A Nightmare's Christmas.

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The next morning, Rhea woke me with a kiss, "Morning, baby."
"Morning." I smiled.
"Get a goodnight sleep?" She asked.
"I did actually." I kissed her as she leaned down, "You?"
"I did. And I got the perfect pounding of a lifetime from my boyfriend." She giggled as I turned us over and kissed her.
"He sounds like an amazing guy." I chuckled.
"He is. He's strong, sensitive at least to me." I chucked at her comment. "But he's loving, caring and passionate about what he wants. And I'd like him to know, he could never disappoint me. And I know I'll never disappoint him. He means everything to me." She kissed me.
"And you my dear Nightmare, mean the world to me." I smiled as I kissed Rhea as she grinned and returned the kiss. "You always will" I breathed, as we broke the kiss.

We got out of bed and got ready for the day as we had a couple of episodes to film and I had a plan to make this Christmas a very memorable for Rhea. And I'm hoping she'll love the surprise I have in store for her.

We got our gym bags gathered as we prepared to go to the Performance Center to work out and also get some practice in before the tapings for the holiday season. After eating a quick meal for breakfast we headed to the PC.

When we arrived at the Performance Center we were greeted by Mia and Keith. Keith and I were to go after the NXT Tag Team Championships and Rhea wasn't scheduled to defend her NXT Women's Championship until Worlds Collide the day before the Royal Rumble next year. So she wasn't supposed to compete in singles match for the tapings as she and Mia Yim were going to be in tag team matches for the NXT tapings.
"There she is. The NXT Women's Champion." Mia joked and Rhea being the good sport she is started giggling and laughing.
"Thank you for that stellar introduction, Mia." Rhea grinned.
"Any time." Mia grinned. "So is the Creature ready to tag with my boyfriend? 'Limitless' Keith Lee?" She asked.
"I am actually." I smiled. We headed inside for some training and practice. Keith and I tossed each other around the practice ring and had fun while doing it, laughing and groaning when one of us hit a hard punch or slam or toss, which may have annoyed Rhea and Mia a bit.
We peeled ourselves off the mat of the practice ring and went to the weights as Mia and Rhea looked at each other. "Their like siblings who were separated at birth. And found each other years later." Mia grinned.
"Yeah. They do. It also gives me a glimpse of what kind of father, Daniel will be." Rhea said.
"Thinking of the future, huh." Mia grinned.
"Well, yeah. Daniel's been there for me ever since we met in NXT UK. And we just made our relationship public yesterday. And I see us. Being married, having a family of our own." Rhea smiled as she looked to me as I spotted Keith on the bench press.
"Well, Keith and I know he loves you. I mean Keith hasn't turned over a car and turned it into scrap metal. But." Rhea giggled at Mia's comment.
"I know. Daniel would move heaven and earth for me. Just to make me happy." Rhea grinned as Mia and her took turns tossing each other into the corners of the practice ring. "And I would do the same for him." She said as Mia tossed her into the ropes and knocked her down with a shoulder tackle. Then helped her up.
"Well, I'm sure that when you and him do have kids. I'm dead certain that, you will be an outstanding mother and he," Mia pointed at me as Keith was spotting me on the bench press. "Will be an amazing father." Rhea grinned at her statement.
"Thanks, Mia." Mia smiled in response.

We finished training for the day and Rhea and I headed home, exchanged our gym bags for our arena bags then headed to Full Sail arena to do the NXT tapings to be aired for the remainder of the year.
Rhea and I changed into our entrance/ring attire and headed to catering where Mia and Keith were waiting. There were to be two matches for me and Keith as there was only one for Rhea and Mia.

Me and Keith's match against Gargano and Ciampa was first out the the four of us to be taped. Keith made his entrance first after Gargano and Ciampa did theirs. After Keith made his entrance, I made mine and took off my jacket and jumped in place as Keith told me the plan to begin with and of course I had my suggestions. Once we agreed on a plan he patted my back and I focused on Ciampa who I just tore into for the next eight to ten minutes. I tagged Keith in and he tossed Ciampa into his corner and he tagged in Gargano and Keith went to work on him. Keith dragged Gargano to our corner and tagged me in and I tossed him to the ropes and performed a flapjack as Keith performed a cutter, in essence performing 3-D, before rolling out of the ring. And I covered Gargano for the win. Keith and I made our way to the back and were met by our girls.
"Your up girls." I grinned
"Excellent work out there babe." Rhea said kissing me.
"Thank you darling." I smiled as I kissed her and she returned the kiss with enough heat and passion to set fire to the curtains.
"Ugh, get a room you two." Mia chuckled.
'To be continued at home.' Rhea whispered.
'Can't wait.' I smiled as she headed out to the ring with Mia.
As they headed out to the ring, Keith and I headed to catering

