The Nightmare Gives Her Creature Great News.

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During the next few days, we returned to work and Keith Lee and I started calling ourselves the Limitless Titans. We were to go against O'Reilly and Fish of the Undisputed Era.
And Rhea was to do a promo for her match at NXT Worlds Collide against Toni Storm.

During training at the Performance Center I was lifting 530 lbs which Keith was amazed by, "Holy shit man. I haven't seen anyone lift that much." He said shocked that I could do it.
"I can't lift that much normally." I told him.
"Something changing in your life?" He asked.
"Not really, since the holiday visit from Calista. Rhea's been extremely happy and since it was announced that she would be defending the NXT wom Championship at NXT Takeover: Worlds Collide against Toni Storm. She's been more focused than I've ever seen her. It's like her and Toni have this unique rivalry between each other. But I know that they're still friends when it's all over." I grinned as I looked over at Rhea and Mia who were training and practicing in one of the practice rings.
"So you going to tell me or what?" Mia asked.
Rhea blushed, "What do you mean Mia?"
"Come on, Rhea. You've been going at me harder every day for the past few days. What's going on?" Mia asked.
Rhea was nervous, "I've been sick to my stomach for the past week and a half. And I'm a little worried about taking a pregnancy test. Not because of what it would say, but because of how I would tell Daniel."
"Daniel loves you. You know that. So how about this? You and me will go to lunch and after, we'll go to an obstetricians office and find out for sure. I'll make the appointment for you and we'll get lunch and head over." Mia told her.
"I don't want Daniel to know. Unless I tell him." Rhea said.
"Don't worry." Mia smiled. They continued to practice moves and takedowns.

Later at Full Sail, me and Rhea were getting ready for my match and her promo for her match with Toni at Worlds Collide.
"Rhea, what's going on?" I asked.
"I'm just focusing on my match with Toni, baby." She replied
"Alright, you'd tell me if anything was wrong, right?" I asked watching her closely. 
"Yes, baby." She smiled
"Alright honey, it's just you haven't been yourself for a couple weeks." I slid my hands over her shoulders and down her arms.
"I promise baby, everything's fine." She smiled as she hugged and kissed me. I smiled as I kissed her forehead.
"Alright, I'm just worried about you, that's all." I placed my forehead against hers.
"Ohh, my Creature hasn't changed a bit." She giggled.
"I'm pretty sure you'd worry if I did." I pointed out.
"True." She grinned as she kissed me once more before we headed to catering.

Before me and Keith's match, Fish and O'Reilly tried to make excuses as to why they couldn't compete tonight. So Regal came out to the stage and stood to the right of Fish and O'Reilly.
"Gentlemen, I know you think you can't compete against The Limitless Titans tonight. So at NXT Takeover: Worlds Collide. It will be the Limitless Titans versus You two for the NXT Tag Team Championships. So I'd make sure you get over whatever ails you, because if you don't compete at Worlds Collide. You won't have those titles for very long. Good evening, gentlemen." He returned to the back and Fish and O'Reilly looked to the ring and saw me and Keith sliding our hands across our waists. When Keith and I returned to the back. Rhea was ready for her promo.
"Good luck, honey." I smiled.
"Thanks,  baby." She grinned.
I walked into catering with Keith and sat with him and Mia as we watched Rhea's promo which went absolutely by the numbers. She told the crowd that Toni would fall to the Riptide as she did back in NXT UK. She also said that she'll send Toni back to NXT UK in pieces. When she came to the back. We said our goodbyes to Keith and Mia.
Then after changing into some clean casuals, we went home, cooked dinner and watched The Road Warrior as we ate the lasagna soup. Rhea went back for a couple more bowls as I just went back for one. After Road Warrior we just cuddled on the couch.
"Have you gone to see a doctor about your upset stomach?" I asked.
"I'm actually going tomorrow with Mia after lunch." She replied.
"Okay, just keep me posted huh?" I said.
Rhea kissed me as she got up and pulled me to my feet and led the way to our bedroom.
Once we were inside our room, she kissed me with enough heat and passion that would for sure set the curtains on fire.
"Now since you didn't have a match tonight. Which I know bothers you, I want you to let all your aggression out on me." Rhea grinned as she kissed me.
"As you wish my Nightmare." I grinned as I picked her up bridal style and walked four feet, then flopped her on the bed and got undressed as did she. And for the next few hours, we had the most passionate and the most intense round we've ever had. When it was all over, she was asleep, her arm on my chest, her head resting on my shoulder, her other arm was tucked between her chest and my right ribcage, a sheet covered us both as I was awake and watching her sleep. I made a decision that I was going to do something that I was more than sure she was going to like, and I was going to do it after Rumble. After a while longer of watching Rhea, I fell asleep,  but not before kissing her.

