chapter seventeen battle of hargeon

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Three days into the war

At this point all of fiore was in chaos fighting was breaking out all over the continent and Fairy Tail and the other guilds banded together in order to counteract the threat of Alvarez.

But this threat was the most formidable one and in these three days the entire continent on the brink of destruction.

the spriggan 12 were scattered around the continent leading there forces throughout the land destroying anyone who got in their way.

The Mages of all the guild launch separate counter attacks in different locations. To try and break down the enemy's forces but it wasn't going to well.

Alvarez had a significant more powerful force and the amount of troops they had was astounding, it completely dwarfed their countries forces and mages by a long shot.

The thing was that Alvarez shouldn't be worried about the normal Mages they should be worrying about the people in the shadows or more specifically the demons in the shadows.

That's right Demon heart has yet to join the battle because they've been observing the past three days. To see how the other mages would perform in these kind of situations.

And honestly they were quite disappointed at some of the results, not many Mages did anything significance against Alvarez except fairy tail.

So demon heart let out a sigh it was one of these days oh well.
At least it's a good day for these fools to die!

With demon heart

Right now the demons of demon heart we're all flying in the sky above everyone even above the clouds they were looking down at the guilds and the conflict going on.

(Y,N) looked on towards hargeon and saw that there forces were absolutely being crushed by one of the spriggan 12 and there forces.

(Y,N): *let's out a sigh of annoyance* all right everyone listen up.

The Demons stopped their gazing and turned to their leader.

(Y,N): it looks like these dumbasses can't handle a simple job that is to stop this war so now it falls on us. And I am now giving you a direct order.

When he said that his eyes started to glow crimson and slowly each and every individual there's eyes started to Glow with their respective color.

(Y,N): the order I'm giving you is this... Destroy these fools reduced and crush their hopes to dust. cast of shadow of fear so deep in their heart that they will never forget. fan out to cross the continent and crush Alvarez one by one.

Everyone: Right!!!!

Soon everyone took off in separate directions, (Y,N) and serana towards the North, Natsu to the east, Gajeel to the west, virus to the south. So Wendy decided to head towards hargeon to see what all the commotions about.


hargeon was a complete war zone kagura from mermaid heel has been leading the charge against one of the spring in 12 Dimaria. Known as one of the finest soldiers of the spriggan 12 she was leading her forces of Alvarez against the Mages who are opposing them.

This is Dimaria

Dimaria have to look a boredom on her face because all of the "interesting or worthy opponents". Have fallen to her already, and her forces was just continuously crushing apparently the never ending army of Mages.

Dimaria: when can they learn to take a hit already there's no point in trying to fight against us you're just going to keep losing anyways.

With a clack from her teeth she appeared in front of 10 Mages and was holding a bloody sword. Those 10 Mages dropped dead right on the spot.

Dimaria: where are these Mages from demon heart at his majesty said that they were powerful but. Did they chicken out or something?

As soon as she finishing saying that the entire area of hargeon was bath in murderous intent.

The soldiers of Alvarez as well as the friendly Mages all stopped look to towards what was emanating this murderous intent. Only to see a girl floating in the air with demonic wings on her back staring down at them with murderous eyes.

Everyone who's seen or participated in the grand magic games knew who this person was. Wendy of demon heart.

Wendy paid no mind to anyone that was staring at her. She was focusing on this blonde-haired b****. Who dare to insult her guild.

Wendy: I must say you have quite the nerves to insult my guild Blondie.

Dimaria could only smirk on the outside she seemed normal actually she seemed excited. But on the inside she was sweating bullets. She had never anticipated that demon heart was this powerful just her murderous intent alone was already stopping this war zone. And she highly doubt this was her full power it actually excited her a little bit.

But her partner Chronos was actually scared, this was the first time she's ever seen him like this.

Chronos telepathically: This power it can't be!

Dimaria: Chronos what are you talking about why are you so scared?

Chronos: Dimaria I know you're a proud warrior and it hurts my pride to say this but we might have lost this.

Dimaria: what do you mean?!

Chronos: what I'm saying is if my hypothesis is correct you need to get the f*** out of here fast! That girl has demonic energy running through her not like zeref demons but like the ancient demon of the ancient war many years ago. I only know one individual who could Grant someone this kind of power.

Dimaria curiosity shot through the roof when she heard this. Who is this person and how or why were they able to scare off the great time god chronos?

Wendy continue to look around at Alvarez's army before it turned into a look of disgust when she kept gazing on them.

Wendy: you all disgust me!

She raised her hand into the sky and called forth her magic.

Wendy: Sky dragon slayer: cyclone!

From her being a massive tornado was created sucking up most of the Alvarez forces and throwing them throughout the battlefield.

The men Who were caught in the tornado and thrown were giving quick deaths but the ones that were trapped inside of it. Suffered painful death that they were ripped apart from being thrashed around inside of it.

when she dispelled the tornado all of those that were still caught inside of it fell down raining blood and body parts on the battlefield.

everyone could have sworn that the sky darken that she gaze down on them with her glowing blue eyes. A smirk appeared on her face showing off her fangs.