Rhea and Mia were to go against Deonna Purrazzo and Chelsea Green.
35 minutes into the match. Chelsea was in trouble as Rhea set her up for Riptide. And performed it to perfection. Mia tossed Deonna out of the ring ad performed a suicide dive on her as Rhea pinned Chelsea for the win.
Mia and Rhea celebrated on the stage and made their way to the back and found us in catering.

Two and a half hours later Keith and I headed back out to the ring as Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly were waiting in the ring. When the match started Keith Keith started taking apart Bobby Fish as I was on the apron cheering and giving advice when necessary or needed. When Kyle O'Reilly was tagged in, Keith tagged me in and I wasted no time in leveling Kyle. After a good twenty minutes or so, I tagged Keith in and we set Kyle up for Magic Killer and performed it to devastating effect. I leveled Bobby Fish as Keith went for the pin and the win.

Once we made it to the back, Rhea and Mia were waiting for us respectively and we said our temporary farewells to Mia and Keith as we went to our locker room and changed from or ring gear to some clean casuals. We stopped by a burger place and grabbed some lazy food as we made our way to our home.

Once we were at our home, I parked in the driveway, we grabbed our arena bags and headed inside. I locked the car up, and locked the front door behind us as we walked in. We sat on the sofa and watched a couple of movies as we started to wind down from the training, practice and taping at Full Sail. We talked about what we planned to do for Christmas this year as it was our first in the States. But I had a very special gift for my Nightmare that I was sure she would enjoy. We planned on going caroling with Keith, Mia, Candice and Gargano tomorrow night. After we ate the burgers.
Rhea and I turned off the tv and started making out which evolved into a heated four hour round which spilled into the foyer, the stairway, the hall and ended with bothe of us on the bedroom floor. Both of us caked in sweat, catching our breath as I wrapped my arms around Rhea had been riding me in reverse cowgirl for the past twenty minutes and now laid her back to my chest on top of me. She held my arms with her shaky hands as she slid her head to my right shoulder and turned her head to the left as I turned mine a bit to the right and kissed her lips.
"You are an amazing lover, babe." She grinned. "Far better than I ever expected you to be when we first had sex. And you just keep raising the bar, every time. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us."
"Neither can I, Demi darling." I smiled as I reached up and pulled the blanket from the bed and covered us both with it. We fell asleep right there on the bedroom floor. I held her close as I slept.

The next morning I got up first and smiled as Rhea continued to sleep soundlly. I got up after kissing her cheek causing her to smile. I walked downstairs in a spare pair of boxers and found my phone still on the coffee table and saw that there was a message from Rhea's sister Calista Bennett. I listened to the message and she said that she was on a plane headed to Orlando and would be here early Sunday morning. I smiled as that was perfect as I knew that Rhea would love the fact that I surprised her with a Christmas visit from her sister.

