Chapter eighteen a brotherly reunion part one

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At fairy tail

In the fairy tail guild multiple different members of Fairy Tail are all gathered around a magic screen watching as the battle's play out.

There first guild master mavis was currently assisting them with strategies and coordinating there tactics.

The screen they were watching was showing them where the Alvarez's troops were and where they're located around the country.

On the monitor they could see that multiple guild were being taken out simultaneously throughout the country.

As well has other familiar guilds rising up and challenging the forces of Alvarez.

And the hearts of the fairy tail first master was heavy with regret as she knew the reason why Alvarez was attacking them and she didn't want to involve other guild members throughout the country into this battle. But then she also knew that this is a war and one of this scale would drag everyone involved including them.
Demon heart.

The members of fairy tail when thinking of all the destruction that this guild could cause scare them more than Alvarez. There power was monstrous and the first guild master knew that every member of demon heart could have wipe out this continent many times over if they wanted to. And their top two hitters Serana and (Y,N) could probably destroy the planet with ease.

This proved to be a problem for fairy tail and especially for Mavis when she tried to implement if they can uses the absolute overwhelming power of demon heart in these battles.

But when she started thinking about this she felt a cold feeling of dread overloom her, when she remembered what they could do. She remembered it all too clearly. The Dragon massacre that took place after the grand magic games. She was there to experience it with her fellow guild mates and honestly it terrified her to know end.

When she remember this incident she couldn't help but remembered when she was younger and heard and read stories of the black dragon of the Apocalypse acnologia and how he would massacre dragons in large quantities. For his own enjoyment.

Recalling those thoughts she shivered in fear unwanting to think of the level of destruction and death they would leave in their wake.

They've already seen what happened to hargeon it really wasn't hard to thanks to their magic scanner. They were able to pick up on a gigantic amount of demonic energy there.

And also a familiar magic signature that only belongs to a Sky Dragon Slayer one they all knew to well wendy.

It wasn't long after they picked up on those signals that all activity in hargeon went silent.

Everyone in Fairy Tail new the tale already Wendy Marvell there once adorable small loving and cute Sky Dragon Slayer, massacred all of Alvarez's troops in that area as well as killing off one of the spriggan 12 in the process.

Makarovs heart was filled with regrets and pain, when kagura came to the guild and told everyone what happened. They couldn't look past the fact that she was shaking silently quivering in fear as she told the tale.

And honestly Fairy Tail wasn't too different from that some of the newer members were shaking beyond belief and the two masters the fairy tale just had their head down in shame.

If only things were different, they wish all of this could be different.

To go back to that damn Island and stop all of this from happening.

The older members of Fairy Tail miss those four dragons slayers dearly some more than others.

As of members of fairy tales had their heads down thinking of the past and not trying to have the pain overwhelmed them one of the members called out to them.


All of Fairy Tail was snapped out of there thoughts and turned to warren who had the look of fear on his face as everyone looked at him.

Makarov: what is it Warren?

Warren: Look!!

He pointed at the magic radar and when everyone turned to look what it was they all stopped and stared unable to take their eyes off of what they were seeing.

A very very large demonic magic reading was rocketing towards the west side of Fiore and the magic signal they were able to pick up on was that of a fire dragon slayer which means it was natsu they're once pink-haired dragon slayer.

Team Natsu and everyone else in the guild couldn't take their eyes off the screen. And mavis eyes were narrowed she had an extremely serious face on as she looked at the screen.

Gray: N-No way thats-

Erza: Natsu.

Mavis: Yes and it seems that he's flying right towards Zeref.

Fairy tail was dead silent after that they knew that Natsu was powerful but did he really have the power to fight the legendary black wizard?

Mavis thoughts: if we're lucky enough he'll take out zeref and end this war but at what cost. Hundreds of thousands have already lost their lives due to this war. All because of something that shouldn't have been created. But what if that happens I don't want to imagine them doing that!.

Lucy: What so if natsu is about to fight zeref doesn't that mean Fiore technically wins?

Mavis: no this could get 100 times worse if demon heart is allowed to take out zeref.


Erza: first Master can you clarifying why would it be a bad thing if the demon hearts allowed to take out zeref?

Mavis: do you remember what they told us after the grand magic games? How they would forge a world a better world and that anyone who got in their way would be wiped out. And those who stand against them or stands with a force that threatens their future will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Every member of fairy tail started to think back to the time where (Y,N) declared their guild goal and what they'll be working towards for the future.