Wendy: I've been sent here by my big brother because you insects dare to attack our country! So I have to make you pay for this with your life!

She rushed towards Dimaria who barely had enough time to bring up her sword to try and guard against the girl.

The impact they created such a shockwave around, leaving the two of them in a "deadlock".

But Dimaria was slowly starting to get pushed back she was losing ground quickly. She couldn't match up against this girl's strength.

So she quickly went to the side avoiding the next attack that wendy was about to scent at her.

She then jumped back and start to evaluate her opponent.

Physically she couldn't win and magic wise she had no way in hell she was winning.

But she did have one trick up her sleeve her ability to stop time. So she was going to end this with one quick strike.

Dimaria: I will admit you did show a spectacular form of power if he want enemies I would ask you to join our military but unfortunately weren't enemies so you're going to have to die.

She clacked her teeth again and time froze she didn't ran towards Wendy who showed no sign of reaction.

And when she brought her sword down towards the blue hair girl something unexpected happen.

Wendy raised her hand up and grab her sword.

Dimaria: WHAT!

Wendy no sign of reaction due to her outburst she only look curiously at the blonde.

Wendy: So I was right about you, you have a god inside of you and if I'm not mistaken this is the work of Chronos the god of time

Dimaria didn't care about her questioning or curiosity she wanted to know how she did this NOW

Dimaria: that still doesn't explain how you were able to move in my time MY SPACE! MY PLAN!

Wendy: it's quite simple really, when you think about it. You draw your power from your god of time. And if someone were to have God slaying magic which is designed to fight your god. Not to mention someone who has been trained under a God far more powerful than yours. It's quite simple to counteract you and if I had to guess the only reason why chronos has you as a vessel is because he's trying to recover after his clash with Serana.

After she said that name Chronos lost his s***.

Chronos: I was right! Dimaria you have to get out of here now! If not you will not survive this battle!

Dimaria: Even if I won't survive this battle I will not flee like a coward! I will fight for his majesty into my last breath!

She then jump back putting distance between her and a blue haired girl.

Dimaria: it appeared I have no other options left! TAKE OVER MAGIC: GOD SOUL!

With a a powerful discharge the magic that's swore into a vortex Dimaria was consumed by it until it dispersed showing off her new form.

(I ain't going to lie with you guys I think she hot as f*** in this form. Or hell even in her normal form But I don't know that's my thing.)

Dimaria: I will come at you at full power!

Wendy: AHAHAHAHAHA! Seriously! This is the best you can come up with you choose to use your God soul on me! That's laughable but very well then if you choose to use your full power then I'll show you my full power!

She entered her full demon form which caused a massive disperse of blue, indigo and purple magic to swirl around her creating a massive tornado.

(Just change the respective colors)

Dimaria even in her God soul was having problems not to get blown over by this power. And when it all went away there revealed the blue hair girl in her full demon form.

Wendy: now let us begin!

The two of them ran at each other and brought their fist back and sent them flying forward to were they their knuckles meet for a clash between fists.

Though this wasn't a clash the minute Wendy's punch made contact with Dimaria punch it created a massive shock wave which sent the time God user flying in the distance.

Dimaria could find no time to do anything as she was since flying down towards the ground with a solid kick to the gut spewing up a huge amount of blood in the process.

Dimaria was trying to get up from the ground when she was met with a roundhouse kicked to the temple. She was once again launched by the blue haired demon who just jumped in the air and landed on her slamming her knees into her gut and causing a crater to form below them do to the impact.

Dimaria lost most of her magic power and could barely maintain her God form and she looked at the devil standing above her but the murderer is glare in her eyes.

Wendy: I'm surprised your body wasn't ripped to pieces after my second hit. That God of yours must be powerful indeed to survive a couple blows from me. No biggie but i don't want to keep big brother waiting now do I so you're going to die here.

She raise your hand into the skyin an orb of indigo energy started to swirl around her hand.

Wendy: Sky gods slayer: god fist!

She slammed her face into Dimaria gut creating a massive shockwave which blew apart everything and sent Dimaria plummeting into the ground. The creature created by this punch was easily over 50 ft wide in about 10 ft deep.

Dimaria who could no longer maintain her power over time or her God form was there on the ground dead.

And since she couldn't no longer control her power over time it unfrows leaving The spectators who just solve the destruction happen gaping in awe.

but then it turned to shock when they saw the blue haired demon standing up and the Alvarez soldiers were s******* their pants. At the sight of the demon.

Wendy: can't let you all live now can I. Sky Demon Slayer: demonic vortex!

She launched a massive purple vortex into the sky which are to suck up the Alvarez soldiers. and when they were all trapped in the vortex it exploded disintegrating all of them.

Wendy looked around at the mages before she sprouted her wings and flew up into the sky and still looking down at everyone before simply flying away.

The onlookers were grateful but they were still in fear as she left. Once again they were proven why you don't f*** with demon heart.

There you go ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter done I'm sorry for the late upload but I had some time on my hands so I decided to make this story.

I hope you guys enjoyed this and I have nothing to say to you guys so.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!

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