Chapter Ten The fourth day part two

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Currently in the arena the two teams of fairy tail and demon heart we're in the arena staring each other down.

The audience all around them could feel the tension emanating through the arena.

If you look closely enough you can see that the fairy tail Mages body's were tense. They were clearly nervous after the show of power they knew this weren't going to be easy for them to win.

But what had them the most on guard was the aura of the two Mages were emanating. A aura that was extremely powerful. The fairy tail mages steeled their nerves. They couldn't show fear during this fight or it could cost them.

now ladies and gentlemen I think it's finally about time we get the match on now... BEGIN

With that mira and erza charge at the two demon heart images. Mira change into her Satan soul and went after natsu while erza request a sword and went after (Y,N).

The two mages waited for them to attack and right before their attacks was about to land they Dodge.

(Y,N) side step erza, and natsu duck under mira. Before the two could react natsu and (Y,N) counter attack.

(Y,N) Palm strike erza in the gut sending her sliding back, while natsu kicked mira in stomach sending her up into the air. Then natsu appeared in front of her and kicked her in the face sending her flying across the arena.

Once erza finely stoped she looked for her opponent, that was before she felt a massive force impact her from the  back.

Do to this she was sent flying forward as she crashed in the opposite side of the arena where Mira was

the two demon heart Mages just landed on the ground and looked at their opponents.

Inferno: they truly are pathetic.

(Y,N): agreed at this point there won't be much of a fight. I'm truly disappointed.

The two watch as the fairy tail mages started to get up, the two girls turn their heads in glared at them. The mages on the other hand didn't flinch at all.

They could close here the two mages we're infuriated.

Erza: Never underestimate FAIRY TAIL.

without the two Mages charge to their respective opponents, the two demonheart Mages didn't even try to attack they simply just bobbed and weaved through there attacks.

Their actions just kept pissing off the fairy tail mages.

Erza had enough of this before she re-quipped into her heaven's wheel armor.

(Not my picture)

Erza: now dance my sword!!

She then started to bombard (Y,N) with swords, but (Y,N) wasn't impressed as he once again he just Dodge through her attacks.

Over with mira he tried to strike natsu with her claws, but he kept dodging as well. 


She launched a beam of darkness at Natsu, who simply swiped it away with his hand.

This surprised the audience but the ones that were most surprised were Fairy Tail.

Gray: What!!!! Seriously he just swept that away like it was nothing!!!

Mavis: they're not even trying.

Laxus: they're toying with them, they even didn't use their magic yet they're playing with them.

Mavis and Makarov narrowed their eyes at the masked Mages.

Lucy: hey guys doesn't there fighting style seem kind of familiar?

it took them time to realize but they're fighting style look almost like they're departed dragon slayers.

Back with a flight the two Fairy Tail Mages were getting pissed off at the demon heart Mages.

Erza: stop toying with us and start getting serious.

right as her sword was about to make contact with him his hand shot up and snatched her blade.

The action got many people surprised while others gasp as they thought his hand would be bleeding.

But to many people surprise his hands didn't even get injured as he just glared at erza.

(Y,N): you want us to get serious fine.

he pulled her blade down with Force which caused her to get thrown off balance as she stumbled forward.

Right before she could recover she, and the rest of the crowd were surprised of what was about to happen next.

(Y,N): darkness dragon: demolition fist!

He covered his hand in darkness as he slammed it into her gut with tremendous Force sending her flying.

Seeing as they could use their magic natsu smirked. He quickly rushed at Mira with speed she couldn't even counter before he unleashed his magic attack.

Natsu: fire demons: wrath

He swung his arms down in a x shape. This caused black fire to burst into being as it slimmed into mira sending her flying.

Because she was in her Satan soul the demons Slayer magic worked extremely well in her.

Both mages were sent flying leaving the entire stadium silent.

Back was fairy tail they were basically losing their s*** at this point.

Lucy: oh my God how are they this strong?

Gray: not only that but nightmare is apparently a dragon slayer and that guy inferno is a demon Slayer.

Mavis: things aren't looking too well for us.

Makarov: I would have to agree with you first.

Back with the fight the two Fairy tail could barely stand. Erza stabbed her sword into the ground and used it as a  cane to get up, well mira had to dig her clawa into the side of the stadium to help her stand up.

The two stared at the demon heart made it and they could tell but they were smirking underneath their mask.

Erza: you're a dragon slayer *she said glaring at nightmare*

(Y,N): why yes I am, and I must say I'm quite disappointed no wonder why your dragon slayers died you're way too weak.

With that one comment pissed off the entire fairy tail guild, especially the two mages they were fighting.

Mira/Erza: HOW DARE YOU!!!

With a newfound fire the two fairy tail mages decided to ramp this up a notch.

Mira transformer into what appeared to be a blue version of her Satan soul.

(Not my picture)

Well erza changed into a black spiky armor with a large club.

