Chapter 1

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Ash stood in the arena, the cheers of the crowd still ringing in his ears. The weight of the championship trophy in his hand felt lighter than the weight on his heart. Pikachu, his loyal companion, stood by his side, beaming with pride. Together, they had finally achieved their dream—Ash was the Pokémon World Champion.

But something didn't sit right. The smiles from the others, those who had once traveled by his side, seemed forced. Brock's reassuring words didn't have the warmth they used to, Misty's congratulations felt hollow, and even May, Iris, Clemont, Kiawe, Lana, Mallow, and Sophocles all wore strange expressions—masks hiding something sinister beneath.

Ash tried to push the unease away. They're my friends, he thought. We've been through so much together.

But the cracks were already forming.

The betrayal came swiftly and without mercy. It started as whispers, growing louder with each passing day. Ash heard rumors of an explosion at Professor Oak's lab, an explosion that destroyed everything—every Pokémon, every memory, everything Ash had once considered home. His world collapsed when the news broke that he had been framed as the culprit.

"They say Ash was seen near the lab before it happened," the reporters claimed. "All the evidence points to him."

Ash couldn't believe what he was hearing. Me? How could anyone think I would do something like this? He rushed to Professor Oak's lab, but it was already too late. The once peaceful and warm sanctuary was now a smoldering ruin, and worst of all, the Pokémon he had entrusted to the lab were gone. Stolen.

Desperation clawed at him. He needed someone—anyone—to believe him. But when he turned to those he trusted most, all he saw was the cold, calculating looks of betrayal. Brock, Misty, May, Iris, Clemont, Kiawe, Lana, Mallow, and Sophocles—the people who had journeyed alongside him, who had shared his adventures—they all turned against him. They claimed to have witnessed his betrayal, testifying that they saw him at the scene of the crime.

"They were like family to me..." Ash whispered, disbelief heavy in his voice.

Professor Oak, once like a father to him, stood before him with disappointment etched on his face. "Ash, how could you? I trusted you."

Even his mother, Delia, looked at him with teary eyes. "Ash... why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you stop?"

No. Ash's mind screamed. No, this isn't real. They can't believe that I would do this! But their backs were turned, their faces filled with judgment.

The pain cut deeper than any physical wound could. They all believed the lies. They all believed the traitors. All except for Pikachu, who stood by his side, refusing to leave.

"Pikachu..." Ash knelt beside his partner, his only friend in a world that had turned against him. The little electric mouse looked up at him with wide, determined eyes. "Pika!" it squeaked, standing firm at his side. No matter what, Pikachu believed him.

But it wasn't enough.

Ash was brought to trial, accused of not only destroying the lab but stealing the Pokémon himself. The fabricated evidence, the false testimonies, all stacked against him. He could hardly recognize the faces of his former companions as they took the stand one by one, delivering the lies that sealed his fate.

His title as World Champion was stripped from him. His name was dragged through the mud. Every achievement, every honor he had ever earned was erased as though he had never existed. The final blow came when he was sentenced to death for his "crimes."

In the cold, silent cell where he awaited execution, Ash reflected on everything. The world had turned on him in an instant. His dreams were crushed under the weight of betrayal. His friends—no, his betrayers—had taken everything from him.

But Pikachu was still there, resting beside him, its head against his leg. "Pika..." it whispered, its voice filled with sorrow, but still unwavering in its loyalty.

"I thought..." Ash's voice cracked. "I thought they were my friends... I thought we were a family."

Pikachu nuzzled him, its fur warm against his cold skin.

"They took everything from me, buddy. Everything but you."

The day of his execution arrived. They led him, chained, down the dim hallway, Pikachu by his side. The crowd outside the prison cheered for his demise, the same people who had once celebrated him as a hero. He kept his head down, unwilling to meet the eyes of the crowd that had so quickly turned against him. His heart burned with anger, but above all, a profound sadness weighed him down.

In his final moments, Ash closed his eyes, whispering to Pikachu. "I'm sorry, buddy. Maybe... maybe I wasn't meant to be the hero after all."

Pikachu's grip on his shoulder tightened. "Pika..."

The darkness closed in, and Ash took his last breath as the world faded away.

The first thing Ash noticed when his eyes fluttered open was the soft hum of the Pokémon Center machines and the distinct, sterile smell of the room. His body felt heavy, but the familiar warmth of Pikachu resting beside him soothed some of the tension.

Where am I? he thought, his mind still foggy from the remnants of what felt like a nightmare—No, not a nightmare... it was real... wasn't it? His thoughts raced as the events of his execution flashed in his mind: the betrayal, the coldness of his cell, the crushing sense of abandonment. But none of it made sense anymore. The last thing he remembered was darkness closing in, but now... he was here.

"Ash?" A soft, concerned voice pulled him out of his spiraling thoughts.

He blinked and turned to see Chloe standing next to the bed, her expression a mixture of worry and confusion. "You've been spacing out. What's wrong?" she asked, tilting her head slightly, her hand resting gently on the railing of the bed.

