Gotta Keep It Interesting.

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