Chapter Eleven Day Five Part One

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With Demon heart

The masked Mages were standing inside the domus Flau waiting for the guild battle.

The mages of demon heart looked around the room of the domus flau many of the mages looks scared.

Many of the mages didn't want to fight demon heart after what they just witnessed they have dominated basically every guild in the grand magic games.

Seeing the reactions had the dragon slayers with sinister smile underneath their mask. they could only wait to see the terror and fear that will be striked into their hearts when they revealed their true identities.

about 2 minutes when passed waiting for the announcers to start today's events. During that time many of the other mages that weren't here have finally arrived.

greetings once again ladies and gentlemen for the final day of the grand magic games. This year's Grand magic games have been a spectacular one to witness as many new powerful contenders have shown themselves but only one can reign supreme for today's year.

Who will be the winner of today's Grand magic games, but the questions on most people's minds are probably will the other guilds be able to stand up against the almighty might of demon heart. And who exactly lies underneath those mask let's hope our today's answers will be answered with the final event of the grand magic games THE GUILD ROYALE.

The arena for today's battle will be the entire city, the guild will have each team pick one member as their leader. Taking down a normal mage gives your team one point but taking down a leader gives you five. So if someone was able to take out the entire competition they would be awarded 45 points would have a chance of winning.

Now then let's get on with today's events.

The mages we're transported to the large city as they looked around all in different location.

No let the final day of the grand magic games BEGIN.

With that the mages all charge into the city, wanting to score as many points as possible.

With fairy tail

Currently fairy tail teams consisted of erza, mira, laxus, gray and juvia. The guild was confident, that they could win this if they stuck to the first Masters plan. But there could be a problem.

Demon heart.

The unbelievably powerful new guild that has arrived in the grand magic games that had many people suspicious of who they really were. The power they demonstrate it was beyond normal hell even most wizards since wouldn't be able to have that much power.

many questions ran through the five competing members minds. Who were they? who are they trying to get revenge on? What is their goal?

The questions ate away at the Fairy Tail guild members as they could sense a sinister Aura lurking deep within each member. Like a black hole waiting to devour everything in it's path and leave nothing but Carnage.

But the two members that were team who wanted the rematch the most was Mira and Erza. After the match between them the two female Mages could sense something familiar about the two individuals they fought.

Some of their moves, and the overall way they fought reminded them of their dragon slayers.

During the fight some of the moments in the fight the two Mages could see a picture of their dragon slayer standing before them fighting them in that fight.

But that's impossible right? Acnologia destroyed the entire island there was nothing left they looked for their bodies but they couldn't find any of them once they woke up from being put unconscious.

The guild held unimaginable amount of pain and guilt they blame themselves for what happened to the dragon slayers. They were a family and they couldn't even protect them the ones that were hit the most were definitely mira and Erza.

The two were in love with Natsu and (Y,N).

But at the moment they couldn't focus on that they had to win this for them. They would win this game and return fairy tail to its number one position to prove that the Fairy Tail is not a joke. And that's a bond they share is even stronger than blood, they would win this so that the comments of their deceased friends would end so that way they would never be back talk or shamed.

Currently the guild split up into multiple different ways as the first Master instructed. Many of the mages we're taking out most of the members of the other guilds earning them points.

some guild were earning points but the ones that had a tie with them were sabertooth. And not surprisingly demon heart. But they kept following the first Masters plan and bacause of that. They were able to take out some of the mages from sabertooth. The twin dragon sting and rogue were currently in a battle with laxus and gray once again.

They were winning the fight the twin dragons were being pushed back once again by the Mages of fairy tail.

Across the battlefield juvia had engaged with rufus and just like with the twin dragons juvia was winning.

Not far away the audience could see black lightning being discharged into the sky, mira was fighting the lightning god Slayer of sabretooth Orga.

That only left erza running down the road to the city looking for an opponent to challenge.

Eventually her path forward came to a stop when she saw who's in front of her. Mermaid heels top wizard kagura, the two of them just narrowed their eyes at each other as kagura hand slowly started to reach towards her arch-enemy.

kagura: Erlza Scarlet one of the surviving members from the tower of heaven, and as well as the one who knew my brother. You're going to tell me who killed my brother now!

There was no room for negotiation in her voice. She wanted answers she had a murderous glint in her eyes the want for revenge was basically emanating off of her, bleeding into the surrounding area.

Erza could only look on this site with sadness, she wanted revenge against someone who was being controlled! He had no control over his actions but she knew that she couldn't change her mind that Glint and this Aura emanating off her. She knew if she told her that it was jellal fault she wouldn't hesitate to kill him. But maybe if she could convince her that jellal is innocent that she could get her off of this mindset for revenge.

Erza: kagura the one that killed Simon his name was jellal *kagura murderous intent Rose dramatically* but please understand that he was being controlled he had no choice over his actions.

kagura: I don't care he took everything from me and once I kill him I'll kill the one who is controlling him. I'll get revenge for my brother's murder I will be the one to kill him!!

Erza: I cannot allow you to kill an innocent person!

She requipped into her black wing armor and sword as she rushed towards kagura. Seeing this kagura charge that Erza pulling out her arch enemy and colliding blades with her.

Two mages sword swings were a blur as they kept slashing at each other blocking and kept attacking.

they kept going from building to building as they kept slashing defending from each other attacks.

Eventually kagura use her gravity magic to make herself lighter giving her more speed, with this change she finally landed a strong strike against Erza.

