Chapter Twenty one truth revealed

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At fairy tail

Currently the fairy tail guild mages who we're watching the radar screen witness multiple signals of the Spigen 12 go offline.

It was happening throughout the country and a very fast rate no one except for a certain group of individuals could cause this kind of results so fast.

Mavis: it would appear demon heart has fully engaged in this battle.

They all watch the screen as the dots that represented the Mages of demonheart suddenly stopped. They saw Natsu signal start flying towards the center of Fiore. Then the other dots representing the demon heart made it started flying towards the middle of fiore. And as well as carrying a magic signal that looked an awful lot like zeref's.

Gray: why are they all heading to the center of Fiore?

Lucy: and why are they bringing zeref there?

Mavis: and execution.

Erza: *a little shaken up* what was that first master?

Mavis: if I had to guess I would say that they are bringing zeref to the center of Fiore to broadcast an execution.

Mira: *puts a hand on her mouth* that's horrible.

Gray: what makes you believe its a execution?!

Mavis: because in this circumstance this would be the best way to shatter all of Alvarez's hopes. With their emperor gone Alvarez will be thrown in the complete chaos and that's where demon heart will be ready to slaughter the last remaining hope of Alvarez's future starting with its civilians.
Erza: I refuse to believe that! And if that is the case then I'll stop this execution myself!!!

Gray: I'm with erza no way in hell I'm going to stand by and let those guys execute somebody!!

Lucy: and maybe by doing this.

Mavis: we can tell them the truth and have them stop going down this vindictive path. All right I agree but we need to move quickly so we're only going to bring erza, gray, mira, lucy, me and Makarov.

???: Then it looks like you're going to need someone to get you there quickly. Luckily I just returned.

The Mages of Fairy Tail turned around to see mest at the doorway.

Mavis: can you transport everyone?

Mest: ya they'll take multiple trips but we should be there before the execution.

Mavis: all right everyone go there I'll try and prolong the execution for as long as I can before you arrive.

Fairy tail: all right be safe first master!!

With demon heart

They all finally arrived after about 5 minutes of straight flying, every member of demon heart has arrived except Serana who was running a little behind but they we're preparing for the execution.

(Y,N): you have the prisoner right Natsu?

Natsu didn't say anything except toss Zeref in front of him, Zeref try to get up but was met with a sword pointed straight out of his face.

The blade looked nothing like a normal sword it's blade was midnight black with a red energy flowing around it. He looked up to see who is holding this monstrous weapon only to be greeted with the leader of demon heart (Y,N).

(The sword)

(Y,N): Zeref or should I call you emperor spriggan whatever I should call you. You have launched a war against our country. And I the leader of demon heart and the keepers of the world sentence you to death. Do you have anything to say before you pass away?

Zeref: no I have nothing, I have no regrets after all my life has been over since I got cursed.

(Y,N): so be it.

He raised the blade into the air and it gave off a terrifying howl as this Aura exploded rushing through the surrounding area and turning the sky Scarlet.

The blade itself was surrounded by a black and red Aura which started to form around the blade.

(Y,N): Oblivion style: slash of-

???: STOP!!!

Everyone who was there turn their heads to see Mavis standing there panting.

Zeref: Mavis what are you doing here?!!

His voice carried both worry and anger.

Mavis: Please (Y,N) everyone stop this, it doesn't need to end this way!

(Y,N): and who are you to try and order us!

Before he could do anything he heard multiple footsteps coming from behind them. And there an overwhelming amount of magical power... well for human standards.

It was the last few remaining spriggan 12, Ajeel Raml, Brandish, Jacob Lessio, August and God Serena.

August: hand us back his majesty this instance!

The spriggan 12 we're readying for a fight, and as this was happening the group sent out by Fairy Tail finally arrived to see something shocking.

(Y,N) eyes flash crimson before a dense black aura burst from him as it turned into a fiery inferno. He then focused his aura on the remaining spriggan 12 sending them straight to the floor.