The next morning I woke up to no Rhea but as I've been hearing for the past week and a half. Rhea was throwing up in the bathroom. I knocked and asked, "You okay darling?"
"I'm fine baby, it'll pass." She replied.
"Honey, what's really going on? And please no more excuses or stories." I waited as she unlocked the door and let me in.
"There's a possible reason I haven't been feeling well for the past week and a half, but until know for sure, please don't worry. Because until I found out for sure. There's no reason for you to worry. Okay?" She gripped my hand and pulled herself up and I couldn't help but smile as she kissed me.
"Alright honey, but the moment you know anything..." I started.
"I'll tell you, I promise. Although I may keep it from you a little while longer. I'm actually enjoying seeing you squirm." She smiled as she kissed me once again.
"Why is it that when you act so evil and cruel, makes you want you more?"I asked.
"Probably because you like it when I am. Just like I love it when your brutal in the ring and bedroom." She giggled.
"Hmm, see your point." I chuckled. I kissed her as I left her alone to get ready for her lunch with Mia. When she left after changing and kissing me. I got showered, changed and headed to the local jewelers to meet Keith.

Rhea met Mia at a sidewalk Cafe.
"Hey, there you are." Mia smiled as she hugged Rhea.
"Sorry, Daniel caught me throwing up this morning and I promised to tell him what the doctor said. But I didn't say when I would tell him." She grinned.
"Your so evil Rhea." Mia chuckled. After a while, they sat, ordered their food and drink. Toni came up to them.
"Hey girls." She said.
"Hey, Toni." Rhea and Mia said.
"So, what are you two doing today?" Toni asked.
"Rhea and I are getting lunch and then I'm going with her to the doctor to find out something." Mia told her.
"And that is?" Toni asked looking at Rhea.
"I may be pregnant and Mia set up an appointment for me with a obstetrician this afternoon. To see if I am." Rhea told her.
"And what are you hoping for?" Toni asked.
"Actually I'm hoping I am, really."Rhea said honestly. Toni squealed in excitement.
"Rhea, I'm so happy for you. Who's the lucky father?" She asked.
"Daniel." Rhea said as Toni was floored by the news.
"Daniel? The Creature?" Toni asked.
"Yeah." Rhea nodded and chuckled.
"Can I come along?" She asked.
"I don't say why not." Rhea grinned. Mia Rhea and Toni headed to the obstetricians office.

Meanwhile with me and Keith...
We have been to a couple of jewelers. Then we walked into a high end jewelers and I saw a black diamond and ruby shaped like a heart on a ring. "That's perfect for Rhea." I grinned.
"That it is, bro." Keith grinned.
"See something you like, sir?" A jewelry store clerk asked.
"Uh, yes I'm actually looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend, as I'm gonna ask her to marry me. I found this one to be perfect for her." I pointed out the black diamond and ruby heart shaped ring.
"Who's the lucky lady?" He asked.
"Rhea Ripley." I told them. The clerk was surprised. "Okay. Why is that surprising?"
"Your the Creature." He said.
"Last I checked." I chuckled.
The clerk took the ring out of the display case and showed me the ring, "This would be perfect for her."
"Agreed. How much?" I asked.
The clerk looked around and motioned me to move in close. "For the Creature. $60 thousand."
"I'll take it. Worth it to see my girls face when I pull this out after her title defense at Worlds Collide." I smiled as I paid for the ring. He put it in the ring in a ring box and put it in a bag and handed it to me.
"I hope she likes it sir." The clerk smiled. Keith and I left with the ring and headed to my house.