The force of the attack sent erza flying into a nearby building as she crashed through it. But Erza was never one to go down easy she got up like nothing happened and then charged back at her. she re-quip into her heavens wheel armor as she launched multiple barrages of swords at her.

Kagura tried all she could to dodge all the swords but eventually she lost her balance dodging one of them which gave erza a opportunity to lend a strong strike against her.

The battle between the two sword women were intense as the two basically run around the entire city fighting each other.

Eventually they ended up on a high building with a large platform at the top of it with four pillars at the very corners of it which connected to a large roof.

that you were about to charge at each other when a hand appeared out of nowhere and grab the two of them and threw them away from each other.

The throw had enough Force to send the two flying as a crash into the floor.

Eventually the portal opened wide enough for a person to slip out and who came out was Minerva the final sabertooth mage.

Minerva: well it would appear that an ignorant fairy in a low-born mermaid has found their ways into the sabers den. No matter I'll crush you and those fools from demon heart you have trash the name of sabertooth and I will rectify it with your pathetic existence.

The two mages stood up from the floor and glared at Minerva who only returned it with a smug look.

the competitors could tell that there was going to be a three-way battle between Erza the queen of the fairies. Kagura the strongest of mermaid Hill and the queen of the sabers Minerva.

The audience were hyped out of their mind waiting to see this gigantic chaotic battle that was about to undergo.

But unknown to the three Mages a masked figure looked down upon the three with a smirk under his mask.

(Y,N): soon you will know what it will feel like to know true despair I will crush the three of you in the name of our revenge.

With Demon heart

The Mages from demon heart we're bored out of their mind no one could stand up against them. Natsu started to get annoyed with the fact that no one could challenge him. Even Wendy was getting annoyed with how easy it was. Gajeel can only agree and virus was just virus he didn't give a damn.

They could feel that (Y,N) was getting ready to launch the final phase of their plan. Which had all of them excited it was their reveal to the world.

They couldn't wait for was about to happen.

No pov

Back with the three female Mages the fight has been going on for a while now all three of them were starting to run low on magic power. that was before they felt a dark energy in the sky coming down towards them.

They looked up and what they saw had their bodies freeze with fear.

There up in the sky above them was a nightmare emanating a black and red around him. The three female magis started to slowly back up as fear clouding their minds.

They have never felt such a dark and powerful presence in their life, even Minerva was shaking in her boots from how powerful this sinister Aura was.

(Y,N): I have played enough of your games.

He raised his hand into the sky as black and red energy started to form around his hand before it shot up into the sky.

The three mages watched as the sky started to turn into a black vortex, as multiple lines of pure darkness started to run through the skies and started to draw what appeared to be a magic circle.

But this magic circle was different it looked more like a pentagram once the lines were fully completed. He slowly started the closest his fist as multiple black orbs of darkness formed in the sky around him.

(Y,N): Darkness gods: secret art: judgment of the darkness God!

He thrush his arms forward as the orbs of Darkness floated over the remaining guilds besides fairy tail and demon heart. He closed his palm and when he did the orbs fired a gigantic beam of magical energy at the remaining guilds completely annihilating them.

The audience was dead silent they announced theirs had their jaws dropped to the floor and the three Mages that have just witnessed this were quaking in fear.

Floating above them was not a normal human, humans do not have that kind of power. A wizard saint doesn't have this kind of power. In that sky above them was a god or was it a demon.

Slowly his gaze turned down to the three female mages as he slowly floated down towards them. When he landed in front of them he looked at the three of them before smirking under his mask.

(Y,N): you know seeing those faces of yours go from hopeful to despair.

He began to let out a sinister aura that completely enveloped the three of them as their body started to uncontrollably shake in fear.

(Y,N): there's nothing that can make me happier.

Minerva cast her fear to the side as her pride started to cloud her judgment.

Minerva: I'll be the one to end you and all of demon heart you have tarnished the name of saber tooth and for that I will end your miserable existence.

(Y,N) paid her no attention as he was only focusing on Erza, seeing this Minerva became infuriated as she rushed towards him. But right before she could get to him, he b**** slapped her across the face sending her flying through multiple buildings.

He gaze never left from Erza when he slspped Minerva threw the buildings.

The two mages were a little taking back at his showing of strength as the two of them realized that they had a cast of differences aside if they wanted a small chance against him.

(Y,N): you know I think it's time.

Right has he said that the other Mages from demonheart appeared in front of the fairy tail Mages.

Gray was looking at inferno.

Mira was facing down virus.

Juvia was staring down wendy.

Laxus was facing gajeel.

And Erza and kagura was facing (Y,N).

(Y,N): you know this takes me back erzy-Chun

Erza upon hearing that was shocked only one person in this world called her that but wait...

Erza: I-It can't be (Y-(Y,N)

The spectators watched as the mask members of demonheart started to reach towards their mask and started to slide their mask off.

And when their mask were fully off everyone was shocked what they saw.

Four of the five mysterious majors from demon heart where the four fairy tail dragon slayers.

(Y,N), natsu, Wendy, and gajeel

(Y,N): we meet once again erza I hope you're ready to taste true despair.

And there you have it everyone a new chapter done I am super sorry that it took me this long to make it I'm dealing with sleeping problems not to mention School I will be updating black dragon God of destruction within the next day so don't worry.

Once again I'm sorry for the late upload I didn't having a lot going on but if you have any comments or questions you want to ask me just comment them and I'll answer the best in my ability.

Now DIO OUT!!!!!

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