Chapter 11

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Ash, Lillie, Serena, and Lisia stepped through the grand doors of Devon Corp, the largest and most prominent corporation in Rustboro City. The sleek, modern interior gleamed in the afternoon sunlight, and the building buzzed with quiet professionalism. As they walked into the lobby, they spotted two familiar figures deep in conversation.

Steven Stone, the Champion of Hoenn and heir to Devon Corp, stood with his usual calm and collected demeanor, chatting with none other than Wallace, the renowned Water-type specialist and former Champion. The two of them looked up as Ash and his group approached, a smile forming on Steven's face.

"Ash Ketchum," Steven greeted with a nod, his eyes gleaming with recognition. "It's been a while. The last time we met was in Wyndon, wasn't it? You defeated me in that 3-on-3 battle. I have to admit, you were impressive."

Ash grinned, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, that was a tough match, Steven. But I couldn't have done it without my team."

Wallace chuckled, his tone light but teasing. "It seems like you haven't changed much, Ash. Always modest, even after becoming the World Champion." He glanced at Lisia, giving her a fond smile. "And I see my niece is in good company."

Lisia waved at Wallace, smiling brightly. "Hi, Uncle! It's good to see you."

Serena and Lillie exchanged polite nods with Steven and Wallace, the air between the group buzzing with anticipation. There was a shared understanding that this meeting wasn't just a friendly reunion—it was the beginning of something much bigger.

"Well," Steven said, his expression becoming more serious. "Let's discuss what brings you here, Ash. I assume it's more than just a social call."

Before Ash could respond, Lisia quickly spoke up, her voice tinged with concern. "Uncle Wallace, before Ash explains why we're here, I need to tell you something important." She glanced at Serena for a moment before continuing. "Serena and I were ambushed by Team Rocket in Slateport City. We were outnumbered, and if it hadn't been for Ash and Lillie showing up, things could've gotten really bad."

Wallace and Steven exchanged shocked looks. Wallace's usually calm expression hardened. "Team Rocket? In Slateport City?" His tone shifted, becoming far more serious. "That's not something I expected to hear."

Steven frowned deeply, concern etched into his features. "Team Rocket has been quiet in Hoenn for a while now... for them to be attacking in such an open manner means they're getting bold."

Ash stepped forward, his expression grave. "It's been happening ever since I became the World Champion. I've been sensing it for a while now—Team Rocket's making their move. And it's not just isolated incidents. They're not just after me anymore."

He paused, glancing at Lillie, Serena, and Lisia, as if to emphasize the danger they were all in. "I estimate that in the future, 19 families tied to Team Rocket will rise. They're going to come for us. They've been preparing for this, and now that they see an opportunity, they won't stop."

Steven's eyes narrowed. "Nineteen families? That's... far more than I expected. And they'll stop at nothing to achieve their goals."

Wallace crossed his arms, his usually composed demeanor shaken. "If they're targeting you and those around you, then this is no longer just about the Ketchum family—it's a threat to all of us."

Ash took a deep breath and began, "Ever since my father passed, I've been trying to piece together more about the 18 families. I already know some of them, but there are still many I don't. Do you have any new information?"

Wallace exchanged a glance with Steven before stepping forward. "Each of the 18 families, whether from Team Alpha or Team Rocket, is tied to a specific Pokémon type. As for the families we know, Steven has knowledge about the Slate family, and I have information about the Waterflower family."

Ash's expression hardened, a frown forming as he heard those names. "The Slate and Waterflower families..." He sighed in frustration. "Brock and Misty. I already know about them. They traveled with me through Kanto and Johto, and they're both connected to Team Rocket. I was hoping to hear about families I don't know yet."

Steven nodded, his tone understanding. "I was aware of Brock's connection to the Slate family during our first meeting, as well as May and Max, they also become family of Team Rocket. I was concerned back then, but it seemed like none of them knew about their heritage or involvement in Team Rocket."

Wallace added, crossing his arms. "That's right. Brock's family has deep roots in Kanto, and Misty's family runs the Cerulean Gym as part of the Waterflower family, but they likely didn't know the full story when they traveled with you."

Ash's frown deepened. "I was hoping to uncover more about the other families, ones I haven't encountered yet. Brock and Misty are my friends, but if their families are still involved with Team Rocket, it could mean trouble for all of us."

Steven sighed. "It's clear we need to stay vigilant. There are still many families out there that we haven't identified, and we'll need to work together to bring them to light."

Wallace, still deep in thought, turned to the group. "So, what's the plan? What should we do now?"

Before Ash could respond, Lillie stepped forward, her voice calm but resolute. "It's not just about gathering knowledge on each of the 18 families. We need to bring Team Alpha together again. That's why we're here—to ask for your assistance."

Wallace and Steven exchanged glances. The weight of the situation settled over them, but it was clear that both of them understood the urgency.

Steven nodded first, his expression firm. "Considering Team Rocket already attacked Lisia and Serena, it's obvious they're not holding back. We can't just stand by and do nothing. You have our support."

Wallace crossed his arms but gave a reassuring nod as well. "Absolutely. We're with you. Team Alpha needs to be united once more if we're going to stand any chance against Team Rocket's families."

The door to the lobby swung open, and a young boy rushed in, his voice full of excitement. "Dad!"

Steven turned, smiling warmly. "Ah, Luke, come here."

Luke walked over, his posture confident yet casual. He gave a polite nod to the group. "Hi, I'm Luke Stone." His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "I've been training with Rock-type Pokémon and working toward becoming a miner, just like the ones who discover rare stones!"

