The Wedding of The Creature &The Nightmare/Little Boyce-Ripley's Arrive.

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The next morning, I woke up to a still sleeping Rhea. I grinned, kissed her cheek, got out of bed, dressed and called Hunter and Stephanie as I walked into the living area of the hotel room.
"Hello?" Stephanie answered.
"Hey Steph. Sorry to disturb you. " I giggled.
"It's okay. I believe a congratulations are in order. I watched NXT Worlds Collide last night with Hunter and we saw that you proposed to Rhea." She said.
"Yep and at NXT Portland. I plan on dropping the tag titles." I told her as Rhea came into the room while I put the phone on speaker.
"Why would you do that?" She asked.
"Daniel and I are going to have a baby." Rhea replied happily.
"Ohh, then double congratulations to both of you. When are you due?" Steph asked trying to contain her excitement.
"Late September, early October." Rhea told her.
"Well we'll make the arrangements and when you get back. Both of you may find yourselves on a different brand." She said.
"That'd be awesome." Rhea replied happily.
"Okay. So why don't we say that Daniel is a trainer through your pregnancy, Rhea. That way he's still wrestling but teaching a new generation. But when it gets to the six month mark. He can remain home until the baby comes." Steph suggested.
"Sounds fair." Rhea said happily.
"Alright guys. I'll make the arrangements and congrats on the coming wedding and the baby." Stephanie said before hanging up.
"Hey baby." Rhea grinned as she kissed me.
"Hey honey." I replied. "Sorry for not waking you. But you looked so beautiful asleep."
"That's okay baby." She wrapped her arms around my neck.
"So, what does my nightmare want today?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Well, you can make us breakfast for starters. Then we can call our friends and tell them the good news. Not to mention my sister." She grinned as she kissed me.
"Sounds good, baby." I smiled. "And speaking of Calista. Why don't we have her stay with us so you have company while I'm working at the Performance Center."
"I like that idea, baby." She caressed my face. "Why don't we call first."
"Isn't it 1 am tomorrow in Sydney?" I asked.
Rhea grimaced, "Your right."
"We can call everyone else. But leave Keith to me."
"Okay baby." She started calling our friends, at least who didn't know about our impending arrival.
By the time she finished calling our friends. I called Keith to give him the good and bad news.
"Hello?" He said answering the phone.
"Hey Keith. I got some good news and bad news. Which do you want first?" I asked.
"Start with the good news." He chuckled.
"Me and Rhea are going to have a baby." I told him.
"Yeah, Mia told me this morning. Congratulations man." He said happily.
"Thank you, bro. Now the bad news. We will be dropping the tag titles at Takeover Portland." I was expecting him to fight me on this point. But he didn't.
"Hey, at least we had them. It may have been for a short time. But you have new priorities with a wedding to plan and a baby on the way. And I'm happy for you. We'll sill be the Limitless Titans once in a while. So you don't have to worry about it. We'll be here if you need us. Talk to you later." He hung up and I just looked at my phone wondering what the hell just happened.
Rhea giggled, "Let me guess. Mia told him." I nodded. "It's okay baby."
"Well, all that's left is to call Calista." I grinned.
"True." She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. "I can't believe within a few months we'll be married and in six months after that we'll be greeting our beautiful baby. And whether it's a boy or girl. We'll love them with all our hearts."
"Got that right." I smiled as I kissed her.
"Well after we call Calista, we should decide on who's going to be your maid of honor and bridesmaids and my best man and groomsmen will be."
"Agreed." She grinned. "Let's go for a walk baby." I nodded as she went back into the bedroom got dressed into some black and silver leggings and a black sports bra. Then went for our walk. We discussed whether or not to attend the Royal Rumble tonight. We agreed that we would go and ask our friends who would be interested in being either Rhea's bridesmaids and my best man and groomsmen. The reason I left out maid of honor is because she wants Calista to have that position.

