Chapter Twenty the pain of the past

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In the north of Fiore.

Located on a mountain in the north of fury was a beautiful scarlet-haired woman. She was watering risqué version of the typical witch's garb. Her black top has a diamond-shaped opening, exposing a portion of her breasts, and a heart-shaped pattern around the borders.

This woman was Irene Belserion also known as The Scarlet despair.

Irene along with every other spriggan 12 heard the communication of invel and how their emperor has been kidnapped by the forces of demonheart.

Irene: my what a disaster this became first our ground troops we're being crushed in certain areas and now the spriggan 12 are dropping off like flies. And now our emperor has been kidnapped because it's possibly get any worse.

The flapping of wings was then heard and when she looked up she was created by this site of two individuals.

And when she focus her gaze on the two of them her eyes didn't widen into complete shock when she sensed the level of magic power rating off of these two.

It was MASSIVE many times larger then almost the entire combined forces of the spring and 12 all wrapped up together.

Only one group of individuals came to her mind when she saw the level of power they possess.

Irene: so you must be demon heart and telling by your level of magical aura I'm guessing one of you has to be the leader. So what would the great demon's of demon heart want with me.

(Y,N): don't try and play dumb you know exactly the reason why we've come here.

Irene: oh I could have guessed it by now you're here to eliminate me aren't you.

(Y,N): that would be the case.

Irene: though I don't understand.

(Y,N): understand what?

Irene: you hold our emperor in your hands and no matter what we do we could never get our emperor back by force from you. So that only leave's negotiation and with you being so much more exponentially powerful than anyone else's world has ever seen you could practice ask for anything and we will be forced to cooperate with you. You could end this war now why don't you?

(Y,N):Well I wasn't expecting to be able to capture your emperor so soon. And for your question do you really think we will be negotiating with a country who it's not going to war with us but has also in the past try to go to war with us before? No I'm not taking the risk I'm going to crush your entire army before I deal your country directly.

Irene: so you're planning on committing genocide.

(Y,N): exactly but just remembered you all strike first.

Irene: well I'm afraid I can let that happen.

Irene then tapped her staff on the ground and multiple magic circles popped up all around (Y,N) and serana. Before they detonated causing a chain reaction into a massive explosion.

Irene just washed as the dust settled and when it did clear she was completely shocked that her attacked it absolutely nothing to these two.

Serana: did you seriously just call that an attack? I've seen lower ranked demons who can pack more of a punch than you.

(Y,N): darling she's an idiot. But if she-

He was cut off when he picked up a transmission coming from Natsu?

Natsu: (Y,N) I have zeref in my possession where should I take him?

Gajeel: holy s*** that was fast look like you can actually do something salamander your not has brain dead as I thought.


(Y,N): enough of your bickering, Natsu here are your orders take Zeref and meet up with me in the center of Fiore. We will then broadcast his execution through out the country. With this Alvarez will then be forced to retreat where we will slaughter them before they can even reach their country. And then we will invade their country and destroy it.

All of demon heart: UNDERSTOOD!

(Y,N) then cut the transmission and sighed.

Serana: go Darling I'll deal with her here you deal with the execution and everything else you have to do.

(Y,N): thanks honey.

The two of them kissed before separating and (Y,N) took off to the center of Fiore where his remaining guild mates will be ready for him.

Irene just looked at the two demon gods with disgust by the affection they were showing to one another.

Irene: can you stop it's quite sickening. Though I will admit he's quite handsome.

Serana had a murderous Aura surrounding her as she face the Scarlet woman.

Serana: What did you say about my darling?

Irene looked up at the angry demon goddess and could see the murderers aura surrounding her.

Irene: my my such a strong reaction for me saying one little thing like that. Afraid of something?

She held a smirk on her face as she face the demon goddess who's or aura grew even more.

Serana: you know I was considering leaving you alive but after that little comment you just said I'm going to rip you apart now.

She then summoned a giant blood Crystal before it shattered in the pieces and was hurling thousands of microscopic shards at irene.

Irene try to dodge the best for abilities but was unfortunate she was hit by some of them which cut into her skin like a 1000 degree knife through butter.

She then felt something behind her and turned only to have Serana hand grab a hold of her face.

Serana: nightmare magic: eternal nightmare.

Serana and irene were transported into a black dimension where everywhere you look it was nothing but Darkness.

Irene: where have you taken me?

Serana: oh be quiet I haven't even done anything to you yet.

Irene was about to say something when she felt a searing pain ran through her skull. She brought her hands up and started to clench onto her head.

Soon she started to scream out in pain and when it all died down she was back and then some weird Castle? a dungeon?

Irene looked around in the dungeon and realized what this was. This was her hell.


Serana: nightmare magic: eternal nightmare takes the target back to their most hated and painful memory and plays it over and over again. You are going to be tortured by the hell you once try to escape I hope you're ready.