(Not my picture)

The action shocked many people from Fairy Tail, the purgatory armor was one of erza's strongest armor. And mirajane's Satan's soul form halphas had enough power to destroy this entire city.

Mira rushed at the two as she took off into the air before gathering a blue orb in her hand before firing it.


The gigantic blue beam rocketed towards the two demon heart Mages who were certainly surprised but not too surprised.

Right when the beam was about to collide everyone would be shocked to see what would happen next.

Natsu: Fire dragons: Roar!!!!!!!

Natsu launch a giant cyclone of orange fire at the cosmic beam, the two beams collided before having a short Battle of dominance. The battle was short lived as Natsu's fire dragons Roar, quickly overpowered the beam and collided with mira sending her flying into the stadium.

The actions had many people shocked god Slayer, demon slayer and now dragon slayer. Natsu had just demonstrated that he could use all the different Slayer magic which had people baffled.

Erza: How dare YOU!!!

Erza sped towards the two mages and swung her club, the right before it could make impact (Y,N) raised his hand up and caught the club with relative ease.

Erza was shocked but she couldn't focus on that now she tried to pull the club back but it, wouldn't budge.

(Y,N): I've had fun with you fairys but I'm done with it now.

Darkness started to swarm around him as a magic power shot through the roof which put many of the Mages were now on high alert. The started to converge at his mouth, and many Mages were shocked many knew with this was about to happen.

(Y,N): Darkness Dragons: roar!!!

He sent a massive beam of darkness from his mouth the Mages from Fairy Tail couldn't do anything as the attack slammed into them. but what was even more shocking was that the attack had enough Force to launch out of the stadium and flew off into the distance.

It caused a massive dust cloud to form as many of the spectators wanted to see what happened.

Ladies and gentlemen please sit around the dust will clear off eventually.

It took around a minute for the dust to finally clear and when they did the results were shocking.

There was fairy tails s class Mages on the ground unconscious with injuries all over them. Erza was bleeding from her arms and her head, while mira had a large gash on her arm as well as her head had a cut on it.

W-Would you lo-look at this folks not even fairy tails strongest Mages could put a scratch on demon heart's nightmare and inferno. Just who are these powerful Mages?

The two demon heart Mages just gave a annoyed growl before walking away.

They able to get too far as they heard multiple footsteps behind them, they turned around to see. Lucy, gray, Julia, Cana, elfman, lisanna and laxus.

Elfman and lisanna rushed to mira well Lucy and juvia when to erza.

Gray, laxus and cana stared at the two demon heart with anger, well the two mages didn't even respond.

Gray: Damn you mask bastards! Look what you did you could have killed them!!

(Y,N): what why are you being a sore loser. They lost get over it, it's not my problem there so pathetically weak.

Cana: What did these two do to you guys. With all the feat's you have shown you could have easily beaten them! You have proved it many times that you could have ended the battle in an instant. But you didn't you kept toying with them so what did these two ever do to you bastards!

(Y,N): That is for you to find out weaklings.

Laxus/Gray: bastard!

but before they could do anything the rest of the demonvheart appeared in a flash. The actions caught many people off guard due to their speed as the demon heart members stared at Fairy Tail who backed away.

Wendy: I would recommend you back off from our guild mates. Or else we'll tear you apart.

Gajeel: tempest like these weak could even put a scratch on us.

Virus: I don't usually like to get involved with these, but they're just so annoying.

(Y,N): I think fairy tail learned enough for today, if there's any more problems with the worthless fairies we'll solve it during the Battle Royale on the fifth day. Now let's go.

The mages from demon heart all walked out of the stadium, leaving a angered fairy tail. many people were watching this and they were honestly surprised by the what transpired.

With jellal group

jellal: who in the hell are these guys!?

Ultear: I don't know but fairy tail didn't stand a chance. As well I couldn't find any records of them for the past 7 years.

meredy: are you serious...what, do you think that they're connected with Zeref?

Jellal: they very well could be, the dark magic power that I am sensing from them is immense. Honestly I never felt such a dark and sinister aura in my life. It's like they're not even human but demons.

The other members of his group couldn't agree more once you sense that aura you could never forget it.

Back in the stadium

well ladies and gentlemen that was a certainly an unexpected event to end our fourth day I wonder who would be the guilt to take the top place for the 5th and final event

(Rb= random boy, Rg=random girl)

Rb: demon heart du there's no one that can face them.

Rb: yeah those guys are super badass!!

Rb: Hell ya they are!!

Rg: I'm saying demon heart there's no way any of those other lonely guilds are taking them out!

Rg: and after we witness nightmare-kun and Inferno-kin strength no one can beat Them!!!

many of the fan boys and girls kept rambling on how demon heart was going to crush the competition.

But unknown to them the mages could hear them due to their enhanced hearing and could only smirk. They were going to destroy this competition.

And they were going to show the world TO NEVER CROSS THEM AGAIN!!!

And there you have it that is this chapter done I hope you guys enjoy it and if you have any questions or suggestions please just comment them to me and I work with it to the best of my ability alright


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