A couple hours later at the obstetricians office, the girls were waiting for the results to come back.
Finally, "Hey ladies, I'm Dr Stein." He shook all three girls hands. "Now I looked over the results and Ms Bennett? You are definitely pregnant." Stein told her.
Rhea was over the moon about the news. "Daniel is gonna flip."She smiled.
"That will mean that we'll have to rehearse the match for a couple days prior. Because I don't want to risk you and Daniel's baby. But I'm happy for you, Rhea." Toni said as she hugged her.
"I'm happy for you too. You and Daniel are going to be really great parents." Mia smiled as she hugged Rhea.
"Thanks girls, but not a word to Daniel. I want to tell him myself." Rhea grinned.
"I'm not gonna say a word." Toni and Mia said in unison.
"Good. Thanks guys." Rhea grinned.  She returned home as Toni returned to Dakota's place and Mia returned home.
Keith headed home a little before Rhea got home.

After a couple more weeks of promos for Toni and Rhea's match along with the Limitless Titans versus Fish and O'Reilly. And a few nights rehearsals between Rhea and Toni.

Then it was here,  January 25, the day of NXT Takeover: Worlds Collide. Rhea and me arrived a day or two earlier and Mia, Keith and Toni arrived the day before.
We headed to the arena early and got ready for our matches.

Two hours later...
It was time for me and Keith's match Fish and O'Reilly were already in the ring, Rhea and Mia escorted us to the gorilla. Mia kissed Keith and Rhea kissed me.
"Good luck boys." They said in unison.
"You know it." I replied to Rhea.
"You got it." Keith responded to Mia
We headed to the ring and I pulled off my 'irradiated' neon green jacket, then put  it under the bottom turnbuckle before stepping onto the ring apron.

45 minutes in the match...
Keith and I kept each other fresh with frequent tags, Fish and O'Reilly were barely able to make tags. Pretty soon they were worn to whispers before we performed the 3-D. Keith went for the cover and we won the NXT Tag Team Championships. We pulled up Fish and O'Reilly and raised their hands in a show of respect.

We soon headed to the back and were greeted by Mia and Rhea. They hugged and kissed us. Then it was time for Rhea's title defense against Toni.
I escorted her to the gorilla as Toni was already in the ring.
"See you after?" She asked.
"See you after baby." I replied.
We shared a kiss before she headed out to the ring. I went to catering and watched the match on the monitor.

50 minutes into the match...
Rhea and Toni exchanged control of the match, and their rehearsed spots were seamless. Soon Rhea had the Prism locked in only for Toni to claw and scratch to the ropes forcing Rhea to let go of the hold. While Rhea argued with the ref, Toni got up, spun Rhea around kicked her within an inch of her stomach and set her up for Storm Zero.  Once she performed it she went for the cover and got the win and the NXT Women's Championship. Toni helped Rhea to her feet and hugged her as I made my way to the ring, got in and hugged Toni.
'Congratulations, Toni.' I grinned.
'Thanks Daniel.' She smiled as she patted my shoulder. 'Now go get your girl.' She headed to the back as I approached Rhea and held her close.
'You did good baby. I'm so proud of you.' I kissed Rhea on the lips before approaching ringside and got a mic. "May I have an announcement to make or a question to pose to the Nightmare." I pulled out the ring box and got on one knee. "Rhea, you and I have known each other for a very long time. Which made this decision really easy. Rhea Ripley. Will you marry me?" I asked as I opened the box to expose the ring I bought.
She grinned as she clapped her hands over her mouth and nose. Then nodded as she said, 'Yes, yes of course I will.' Rhea happily said as I took the ring out of the box and put it on her ring finger. Then stood up straight and kissed her lips. We made our way to the back and were greeted by the entire NXT locker room. After a laundry list of congratulations. We went to the locker room and headed to the hotel, and once we got into the room. She had some news for me. I sat on the sofa as she paced the floor.
"Daniel, you know the appointment I had with the obstetrician?" She asked. I nodded. "Well I have something to tell you baby." She sat down next to me. "I'm pregnant."
I was floored by the news, "You mean, you and me are going to be..." She nodded as she cried happily. "Ohh, that is great news baby."
"I'm glad you think so honey." She said as she kissed me. To celebrate we had soda and room service, then a passionate and very intense three hour round. Which when it was over, found Rhea asleep in my arms with a very wide smile on her face. And me wide awake for a few more minutes and I also had a smile on my face and I kissed Rhea's forehead before falling asleep myself.

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