We went out to lunch and looked over venues for the wedding, caterers, bakers for the wedding cake, I opted for a custom made suit and she was going to go dress shopping with her sister.
We ate and talked about godfathers and godmothers for our impending arrival not to mention names for boys or girls.
Before we left we called Calista and told her the good news.
"Hello?" Calista answered
"Hey sis." Rhea greeted.
"Hey. I saw WWE news and a congratulations are in order to both of you." Calista grinned.
"Well we have some more good news." I said.
"Really what?" She asked.
"I'm pregnant sis." Rhea told Calista.
"That's great news. Congratulations." She squealed.
"Aside from that I was hoping you'd be interested in being my maid of honor?"
"Of course I would. You don't even have to ask." Calista grinned.
"Well, we don't know when the wedding will be. So if you can. We'd like you to temporarily momove here." I suggested.
"Okay. I can do that." She replied. "I'll pack a few bags and be on the next flight to Orlando." She said happily.
"Alright, we'll be waiting for you." Rhea told her.
"Okay. Bye sis. See you soon." Calista said before hanging up.
After she hung up, we paid the bill, and headed to the arena for Royal Rumble. There were a number of NXT superstars there.
When we went to catering, we were mobbed by main roster friends.
Becky, Charlotte, Zelina, practically everyone swarmed us with questions about the wedding details.
Rhea and I explained what we had planned so far. While I was there, I asked Aleister Black if he'd be interested in being one of my groomsmen. Which he accepted. I even asked Drew the same question and he also accepted.
Rhea asked Zelina and Charlotte to be part of her bridal party. They both accepted.

Pretty soon we watched the Rumble and Rhea made a mad dash for the bathroom where Zelina, Charlotte, Sasha, Bayley and Becky followed her. After she was finished throwing up. Becky asked what they were all thinking.
"Rhea, what else is going on aside from the wedding?" She asked.
Rhea grinned as she walked out of the stall with the biggest smile on her face, "I'm pregnant." She told them.
They all squealed in response to the news. "What did Daniel do when you told him?" Sasha asked.
"He was happy and showed me how much by giving me a mind blowing night between the sheets." Rhea smirked.
"Looks like he rocked your world last night." Zelina bit her lip.
"Oh, he did." Rhea grinned. "I love him so much and I know he loves me just as much. And I think he'll make a great father for our little one."
"And you are going to be an incredible mother, Rhea." Charlotte told her. The girls nodded in agreement.

I on the other hand talked to Aleister, Drew along with AJ and Seth when I got a text from Calista, 'On my way to America.' It read.
I typed, 'See you soon.' Then continued to talk to the boys.

After Rumble, Rhea and I returned to the hotel, ordered some room service, ate and finalized where ceremony will be held, we decided to hold the reception at our home, and once that was done we headed to bed and relaxed. She cuddled closer to me and draped her left arm across my chest as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.
"Calista's on her way, baby." I told her.
"That's good. She can help with the last of the wedding details." She yawned as I kissed the top of her head. "Love you, Dani." She smiled.
"Love you more, Demi." I yawned as I turned off the light and we fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke to find no Rhea, but heard her puking in the bathroom. I smiled as I walked up to the bathroom door and knocked, "Everything alright, baby?"
"Everything's fine, honey. Just morning sickness. I'll be out in a few minutes." She threw up again after she said that. I got dressed, packed, and waited for Rhea.

Rhea came out of the bathroom smiling, "Morning baby."
"Hey. Feel better?" I asked.
"Yeah. I am baby. I'm guessing we're going home?"
"Yeah. Calista's flight should arrive by the time we get there." I told her.
"Okay baby. I'll get my boots and vest then we can go." She kissed me before she got her boots and vest on and helped me with our bags which had my half of the NXT Tag Team Championships in them. Went down to the main desk, turned in our keycards, went to the car, put our bags in the trunk, and headed to the airport to catch a flight home to Orlando.

A few hours later...

Rhea and I arrived home and found Calista waiting on the front porch with her bags. She smiled as she saw us drove up.

