Chapter Twenty Two A king Vs A God

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A deafening draconic roar made itself known as everyone looked up and came face to face with the Dragon King himself.

Erza: That's-

The dragon slayers: ACNOLOGIA!

(Y,N): so this son of a b**** has arrived good, I finally get the pleasure and tearing off his head!

Acnologia then landed on the ground before changing into his human form, (Y,N) then approached the human form acnologia with a menacing Aura surrounding him as he was ready for his fight with the Dragon King.


The group watched as (Y,N) approached acnologia, as the black dragon of the apocalypse focused on this individual.

Acnologia: Ow you're approaching me? Instead of running away You're coming right to me.

(Y,N): I can't beat the s*** out of you without getting closer.

Acnologia just smirked before holding his hand out in a very challenging motion.

Acnologia: Oh ho then approach as much as you like, I'm hoping you'll give me the challenge I've been craving for. Leader of demon heart.

(Y,N): oh trust me I got enough power to give you a thrashing.

And with that he rushed towards the black dragon and was locked in a deadlock with him. Acnologia still had that smirk on his face before breaking away from the deadlock.

He covered his hand and blue and black energy and swing it at (Y,N), whose side-stepped his attack faster than anyone could track. He then grabbed the black dragon by his human wrist swung him around like a f****** baseball bat and yeeted him into the side of a cliff.

Acnologia and everyone else was shocked, they never expected to see (Y,N) have the capabilities of throwing around the Dragon King like it was nothing!

(Y,N): *smirks* is that the best you can do? I was expecting more of the so-called Dragon King.

Acnologia unstuck himself from the side of the cliff, before he pushed off of it launching himself back towards his Challenger. He landed right in front of (Y,N) causing a mini crater to form underneath him, as he stand up to re-engage his opponent.

Acnologia: don't get cocky boy, I was merely seeing if you would be a worthy opponent I merely wanted to see how you handled my last attack. And it would seem that you may prove to be the challenge I was craving for.

(Y,N): then enough of the chit chat let's get this s*** started because I  plan on breaking you before I finish you.

His voice became more sinister, demonic to the point where it sent a shiver of fear down everyone's spine except acnologia who seemed excited.

The two of them then blurred from the human eye, leaving many people confused. Then shockwaves are starting to form out of nowhere. Only the Mages of demon heart could see what was happening and even for them it hard to make out what was going on.

They could briefly see outlines of acnologia and (Y,N) fighting each other at supersonic speeds.

Soon however (Y,N) shifted his footing at the last moment making Acnologia throw a punch that would have hit him in the face rendered ineffective. (Y,N) then went to swing a punch at acnologia's gut, who said target shifted his body to the side causing his punch to miss as well.

Soon the two of them re-engaged in their high speed combat, and the onlookers were forced to retreat a couple yards away to not be caught up in the intense shock waves the two of them were creating.

Lucy: this is crazy can anyone even see what's going on!?

Many people there didn't even answer they were to focus on the fight that they couldn't even see.

Natsu: It seem that the two of them are just testing each other.

Every person there with the excited of demon heart and zeref look at the Dragon Slayer in shocked.

Erza: you're telling me he's not even going full power?!

Gray: no way in hell!!

Serana: *laugh's in demon god form*

Wendy: that's where you'll be mistaken Erza you see Big brother is a lot more powerful than you guys give him credit for. After all he wouldn't be our leader unless he had an enormous amount of power.

Gajeel: and I have a feeling you're going to witness that power.

Everyone just gulped in fear if this was the two of them "testing each other out" then what does it look like when they get serious!

Back with the fighting adversaries (Y,N) could see that the black dragon was starting to get tired of these games and quite frankly he was too.

Without any warning the two of them broke off from their high-speed battle and jumped away from one another.

Acnologia didn't say a word except for transforming into his gigantic black and blue dragon form completely dwarfing the area.

Acnologia then pulled up his gigantic claw and swung it faster than a creature of his size to be able to. He slammed his claw down on where (Y,N) was leaving many people scared for his well-being.

Fairy tail: (Y,N)!!!

Though their fears went away in an instant as a gigantic beam of magic power shot into the air. The beam of magic through acnologia's claw off of whatever was there or more specifically whatever was coming out of that ball of energy.

