Chapter Nineteen a brotherly Reunion part 2

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Zeref couldn't believe his eyes as he stared about the mage of demon heart who was looking down at him and all of his men.

His younger brother natsu.

But Zeref could tell that there was something different about him. The demonic power he had coursing through his vein was a lot more potent and pure then that of the demon he was supposed to be.

But how did this happen? How did his brother become so powerful? How did his brother become a true demon?

Zeref was in the State of shock unable to cope with or state anything that was going on around him.

The only thing he could do was stare up at his brother as natsu just gazed down at him.

Finally he was snapped out of his thoughts when someone called out for him.

Invel: Emperor spriggan are you all right!!!

Zeref was brought back to the real world he then turned towards Invel who had a face of both worried and shock on it.

Zeref could only look at him with a blank expression trying to hide all of his fear.

Zeref: Invel I am fine it's just this is... overwhelming.

Invel: I would have to agree with you emperor spriggan I knew the demon heart would be powerful but this... This is something ungodly what could have possibly created a demon this powerful?

Zeref had no words to respond to that at this point all. But all of the pieces was starting to be assembled and they were all pointing towards one person in particular or should he say demon. For he has only heard of his demon in ancient myth.

Zeref: Serana...

Invel: my Lord who is this Serana?

Zeref started to chuckle before it turned into full-blown laughter at the situation that was happening right in front of him.

When he finally calmed down he turned towards Invel and gave him his answer.

Zeref: Serana is an ancient powerful demon goddess who was supposed to be sealed inside of the nightmare realm or as we call it the realm of the night. How we know of her existence is because back in ancient time she would bestow those who followed her demonic powers... This powers she gave to others was monstrous and with her and her followers she nearly brought the world to its knees... And in the very end it took the combined power of the gods just to seal her away.... But now it was seen that she has begun spreading her power to more people. But the main question is how?

Invel didn't know what to say he didn't expect that the reason demon heart came into being was because of an ancient powerful demon goddess. But something else came to mind when he thought about this if she was sealed then how does she escape?

Invel: but my Lord how could she have escaped?

Zeref: that I-

Natsu: I think I can help you with that.

All eyes turn turned to Natsu as he just smirked staring down at everyone and the fear rating off them.

Natsu: you want to know how Serana escaped? It's quite simple really it's it's not hard to break out of a realm when you have three demon Kings and two demon gods.

Zeref and Invel eyes widen at what he just said three demon Kings and two demon gods well that's just f****** fantastic.

Zeref: you're saying that there's another one another demon who has powerful as Serana. And are you also saying that you're following her as well!

Natsu: why yes that's exactly why I'm saying and he's a lot closer then you even realize. And also no I'm not following her she simply one of my guild mate I and the others, only take orders from someone else someone far more powerful than you or this world could even realize... But enough of these games the reason why I have come here is for a very important reason... Zeref you have launched war against all of fiore and in doing so you have brought the wrath of demon heart upon you... I hope you're ready for a massacre!

Zeref just stood there trying not to show any signs of fear but it failed miserably his hand was shaking and when he looked at all of his soldiers they were shaking in their armor. He looked to Invel and he was in the same predicament. The aura that Natsu was releasing the bloodlust was intense. It felt like he was in the presence of agnologia all over again but worse.

Zeref: Invel take the forces and get them out of here. They need to retreat several hundred yards away.

Invel: emperor are you seriously do you intent on fighting this demon by yourself!? Please just call back the other spriggan let them handle this demon while You escape!

Zeref: that could never work they would never reach me in time and in terms of magical power I am the Only one that can even last a tiny chance against him. And also It's not like I can die either.


As Zeref forces starting to move they could feel the temperature of the area shoot up exponentially. They could see black and red flames dancing around on the ground former a gigantic circle around all of there forces. Then this wall of hellfire shut into the sky over 50 ft tall completely blocking off all forms of escape.

Natsu: who said I'll allow you to escape? Because I sure in hell didn't say anything about that. Not to mention what kind of soldiers are you to leave your emperor defenseless like this.

Zeref: you talk as though you've already won the fight.

Natsu: that's because I already have.

Natsu just pointed up into the sky and everyone looked up and what they saw shocked them to the core.

A gigantic flaming ball was being hurdle towards them. This fireball dwarf their entire forces.

For anyone who couldn't sense magic they would have probably thought this was a massive asteroid flying into the Earth's atmosphere ready to impact the Earth.

Zeref just looked up at Natsu shocked beyond belief he couldn't stop that thing no one here couldn't stop that thing. It would probably take the combine effort of all this bringing 12 just to stop that thing.

Natsu: now you see... The game was rigged from the start.

After saying that the flaming ball impacted the forces exploding into a gigantic fiery inferno.

The shockwave created by the explosion ripple and destroyed the entire canyon.

When the light in the smoke die down all of zeref's forces were already dead not even ash's remained of the army. there were only two that were inside of this massive crater. That were some-what alive Zeref and Invel.

But they were both in horrible condition busted bones bleeding perspusively and their clothes were all but burned away by the ensuing flames.

But shockingly the only reason for Invel being alive was because zeref shielded him from the explosion... somewhat.

Even with him creating his strongest barrier it couldn't stand up to the force of that attack it completely blast through the barrier and impacted the two nearly killing both of them.

Invel was thankful for his emperor trying to save him but he knew his time was come to an end and he only had a little time left to live. He couldn't fight he couldn't do anything but stare at the demon who caused all of this as he grinned statistically staring down at them.

Natsu: well then I'm glad I kind of held back. Oh but sorry about your little minions but I couldn't give a damn about all these other little pawns of yours but... There's something I need need and I'm lucky that your alive Zeref. Because you have an audience with our leader.

Natsu flow down towards the ground and grabbed zeref by his throat. Before taking off into the air like a rocket and disappearing without a trace a few seconds later.

Invel was the only person left looked on at the destruction around them.

The entire area was an already Baron wasteland but after that attack it turned the area for what it seems like miles into a charred and ash filled land with the black and red hellfire dancing around everywhere.

But Invel looked where his emperor won't stand and knew he had to do something he couldn't let his emperor be in the hands of those demons.

With what little strength he had left he activated the communications link to every single spring throughout the continent.

Invel: ev-Everyone listen up *cough* our em-Emperor has been kidnapped by the forces of demon heart *cough* *cough* cough* you all must save him.


???: Ow my so these are the powerful individuals our Majesty was talking about. Though I'm surprise they beat you so easily.

???: No this is ungodly but I god Serena! Shall save his majesty!

Invel: don't be care- Careless *spats up blood* these individuals are far beyond your po-power... But my *cough* time has come but your directives are clear *cough* *cough* *cough* save his majesty.

And with that Invel fully succumbed to his injuries and laid on the ground as the red and black flame started to close around him he closed his eyes waiting for his fate to come.

He just laid there as his body was consumed by the flames and reduced to nothing.

Hopefully his last act was not in vain.

There you go ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done baby hell f****** yes I'm back in the game.

I hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter and don't worry I'll have the next chapter of either Supreme Dragon of GX or black dragon God of destruction out I'm going to do a quick coin toss to see which one I'm going to do next.

All right now the excuse me.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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