Lisia's face lit up. "A miner? That sounds amazing! It must be really exciting, training with Rock-type Pokémon."

Luke nodded proudly. "Yeah, it is! Rock-types are tough, and they've taught me a lot about resilience."

Serena smiled and extended a hand. "It's nice to meet you, Luke. I'm Serena. Your dad is helping us out with something really important."

Luke shook her hand. "Nice to meet you too, Serena. Dad's always working on something big, so I'm glad to help if I can."

Lillie, standing beside Ash, gave a kind smile. "I'm Lillie. It's great to meet you, Luke. Rock-type Pokémon must be really reliable in tough situations."

Luke grinned. "They are! I'm hoping to learn even more about them."

Ash, with a determined look, added, "It's nice to meet you, Luke. We're gathering as much help as we can to bring Team Alpha together. Your dad's been a huge part of that."

Luke looked up at Steven, then back at Ash. "If you're working with my dad, then count me in. I'll help however I can."

With Luke's enthusiasm and support, the group felt a renewed sense of hope. Team Alpha's strength was growing, and the path ahead, though uncertain, seemed a little brighter with new allies by their side.

After some discussion, Steven agreed to let Luke accompany Ash and the others. As they prepared to leave, Wallace approached the group with a request.

"I'd like to come along as well, but we'll head to Sootopolis City first," Wallace said with a nod. "There are a few people there you should meet."

Ash agreed, and soon the group found themselves aboard a ship bound for Sootopolis. The journey was smooth, and before long, they arrived at Wallace's elegant living quarters nestled within the stunning city.

As they approached the entrance, two figures were already waiting for them. A girl with long, flowing hair and a confident posture, and a boy with a calm, grounded demeanor, both greeted them warmly.

The girl spoke first. "Welcome! I'm Reisa. I specialize in Water-types and musical instruments... and I'm a coordinator," she added, her eyes lingering on Lisia with a hint of annoyance. "I've been working on improving my skills after some tough losses."

Lisia smiled brightly. "It's good to see you again, Reisa!" she said cheerfully, not noticing the tension. "You're as talented as ever, I'm sure."

Reisa's smile was controlled, though she couldn't quite hide her irritation at Lisia's upbeat nature. "Yeah, it's been... busy."

The boy stepped forward next. "I'm East, a Flying Specialist, just like Wallace's wife, Winona. I'm also a pilot, and there's nothing I love more than flying in the open skies."

Serena smiled as she recognized Reisa. "It's great to see you again, Reisa. I remember cheering you up after the Grand Festival. You really gave an amazing performance."

Reisa's expression softened slightly, her posture relaxing. "Thanks, Serena. I've been trying to improve since then."

With the introductions made, the group quickly felt the familiar connection of old friendships and family, and they knew they were gathering the right people for the battles ahead.

As the group settled in, East looked around, his gaze shifting from Ash to Luke and Lillie. He crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "Ash Ketchum, here in Sootopolis City? And not just you—Luke and Lillie are here too. I've heard of you all... trust fund babies," he added with a teasing grin.

Luke rolled his eyes at the remark but said nothing. Before Ash could respond, Wallace stepped forward, his expression serious. "It's more than just that, East. This is part of our family legacy. Ash here is the new leader of Team Alpha, and our families have been part of Team Alpha for centuries."

Reisa blinked, surprised, as her eyes darted between Wallace and Ash. "Team Alpha? I thought that was just a legend..."

Wallace shook his head. "It's no legend. Team Rocket is rising again, and we believe they're preparing for something big. That's why we need to unite and bring Team Alpha back together—to stand against whatever they're planning. Our families are key to that fight."

East frowned, processing the new information. "So, it's not just a family thing... it's a battle against Team Rocket?"

Wallace nodded. "Exactly. They've already attacked Lisia and Serena in Slateport City. The threat is real, and it's growing."

Reisa and East exchanged a glance, both clearly shocked by the weight of the news. "Team Rocket is rising again?" Reisa muttered, her voice quiet.

Luke finally spoke up, his tone resolute. "I've been feeling the same way for a while now. Team Rocket is evil, and we can't let them harm the world. That's why I agreed to join Ash—this fight matters."

With the gravity of the situation now clear, Reisa and East understood that their roles in this legacy went far beyond family traditions. They were now part of something much bigger.

Reisa and East exchanged a look before nodding in agreement. "We're in," East said firmly. "If Team Rocket's involved, we can't just stand by."

Reisa nodded as well, her earlier surprise replaced with determination. "Whatever it takes to stop them, we'll help."

Lillie, feeling the momentum build, turned to Ash. "So, what's the first move?"

Ash took a deep breath, already planning their next steps. "We're heading to Dewford Town first. I have a feeling Team Rocket is up to something in Granite Cave. It's the perfect place for them to hide, and I don't trust that they're there for anything good."

Wallace nodded, understanding Ash's suspicion. "Granite Cave is an important landmark, and if Team Rocket's involved, they could be after something dangerous."

"Exactly," Ash replied. "We can't let them get whatever they're looking for."

With everyone on the same page, the plan was set. Reisa and East were fully onboard, ready to stand by Ash, Lillie, Luke, and the others as they headed toward Dewford Town. The stakes were rising, but together, they were determined to stop Team Rocket before it was too late.

Here is the new chapter, and I have Luke, Reisa, and East into the story. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be Dewford Town and also the meeting of someone at a specific resort.

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