Chapter 2

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Morning sunlight filtered through the curtains of the Pokémon Center, casting soft rays across the room. Ash sat at the edge of the bed, his thoughts miles away from the victory he had just achieved. Pikachu lay curled up beside him, still recovering from the battle with Leon. Yesterday's triumph—the World Championship title—should have filled Ash with pride. But instead, a heavy sense of urgency weighed on him.

He had one week.

One week before everything he loved would be ripped away from him again.

As his heart raced, Ash reached for his phone. He knew exactly what he needed to do first. I can't waste time. Not this time. His finger hovered over his mom's contact, and with a deep breath, he pressed the call button. The familiar dial tone echoed in his ear, each second stretching out.

Then, Delia's face appeared on the screen, her eyes brimming with pride. "Ash! My champion!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "I saw your match, honey. You were incredible! I'm so proud of you!"

Ash forced a smile, trying to push the dark thoughts from his mind. "Thanks, Mom," he said, his voice tight. "It was a tough battle, but we did it."

"When are you coming home?" Delia's voice softened, a warm, familiar comfort that Ash had always cherished. "We need to celebrate! I want to make your favorite dinner, and maybe we can invite all your friends over. They'd love to celebrate with you."

Ash's stomach twisted. The celebration... the same one that led to everything falling apart. His fingers gripped the phone tighter as his mind replayed the memories of that day. His friends—Brock, Misty, May, Clemont, the others—had come to celebrate. And in that very moment, the betrayal had been set in motion.

He couldn't let it happen again.

"Uh, actually, Mom," Ash began slowly, trying to keep his voice even. "I was thinking... maybe we could just keep it small this time. Just you and me."

Delia blinked in surprise. "Really? I thought you'd want to celebrate with everyone. They'd love to come over and congratulate you!"

Ash swallowed hard. He couldn't let her invite them, no matter how innocent it seemed. "It's just... they've been busy. You know, with their own things. I don't want to bother them." His heart pounded in his chest. If they come... it will all happen again.

Delia tilted her head, her smile fading slightly. "Are you sure, Ash? I thought you'd want to be surrounded by your friends for something like this."

Ash nodded, forcing another smile. "Yeah, I'm sure. It'll be nice—just the two of us. Like when I was younger." He tried to make his voice light, but deep down, the memories of what happened next haunted him.

Delia's expression softened, and her smile returned. "Alright, if that's what you want, honey. We'll have a nice, quiet dinner at home, just the two of us."

Relief washed over Ash, but it was tinged with guilt. He hated hiding the truth from her, but he had no choice. He couldn't let her unknowingly set the stage for his downfall again.

"Thanks, Mom," he said quietly. "I'll be home soon."

"I can't wait to see you," Delia replied, her voice filled with love. "And give Pikachu a big hug for me. I'm so proud of both of you."

"I will," Ash promised, glancing down at Pikachu, who was starting to stir awake. "See you soon, Mom."

Ash sat for a moment, letting the silence fill the room after his call with Delia. He clenched his fist, knowing what needed to be done next. He picked up the phone again and dialed Professor Oak's number. The phone rang twice before the familiar voice answered.

"Ash! My boy, congratulations!" Professor Oak greeted warmly. "That battle with Leon was incredible! I always knew you had it in you."

"Thanks, Professor," Ash said, forcing a smile. "It was tough, but we pulled through."

After a brief pause, Ash took a deep breath. "Actually, there's something I wanted to ask you."

"Of course! What is it?" Oak's tone was light, unaware of the storm brewing in Ash's mind.

"Now that I'm the World Champion," Ash began, choosing his words carefully, "I was wondering if... well, is it possible for me to have all my Pokémon with me? I mean, every single one of them."

There was a moment of silence before Oak responded. "All your Pokémon, Ash? You mean all the ones here at the lab as well? That's quite the request. It's not impossible, but you know handling all of them at once could be quite a challenge."

Ash nodded, even though Oak couldn't see him. He had anticipated this response. "Yeah, I know it's a lot, but... now that I've won, I want them all by my side. It's not every day you become the World Champion, and I think it would be good to have them with me. Besides, they've worked hard, and I think they deserve to be together. You know how much they mean to me."

Professor Oak chuckled softly. "I understand. It would be quite the reunion, wouldn't it? But remember, Ash, managing that many Pokémon at once requires a lot of effort. You're used to training a smaller team for battle. Are you sure you're up for the challenge of looking after everyone?"

Ash's grip on the phone tightened. He couldn't tell Professor Oak the real reason—that he couldn't risk another betrayal. He had to make sure they were safe, by his side, where no one could take them from him again. But the Professor wouldn't understand that.

"I'm sure," Ash replied, his voice steady. "I'll take care of them, like I always have. And... I miss them, Professor. It's been a while since I've had everyone with me, and I think they'll be happy to see me too."

Professor Oak's tone softened. "I see. Well, if you're that determined, I'll make the arrangements. Just remember to check in and keep an eye on them all. It's a big responsibility."

"Thanks, Professor," Ash said, a hint of relief in his voice. "I'll make sure to take good care of them."

"Good to hear, Ash. I'll start working on it right away," Oak assured him. "Let me know when you're ready, and I'll have everything prepared."

"Will do," Ash replied before ending the call.

As he set the phone down, the weight of the decision sank in. Bringing all his Pokémon with him was a risk, but it was a risk he had to take. He wouldn't let history repeat itself.