Mavis: Now think about it like this demon heart my see this and think of taking retaliation on zeref and they might attack the continent of Alvarez themselves. And as you seen many times they do not hesitant to kill anyone they deem unworthy or unfit for this new world they're creating. Now let me put it like this. A war breaks out because of emperor zeref wanting something from Fiore. And so to get said thing he declares war on our country and attacks. Demon heart takes notice of this and decimates all the advancing forces and kills their emperor in the process. This would put their entire country into shock and most likely leave a grudge for there country against ours so they would try to taking a leader who can fill in the role for Zeref. but I highly doubt they would stop there most likely our two countries would be at each other's throats for generations to come. And this would be demon hearts perfect excuse to wipe off the country from the face of the Earth to prevent anything like this from happening again. In their eyes the entire country of Alvarez is a threat that needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. And it's now like the magic council would go against them after all they fear demon heart and why would they stop them from causing Alvarez to cause any more problems for us. In their eyes it'll be a necessary evil to prevent any more wars.

The entire atmosphere of Fairy Tail went to one of dread knowing full well that this was a possibility of happening.

lisanna: T-They wouldn't do it right Ane th-they wouldn't kill innocent people right?

(To those who are wondering Ane means big sister in Japanese fun fact of the day.)

Mirajane: I-I don't now lisanna but it's definitely a possibility.
Gray: THE HELL IT IS! Ya okay they might be demons but there's still the same people and they wouldn't just kill innocent people over person!

Erza: I don't know about that gray after all they've seen two of trade in most of their humanity. We don't know what they could do.

Gray: But still-

Mavis: Gray put it in the view of our country. Our country almost went to war with Alvarez a couple of years ago. This newest spread through flore and caused our entire country to go into panic. Now war is actually happened and thousands of people are dying to the very same country. In the eyes of the magic council and the kingdom. They wouldn't hesitate to retaliate against them and they would use demon heart and their wrath against them as their spearhead to annihilate Alvarez.

Gray opened his mouth to say anything to try and counteract with their first Master just said but deep down he already knew. So he just shut up and trying to process away to stop this war.

Mavis: we will just have to wait and see what happens. But right now let's get back to helping our country and our friends.

Fairy tail: RIGHT!

To the west of flore.

To the west of the country 100,000 Alvarez soldiers were all walking through a canyon.

Located around the center of this massive amount of people was a throne being carried by the soldiers and on top of said throne was the emperor of Alvarez Zeref and with his most trusted advisor next to him Invel.

As this large army was marching it all came to a stop when they sensed an overwhelming amount of magic flying towards them.

Zeref was immediately put on edge this person almost had enough magic power to rival that of acnologia.

Invel: emperor do you sense that?

Zeref: Yes I do and I only know of one group of individuals who could have this much magic power.

Invel eyes widen open in the State of shock and fear because of these individuals they had to have a special meeting about them and if they were ever to encounter them.

Invel: you mean-

Zeref: Yes it would appear that a member of demon heart is here.

Right after he said that a massive torrent of red and orange flames came from the sky decimating the front of their army.

Bodies flew through the sky and flew past Zeref and Invel who could only look in shock not expecting such a powerful attack.

They did see a person or more specifically demon descending from the sky. The Alvarez forces all looked up, but when zeref solve this individual he couldn't believe who he was seeing.

Zeref thought: No this can't BE!!!

Invel seeing his emperor so distrauded and in a state of disbelief quickly took action.

Invel: my emperor what's wrong!

Zeref only said one sentence which put everyone to shock.

Zeref: my little brother.

There you all have it the newest chapter of rise of a new demon god I am sorry for the late upload s***'s been real lately.

Also just to inform you we are actually coming close to three of my stories being concluded those being.

Black dragon God of destruction

Rise of a new demon god (so this one)

Fairies and the dragon of tempest

These three books are reaching their conclusions, thank you for everyone who is stuck with me up to this point.

And for all of your wondering about the whole they're about to destroy all of Alvarez things. Let me put it you like this if you were to take this into contacts and put it into a real world government, and all that there's absolutely no f****** way. Demon heart or fiore government is about to let Alvarez go unscathed if not fully destroyed the country. And if the government doesn't then you know your boys at demon heart are about to you know DESTROY EVERYTHING.

All right that's all I got for now.

So if you excuse me.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

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