(Y,N): insects like you don't get to talk! SHUT UP!

And with that he increased his aura's pressure making it two times stronger. The sounds of snapping Bones could be heard from the spriggan 12. Who were experiencing pain beyond belief being trapped inside such a powerful force and also having it pressed on top of them.

Luckily there were saved when Fairy Tail cut in.



With one phrase everything went from Rocky to straight up tumbling off the f****** cliff.

Every single member of demon heart released their Aura on the respective groups sending them straight to the floor. As for Mavis she was forced to her knees trying to breathe. They're Aura was so powerful it was affecting her true body just body just by them releasing their Aura on her astral

Natsu: you don't get to talk to TRAITORS!!

Zeref using his curse was able to somewhat push back the aura surrounding them before saying something which got their attention.

Zeref: It was m-Me-

Soon the aura around the area vanished and every single dragon slayer there focus their gaze on the downed emperor.

Wendy: what you just say?

Zeref: I said I sent you who sent you to the nightmare realm but not on purpose.

Gajeel: yeah right like we would actually believe-

Mavis: he's right *breathes heavily* we both try to save you all *breathes* from acnologia's attack but it had the exact opposite effect.

(Y,N): the hell are you all saying!

At this point Serana arrived she floated down to the ground and looked around at the downed Mages surrounding them.

Serana: care to explain what's going on darling?

(Y,N): well the little spriggan is saying that he sent us the nightmare realm while Mavis over there is trying to back him up but I don't believe them.

Serana: it would take an enormous amount of magical power to send someone to the nightmare realm. And there's no way on earth these two little Mages. One who's cursed by a fake God and another who has a fake body could possibly have enough magic power to send you the nightmare realm? It would how far beyond their reach like the power of-.

Mavis/Zeref: acnologia.

Soon Serana Mavis and zeref finally understood everything.

Serana: so that's how it happened.

(Y,N): what?

Serana: it makes sense now, so that's the way you were transported to the nightmare realm it all makes sense now.

Natsu: okay I don't get it.

Mavis: but she's trying to stay is that by ourselves me and Zeref would have no way of transporting you there. But combined with acnologia's magic and since it's a dark energy.

Zeref: combined with my teleportation magic which would have been powerful enough to teleport a large army.

Mavis: and since I was drawing on the power of everyone else in Fairy Tail at that point in time.

Serana: the combined magic the three would have been significant enough to pierce the boundaries between our two dimensions. And sense Zeref used such a powerful teleportation spell it would have been able to connect our to world for a brief instance. And thanks to the blast from acnologia your all were sent them flying into the gate way before it could close. But why are you trying to take all the blames Zeref?

Zeref:*looks down in shame* because I failed, I failed to protect the one family member I have left in this world. And there's no way for me to atone for all of my sins except for death.

Mavis looked at Zeref saddened by his words, and on the other hand the Dragon slayers of demon heart looked like they were going through a mental crisis.

(Y,N) was too shocked for words and didn't know what to say, Natsu had mixed emotions about everything that's happened. Gajeel was crushing several rocks trying to vent out his frustration and confusion. And Wendy what's on the brink of tears.

Wendy: s-so th-This entire time-

Gajeel: we thought you all betrayed us -

Natsu: and because of that we did nothing but try and get stronger to get our revenge but now-

(Y,N): it was all for nothing because they never betrayed us and we turned into monsters because our own vengeance.

At that point the other Dragon slayers started to break down, now that their minds were no longer clouded with anger and a need for revenge. They started to realize all the horrible things they've done up to this point.

Murdering thousands.

Brutalizing and almost killing the ones they consider family.

But most of all.

Becoming monsters.

(Y,N): what do we do now? Our entire source of motivation that rage and anger was all for nothing because it never happened! God f****** dammit!

Serana ran over to (Y,N) an enveloped him in a hug as he vented out his emotions crying into her shoulder.