Rhea got out of the car and ran up to her sister and hugged her, "Did you just arrive?" She asked Calista.
"Yeah. About thirty minutes before you drove up. You excited about being a mom?" Calista asked.
"I most definitely am. Because it's with the man I love and loves me just as much. Here let's get you and your bags inside." She took out the keys and unlocked the door and Calista got her things in the house while I grabbed our bags and carried them into the house and just closed the door and got dinner started as Rhea and Calista kept talking.
"So, how are the wedding plans going?" She asked Rhea.
"In all honesty, we haven't actually started, we looked at locations for the ceremony and caterers, we'll be holding the reception here." Rhea told her.
"I'm guessing you got a couple bridesmaids lined up?" She asked as Rhea nodded.
"Zelina and Charlotte so far. I'm planning on asking Toni and Mia as well. But I was going to ask you if you'd be my maid of honor." Rhea replied.
"I'd love to." Calista grinned.
"Great. But I may be a little difficult because of me and Dan's impending arrival. Or arrivals. But I won't be bridezilla or at least try to." She giggled.
"Who has Daniel asked to be his groomsmen?"
"So far just Aleister and Drew. I think he'll ask Keith and Johnny also. I wonder if he has any family that I can convince him to invite." She told Calista.
"I noticed that he hasn't spoken much about his family. Even with you." Calista said.
"I don't want Daniel to be the only one from his family at our wedding." She grinned.
"Have you thought about asking him about who he wants from his family to attend?"
"You got a point sis." Rhea replied. "I'll talk to him tonight."

After dinner and a little chat where I suggested that Calista stayed with us. Which she agreed.

We spent the next few days getting some details for the wedding finalized. I just needed to choose a couple more groomsmen and a best man. The day before NXT Rhea and Calista joined me at the Performance Center for a workout when she asked, "Do you have any family back in Rigby?"
"I have some family left in Rigby. One of my cousins is a wrestler in California." I told her.
"Why don't you invite them to the wedding?" She asked.
"That's a good idea baby. I'll do it after we're done here." I replied.
Rhea grinned as she kissed kissed me, "Alright, honey."

Two hours later...
I had asked Keith and Johnny to be groomsmen as Rhea asked Toni and Mia to be bridesmaids. All four graciously accepted.

After my workout I called my mom and invited her and some of my family to me and Rhea's wedding. In fact mom said she'd hop on the next flight to Orlando to finally meet her soon to be daughter-in-law. I told Rhea that we'd get another guest until our wedding.
"Who is it baby? She asked.
"My mother. Bella Rose Boyce. She's excited to meet you." I grinned as she kissed me as we walked to the car with Calista, then headed home. We arranged for mom to fly business class to Orlando. We sent her the ticket and she did as she said. She hopped the next flight to Orlando. Rhea went dress shopping with Calista for her wedding dress. While I went to work with Keith, Johnny, Aleister, and Adam on the baby's nursery.

Towards evening, Rhea and Calista got home from dress shopping, me and the boys were almost finished with the nursery. "We're back, baby." Rhea said as she walked up stairs and came into the new nursery. "Ohh baby, it's beautiful. Thanks for helping my Danny with the nursery."
"No problem, Demi." They said in unison. After the boys left, Calista and Rhea got dinner started as mom texted me and told me that she had arrived and was nearly through passport control. I told her I'd be there in a few to pick her up. After I put my phone away. I told Rhea that I was going to pick mom up from the airport she kissed me and told me she'd see me when I got home.

I arrived at the airport and helped her put her bags into the trunk and headed home. On the way, mom asked what Rhea was like. I told her the truth, that she'd find out herself. I didn't really want to tell her that Rhea was pregnant with her grandchild. I thought I'd leave that as a surprise for later.

We arrived home barely fifteen minutes later, mom went inside while I got her bags from the trunk to inside the house.
"Hello, is the lady of the house at home?" Mom asked.
"In here Mrs Boyce!" Rhea replied from the kitchen.
Mom went to the kitchen as I put her bags in a room on the ground floor which would be hers for the duration of her stay in our home for the wedding. I walked into the kitchen and found Rhea cooking dinner as well as mom and Calista.