The next day we went out Christmas shopping for each other also I bought a few things for my surprise to Rhea. When she asked who the clothes and items were for. I simply said, "A. It's a surprise and B. I'm not telling." She looked angrily at me which softened when I gently kissed her neck.
"I could never stay mad at you." She cooed. "Why is that?"
"Probably because I love you and would do anything to make you happy." I replied.
"That's definitely a good reason." She kissed me we headed to the kitchen to make a little snack before heading to our home gym.
After a nice long workout, we went to our room and got changed into our bathing suits of course Rhea wore a black bikini with silver lining on her bikini top and bottoms. She walked over to me as I slid into the pool in my dark green swim trunks. "So, you ready to go caroling with our friends?" She asked as she swam behind me and slid her arms around my neck.
"I am, actually. But I'm even more excited to see the look on your face when your surprise gets here."
"I can't wait to see what this surprise you have for me is." She grinned as she slid her chin over my left shoulder. "And I'm excited to spend our first Christmas in the States together." She kissed my cheek and I turned in her arms and kissed her lips. "I love you, Daniel."
"And I love you, Demi." I smiled as we resumed our kiss for a few more seconds before swimming around and splashing each other with water, but as the time drew closer to Rhea and I getting ready to go caroling with our friends, we got out of the pool, dried off, changed into some warm clothes and went out the front door with the house keys in hand and went caroling for three to four blocks before we invited Keith, Mia, Candice and Johnny to our place for some hot chocolate. Johnny and Candice politely declined as Mia and Keith took us up on our offer. After we warmed up with hot chocolate, and showed them around the house and after the tour. They left for their home leaving me and Rhea alone for the remainder of the night. Rhea and I cooked some dinner which was just basic mac and cheese. Once we finished eating, we washed, dried and put away the dishes and just decided to call it an early night and went to bed. When we changed into our sleepwear. I smiled as Rhea slid close to me afer getting in bed and kissed my chin as I wrapped my arms around her. "Goodnight, babe."
"Goodnight, darling." She and I breathed a sigh of contentment as we drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to the sun barely coming up and looked to see Rhea still sleeping, all curled up with her arms under her pillow. I grinned as I kissed her forehad which made her smile in her sleep. When I got up and went to take a shower and get ready for the day. The doorbell rang, so I went and answered the door. And found Calista. "You must be my older sisters boyfriend?" She hugged me and smiled.
"Yes, I am. Daniel Boyce." I greeted after she let go of the hug. "You made good time getting here." I grinned.
"Found an earlier flight." She looked around. "Nice place." Then I heard the bedroom door close and remembered that I was going to take a shower before the door bell rang.
"Shit. You my dear, need to go into the study and I need to cut Demi off at the pass then send her your way so you can surprise her." I told her as I guided her to the study and once she was in the study and the door was closed, Rhea came up to me.
"Babe. You do know the shower is running?" She asked.
"Sorry darling." I kissed her as I continued, "But the doorbell rang and something came for you."
"For me?" I nodded as she walked to the studies door and opened it to see her sister Calista.
"Calista!" She hugged her baby sister and I went upstairs and took my shower as the sister's Bennett got caught up with each other.

"So, that's your boyfriend?" Calista smiled.
"Yes it is." Rhea grinned. "He's a real sweetheart. I just didn't know that he invited my little sister to our home for Christmas."
"Well it looks like he makes you happy?" Calista smiled.
"He does. And he made me really happy when he invited you to our home for Christmas."

Rhea showed Calista around and I enjoyed my shower and once I was done with said shower I towel dried off and smiled as I saw Calista talk with Demi as I got dressed into some clean casuals.
I was happy that I could give Rhea time with her sister. I walked into the living room and they both looked at me. I had a little fun by looking behind me. Making them both smile and laugh. "What is it Daniel?" Rhea asked.
"Oh, I was gonna offer to cook lunch for all three of us unless you think she's not ready to sample my cooking?" I explained.
"You can cook tonight. But I'd like my sister to meet some friends of mine." I grinned and nodded.
"That's okay. I have a few bills to pay anyway." I told them.
They soon got changed and left for the Performance Center and I went to the study and did what I said I was going to do. I paid the remaining bills for the month and went to the kitchen and started cooking some homemade pizza.

With Rhea and Calista, they were talking with Candice, Mia, Bianca, Tegan and Io. "So you enjoying the visit with your sister so far?" Io asked.
"Yeah. Even though I just arrived I have enjoyed it immensely. Especially meeting my older sisters boyfriend." Calista replied.
"Well, hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here in the states and with your sister and her boyfriend." Candice said.

Their visit to the Performance Center was fun as Calista got to meet a few of her sisters co-workers and friends at NXT. When they headed back to me and Rhea's place they found me cooking up a storm in the kitchen.
"Does Daniel need any help?" Calista asked.
"No, thank you I'm fine." I replied.
"Yeah, my Daniel is a wizard in the kitchen." Rhea said as I grinned. "Thank you for that but your not going to taste the pizza I made in honor of your sister staying here." Rhea threw a mini tantrum which made Calista laugh.
"You two are so cute together." Calista said.
"Thank you." Rhea and I said in unison which made her sister laugh again.

