Chapter 10

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The group made their way through the lively market of Slateport City, where the cheerful atmosphere of bustling vendors and colorful stalls provided a welcome distraction from the earlier chaos. After a few minutes of walking, they found a quiet corner near a café, and the other Team Alpha members left to give them some privacy.

Ash led Serena and Lisia to a small table and gestured for everyone to sit. As they settled down, Ash turned toward Serena and Lisia with a smile. "Serena, Lisia, I'd like you to meet Lillie," he began. "She's from the Aether Family, and we were classmates at the Alola Trainer's School."

Serena's face lit up with recognition. "Oh, I remember! I heard about the Aether Foundation. It's great to meet you, Lillie."

Lillie smiled shyly but nodded. "It's nice to meet you too, Serena. And Lisia, I've seen some of your contest performances. They were incredible."

Lisia returned the smile warmly. "Thanks, Lillie! It's really nice to meet you as well." She tilted her head curiously. "You're from the Alola region, right? Did you and Ash train together?"

"Yes, we did," Lillie replied, her eyes softening at the memory. "I learned a lot from him. And this is my Alolan Vulpix, Snowy." She gently motioned to the small white Vulpix at her side, who chirped happily.

After petting Snowy, Serena couldn't help but ask, "Ash, what exactly is going on? You're talking about Team Alpha and these 18 families... What's this all about?"

Ash leaned back in his seat, his expression serious. "Ever since I became the World Champion, I've felt like something was coming. Team Rocket's 18 families—powerful families that have been pulling the strings for generations—are planning something big. I believe they're targeting me, and the only way to stop them is by reviving Team Alpha."

Serena furrowed her brow, trying to make sense of it all. Ash continued, his tone heavy. "Team Alpha was formed by my ancestors generations ago to protect the region and fight back against these families. Now, since my father has passed, it's my turn to lead the team."

Lisia's eyes widened, her voice barely above a whisper. "Wait... our families, the Yvonne and Mikuri families, are part of those 18 families, aren't they?"

Serena glanced at Lisia, her confusion deepening. "If that's true, then what about the other families? Have you found them yet?"

Ash leaned forward, his gaze serious. "Both Team Rocket's 18 families and Team Alpha's 18 families are scattered across nine regions, with each region having two families. For instance, my family—the Ketchums—and Team Rocket's Sakaki family are in Kanto. Each family has its own legacy, and I'm here in Hoenn to find Steven Stone. Not only is he the Champion, but the Stone family is also part of Team Alpha."

Serena's eyes widened. "Steven Stone? The Champion?"

Ash nodded. "Yeah, even though Steven specializes in Steel-type Pokémon as Champion, his family—the Stone family—specializes in Rock-types. Each family has a specific type they focus on, though family members can branch out if they want."

Lillie chimed in, adding to Ash's explanation. "That's right. Each of the 18 families specializes in a particular Pokémon type. The Mikuri family, which Lisia and Wallace are from, focuses on Water-types. The Yvonne family," she glanced at Serena, "specializes in Fire-types."

Serena nodded, realizing how it fit with her past. "That makes sense."

Lillie continued. "The Stone family specializes in Rock-types, as Ash said. And my own family, the Aethers, specializes in Ice-types. The Oak family, another member of Team Alpha, focuses on Flying-types."

Lisia looked thoughtful. "So, each family carries on a tradition... but not all of us stick to those types strictly."

Serena, still processing everything, furrowed her brow and asked, "Does the same apply to Team Rocket's 18 families? Do they specialize in specific types too?"

Ash nodded. "Yeah, it applies to them as well. I don't fully understand who all the members are, but I do know some things." He paused for a moment before continuing, his expression serious. "My mother's side of the family, the Yashino family, specializes in Fairy-types. They originated from Kalos."

As soon as Ash mentioned the Yashino family, Serena gasped in surprise, her eyes widening. "The Yashino family? Wait—Palermo Yashino, my mentor and the founder of Showcases... is she...?"

Ash gave a small nod. "Yes. Palermo Yashino is my grandmother."

Serena's mouth fell open, her shock evident. She hadn't expected this connection. "Your grandmother... but she's been my mentor in Showcases for so long. I had no idea."

Ash's face softened as he looked at Serena. "Palermo and my mother both turned their backs on Team Rocket. They became traitors and joined Team Alpha, helping to protect the region instead. But that doesn't mean we're safe. There are still relatives in the Yashino family who are loyal to Team Rocket. They're still out there, and we don't know who they are or what their plans are."

Serena nodded slowly, still processing the idea that her mentor was not only Ash's grandmother but had such deep ties to a secret family war. The weight of the truth settled over her, and she realized how much more there was to learn about Ash's complicated past.

Ash sighed deeply, a heaviness in his tone as he continued. "There's also... another problem. Some of my travel companions—people we trusted—turned out to be from both Team Alpha and Team Rocket families. It's not always clear who's on which side."

Serena frowned, sensing something troubling was about to come. "What do you mean, Ash?"

Ash looked down for a moment before meeting her gaze. "Clemont and Bonnie... they're from the Limone family. They're the other family from Team Rocket in Kalos."

Serena's eyes widened in pure horror, her hands instinctively covering her mouth. "Clemont? Bonnie? They're... Team Rocket?! No... I can't believe it." Her voice trembled, and she shook her head as if refusing to accept the truth.