Ash's heart pounded in his chest. He scanned the room, recognizing the clean, familiar interior of the Pokémon Center. This can't be right... His last memory of this place was... after the battle with Leon?

Panic welled up inside him. He felt like he was suffocating under the weight of confusion. How am I back here? I was... dead... He swallowed hard, his eyes darting to Pikachu. His partner lay peacefully on the bed, its body rising and falling steadily. It was just as it had been after their final showdown with Leon—the moment they had become the World Champions.

"Ash?" Dawn's voice chimed in from the other side of the bed, gentle but with an edge of concern. She glanced at Pikachu before looking back at him. "Are you okay? I mean, Nurse Joy said Pikachu would wake up soon, no need to worry that much."

Ash stared at her, wide-eyed. He couldn't breathe, couldn't speak. Dawn was there, alive and well, looking at him like everything was normal. But how? How could she stand there, smiling at him, when in his last moments, the world had betrayed him? His mind flashed back to the looks on Brock's and Misty's faces, the twisted smirks of May, Iris, and the others as they testified against him. They betrayed me.

But Dawn was different. She wasn't part of the betrayal, was she? No... she wasn't... neither was Chloe. He tried to remind himself of that fact, but the trauma of his previous life still gripped him.

He blinked again, trying to clear his head. "W-what happened?" His voice came out hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken in days. His throat burned, and his heart felt heavy with the weight of everything.

"You collapsed after the battle, remember?" Chloe said, her eyes filled with worry. "You were so focused on Pikachu that we had to practically drag you to the bed."

Dawn smiled softly. "Pikachu's fine, Ash. You both gave it your all. You should be proud."

Ash's breath hitched. His heart pounded against his ribcage. This doesn't make sense... He could still feel the raw betrayal clawing at him, the fear, the pain of being abandoned by those he trusted most. But this was before all of that—before everything fell apart.

He was back in time.

His eyes widened. This... this is before everything went wrong. It hit him like a Thunderbolt, the realization crashing through his mind. He wasn't dead. He wasn't in some cold, dark prison. He was here. He had a chance.

A second chance.

"Dawn..." His voice trembled slightly. "Chloe..." He didn't know how to express the storm of emotions inside him. "I... I'm okay." He forced himself to smile, but it was thin and cracked at the edges. "I'm just... tired. I guess... I spaced out."

They both exchanged glances but didn't press him further.

But Ash's mind was racing. He had to figure out what was happening. This wasn't just some dream or hallucination. He had been there. He had been betrayed, sentenced to death, stripped of everything. That pain, that crushing sense of loss, it was all real. Yet now, he was here. And Pikachu—Pikachu was safe, sleeping soundly, still trusting him.

He swallowed hard, trying to keep his breathing steady. He couldn't let anyone know what had happened. Not yet. He had no idea who to trust. His heart ached just thinking about those who had turned against him. Brock, Misty, May, Clemont, Kiawe, Lana... how could they have done that to him? How could they have looked him in the eye, lied, and ruined his life?

But none of it had happened yet.

He clenched his fists beneath the blanket. This time, I'll be ready. This time, I won't let them hurt me.

Chloe's voice broke through his thoughts again. "You sure you're okay, Ash? You still look a bit pale."

"I'm fine, really," he lied, forcing another smile. He glanced down at Pikachu, the one constant in his life, the one who had always believed in him. "Just worried about Pikachu, that's all."

Dawn nodded sympathetically. "We get it. Pikachu's gonna be just fine. You both need to rest." She glanced out the window, where the first hints of sunset were casting a soft glow over the Pokémon Center. "You should get some sleep, Ash. We'll be right here if you need us."

Ash's stomach twisted. Sleep? The idea of closing his eyes, even for a moment, terrified him. What if he woke up back in that dark cell? What if this was all just a cruel illusion, a final dream before the end?

But he had to keep calm. He had to think. If this was real—if he had truly been sent back in time—he would make sure none of it happened again. He would protect Pikachu, protect Dawn and Chloe, and figure out why the others had betrayed him.

He nodded weakly. "Yeah... maybe I just need some rest."

As Dawn and Chloe exchanged another glance, Ash leaned back into the pillows, his mind still racing. He closed his eyes, but instead of sleep, he focused on every detail he could remember. Every moment, every interaction. There had to be something—some sign he had missed before.

This time, he wouldn't be caught off guard. This time, he would find out the truth before it was too late. He didn't know why he had been given a second chance, but he would not waste it.

Pikachu stirred beside him, and Ash rested a hand on its fur. "We're going to fix this, buddy," he whispered so only Pikachu could hear. "I won't let them hurt us again."

Pikachu murmured softly in its sleep, a small reassurance that Ash wasn't alone.

Ash closed his eyes, the weight of his new reality pressing down on him. He had been given a second chance—and this time, he was going to be ready.

Here is the first chapter of this Wattpad exclusive story. As you can see, I have been reading a lot of reborn fictions, and I think it is time that I make my own one. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be how Ash trying to change the future.

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