And when the energy finally died down there was (Y,N) ready to take this fight more seriously in his second most powerful form. The Demon King form.

And in his hand was a massive thick sword with many skull designs running through the blade.

(Y,N): let's go!

Acnologia and (Y,N) took off into the air and started to fight each other once again.

Acnologia despite his immense destructive power was finding it difficult to fight an opponent of his size and speed. He could tell that in terms of magical power in these forms they were about even with each other.

Though (Y,N) did have an advantage because of his size which he took full advantage of dipping and dodging most of acnologia's calw swipes or tail smacks.

Soon (Y,N) body started to turn black before he just disappeared. Only for everyone to see a gigantic beam of magical power coming from behind Acnologia, who said dragon quickly turned around to come face to face with this gigantic beam.

The beam slammed into his chest and threw him out of the air and sent him hurling towards the ground. Causing an impact that could rival the strength of a small asteroid.

Though not even a second later Acnologia was already in the air and was generating small orbs of blue and black energy.

Acnologia: Apocalypse dragon: spheres of annihilation!!

The spheres were then hurl towards (Y,N) who started to dodge the seemingly endless orbs created by acnologia.

However though when the attack finally ended and (Y,N) thought he was in the clear a large Shadow loomed behind him.

Before you could even turn around a massive hand came and swatted him out of the air. And sent hurling towards the ground.

But Acnologia wasn't going to let him go so easily so he opened his mouth and a bright blue orb of energy started to form inside of it before he released his devastating roar attack.

Acnologia: Apocalypse dragons: ROAR!!

The roar was absolutely enormous and was dwarfing the entire area that (Y,N) was in. But all that (Y,N) did was just looked up at the incoming roar before firing his own attack.

(Y,N): Darkness dragon slayers: ROAR!!

A massive vortex of Darkness what's launched from his mouth and clashed with acnologia's roar. The impact of the two roars colliding with one another caused a shockwave that destroyed the entire area that was around them.

The on-lookers who were even further back looked on surprised as the two individuals just kept pouring more and more power into these roars. Soon though a little too much energy we had and the roars detonated in their faces.

Though the explosion seemed to not even faze any of them, all it did was just kick up a gigantic dust cloud which blocked the sight for both of them.

Unfortunately though acnologia didn't rely on just sight alone using his enhanced Dragon sense's of smell and hearing he was able to pinpoint where (Y,N) was and launched an attack right at him.

Acnologia: Apocalypse dragon: wing attack!

He covered his wings in black and blue energy before he through his wings into a forward motion sending arcs of energy from his wings. These arcs of energy completely split the ground open and caused massive damage to the area around them. (Y,N) was unfortunate enough to be caught by one of these and was thrown several yards away. Luckily he was able to recover his balance in mid-air before taking off into the sky. Looking down on acnologia.

Acnologia then flew up into the sky where the two of them would be and intense stare from the other.

The two of them watch closely when one of them shifted their body the other shifted their body to counteract to them. They were completely focused on this they wanted to win.

(Y,N): Darkness gods: sacred art: judgment of the darkness God!

Several gigantic orbs were formed in the sky before they blasted into gigantic torment of black magic energy. Acnologia try to dodge these attacks but with no avail, because of his large draconic body. It was difficult for him to avoid an attack from multiple angles with beams like these moving at high speeds.

Luckily he scales were incredibly tough and was able to tank the attack but not without receiving damage. When the bombardment was done he looked around for his opponent before feeling a sharp pain run through his abdomen.

He looked down to see that (Y,N) has slashed him with his sword. He then went to attack again but then he saw that (Y,N) disappeared again.

Acnologia then looked around and notice that the sky has gone black and when he looked back at the scenery it had all changed.

They were in some village that was being attacked by dragons, Acnologia knew what this village was it was the village where he lost everything.

Soon the sounds of a man crying in grief was Heard, as a human acnologia was on his knees. With a girl with brown hair in his arms crying.

Acnologia shook his head as he kept trying and trying to break out of his DAMN illusion! That was when he heard a voice cut through.

???: Would you look at this it seems that even a monster like you had something he feared.

Acnologia: where are you! Come face me coward!

???: Such hatred... Are you mad because you're seeing your worst nightmare again?