Two weeks later at NXT Takeover Portland. Me and Keith dropped the NXT Tag Team Championships back to Fish and O'Reilly. Although we didn't make it easy on them. They shook our hands after the match and as soon as I was in the locker room I made tracks back home. When I got there I saw my house overrun by my sisters and brother.
"Hey guys. I see you made yourselves at home. But you'll have to stay at a hotel while here. But your welcome here anytime." I told them.
"We met Rhea. She's amazing. And she also told us that we're gonna be aunts and uncles." Sariah said.
"That's true." I replied. "And I was going to ask you to be my best man?" I smiled.
"Your serious?" She asked. I just nodded. "Sure. You really think your groomsmen will take orders from me?" She asked.
"No, I expect my sister Bones the coach of the six time state champions, the Rigby Trojans to make them if they don't." I replied."You have never been denied anything you set your mind to. You were the first girl to play football, basketball both men's and women's, wrestling, and baseball. Winning twelve state championships in your tenure in junior high and high school. Aside from Rhea. Your without a doubt the toughest woman I know. And to see you coaching our alma mater in football, wrestling, men's basketball. Is really great. You led our teams to six championships, no easy feat. So being a best man at your brother's wedding shouldn't pose too much of a chore or challenge for a woman like you."
"Agreed. " She grinned. For the next four weeks we got everything ready and arranged for the wedding.

On April 3, Rhea accompanied by me, Calista and mom went to her first ultrasound.
"Mrs Boyce?" The doctor asked.
"Not officially for another week and four days." Rhea replied.
"I'm Doctor John Craven. So who's the father?" Craven asked.
"I am." I said as I approached Rhea's side and gently held her hand.
Rhea rolled up her shirt and exposed her growing baby bump, Craven put a little ultrasound gel on the wand and her stomach, "Alright let's see what we got." He said as we watched the screen. We soon heard Rhea's heartbeat, then three more heartbeats. The screen showed three babies in the beginning stages of development. "Well congratulations. You two are going to have triplets." Rhea grinned as me, mom and Calista were shocked.
"Honey. Snap out of it." Rhea grinned as she giggled.
I shook my head once and looked at my bride to be and the mother of our impending triplets. "Sorry baby. I guess the news of us having three babies kinda took me by surprise. Doesn't mean I'm no less happier about it. It just means I'll have to make some adjustments to the nursery." I lightly chuckled.
"It's okay. It usually happens to first time parents." Craven explained.
"Good to know." I chuckled.
"We should be able to know the genders on your next visit." Craven said.
"Sounds good. Thank you Dr Craven." Rhea said.
We got a print out of the ultrasound, our babies first picture as we headed home and got the final preparations for the wedding and reception finalized.

On April 10, 2020. Was the last day before the wedding. We spent the day making sure everything was all set with the caterers, guests and a few other details. Sariah, Johnny, Keith, Aleister and Drew were ready for the bachelor party and Zelina, Charlotte, Mia and Candice along with Calista were ready for the bachelorette party.
Sariah arranged a day of deep sea fishing which meant the girls were on their own for an entire day. Calista arranged a spa day for the girls.
The boys, Sariah and I went to the marina and went out fishing. While Calista and the girls along with Rhea started their spa day.

When we were a good distance from shore. We dropped anchor and some of us started fishing. I was one of them.
"So, when's she due?" Drew asked.
"As it stands September 20th." I replied. "And we're really excited to meet our son or daughter."
"Well we're happy for you bro." Aleister grinned.
"So what will your suit be like for tomorrow?" Keith asked.
"Black and dark green on the shoulders and collar looking like some aged swamp moss is still on it from 'when I walked out of an irradiated swamp'. So it's going to be different. And I'm willing to bet Rhea's dress is gonna be stunning." I grinned.

Meanwhile with the girls Rhea was enjoying her spa day along with the rest of the girls.
"You excited about tomorrow?" Zelina asked.
"Hell yeah I am. I'm marrying my best friend, training partner, love of my life and the father of our impending arrival. I haven't been this excited about anything aside from when I won the NXT UK Women's Championship and NXT Women's Championship." Rhea replied.
"Well we're happy for you. And we all know that your gonna be an amazing mother." Charlotte grinned.
"Thanks girls." Rhea smiled.
"How many are you expecting?" Mia asked curiously.
"One as of right now." Rhea replied.
"I would have expected from what you told us of his prowess between the sheets, I would have thought you'd be expecting more than just just one." Candice grinned.
Rhea smirked, "maybe we will have more than one. You never know."their spa day continued

Hours later...
The boys and I were cooking burgers and hot dogs and were drinking Corona.
Sariah grinned as she made a toast, "Gentlemen, raise your drinks. To the one guy who would have a woman be his best man." The boys laughed. "But I'm so deeply proud and honored that you chose me to be your best man. And I think we can all agree, that you and Rhea are going to overcome any problems or obstacles life throws your way and that you two will be incredible parents. To my brother, to Daniel." Everyone raised their beers as I smiled as they took a swig of their beers.