Irene was visibly shaking before she was catapulted back through time and was living through her most painful memories over and over and over again.

Each time ending in a worse and worst way.

Then it all stopped.

Irene collapsed to the floor of this Darkness world and looked up at the demon goddess he was just staring down at her. And in her eyes it held sadness and a pain the same kind Irene felt when remembering her past.

Irene: what- why did you...

Serana: why did I stop if you're wondering why after going through so many of your memories over and over again I've come to realize on something. Are you a mother?

Irene looked at the demon goddess not able to find words of what to say.

Serana: I'm going to take your silence as a yes, so let me ask you a question why would a mother abandon her own daughter.

Irene: it's quite simple I didn't want her anymore.

Serana: wrong, what is the real reason why?


Serana: because the more I looked at your memories the more I realize that mean you were basically identical.

Irene: oh really so after you send me through that hell you certainly feel sympathy for me!

Serana: do you want to know why I feel sympathy for you because you went through the exact same thing as me.

Irene: what's that even supposed to mean how could you even fathom what I went through the person you thought you love completely abandoning you calling you a monster and trying to kill your unborn child who hasn't even been born yet. HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND!

Serana: very well I'll tell you my tale.

Soon this realm of Darkness was replaced by a castle in a realm which looked unawfully close to what humans would describe as hell.

Serana: my story starts a thousand years ago. Me and my family lived in the underworld as one of the 10 great noble families. But soon a war broke out through and the entire underworld was in chaos because of the people that were revolting against the current Demon King and wanted change. Then seemingly out of nowhere a group was able to successfully overthrow The Old Demon King and became the new ruler of the underworld. But this ruler was an absolute tyrant and used his power to gain whatever he wanted. Be it power, Fame, women money it didn't matter to him he was the embodiment of greed. And it was because of this man he turned my life into a living hell. He slaughtered all the noble families and I was the only survivor along with many other of the children of nobility. He then forced many of the other daughters of the Dead Noble clans to bear his children. Luckily for me I was able to escape but not without any sacrifices. My dearest friend Irina was slaughtered in the process and I was force to run not even able to get my friend a proper burial as the hellhounds ate her body. Soon I just kept running and running until I came to the end of a cliff. And I thought this was the end so I jumped and waited for my life to end. But to my surprise below that cliff was the actual Nexus of Darkness and the minutes I entered it I merged with it I became who I am today. Using my new found power I slaughtered all of the underworld and I overthrew The Old Demon gods killed off the Demon King. Then I destroyed hell single-handedly. But I was in branded a monster by every other living creature and because I was blinded with anger I turned my sights on the world and try to slaughter it. I was eventually stopped by the old gods and cast into the nightmare realm where I was forced for the next 400 years of my life repenting for everything that I've done. So I know your pain all too clearly but unlike me you still have something of your past life. Don't waste this opportunity.

Irene look down at the ground and didn't know what to say.

After a long period of silence Irene finally spoke.

Irene: why would you share any of this with me?

Serana: because I used to be just like you until I found the one person I could consider my true love. And for you you might have been branded by a monster from the one you might have loved but you still have a daughter. You still have something of your past life worth cherishing and protecting. don't throw that away just because you're considered a monster or for the fact that you're a dragon. It doesn't matter.

Irene: you would have me betray my own country for this.

Serana: let me ask you a question if I could make you 100% human would you consider trying to reunite with your daughter?

Irene: that's that's not possible, you can't reverse my dragonification no one can!

Serana didn't say anything she just walked straight up to Irene before she shoved her hand straight into her chest. And grab something which caused Irene to start yelling in pain.

When Serana ripped her hand off irene chest, irene looked at what she had and was in shock that it was the Dragon seed.

Irene: h- how?

Irene looked at her hands and she could start feeling things again it was as if she was human but how?

Serana: your Dragon seed took over your human seed but not fully, I was able to separate your Dragon seed from your human seed. And then heal your human see human then by removing the Dragon seed you have just became 100% human.

Irene: Why, why would you do this for me?

Serana: because you have something worth cherishing do not be like me and give into your hate and anger and become a true monster. Uses this opportunity to try and reconnect with your past and accept all that's happened to you. Then move forward with your life.

Soon the world they were in the crumbled away and they were back in the real world. Irene just looked at the back of Serana before she took off into the air leaving irene all alone.

Irene: I can't believe this.

Irene just sat there trying to process everything that just happened today and with Alvarez destruction on the horizon she was starting to consider serana advice.

There you go ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done. And the Alvarez arc is coming to an end here soon. Which also means that the story is also coming to its end.

I know y'all are probably wondering what's going to happen and you'll find it out next chapter.

And now for Serana and irene thanks to one of my viewers I was able to see that Serana needed more characteristics she needed something more to make herself seem like an actual character. So I use this chapter to save the life of irene and trued to improve Serana character.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!

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