Ash placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I didn't want to believe it either, Serena. When we traveled with them, I don't think they knew their destiny. They were just kids, and I doubt they had any idea about their family's connection to Team Rocket."

Serena looked at him, searching for any sign that this might not be true. "But... Clemont is so smart, so kind. Bonnie... she's just a kid."

Ash nodded, understanding her disbelief. "I know, and they probably didn't understand any of it back then. But recently, Clemont joined up with some of my other former travel companions—people who also come from Team Rocket families. They tried to attack Professor Oak's Lab a few days ago."

Serena gasped again, her heart sinking. "No..."

"But thanks to my mother, they didn't succeed," Ash continued, his expression somber. "It's a lot to take in, I know. I never imagined some of my closest friends would be involved in this, but we can't ignore the truth anymore."

Lisia, still shaken by all the revelations, hesitated before asking, "Ash, do you know who the members of Team Rocket were that attacked when we met again?"

Before Ash could respond, Lillie chimed in. "I checked into it, and it turns out they were working with the Maple family."

The mention of the Maple family caused a collective gasp. Lisia's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait... are you saying that the Princess of Hoenn, May, is actually part of Team Rocket?"

Ash frowned, the weight of the truth heavy on his shoulders. "Yeah," he admitted. "May is part of the Maple family, and as much as I didn't want to believe it... she's involved. And it's not just her. Her boyfriend, Drew, is also from a Team Rocket family—the Hayden family."

Lisia's face paled as she processed the revelation. "May and Drew... both from Team Rocket families?" She shook her head, struggling to grasp it all.

Ash nodded, his expression grim. "Yeah. It's complicated. I don't think they fully understood what they were involved in back when we traveled together, but now... things have changed."

The group fell silent, the weight of the truth settling in as more of Ash's past companions were revealed to be tangled in the web of Team Rocket.

Ash sighed, glancing at the group as he prepared to explain their next move. "Right now, we're heading to Rustboro City. There's something important I need to do at Devon Corp. Since Team Alpha has been scattered for so long, I believe I'm the one who has to bring it back to its former strength."

Serena blinked in surprise. "Devon Corp?" she asked, recalling the famous company known for its innovations in technology.

Ash nodded. "Yeah, they've been a key part of Team Alpha for generations. If we're going to rebuild the team and fight against Team Rocket, we'll need their support." He glanced at Lillie, who was standing close by. "Lillie's been traveling with me to help with all of this."

At that, Serena felt a slight twinge of jealousy, though she tried to hide it. The thought of Lillie accompanying Ash, helping him with something so important, stirred emotions she wasn't expecting. She glanced away, trying to focus on the bigger picture.

Lisia, who noticed the subtle change in Serena's expression, spoke up. "Ash, if you're going to Rustboro, can we come too? After all, we're part of the Team Alpha families. I think it's important we help out however we can."

Ash smiled at the offer, clearly appreciating the support. "Of course. It makes sense for all of us to stick together." He gave a reassuring nod. "We can all head to Rustboro City together. The more of us there are, the stronger we'll be."

With that, the group agreed, their next destination set. Together, they would make their way to Rustboro City, ready to take the next step in restoring Team Alpha and preparing for whatever lay ahead in the battle against Team Rocket.

As Ash stepped into the Pokémon Center in Rustboro City to handle some business, Serena and Lillie found themselves alone for the first time. The air between them was thick with unspoken tension. Serena glanced over at Lillie, her curiosity finally bubbling to the surface.

"Lillie," Serena began, her voice quieter than usual, "I've been wondering... do you... like Ash?"

Lillie blinked, caught off guard by the question. Her cheeks flushed slightly as she hesitated before answering. "Well... Ash is very important to me. He's been a great friend, and he's helped me through so much. I admire him."

Serena's eyes narrowed slightly. "But that's not what I asked, Lillie. I mean, do you like him? You've been traveling with him, and it feels like you're pretty close."

The subtle shift in Serena's tone didn't go unnoticed by Lillie. She felt a pang of defensiveness rise within her. "What if I do?" Lillie asked, a bit sharper than she intended. "Ash is kind and strong, and he's always there when I need him. He's a great person, and I care about him."

Serena frowned, her own feelings now bubbling to the surface. "I've known Ash for a long time, too. We've been through so much together, and... well, I care about him, too."

Lillie crossed her arms, her voice a little more heated. "It sounds like you're accusing me of something, Serena. It's not like you have a monopoly on how people feel about Ash."

Serena's frustration grew, her jealousy now clear. "I'm not saying that! But you've been spending all this time with him, and I—"

Before the tension could escalate further, Lisia, who had been standing nearby, rushed between them, waving her hands. "Whoa, whoa, let's all calm down, okay?" she said, her voice filled with nervous laughter. "There's no need to fight! We all care about Ash, right?"

Serena and Lillie glared at each other for a moment longer, neither wanting to back down.

Just then, Ash returned from the Pokémon Center, looking between the two girls with confusion written all over his face. "What's going on here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Both Serena and Lillie quickly stepped back, their quarrel halting as they exchanged awkward glances. "N-nothing, Ash!" they both said in unison, their faces flushing with embarrassment.

Ash scratched his head, clearly not convinced, but he decided not to press the issue. "Alright... if you say so."

Here is a new chapter, and I decide to get a little spark between Serena and Lillie when it's related to Ash. I hope you like this chapter.

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