At dinner we ate the pizza on the patio and had fun talking about the possible plans we had while Calista was staying with us. We planned on going to a soup kitchen, going to a performance of The Nutcracker. But for Christmas Day we would be just hanging out at the house. Which I know sounds boring but for me and Rhea, it was kind of a tradition for us since our days at NXT UK to spend Christmas at home. Or at our flat when we were there.

After dinner, Rhea and Calista went to the guest room Calista was staying in. While I washed, dried and put away the pans, rollers and dishes and ladle. Locked up the first floor and just went upstairs and heard Rhea talking to Calista.
"You seem to be very happy with him. And you were friends since your days at NXT UK and only recently went public with your relationship." Calista said.
"Yeah. I am happy with Daniel and we were friends but we're dating now and to be honest I can't imagine being with anyone else. I've had my fair share of dead end relationships." Calista nodded in agreement. "But with Daniel. I feel I can be myself around him. No mask. No acting of any kind. It's because of the fact that I feel so safe and protected when he's around that I can face anything. I can take care of myself sure. But with Daniel."
"It feels that nothing can hurt your or bring you down, try as it might." Calista grinned.
"Right. I know it sounds crazy but. I want to marry Daniel one day. When he feels he's ready for us to take the next step and if we end up starting a family before we're married. I'm not going to complain. Because I would have started our family with Daniel." Rhea grinned.
I quietly grinned myself as I just headed to the master bedroom.
"Well, I'm glad you found a guy that makes you happy and loves you. As much as you love him. And I couldn't be any happier for my older sister." Calista said.
"Ohh, thank you, sis." Rhea grinned. "Well, I better get to bed as do you." She smiled.
"Okay, night sis." Calista yawned. Rhea left  the guest room and headed to the master bedroom.
"Well, aren't you all comfy and cozy in our bed." Rhea joked. I laughed a bit as she changed into her sleepwear.
"Well, I'm just waiting for my girl to join me is all." I grinned. Once she joined me in bed, she snuggled up close to me and wrapped her arms around me as I turned off the lights and wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her in closer as I laid my head on the pillow and she rested her head on my left shoulder. "Goodnight my Nightmare."
"Goodnight my Creature." She and I kissed eachother and fell fast asleep.

For the next few days, we did everything we planned with Calista. We went to the soup kitchen on the day before Christmas eve, made popcorn ornaments for the Christmas tree we got while out to the Nutcracker performance which was held at the local performance theater. On Christmas Eve we watched Scrooged, Muppet Christmas Carol which I had a hard time not quoting along with which was evident by Rhea and Calista laughing. We finished it all up with A Christmas Story and the animate How The Grinch Stole Christmas which Rhea had a hard time not quoting along with either. Which mad me and Calista laugh really.

Then on Christmas day, Rhea and Calista spent their time reading or swimming in the pool. I on the other had was busy in the kitchen cooking Christmas dinner, the turkey, the stuffing, the candied yams, the pumpkin pie. We may not have had the full Christmas dinner but we had a blast at dinner. The girls did offer to help, but I wanted Rhea to spend time with her sister which I'm sure Calista knew was my plan for this Christmas.

After dinner, and all the leftofvers were put away and the remaining dishes were washed dried and put away. We shared our favorite Chrismas memory. Calista and Rhea remembered when they were kids in Australia and had a blast with their mom. When it was my turn, I told them my favorite Christmas memory was when I met Rhea at NXT UK and she had just won the NXT UK Women's Championship and it was my first year and Christmas in the UK. She smiled as I continued telling it how I had burnt the chicken and was so nervous I had also burnt the candied yams. "I'd say all in all. That is my favorite Christmas. Because not only was it my first in Europe, but it was my first with Rhea."

We spent the rest of the night in the pool and just drinking a carton of Egg Nog. Once it was all gone and when all three of us were practically prunes. We got out, dried off and went to bed.

"My dear Daniel. You have made this Christmas very special indeed. And I just want to thank you for letting me spend time with my sister, and just being an amazing boyfriend in general."
"Oh, thank you, Demi darling. And your welcome. I know that you miss your sister, that's why I invited her here this year."I grinned.
"Well, in any case, thank you." She kissed me as we fell onto the bed and continued to kiss me which evolved into a steamy makeout session and that evolved into a five hour passionate round that found us asleep in each others arms. Smiles decorating our faces while we slept.

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