Chapter Nine The forth day Part one

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With demon heart

The members of our favorite guild was in their hotel it was a little after the third day and all the girls left.

Is he could tell that some of the guilds were getting angry with them mainly sabertooth. But the members of demon hearts didn't give a s*** they were here to prove this statement.

But currently serana was in her room as a bat flu into her room by the open window and landed on her table.

(That is the face of me when 2020 was finally over, you can practically hear that bat saying f*** you 2020)

Serana: my little familiar what do you have for me.

Her eye started to glow red and so did the bats, she could see inside the bat's mind and it's in memories.

She was inside of what look to be a graveyard of dragon bones.

Her eyes stopped glowing and so did the bats and she put her hand on her chin in a thinking position.

Serana: it would appear that this kingdom houses a dragon burial ground. Most interesting I should probably let the four of them know.

So she called the four dragon slayers here when they walked into her room they were curious of why she call them?

(Y,N): is there a problem?

Serana: no I found something quite peculiar, my little familiar over here part of my instructions I had him survey this City. I had multiple familiars out but this one had something you might want to know about.

Natsu: and what's that?

Serana: a dragon burial ground.

The four dragon slayers eyes widen as she said that.

Gajeel: you're not joking right.

Serana: *giggles in her hand* no of course not I'm not joking with you my familiar found a dragon burial ground. And I wanted to let you three know if you wanted to go look at it.

The four dragon slayers all look at each other before nodding their heads.

Serana: good now then let's go.

with a snap of her fingers a magic circle appeared below them as they were transported away.

In less then no time at all the five of them reappeared underneath what appeared to be a large cavern. All around them were dragon bones everywhere.

Dragon slayers: wow

They could only stare at the amount of Bones there were this place was massive.

(Y,N) took one step in a minute his foot touched the ground he could feel something? it was like a spirit of these dragons were still remaining.

Serana watched his expression change as she could tell he felt the same thing she did.

Serana: you felt it didn't you one of these spirits are still alive.

(Y,N): yeah but I highly doubt they won't be able to tell us anything we don't already know,also I can tell by looking at these bones these dragon's came from about 400 to 200 years ago our dragons disappeared about 14 years ago these fossils are way too old to be them.

The other dragon slayers could only nod an agreement.

Serana: very well I just stopped this would be an interesting to show you guys to help you on your little quest.

(Y,N): and we thank you for that sweetie.

Serana: *get to playful smile on her face* save it for when we're in private darling.

(Y,N) could only laugh that's all them were transported back to their hotel.

This might have been a bust but what isn't a bust is that the next day is the grand magic games. So there have to be prepared to crush their opponents into Oblivion.

The dragon slayers all went towards their room as Serena and (Y,N) went to their room for a long and peaceful night of sleep.

The next day

Inside of the Domus Flau the guild gathered waiting for today's events.

but from the looks of most of their faces they were a bit uneasy the last day showed quite a bit of strength for demon heart and most of the guilds were honestly bat-shit terrified of them.

Even kagura from mermaid Heel was scared of nightmare (AKA (Y,N)) from how powerful he has.

Sabertooth on the other hand pridefully thought that they could probably take them out which was a big mistake.

all right ladies and gentlemen now that everyone has been gathered here let us announce the fourth day's events.

As he set that alarm orb of water through the float in the air.

Today's event will be the naval battle The battlefield is a large ball of you get pushed out you lose, the last one remaining will be the winner. However if only 2 players remain a special rule will be put into play known as the 5 minute rule.

Now each guild send up their member.

From Lamia Scale it's Chelia

From Blue Pegasus its Jenny

From Mermaid Heel its Risley

Entering from Fairy Tail team B is Juvia

Minerva of Sabertooth.

She announced herself in a very bold and arrogant way.

Now from Fairy Tail team A its Lucy

And from our dark guild we have terran

All of the mages were transported inside of the sphere of water. Where they were all waiting for the announcement to begin their fight.

Now let the fight begin

With that the mage is went after each other doing battle with each other.

But gajeel just sat back and watch the Carnage unfold. Then Lucy summoned Aquarius.

One of the competitors said something about another mermaid which made a tick mark up here on aquarius's forehead.


As she yelled that she then launched a giant vortex of water at everyone. The vortex managed to hit Chelia. Jenny, Risley, Rocker.

The people who were hit by the vortex all screamed as they were thrown around like ragdolls.

Eventually juvia and Aquarius decided to fight against each other, seeing the opportunity multiple of the other mages started to fight each other.

many of the mages started the fight each other, but the ones that tried to fight gajeel were sent flying out of the ring.

eventually many of the mages started to wear out only leaving only three people in, lucy Minerva And gajeel aka terran.

But eventually Minerva and Lucy started to fight, and let's say it didn't go well for Lucy.

she was being beaten and tortured by Minerva at this point, many of the guilds looked on in shock. Well the masked members of demon heart didn't show any reactions at all.

Minerva kept back talking Lucy telling her how she was below her and how she was an elite higher than her.

Eventually gajeel got tired of all the arrogant talk before Minerva could even react gajeel appeared in front of her and kicked her in the face.

This sent Minerva flying, but without Minerva to support Lucy any longer she fell out of the ring.

right before she get the ground members of Fairy Tail caught her, they checked her vitals and seen that she needed medical treatment immediately.