In the other Dragon slayers weren't any better all the guilt they were feeling was overwhelming.

Natsu: What do we do now?

Everyone heard footsteps and saw makarov walking towards the Mages of demon heart before he came to a sudden stop and extended his hand out.

Makarov: my children I know for many years you have had a hatred building up for us. After all you thought we betrayed you and the evidence was very well pulling to that fact. But now the truth has been revealed and you can now let go of your anger there is no need for it anymore. My children it's time you move back towards the light and even if you are submerged in shadows. This family will never give up on you, so my children I ask of you rejoin Fairy Tail. Let us share your burden, let us help you lighten the load let us help you get through this together as a family.

The dragon slayers didn't know what to say, they soon heard even more footsteps and so the other members of fairy tail who were there with them.

Lucy: you guys might have done bad things in the past but it doesn't matter now. After all your guys's actions helped out millions of others. But please rejoin Fairy Tail it's quite lonely without you guys.

Gray: I agree with Lucy you all might be demons but who cares I don't no one else will who cares for everyone else is afraid of you. Your our comrades our family and our friends and I sure as hell ain't about to give up on you guys now.

Erza: you all helped me through the worst of my time and through my darkest of hours. You saved me of my past so please allow me to help you all as well.

Mira: after all that's what a family is all here for isn't it.

Mavis: will help you see the light once again and you can use that power of yours to create a better world for everyone but without all this needless Carnage.

(Y,N) turn the face a group and ask one simple powerful question.

(Y,N): Gramps is it really possible.... To see the light after being submerged in so much shadow?

Makarov thought about it hard before giving it his answer.

Makarov: my child even the darkest of beings can see the light, but only if they choose to see it.

The dragon slayers: very well then... Gramps.

Makarov had tears in his eyes has they said that and soon watch the scene in front of him and mavis as erza, lucy, gray and mira rent up to the four dragon slayers and started to reconnect with them.

Zeref and the other spriggan 12 who are now finally able to move got up and watch this scene in front of them.

Zeref had a smile on his face before turning to face Mavis.

Zeref: why did you stop me from dying Mavis you could gave simply just let me die and this war would have been over with.

Mavis: because dummy dying because you failed at something or having too many sins doesn't mean you just get to die! Death is not a way of atonement if you really do want to atone for your sins then you have to stand up! Fight against the waves and actually try and make a difference!!

Zeref: and how am I supposed to do that when I'm cursed?

Serana: I am very sure I can help with that.

Zeref: you mean-

He was cut off by Serena slamming her hand through Zeref chest, and the other watched in shock as her hand it disappeared before she grabbed something. Right after grabbing the thing Zeref started to get covered with a dense black and purple aura. Before Serana yanked her hand out of his chest holding what appeared to be some black and purple orb.

This cause zeref body to stop working for a second and collapsed on the ground.

Serana: damn that's one impressive curse looks like he really stepped up his game since I last saw him.

Zeref who now found the strength to look up at serana's hand was shocked he could no longer had his curse.

Zeref: Is that?

Serana: your curse yes I took the liberty of removing it for you now you can fully try and atone for your sins.

Zeref: I don't know what to-


A deafening draconic roar made itself known as everyone looked up and came face to face with the Dragon King himself.

Erza: That's-

The dragon slayers: ACNOLOGIA!

(Y,N): so this son of a b**** has arrived good, I finally get the pleasure and tearing off his head!

Acnologia then landed on the ground before changing into his human form, (Y,N) then approached the human form acnologia with a menacing Aura surrounding him as he was ready for his fight with the Dragon King.

There you have a ladies and gentlemen did this chapter is done I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Oh and just to warn you there are only two chapters left of this story as well.

So I hope you guys are ready for the final fight between two Titans of power.

The new chapter should be coming out Saturday or Sunday I don't know which one yet. So y'all are going to need to wait until then.

Alright DIO OUT!!!!!!!!

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