This time, he thought, I'll keep everyone safe.

After finishing the call with Professor Oak, Ash stood up, feeling the weight of the decisions he had already made pressing on him. With a deep breath, he headed outside, where the cool morning air greeted him. He scanned the area until he spotted Dawn and Chloe standing near the entrance to the Pokémon Center, engaged in light conversation.

Dawn smiled when she saw Ash approach. "Hey, Ash! You doing alright? You seemed a little out of it earlier."

Ash nodded, his face breaking into a small, reassuring smile. "Yeah, I'm fine now. Just had to sort a few things out." His gaze shifted to Dawn's packed bag by her side. "You heading out already?"

Dawn nodded, her expression tinged with a bit of sadness. "Yeah, I've got to head back to Sinnoh. There's a contest I've been preparing for, and, well... it's time to get back to my journey." She looked at Ash warmly. "But I'm really glad I got to see you win the World Championship. You deserve it."

Ash chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his head. "Thanks, Dawn. It means a lot that you were here."

Dawn smiled before turning to Chloe. "What about you two? What's the plan?"

Chloe shrugged lightly. "Ash and I are heading back to Kanto together. We're going to meet up with Goh before going our separate ways for a bit."

"Sounds like a plan," Dawn said, reaching out to give Ash a quick hug. "Take care, Ash. And don't forget, if you ever need anything, you know where to find me."

Ash returned the hug, his heart heavy with the knowledge that he couldn't tell her the full truth of what he was dealing with. "I won't forget. Take care, Dawn."

With a final wave, Dawn headed off toward the taxi that would take her to the airport. Ash watched her leave, feeling the brief sting of goodbye, but his focus quickly shifted to the journey ahead.

Chloe stood beside him, her arms crossed as she watched the departing taxi. "You ready to head out?" she asked.

"Yeah," Ash replied, giving a short nod. "Let's go."

The trip to the airport was quiet, with both Ash and Chloe lost in their thoughts. Soon enough, they were boarding the plane to Kanto, where they would meet up with Goh. Once they were seated, Chloe turned to Ash, her curiosity evident.

"So, what are you planning to do next?" she asked, her eyes studying him carefully. "You've won the World Championship, so... what's next for you?"

Ash stared out the window for a moment, the clouds drifting by as the plane climbed higher into the sky. He took a breath, his voice calm but resolute. "I'm going back to Pallet Town."

Chloe raised an eyebrow. "Back home? You don't have any other plans right now?"

"Not yet," Ash said, turning to face her. "I just want to go home for a bit and figure things out from there."

Chloe nodded, sensing that there was more going on than Ash was letting on, but she didn't press the issue. "Well, it sounds like a good idea to me. You deserve some time to rest."

Ash leaned back in his seat, his thoughts already drifting to what awaited him in Pallet Town. Home. It felt like the only place he could go right now, the only place where he might find some clarity in the chaos of his thoughts.

After spending the night in Vermillion City with Chloe and Goh, it was time for them to part ways. With hugs and promises to stay in touch, Chloe and Goh headed off on their own adventures, leaving Ash alone once again. As he watched them disappear into the distance, a familiar feeling settled over him—he was used to the goodbyes, but now they felt heavier.

Ash adjusted his backpack and started his walk home, heading along the familiar road from Vermillion City to Pallet Town. It was a journey he had made countless times before, and the path was quiet, with only the sound of his footsteps and the occasional rustle of leaves in the breeze. Normally, the walk home would be filled with anticipation or a sense of peace, but today his thoughts were heavy.

The betrayal was all he could think about.

Why did they do it? The question gnawed at him, lingering in his mind like a shadow he couldn't shake. Brock, Misty, May, Clemont, Kiawe, Lana, Mallow, Sophocles—they had all been his friends, people he had trusted. But they had turned on him so easily, with cold smiles and lies that shattered his world.

Was it greed? Did they want something I had? Ash frowned as he continued down the path, his feet moving on autopilot. It didn't make sense. They had shared so many experiences, so many battles and memories. Why would they betray him for something as shallow as money or power?

But the alternative was even more troubling. Was there something more sinister behind it? The idea sent a chill down his spine. What if it hadn't been just about him? What if they had been working for someone else, or something bigger? He couldn't be sure, but the thought filled him with dread.

Ash kicked at a pebble on the road, watching it bounce ahead of him before returning his gaze to the horizon. As much as he wanted answers, there was another question that haunted him even more.

Now that I'm the World Champion... what's next?

His whole life had been about reaching that goal. He had pushed himself, battled through countless challenges, and never given up. But now that he was at the top, he couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness. He had achieved his dream, but it didn't feel like the end of his journey. If anything, it felt like the beginning of something new—but what?

Stopping the betrayal was his priority now, but after that? The path ahead seemed less clear.

Do I keep battling? What's my next goal?

The road to Pallet Town stretched out before him, familiar yet somehow uncertain. The closer he got to home, the more questions flooded his mind. He knew he couldn't relax until he found out why his friends had betrayed him and what his future as World Champion would hold.

As the sun began to set, casting an orange glow across the fields, Ash could finally see the outline of Pallet Town in the distance. His journey was far from over. There were still battles to fight—both in the arena and within himself.

And now we have finished the second chapter, Ash has started to take action to prevent the future from happening. I hope you like this chapter.

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