Back in the ring Minerva glared at gajeel who said no sign of reacting.

Although she wouldn't say it she was quite surprised at his speed and he was able to catch her off guard so easily. Actually many members of sabretooth were looking at him in shock due to that fact.

Minerva: why did you say that insect!?

Gajeel: for the simple reason of I want this to get over with and you're the last opponent in my way. So I'll give you two options one you surrender now and you won't feel humiliation or two you foolishly decide to fight me and I'll crush you.

Minerva gritted her teeth with anger this maggot decided to speak out against her she was an elite and he was below her.

Minerva: I'll make you regret those words!!!

She wants the magic attack at him which did literally nothing as he just held out his hand and blocked the attack.

Gajeel: so you have chosen...

He appeared behind Minerva.

Gajeel: Death.

He kicked her on the spine sending her flying through the arena right before she was about to fly out of the ring he grabbed her by her leg and threw her back into it. Yet again she was almost out of the arena before he punched her back inside of the arena.

It was a blur he kept appearing by her and kept kicking and punching her all over the arena.

(basically how in dragon Ball where they teleport behind someone and these are kicking and punching them around all over the place, or those scenes where they move so fast they just blitz them with punches and kicks)

Many people looked at this in shock Minerva who was just destroying Lucy. Was being man-handled by a single person absolutely destroying her.

Finally gajeel ended his barrage and Minerva just float there near the edge of the arena with so many injuries on her it was hard to even count.

She was f****** furious she could do nothing to defend against him and he just demolished her. She greeted her teeth in anger that this person destroyed her with no problems at all.

Just like before gajeel appeared in front of her. Her eyes showed fear in them as he extended his finger towards her forehead.

Gajeel: now perish.

With that he flick Minerva on her forehead sending her flying out of the ring.

She crash into the ground with extreme force, absolutely no one could say anything. Every person in the Domus Flau Was silent.

They knew that demon heart was powerful but what they just saw wasn't a fight no... It was a massacre.

Terran from demon heart just destroyed Minerva.

W-Well that was quite the battle we just witness now we will be moving on to today's tag team fights.

No one didn't say anything still as the team from sabretooth came down and got Minerva, gajeel jumped out of the watter orb and landed in front of them.

They all looked at him in fear as he glanced towards them, he smirked under his mouth before walking back to his guild.

(Y,N): Good job terran you really put her in her place.

Terran: yes the arrogant b**** needed to be put in her place, and I was the perfect guy to do it.

(Y,N): well let's just continue on with our day this day the events getting quite interesting.

Over with fairy tail

Currently Erza was glancing at the members of demon heart No matter how hard she tried she could never get the feeling out of her guts like she knew them.

That doesn't mean she wasn't afraid actually her and her entire guild were quite shaken up after the events that transpired.

Luckily for them terran came in at the right time and saved lucy, she was currently In the infirmary getting medical treatment which they were grateful for.

Gray: I know I've asked this question a lot but I'll ask it again who the f*** are those guys!!!

Cana: yeah I'm with gray on this one normal people don't have speed like that.

Elfman: those guys were like super manly even I'm scared of those guys.

Mavis didn't say anything and she just stared at nightmare. Out of all of the members of that guild he was the most interesting. She had no idea why but the aura he was giving up was one of pure mystery but layered within that mystery she could sense multiple things.

Sadness, betrayal, hate, anger, and a very dark sinister aura that creeped very deep within. Every time she felt that sinister Aura she had shivers go up her spine. It was so dark and cold, even the worth blizzards in the entire world couldn't compare to how cold and unfeeling that aura was.

Some of the guild could sense the aura as well and they had the same reaction as she did. But they couldn't focus on that now they had a tournament to win.

Mavis thoughts: who are you? Even normal mages don't have speed like that. And then there's you nightmare a enigma wrapped inside of a normal Mages clothing. You are by far the most suspicious hopefully you'll find out more about you in the event.

No pov

All right ladies and gentlemen now time for today's main event the tag team battles as in the name suggest it will be a two versus two battles now let's begin.

(I'm going to skip all of the ones that doesn't involve demon heart)

In the arena was shocking results gray and Laxus defeated sabretooth twin dragons sting and rogue. They completely pulverize the two dragon slayers saying that if they were to lose now then the ones that lost their lives would be spinning in their graves.

and because of that statement all four dragon slayers sneezed.

But eventually fairy tail defeated sabretooth with a long and hard-fought victory.

And now they were waiting for the next fight to be announced.

No ladies and gentlemen a fight that is certainly going to put us on our toes fairy tails, twin female s class Mages Mirajane and Erza Scarlet.

On cue the two s class majors walked out to the arena.

And for our new and powerful dark guild we have Nightmare and inferno from demon heart.

The two masked Mages walk out to the arena, they start and glanced at their two opponents who narrow their eyes back at the two.

well ladies and gentlemen can you not feel the tension in the air the two teams are sidesing each other up. Can Fairy Tail finally defeat the unstoppable mages of demon heart or will they fall victim to them like many others have.

The fairy tell me just got into fighting stands knowing that this was not going to be an easy fight to win.

Now let the fight begin

And there you have it the fourth day's events I know I know I left you on a cliffhanger I'm evil that is how I am hahahahahahahaha.

anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this and now you guys have to wait for the next trip to come out to see demon heart versus Fairy Tail.

Alright DIO OUT

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