Acnologia let out a deep dangerous growl that would make any being back away in fear. But (Y,N) on the other hand was amused by this.

(Y,N): very well if you want me to show myself then-

The entire illusion was shattered and acnologia was back in the real world but his time was cut short when he saw (Y,N) right in front of him charging up one of his most powerful attacks.

(Y,N): I'm right here, King's Demon God Dragon's: secret art: Annihilation Roar!!

(Make the beam like two times stronger)

And just like before his roar ripped through the land and destroyed everything in its path. Acnologia who was unfortunate enough to be hit with such a powerful attack was severely wounded.

The attack hit him dead in the chest and the scales that were all covering his chest were torn and blasted apart. Leaving a huge gash running along his chest. As well as his entire body was covered in burn marks from being hit with such a heated attack.

Acnologia could be seen panting but then he started laughing, and his laugh grew louder and louder and louder.

And this wasn't a normal laugh it was a psychotic laugh, he was enjoying this even though he had his entire chest slashed open the Dragon King had a smirk on his face.

Acnologia: it had been many years since a being was able to land such a powerful attack that wound me so much.... After so many years I forgot the thrill of battle.... But you (Y,N) have just rekindled my passion for battle! COME LET US END THIS LET THE DRAGON KING FESTIVAL BE CONCLUDED! I NOW SEE YOU AS A WORTHY OPPONENT AND AS SUCH I WILL USE MY FULL POWER AGAINST YOU!

(Y,N) on the other hand looked at Acnologia bored.

(Y,N): you're getting so excited about this now and will "starting to get serious" after I showed you one of my most powerful attacks? But I haven't even done anything to take you seriously yet but let me ask you a question Dragon King acnologia.... Do you even think I'm using my full power against you?

That one question stopped this entire battle, as acnologia looked on at the demon skeptical about his claim. but demon heart on the other hand they were smirking. And some laughing they knew exactly what was about to come.

Acnologia: you're telling me you've been holding back? If so then use your full power!

(Y,N): very well if you wish to see my full power... THEN I SHALL GRANT YOUR WISH!

with that one saying everything went from getting a little out of hand to down-right everything has gone to hell!

The entire Sky turned as black as the void and the Darkness all around them started to come to life and started consuming the very light of this world. The sun was devoured by this Darkness leaving the entire world lightless. Soon the moon could be seen shining above them but the moon wasn't normal... The moon was blood red casting it's Scarlet glow upon the land giving everyone an unimaginable feeling of dread.

And (Y,N) was consumed by a black and red energy. As it stares to twist and turned as all could see his body start to change.

His magical power shot through the roof, and with a violent explosion that sent everything flying. (Y,N) could now be seen in his most powerful form.

There stood the most powerful demon god of all time standing taller than acnologia and having four gigantic pair of wings sprouting from his back. A dragon's tail that was easy as long as Acnologia's. His entire body was covered in armor that looked like it was forged from hell. And with lines of energy running through his body. Overall this form screamed authority and power unlike the likes of which anyone has seen before.

The onlookers were absolutely shocked, although they could barely stand let alone even stay conscious just from the aura he was exhibiting.

But then (Y,N) decided to go a little further. He raised his hand and black and red energy started to swirl around his hand before a sword was formed inside of his right hand.

This sword was absolutely massive, it's blade was probably 25 ft long, and the handle and guard were about 6 ft long. Meaning that this sword length was a frightening 31 feet.

And it was at this moment that Acnologia felt something he has never felt before he become the Dragon King. A feeling that he used to strike into the hearts of many but was now exhibiting what it was like to know.


Acnologia knew that this was going to be his final opponent and hardest opponent he's ever faced.

(Y,N): you said you wanted me to use my full power so I give you it. Behold my most powerful form a form that transcends the bounds of My mortal being and rises me to the height of the gods. For YOU ARE NOW FIGHTING THE MOST POWERFUL DEMON GOD IN ALL OF HISTORY! PREPARE YOURSELF ACNOLOGIA BECAUSE IT IS TIME FOR THE CLASH BETWEEN A KING AND A GOD!

Acnologia quickly cast away his fears and thoughts away and solely focused on his opponent. Unfortunately he was met with a gigantic blast of magic power that sent him flying.

He then tried to regain his balance keyword tried only to be met with a hand that grab a hold of his throat and lift him up into the air.