The girls were doing the same at least somewhat. They were at our home as they drank sodas and juices as Rhea couldn't drink alcohol as she was pregnant, Calista made a toast, "Ladies. To my sister who is not only going to be married to the luckiest guy in the world. But also will be a mom near the end of September. And I know that you and Daniel will face and overcome any obstacles you face. " Rhea grinned as she continued, "To Rhea." The girls shouted her name as they took one more drink before they started opening the gifts they brought.

When the bachelor and bachelorette parties were done. The girls except for Calista, mom and Sariah left for their homes or hotels. Rhea grinned as she said goodnight to mom and Calista as she went upstairs to our room and got ready for bed and put away her gifts. When she was dressed for bed she slid under the covers and waited for me to come home.

I was in my car after we all disembarked the boat after it docked. Sariah was with me as we arrived home and headed inside. We said goodnight and I went to my room and got changed for bed and found Rhea in bed.
"Have a good time with the girls?" I asked.
"Yeah. How about you? Good time with the boys?" Rhea smiled as I got in bed with her.
"Oh yeah. Almost caught a Mako shark."
"That's cool." She said as she yawned. "Just think in less than twenty-four hours, we'll be married and all that's left after. Is to wait for the babies to be born."
"God I wish could have one hot, passionate round with you tonight, but tomorrow's the wedding." I groaned.
She kissed me, "I won't tell if you don't." She smirked as for a couple hours we had a hot, passionate round, which found us when it was all over, us in the spoon position. Sleeping soundly.

Early the next morning, I woke up about 5 am so I could head to the church and get ready.

At eleven in the morning, everyone we knew was in attendance. It seemed Hunter made arrangements for everyone on NXT, Raw, and Smackdown to be there. I was getting the final touches on my suit put on and a knock came to the door and Keith answered the door and Shayna came in, "Hey, you got a visitor."
"You got balls coming here." I told her.
"Well I have a good reason. I wanted to apologize for my behavior to Rhea and you." She said and I nearly fainted.
"Okay. I never took you for the apologizing type." I grinned.
"Well I thought it was time I buried the hatchet between us." She explained.
"If Rhea forgives you. I will too." I told her. She congratulated me and left for Rhea's ready room. As I was ready to go and I with my groomsmen and best man walked to the altar.

Meanwhile, Rhea was finishing getting her wedding dress on when a knock came to the door, Candice opened the door and let Shayna in, "I was wondering if you'd show up." Rhea grinned.
"Look, I'm sorry for my attitude towards you. And Daniel. I shouldn't have jumped you outside the Performance Center that night. Which led to your boy turning my car into scrap metal. So this is me burying the hatchet between us." Shayna extended her hand.
Rhea took it and shook it, "I forgive you." She said. Shocking the girls present. "I'd hug you but I want to look good for my guy on our big day."
Shayna giggled, "Completely understandable. Good luck." Shayna shook her hand before joining everyone in the chapel.

Thirty minutes later...
The wedding march started, everyone rose to their feet and I took a breath to calm my nerves and when I looked up the aisle, my eyes were met by sheer beauty as Rhea was wearing this:

I was floored as she looked so perfect in her wedding dress. She blushed under her veil as she got closer to the altar. When she was close enough I met her and led her to the altar and the preacher did the usual spiel and when he reached the vows, "Demi Bennett, when we met in NXT UK. We became fast friends and all throughout our careers we had fun from terrorizing opponents and dominating the divisions. The happiest moment was after I tore the door off Imperium's locker room and to calm me down you kissed me, and as everyone knows we started dating soon after, then we transitioned here. And again, we decimated everyone in our way. Shayna can attest to how scary I am when I'm mad." Shayna nodded as everyone laughed. "But I have not regretted, not one moment, hour, or day. About the decision of asking you to be my girl. And here we are, in front of family, friends, and a few enemies. Getting married and in a few months time. Starting our family. And I promise, that whatever we face, we face together." I grinned as Rhea giggled.
"From the moment I saw you in the UK Performance Center, I was impressed by the amount of weight you lifted and pressed. When we were put together, I couldn't stop smiling as I was paired with a real monster. As you said, we dominated the divisions and the biggest example of your strength well the first biggest was when ripped Imperium's locker room door off it's hinges with your bare hands I might add. Then we started dating and came here and the second example happened. You turned a nice car into a pile of scrap metal. You surprised me by having Calista come from Australia for Christmas. But the one thing I was happy about, aside from finding out I was pregnant, was when to got down on one knee after my match at NXT Worlds Collide. And proposed to me. I'm excited to see what life has in store for us." She flashed a toothy grin as the preacher asked if anyone had a reason that we shouldn't be married and when no one stood up or came forward. He was going to finish the ceremony with 'by the power vested in me' etc, but Rhea and I were miles ahead of him as we kissed passionately as everyone applauded.

The reception was absolutely perfect from the decorations, food to the music, everything.
Rhea did our first couples dance to 'Give Me The Simple Life' by Steve Tyrell.
My brother Sean danced with her for the father daughter dance which Rhea appreciated. I danced with mom and the toasts were given, removal and toss of the garter, we cut the cake and made a mess of each other's faces and to add to the comedy of the moment we pulled faces which everyone laughed about. When it was close to the end of the reception. Rhea threw her bouquet of black roses. Shayna caught it which surprised everyone even Shayna herself. After everyone went home, to their hotels, etc. I took my new bride to our room and laid her on the bed. She grinned as I rubbed her arms, legs, chest and stomach.
"We did it darling. We're married and I couldn't be happier." I grinned.
"That we are honey. And now there's one last thing to do. Have our kids." She giggled as I kissed her stomach.

For the next four months we made sure nobody would find out our secret surprise. And we found out at her six month ultrasound that we were gonna have three girls. Which to be honest made us even more excited to meet our little ones.

On September 18, 2020 at 11:15 pm, after multiple food runs, false alarms and cravings. We were at the hospital as Calista drove us there and a couple of nurses came out with a wheelchair, wheeled her in, followed by me with our go bags. Calista parked the car and I paced back and forth outside the delivery room. Dr Craven came out a little after and gave me a mask, gown to wear over my clothes and led me into the room as Rhea would not push unless I was next to her.
I smiled internally as she smiled at me. She held my hand as she started to push. After two hours of her crushing my fingers and cursing my existence. All three of our girls were born.

A few minutes later, they gave us a private room and I sat on the side of her bed, leaned down and kissed her, "You did good, baby." I told her as Rhea grinned.
"Couldn't have done it without you." She chuckled.
"You could have, but you are the most stubborn woman I know and if you don't get what you want, you hold out until you do. And tonight, I was grateful for that stubbornness of yours. Now we have three little angels. And all of them are gonna turn out like their mom, beautiful, caring and strong." I smiled as the nurses wheeled in our girls.
"Their perfect." She said happily as I picked up our first born of the three and gently handed her the baby. She smiled as she cradled the baby in her arms, "Hey, Delilah. Hey." She cooed as Delilah who had a patch of brown hair and greenish blue eyes.
I picked up the second baby and gently cradled her in my arms, "Hey Kiera. Your mother and I waited on pins and needles for you and your sisters to be born. And it was worth the wait." She giggled and wrapped her tiny hand around my finger as I looked at her eyes which were hazel green and she had a patch of blonde hair. The nurse who wheeled in Kiera stayed behind and wrote down Delilah and Kiera's first names. We gave Delilah the middle name of Candice. Kiera we gave the middle name of Lee. But for the last baby, me and Rhea looked at each other and smiled as we named her Willow Jean.

A day or two later, Rhea was released from the hospital along with Delilah, Kiera, and Willow and we were surprised as Calista arranged a welcome home party where everyone we knew was there to meet our three kids. Everyone was surprised we had triplets but were happy for us.

After everyone left when the party was done. Rhea and I looked at our three girls sleeping in their cribs.
I smiled as we looked a each other, "I love you Demi Boyce-Bennett."
"And I love you Daniel Boyce-Bennett." We kissed each other as we went to help Calista with cleanup.

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