Acnologia try to break free of his grip by using his claws to try and cut the hand that was holding him to no avail the armor that was covering him was harder than anything he's ever seen before.

(Y,N): it's not so fun when you're the one who's getting dominated now is it! INSECT!!

(Y,N) through acnologia to the ground and then brought his foot up into the air and slammed it onto the dragon King's chest caving it in.

Acnologia spat up a huge amount of blood more than he's ever done in his entire life. His body was starting to grow weaker, that one stomp broke several of his ribs and sent a vibration through his body that affected his organs greatly. And with the injuries he sustained from (Y,N) previous non demon god transformation, attack he knew that a long drawn-out battle would not be in his favor.

(Y,N) then kicked Acnologia in the side sending him flying once again, when Acnologia hit the ground he tried to stand up with what little strength he had left that was finding that to be more and more difficult.

The slash he had longest his chest was taking away strength the more he kept moving. He needed to maintain his injuries but with this GOD standing in front of him it was going to be extremely hard to do so.

Acnologia then went to fire a roar to try and create some distance, but what happened next left him and everyone in shock.

There stud (Y,N) behind acnologia with his sword bloodied but in his left hand was Acnologia's arm.

Blood began to spray out of the missing arm causing acnologia to hiss in extreme amounts of pain.

(Y,N) then turned to face the injured Dragon King, and with a swift kicked his jaw sent the Dragon King back to the ground leaving him with almost no strength left.

(Y,N): it was fun while it lasted Acnologia but now it's time that I killed you!

He raised his sword into the air and black and red lightning started to form around it creating a gigantic vortex all around him.

Acnologia looked at the impending strike and knew this was the end. He came looking for the last remaining dragon slayers and for a challenge from demon heart. But he never expected that this would be the end. His desire to wipe out all the dragons and their existence will come to an end.

Acnologia: no... I cannot... Die now I need more!.. more blood!.. more death MORE DESTRUCTION!

(Y,N): unfortunately for you that is not written in your fate, after all it was sealed the minute you decided to face me in combat. Now be reduced to nothing.

(Y,N) swung his sword down and released a massive arc of red and black energy.

The massive wave of destruction came closer and closer to acnologia who looked up at the demon god, as the wave of energy finally hit his already weakened body and started to disintegrate him. Acnologia said nothing except have that same smirk on his face as his existence was disintegrated by the slash from Oblivion.

And when his body was finally gone the fight had ended the sky returned back to normal but (Y,N) was still in his demon god form as he looked into the sky and then down at his blade.

He returned to his normal form and the sword reduced with his size. He's then heared footsteps behind him and turns to see the group staring at him some in awe and others in shock. And others just had smirks on their face knowing that this what's going to happen.

(Y,N): it would seem that's Acnologia is no longer a problem. I finally killed the bastard who caused all of this.

mavis: it would appear so good job (Y,N).

(Y,N) was about to respond before he was tackled by Serana who had a happy expression on her face.

Serana: darling you did it you finally killed the bastard who did all this to you. I'm so proud of you.

(Y,N): aha I'm happy too my little goddess but now what do you do from here?

Makarov: you have done plenty of my boy you and your guild deserve some rest. You can return the fairy tail we will deal with all the negotiations and the council.

(Y,N): very well Makarov, Y'ALL HEAR THAT GUYS LET'S GO!

Each member of demon heart then sprouted their wings and took off into the air leaving the group behind. Unknown to them but the two masters of Fairy Tail had smiles on their faces knowing that all of this was over and could finally go back to normal... well to some extent.

Mavis: *sigh* well it's time to get started Makarov.

Makarov: agreed first master.

The two of them and the remaining spriggan 12 went off to end of this war between Fiore and Alvarez.

There you go ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter done now I have a serious question for you.

Do you want an epilogue much like I did with black dragon God of destruction where it shows how the characters have developed in the future. Or would you all be cool with me ending the story now you pick cuz I don't mind doing either.

Just to let you know about the other stories that I haven't update since last week. They should be getting updates during thus week because I can't really update on weekends because we got family plans on the weekends.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I hope you guys aren't mad about the JoJo joke I made. I mean after all my name is DIO for Christ sakes you knew it was going to happen eventually.

Alright DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!!

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